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013193 International TeleCommunications Network
(Formerly USTGnet)
ITCnet Guidelines Document
Approved 05/11/92
I take it that you are interested in The ITCnet network. ITCnet was
formerly called USTGnet and was devoted primarily to Telegard BBS
software packages. USTGnet started in Aug of 1991 and we produced
the first nodelist (called USTGLIST.xxx) by the end of the month.
Since that time USTGnet has grown to over 1350 nodes and is no longer
confined to the United States. We are now in Canada, and Europe.
The USTGnet administration decided to change the name to encompass more
systems and a larger area, because of the network is now INTERNATIONAL
in 3 countries and because Telegard will no longer be produced by Martin
Pollard, but rumor has it that it will indeed be produced again.....
So USTGnet has now been reborn as ITCnet.
ITC net stands for International TeleCommunications Network. ITCnet.
You will still see some signs from USTGnet like the tag name for Telegard
It is still the Primary support network for Telegard software,
over 500 nodes use Telegard alone...athough we do have other software
packages in the network. With the Renegade software package filling in the
majority of the other nodes, We do and will support all software packages.
There are Spitfire,Wildcat,TBBS,PcBoard,RemoteAccess,RoboBBS,Ezycom,TAG,
Opus,QuickBBS,SuperBBS,Simplex,Searchlight,CNet-Amiga...so you can see by this
list we don't care what you run for software....as long as your happy with it,
that is all that counts....
You or your users will never be osterized for the BBS software that you run
of your choice....it is your choice...not mine or anyone else's.
Everyone is welcome, Regardless of your software choice.
As much as we want this net to be free and fun we have to lay
out some Guidelines. Guidelines help you to know better what you can
expect and how you can expect it. They also help to answer some questions
that you might have.
If you decide to join us, that's great. If not, that's ok to!
We feel we have the most fun and easy to use net in the country.
If you agree then join in and enjoy the messages and communication
with thousands of people around the world.
Read How to apply at the end of this document.
Thank you, Jack Reece
ITCnet International
* ITCnet International *
Head Quarters
Jack Reece,The Fantasy Factory, 85:85/0
* East and West Zone Coordinators *
East Coast - 85:85/2, Paul Maner
West Coast - 85:85/1, Jack Reece
* Regional Coordinators *
North Eastern Regional - 85:60/0, Brad Straub (NERC)
South Eastern Regional - 85:80/0, Toby Welborn (SERC)
North Western Regional - 85:10/0, Raymond Quinn (NWRC)
South Western Regional - 85:20/0, Mike Downey (SWRC)
North Central Regional - 85:30/0, Eric Kimminau (NCRC)
South Central Regional - 85:40/0, Jack Schofield (SCRC)
* State Host *
The system in your state that holds the
network address 85:<net>/0.
( like this 85:867/0 )
Everyones Responsibilities.
1. ITCnet is distributed via the ITCnet
backbone. ITCnet Echomail/GroupMail/or software
distribution can not be gated into any other network
without prior written permission of the ITCnet
International Head Quarters at 85:85/0.
2. Disagreements are bound to occur in any large net or group,
whenever people get together. We expect that to happen but
it SHOULD NOT and WILL NOT get personal!
NO ONE and I mean NO ONE! will flame another user of the net.
If you must Flame someone...do it in private, direct, netmail.
And Do not Host/Hub route this type of netmail. If you must
send it then use your own dime...and send it direct.
If you are caught getting out of line with flames or other
immature actions...you could find yourself out of the net.
3. Board software, and other Wars will not be tolerated. Period!
There will be none of this 'Mines better than Yours' here!
4. Real names and English is the norm here. Although you may use
your alias/handle in the sign off signature line of any message.
5. All BBS's accepted in to ITCnet must carry the EchoMail
conferences that are defined in the ITCnet Echolist as
required. And at present there is only a maximum of 3.
And that depends upon your position in the net. Maybe only
one for a node address only.
6. No illegal information shall be passed through any area supported
by this network. This includes, but is not limited to, the passing
of phone numbers (other than your own), long distance access codes,
phone phreaking and or willfully causing damage to computers,
data, or equipment.
7. Any sysop who accepts ITCnet echos on their system
agrees to these few guidelines and the separate rules of
each echo put down my its moderator. Which will be centered around
some Generic EchoMail guidelines...see ITCEMAIL.DOC
8. Access to anything associated with this network is a privilege,
NOT a God given right.
Thus access may be taken away at any time with or without warning.
Read the guidelines set forth....Ignorance is not a valid excuse.
9. ITCnet will not be a Democratic or Politically run network.
But will be a benevolent Dictatorship! It is Privately owned and
run network for the users, that is spear headed by one person,
and assisted by many. For without everyones help, it would fail to
survive even one day. Although the 'BUCK' does stop at the top and
all absolute final decisions will come from there.
10. ITCnet does NOT condone any form of forced cost recovery programs.
....if you want to support the person/system that calls out and
brings in your mail to you....PLEASE DO. Every Little bit helps.
That Host/Hub position does create some expense in the form of
phone charges...
Your comments in private netmail are always welcomed, and encouraged.
Any suggestions, improvements, lets us hear from you.
Lets make this the best net ever.
Any and all challenges to these Guidelines or moderator
rules should by netmailed to 85:85/0 in detail and in private
for review.
Remedies, Explanations, How to's, What for's, and do it this away!
Special Note:
Any State Policies, Conference Rules, or other guidlines set forth by
moderators, State Hosts/Hubs and approved or not approved by the IC will
in no way interfer with the scope, and direction of this document.
