2021-04-15 13:31:59 -05:00

186 lines
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From the Jason Scott / TEXTFILES.COM Printout Collection
These are original linefeed printouts fed through a Optical Character
Recognition system, with hand-editing done afterwards to clean issues
with text rearrangement and OCR errors.
The printouts are from a collection dating from 1983-1985, and were
generally made on an Epson MX-80 Dot-Matrix printer connected to an
IBM PC-XT. The Bulletin Board Systems and other services were located
throughout the United States, and captured by Jason Scott, who can
attest to their authenticity.
Spelling errors, content and extraneous system information such as
prompts and menu items have been left untouched. Errors and other
artifacts of conversion to this format should be considered in
determining the validity or historical context of statements in these
Description: Message bases from unknown newly-created Citadel BBS (NY)
Date: April, 1985
85April02 from SYSOP
Hello all!! Welcome (finally) to our CITADEL. As you have noticed anyone can
establish a password( Without verification...) this will be an open system for
about a month or so. Then the doors will close and the good users will be able
to get in and talk to the good users who are still here. Not to scare you,
most people will be allowed to stay, but those distinct few, the
'trouble-makers' and generally useless people will have a hard time getting
onto the BBS.
Well that's my two bits for the day, lets see this bbs grow and grow!!
85April04 from SYSOP
A quick hint, as it seems everyone is confused!:
typing a period (.) will allow you to give citadel extended commands like:
.R(ead) F(orward) or .E(nter) P(assword) etc.
Type .h(elp) extended or .h(elp) commands for more info.
Also a question mark (?) typed anywhere will
Lobby> nread new
85April27 from MR. FREEZE
To sysop: I must say that this bbs is very easy to learn how to use. I love
it!!!!!!! It would be nice if you could make it a mult-user system. Again----
great bbs!!!! Keep up the good work. Bye
85April27 from Carl Haynes
To:sysop first time on. Thanks
85Apri127 from Frank Roberts
carl, You're not related to a Francis Haynes ARE you??
85April127 from Rick
To gab gilligan, I have a list of 914- bbs's just call me at 914-735-9036
and ask for rick and I will send them to you.
85April27 from Rick
To the sysop ,
could you please give me a copy of citadel for my kaypro ii. My name is
rick wiedenroth address: 11 south nauraushaun road state:ny city: pearl
zip: 10965. Telephone 735-9036 in a 914 area code. I can get apple software
85April27 from FAST EDDIE
A name for this board? How about "Franks Dream come true BBS"? Later, Frank!
85April27 from MR. FREEZE
Hi all, the last guy is right about using cb radios for conferences. If
anyone else likes the idea, let me know and then we might be able to talk
sometime. How 'bout it? Later dudes!
85April27 from Roger Tuttle
About CB's...hmm...could be fun but sort of limited...maybe expanded with
phone patching...Let me know if you want to do
85April27 from Max Headroom
Oh boy, "chicken band"... Not real useful for us long-distance callers.
Actually, I don't know if I'd wanna "go voice".
Maybe you folks could think of another medium - perhaps low-frequency
transmissions? (Low-fers!)
05April27 from Frank Roberts
Well, If there are any Tech hams out there, we could meet on 2-meters..
85April27 from MR. FREEZE
Hey mark, what's up. Long time no see! Give me a call when you see this
......Ok? Talk to you later dude!
85April27 from MR. FREEZE
Hi mark, since when do you need ibm software? Is it for randy? Give me a call
sometime...Ok? Later!
85April27 from MR. FREEZE
Hi all, I just thought I would give you my philosophy of 'life'. We are all
put here to be tested. Everyone's performance is judged, and graded. If we
stand up to god's tests without turning into a revengeful, hateful, and bitter
human being, we will be granted admission into heaven ...Where we will
experience pleasure and ultimate happiness forever! If we fail god's tests, we
will be sent to hell...Where you would go through punishment beyond
our comprehension. ( And this torture or punishment lasts forever
---------- think about that word "forever", it means never
ending...Never!!! Heavy shit right? Just something to think about. Bye
85April27 from MR. FREEZE
Hi all, does anyone know where I can get a cable tv box descrambler? I have a
box now, that is programmed from the cable companies computer. They cut me
off...I wwould like to know how I can re-set the electronics inside the box so
I can get cable again. Adams-russle cable company uses a box that is set to
descrable certain channels via a separate coax cable going into the box. The
box is fed two coax cables...One for the actual channel....And the other to
set the internal circuit to descramble certain channels (only the ones you pay
for). Does anyone know what I'm talking about? And do any of you have
adams-russel cable service? If so I would appreciate any help given
to myself. If you can help me, please leave me mail ok? Thanks, mr. Freeze
85April27 from Roger Tuttle
Mr. Freeze, I know how to fix your problem. For me to do this I have to
know about your box, how it is opened, and the chip layout. If you can get
these for me I can probably give you all the help you
need. ==Roger
05April27 from The DataMaster
Which Addams-Russell System Are you on? There are 23 Systems that They Own
They Are: 1. Yorktown Somers Area. 2. Bedford Mt. Kisco Area 3. Portchester
What Type Do You have? Do you Have The Box with a Knob on it, the New Jerrold
Boxes With a 3 Way Switch, The Old Jerrold With With a 2 Way Switch or the
Remote control One. My Guess is that you are in the Portchester Area Because
The Bedford System And The Yorktown System Are Relitively Screwed Up... Have
a nice day!
85April27 from The Joker
Here's a funny one:
"Inventions have long-since reached their limit, and I see no hope for
further developments"
- Julius Frontius
Rome, 10ad
85April27 from Frank Roberts
"One of the advantages of being disorderly is that one is constantly making
exciting discoveries."
--A.A. Milne
85April27 from The DataMaster
Although True The VAX is Not a Micro, I am Curious To Know What is A Real
Computer Besides an Apple Macintosh. (In your opinion) Personally I Don't Know
if you Could Name one Because You keep on Going on other rooms on the system
(I.E. IBM) and saying Get a Real Computer! Now The IBM is Far From Perfect But
it's a Nice computer! The Mac Is A Real Computer but That is not Perfect too.
In my opinion There are Tons Of real computer s out there, After All It's Not
the Computer That Counts, It's the User. I have seen Many People with Fat Macs
and IBM-PC Xt's Who Do nothing But play games on their Computer. IOn the
other Hand I have Seen Some TRS-80 Color Computer owners turn their Computer
into a Working Multiuser System. Now Who is The Real Computer Owner In that
Case??? also Not All of here have been as Nutty to use a computer for X Number
of Years (like You or I), So they Don't Know as Much Why Critisize Them
Because of it. If someone has a Question about Programming Why Should We Crack
on Them Because the Question is Relitively Simple??? If you Wish to Go on
Cracking on Everyone or This Argument Please Leave it to me in mail. (This Is
starting to Get out of hand) 73's
85April27 from The Joker
Any help on Hitchhickers Guide to the Galaxy would be appreachiated
(whatever). The Joker
85April27 from Battle Axe
Oliver has an ibm 6000 & a banana jr. [6000]7 Limekiller & opus '84
85April27 from Max Headroom
...but that's ILLEGAL!