
310 lines
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International TeleCommunications Network
Founded September 1991
West Coast Zone Echo Coordinator East Coast Zone Echo Coordinator
The ITCnet BBS The Hanger 15 BBS
Jack Reece Paul Maner
85:85/1-ITCnet 85:85/2-ITCnet
1:102/835-Fido (#1-Assistant)
Tagnames Description Moderator
Legend: * = Restricted echo ## = Handles permitted
Network Administrative Echos
ITC_OPS SysOps Echo (Required for all systems) Jack Reece
ITC_NETPOLICY ITCnet policy discussions here Jack Reece
ITC_ADM *Administration (Hosts/Hubs only) \ Self
ITC_CORD *Zone Net Coordinators (ZCs only) \
ITC_HOST *State Host echo (xxx/0 systems only) \------ Moderated
ITC_REGIONAL *Regional echo (for RC's only) /
ITC_MODERATOR *Moderator echo for moderators only / Echos
ITC_REGxx *Each region may have its own info echo /
General Echos
ITC_ADOPTION Adoption Discussions
ITC_AIDS_HIV AIDS/HIV help & prevention/cures?
ITC_ANSI for showing off ANSI & asking questions Jason Engebretson
ITC_AQUARIUM Fishkeeping, Fresh and Salt water types
ITC_ASKACOP Law Enforcement
ITC_AUNT_SARA ITCnet's own version of Ann Landers
ITC_AUTHOR Authors, Writers and Poets Phil Perlman
ITC_AVIATION Aviation/NASA/etc. Mike Fergione
ITC_BBSAD BBS Ads w/ANSI allowed (max size 75 x 23) Jason Engebretson
ITC_BIBLE International Bible conference
ITC_BRAINS MENSA echo... your age/IQ/smarts etc.
ITC_CHA General Chatter Steve Goldbeck
ITC_CHEMISTRY Chemistry I, II and more
ITC_CHILD Child Rearing Help
ITC_DEBT Debates Of The Week Trent Woodruff
ITC_EVOLUTION The BIG bang theory/Darwin's/or ?????
ITC_HISTORY History Discussions
ITC_HOUSE_GARDEN House & Garden tips/hints
ITC_LIFE Bizarre things in life/what makes it Carlos Rodriguez
ITC_MILITARY Military Life, military issues Frank Barrett
ITC_MOMS Moms to Moms compare notes
ITC_RELIGION *Pleasant* discussions on religion; no bashing
ITC_REVU Movie/Theatre/Stage Reviews
ITC_SALE For Sale or Trade Dan Jones
ITC_SAY_NO ## Recovery & Help echo (Substance abuse) Mark Phillips
ITC_SCIENCE Science Echo
ITC_SPRT Sports forum (all types of sports)
Business and Current Affairs Echos
ITC_BORTZ Bortz's World (Rush Limbaughs Brotherinlaw)
ITC_COM4SALE Commercial For-Sale and Advertising Echo Dan Jones
ITC_COMMENDATIONS Say something nice about someone.
ITC_CONSUMER Buyer Power/Consumer Reports on products
ITC_CRISIS Facts on disasters/Crisis/help lines/relief
ITC_EARTH Environmental/Ecological problems/solutions
ITC_ECONOMY Discussions on current economic issues
ITC_EDUCATION Education present good/bad... what can we do?
ITC_EMERGENCY Emergency Medical Services David Galyon
ITC_FIXIT Home & Garage Fixit (Appliance Repair)
ITC_GOVERNMENT What do you know that you shouldn't?
ITC_GRASSROOTS Grassroots Politics.. Political discussions
ITC_HEALTH/FITNESS Your health, overweight, heart rates, workouts David Galyon
ITC_JOBHUNT Job Seekers/Jobs from your area? post it here
ITC_LAW Legal issues
ITC_LIMBAUGH ITC's "Rush Limbaugh World"
ITC_MABELL Telecomm echo
ITC_MISSING Missing persons echo (files available too) James Ortega
ITC_OFFICE Home Office - Business Related - How to...
ITC_SAFE_SPACE For/about handicapped modemers
ITC_USRIGHTS Ur constitutional rights-violated, 4 U or against U
ITC_VETERANS Veterans of all conflicts-Vietnam/Korea/WWII/Bosnia
ITC_disABLED disABLED users information exchange
ITC_disABLENEWS Disability news, resources, referrals
Fun Echos - Music, Games, Entertainment
ITC_ALTMUSIC Alternative Music Chris Allen
ITC_ANIMATION 'ANIME' Japanese Animation discussions
ITC_CRAFTS Arts & Crafting hobbies T. Sullenberger
ITC_BIKES Biking Discussion Group - pedal baby.. pedal!
ITC_BOATS Boats... from ships to dinghy's
ITC_CARS Classical/modern cars discussion!