All systems must comply with any other reasonable guidelines as
requested by their State Host/Hub or Regional Coordinator. Such as a
special time to call and poll for mail. Which node number to use for
polling for mail or sending of mail, incases where someone has multiple
node numbers...like a State host that is also a hub will have 3 nodenumbers
and it is very critical as to which nodenumber mail is sent to an polled
from. So Please adhere to the guidlines...
All Conferences are in a sense owned by the moderator of that
conference and in most cases their word is law. All Conference rules will
be submitted for approval by the IC prior to their implementation.
No Sysop, Co-Sysop, or user on any BBS shall enter messages
in any echo base attempting to enforce these guidelines, or any other
guidelines, conference rules. That is the job of Moderators, State Hosts,
Regional Coordinators. Zone Coordinators and ME. And in that order.
Im sorry to have this sound that way...as we all want to help...but you have
all seen times when too many people telling " Joe User" that he has to have
the proper address displayed or not to say something about xyz BBS is
sometimes a bit too much...besides it only adds to the overall expense of
of the net...I would much rather read messages that mean something than I
would read message after message from 8 or 9 sysops telling "Joe User" that
he or she screwed up...leave that job to those who have choosen to do that
job...and they will post one message to "Joe User" explaining the proper use
and provide "Joe User" any help they may require to get the situation
corrected. And if heavier action is required it will......
All moderators shall post their respective conference rules once every
two weeks, preferably on Sundays so that most systems will have them
available on Monday or Tuesday. With the conference rules posted every
two weeks, that should make them available to all new users about
the same time the nodelist comes out.
Conference guidelines/rules may be posted more often than every two weeks
if need be...
Violators of Conference rules will receive 3 warnings from the
individual conference moderator before their access for that
conference will be considered for termination.
The moderators of all conferences are only human and are subject to
human mistakes just the same as we all are.
And they will take this into account before issuing warnings.
Warnings are to be given in such a way as not to belittle or flame
the offender. There is no need to have a message sound like its
Yelling when a simple '(user name) you forgot to toggle real names
please tell the sysop if you are not the sysop, so this can be corrected'
or 'Please don't use this type of language here....Thank you.'
Very simple and to the point, and very nicely done..
Chronic offenders will be removed from ITCnet, at the
discretion of the State Host/Hub/Regional or Zone coordinator.
Any policies implemented by the State Host or Regional Coordinator
must not conflict with policies in this document.
If you have problems with another node in your network,
complaints should be sent in NetMail to your Hub/Host. If you do
not get a response within a reasonable amount of time*, you can
relay the complaint to the Regional Coordinator. If you don't get
the situation remedied at that level you can go to the Zone
Coordinators. And then to the Net HeadQuarters at 85:85/0
Complaints about State Hosts go to the Regional Coordinator.
Complaints about Regional Coordinators go to the Zone Coordinators.
Any removal of a system for policy violation by a moderator, State Host,
or Regional coordinator must be accompanied by notification to the Zone
Coordinator with the reasons why. Please Provide Documentation.
* reasonable amount of time is defined as 14 days.
All Hubs shall Poll their State Hosts for new EchoMail at least
3 times per week. And make all EchoMail requested by the nodes
available to those requesting nodes.
Hubs shall turn on NetMail forwarding from systems in
their area.
Hubs are responsible for all nodes within their Hub area.
State Hosts
State Hosts should also poll their Regional at least 3times per week
although daily is perferred....and strongly reccomended.
State Hosts should receive mail from their respective
Regional. Please do not poll out of your region.
State Hosts will allow netmail forwarding from hubs
within their state.
State Hosts are responsible for all Hubs & nodes within their State.
Regionals shall Poll the ITCnet Zone Coordinator at least
3 times per week. Daily is preferred and requested.
Regionals are responsible for all of the State Hosts in their area.
Regionals must allow NetMail forwarding from State Hosts in their region.
Zone Coordinators
Zone Coordinators shall poll ITCnet International Headquaters
on a daily basis.
Zone Coordinators are responsible for the Regionals in their area.
Zone Coordinators must allow NetMail fowarding from within their area.
Applying to The ITCnet
Ok so we have gotten this far....now you want to join up....well
you will need to download the file called ITCnet.zip or
ITCnet.z??. either file will have all the needed files and an
application for you to fill out and return. Everyone must complete
an application to receive a node number in ITCnet.
Systems applying for access to ITCnet will get a Nodelist,
this Guide document, RoutePoll map file, an echolist and any other
documents required by your Zone coordinator, Regional, State Host
or hub. You will then set yourself up as 85:<net>/999 (net is
defined as your state host/hubs number like this 85:867/999)
Further example...Ohio is net 867 so your temporary node number would
be like above....85:867/999. Texas for example is 841,to this 85:841/999
NetMail your State Host with your completed application request to
join ITCnet. You may need to compile the current nodelist so
you can netmail within the net....you can also netmail it to your
state hosts Fido number if you know it.
The State Host will then review your application. If acceptable,
you will be netmailed back, telling you what your new Node Number
will be. In some cases, the Regional or State Hosts may pre-assign
node numbers. Who will inturn foward your completed application
to ITCnet International Headquarters at 85:85/0, with the
pre-assigned node number on the application, for inclusion in the
next nodelist. Nodelists are produced each Sunday and sent out via
the Tick file distribution system on Mondays.
At the discretion of the State Host that you are applying to,
any BBS applying for access to the network that does not warrant
disbarment altogether may be admitted to the network. And you must
be really bad to warrant total disbarment from the net.
This process should not take longer than 14 days an in most cases less
than 7days.
In Conclusion
Any Guidelines can be changed, without warning, by ITCnet
International as necessary.
Jack Reece
ITC International