ITC_COLLECTORS BB-Card/Comic/Etc.. Collectors & Enthusiasts Jeff Wade
ITC_DWARZ Role/Game Players Dragon Warz
ITC_ENERGY Alternate energy sources/Battery/Solar/Wind/Water
ITC_FIREIN_LINE Flaming Echo (Handles only please)(watched but not-moderated)
ITC_GAMES Game player's forum/best game/RPG's Robb Devlin
ITC_GRIPE Gripes & Moans (Irk Me Base)
ITC_GUITAR guitar players' discussions Ed Becker
ITC_HAM Ham Radio Support conference
ITC_HOBBIES For hobbyists of all kinds
ITC_HVYMETAL Heavy Metal Music Kevin Thunell
ITC_INDUSTRIAL Industrial Music Discussion
ITC_JAZZ Jazz Music
ITC_KING Steven King conference
ITC_LADYS Ladies "Only" Conference
ITC_LAFFS G- rated Puns/humor/limericks/jokes
ITC_LYRICS Lyrics Discussion
ITC_MAILGRAM ITCnet private conversation (not moderated)
ITC_MEMORY_LANE Nostalgia/trivia with humor
ITC_METALGNR Metallica/Guns 'N Roses
ITC_MUSIC Just plain ol' music Mike Blanchard
ITC_MUSICIAN Musicians Tools/Talk Mike Blanchard
ITC_NEWWAVE New Wave Music Discussion
ITC_NITE_VISIONS Night Visions: Dream Discussions.
ITC_OCCULT Occult & Witchcraft Terry Barhorst
ITC_PARA_NORMAL Friendly discussions on para-normal
ITC_PARROTHEAD Jimmy Buffet conference Mike Downey
ITC_PET_TALK Animals, your pets & mine, & their care
ITC_RAPMUSIC Rap Music Discussion
ITC_RECIPE_CORNER Recipe exchange/kitchen hints
ITC_ROCKROLL Classic Rock & Roll Clint Stamets
ITC_ROCKY Rocky Horror Picture Show
ITC_SCANRADIO Scanner & Frequency echo
ITC_SCI_FI Science fiction/fantasy Kevin Thunell
ITC_SHORTWAVE Shortwave listeners
ITC_SIERRA Multi-net Sierra Conference
ITC_SIERRAGAME Sierra Games Discussion
ITC_SPACE Space/Astronomy
ITC_STEREO Stereo Components Mike Fitzgerald
ITC_TAGLINES Taglines..for all occasions Peter Murray
ITC_TRAIN Model Railroaders conference Bob Brobst
ITC_TRAVEL Travel & Tourism
ITC_TREK Star Trek:TOS,TNG,the movies Mike Rogers & Robert Hernson
ITC_TRUCKS Trucks... from Peterbilt to Isuzu
ITC_TVRAD TV & Radio Talk
ITC_UFO UFO's...Real? find out here.. Rick Guerrier
ITC_WARGAMES Paint Ball/Lazer, etc. Tag adult war games
ITC_VIDEOGAME Video Games Peter Murray
General Technical Support Echos
ITC_4DOS 4DOS Support Echo
ITC_ADLIB_GOLD AdLib Gold Conference
ITC_AMIGA Amiga Computer Forum
ITC_AMIGAGAME Amiga games/graphics
ITC_ARCHIVE Archive/Compression Methods Discussion
ITC_ATARI Atari Forum for ST/TT/Falcon 30 etc.
ITC_BINKLEY BinkleyTerm Support
ITC_BLUE BlueWave Product Support George Hatchew
ITC_C64_128 Commodore C-64/128 Usergroup support
ITC_CAD Cad/drawing programs support
ITC_CDROM CD-Roms... support/discussions Tim Helton
ITC_CPLUSPLUS C++ Programming area
ITC_DBASE Database support
ITC_DBRIDGE DBRIDGE front end mailer support Michael Downing
ITC_DESKTOP Desktop Publishing Chris Willis
ITC_DESQVIEW DesqView Lars Hellsten
ITC_DEV Programmer's forum (General-open)
ITC_DOORS Doors Support (All door support) Al Lawrence
ITC_FILESDN All about file sdn's & their related programs
ITC_FRNTDOOR FrontDoor v2.02/2.10 mailer support Mike Kercher
ITC_GRAVIS Gravis Ultrasound Discussion
ITC_INTERMAIL Support echo for InterMail products
ITC_LAN Networking/Lantastic/netware/Novell
ITC_MIDI Sound Blaster MIDI Conference.
ITC_MODEM Modem/communication software forum
ITC_MULTIMEDIA Multi-net Multimedia Conference
ITC_OS Operating systems support (DOS, OS/2, etc.) Kevin Kuphal
ITC_OS2 OS/2 systems Kerry Sanders
ITC_PASCAL Pascal programming echo Patrick Spence
ITC_PORTAL Portal of Power mailer support echo Robert Hinshaw
ITC_PROAUDIO Pro Audio Spectrum 16 Conference
ITC_QUIKBASIC QuickBasic User's Group George A.Roberts IV
ITC_SB_GAMES Sound Blaster Games Conference.
ITC_SBLASTER New SB systems/file hatch announce
ITC_SB_GENERAL Sound Blaster General disscussions
ITC_SB_PRO Sound Blaster Pro Discussion Echo
ITC_SB_PROGRAM Sound Blaster programming echo
ITC_SB_SOFTWARE Sound Blaster Software Conference
ITC_SB_CDROM Sound Blaster Pro CD-ROM Conference
ITC_SHAREWARE Shareware program review
ITC_TCK File announcement area/4 Regionals & hatch points 85:85/0
ITC_TOSSERS Mail Tossers/Squish/Gecho/Tosscan etc.
ITC_UTL Software Utilities Support (doors etc.)
ITC_VIRUS Virus-Anti Virus echo Terry Barhorst
ITC_WARE Computers & Hardware Forum Sean Reigle
ITC_WINDOWS Windows conference Gary Fraigun
ITC_WORD Word processing/Text editors/Qedit/word/Fred
BBS Specific Support Echos
ITC_MAXIMUS Maximus Tech support
ITC_OPUS Opus Tech support
ITC_OSIRIS Osiris/ITCBBS Tech support Kevin Kindle
ITC_PCBOARD PCBoard Tech support
ITC_QUICK Quick BBS Tech support
ITC_REMOTE Remote Access Tech support Karen Maynor
ITC_RENEGADE Renegade Tech support Cott Lang
ITC_ROBOBOARD RoBoBoard Tech support Chuck Spear
ITC_SYNCHRONET Syncronet Tech support Rob Swindell
ITC_SPITFIRE Spitfire Tech support
ITC_SUPERBBS SuperBBS Tech support Ed Becker
ITC_TAG Tag Tech support
ITC_WILDCAT Wildcat Tech support Chris Bradford
TELEGARD Telegard Tech support Alan Bingham
Sports Echos
ITC_BASEBALL Baseball forum..Babe who?.. Craig Landgraf
ITC_BASKETBALL Basketball forum..Wilt the stilt.. Craig Landgraf
ITC_BOXING Boxing Forum..Sugar Ray, Dempsy, Ali....
ITC_FIREARMS Firearms... Sport/Protection/collectors Frank Barrett
ITC_FLD&STR Hunting, Fishing & the Great Outdoors Frank Barrett
ITC_FOOTBALL Football forum..Blanda was... Craig Landgraf
ITC_GOLF Golf forum...A hole in one...I wish!
ITC_HOCKEY Hockey forum..Gretzky who? Hull who?
ITC_MARTIAL_ARTS General Martial arts forum...
ITC_MOTORCYCLE Motorcycles then & now, tomorrow
ITC_MOTOR_SPORTS General Motor Sports forum..NOT specific areas
ITC_OLYMPICS Olympic/World Games forum
ITC_REC_SPORTS Recreational Sports (cards,horse riding etc.)
ITC_SKIING Skiing forum...break a leg...
ITC_SOCCER Soccer forum...Europeon Football ????
ITC_SWIMMING Swimming forum.... can you float?
ITC_WRESTLING Wrestling forum...Hulksters Unite! Kevin Thunell
Young Peoples' Echos
ITC_SCOUTING Scouting for Girls and Boys
ITC_TEEN Teen Chatter Joe Bergstrom/Peter Murray
Adult Echo Areas
(Mandatory Min. age 18)
ITC_ADULTSEX ## Adults Only talk (non-sexual too) Andria Duncan
ITC_LIFESTYLES ## Alternative lifestyles (Gay/Lesbian) Jeff Bonner
ITC_PERSONAL ## Personal Ads Jack Reece
ITC_PRIVATESEX ## Private Echomail systems only (not moderated)
ITC_SEXNIGHT ## Where at night, with whom/how/What Rick Dittenber
ITC_SEXOPS For SysOps that carry adult echos Jack Reece
ITC_SEXTUB ## Mild suggestive remarks & innuendos
ITC_XXXSEX ## XXX-Rated, Very blunt & to the point Andria Duncan
BW-DIST BlueWave software distribution
DEB_MFIL Missing Persons' Files (G/T)
DOORS Door software distribution
ITCLIST Nodelist distribution
ITCDIFF Node diff distribution
ITC_PROG Programmers software distribution
ITC_RAH Random access humor magazine distribution
ITC_TCK General software distribution
RGSDN Renegade software distribution
SYNCHRO Syncronet software distribution
SDSMAX Maximus software distribution
TAGSDN Tag software distribution
TGSDN Telegard software distribution
VIRUSSDN Anti-Virus software distribution
WCSDN Wildcat software distribution
Only Five Basic Rules# to guide you... and they are:
a. NO SWEARING! NO FLAMING! in any Echo area.
b. ##ALL Echos MUST USE Real Names (RN) and must have the
real name flag toggled on for the TO: & FROM: fields.
You may sign your messages with a handle.
I'm proud of my name... aren't you proud of yours?
c. Please use your ITCnet address in origin lines.
d. Use the Golden Rule... Treat others the way you wish to be treated.
# Rules/guidelines are subject to policy adjustments as needed.
## Handles permitted in the Adults Only echos, and in the Just Say No echo