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(116) Sun 22 Mar 92 9:18
By: Harvey Smith
To: Rick Savage
Re: Rick Savage
RS=>merely "characterizations", his only motive is one of character
RS=>assisination. This is the mark of a dishonest and lazy individual
RS=>who has no regard for the truth.
Rick you are bordering on the edge of breaking the rules of this echo. Please
refrain from personal attacks on any individual. You do too good a job of
messing up your charactor by what you espouse.. The material is neo nazi type
thats for sure, and if you espouse it, then you must bear the responsibility as
to what people think of you. However, you do not know me or my ministry, but
are judging anothers servant, by which the same measure my Lord Jesus shall
judge you thats for sure, as well as every word that procedes out of your
mouth. You need to think about that Rick and how you offend the New covenant
by your accusations. Please read the rules and adhere by them. Remember you
are a guest on this echo:
Cult_Watch Policy.001 - Natl. Co-Ordinator/Moderator - Harvey Smith of
1:100/519 created in St Louis, Mo. on MJCN#1 Secret Oracles BBs posted this
14th day of December, 1989. Amended March 23, 1992
Cult_Watch - National Network Conference Message Base (A private Echo)
1. Purpose
a) to provide a forum for those involved in cultic organizations,
secret orders, Wicca, or other churches that are not recognized as
foundational Christians doctrinally, such as "The Way International",
Latter Day Saints etc. can speak to the issues as to what they really
believe. They have the right to respond with information about their
beliefs, as long as they are willing to answer the rebuttals accurately and
b) From time to time alerts are posted as what or how certain groups
infiltrate existing evangelical churches etc..
2. If you are looking at arguments, we try to stay away from that. If
you post flames against individuals, that will get you kicked off the
bbs. Please remember you can attack and debunk what a person believes,
but you cannot attack his person, or him individually.
Calling someone names will not get you any points with anyone, but
will alert the Moderator to watch your posts and when you are booted,
remember you were warned in these rules...
3. Failure to answer your posts responses, while still posting new
messages is a no no...
4. This is not a Christian fellowship echo, but a serious exchange of
beliefs, practices, etc, and rebuttals. Don't post if you don't want
an exchange or you get upset easily. This is an Evangelical Christian
5. No degrading statements of Jesus Christ, The Holy Scriptures, or
Biblical beliefs will be tolerated on this echo.
Those doing it will be kicked off.
6. First offense will get you 30 days off the echo. You must respond to
Moderator during those 30 days as to your intentions, to abide by the
rules of this echo.
7. Second offense will get you 60 days off the echo.
8. No third offenses, if that happens, you will be twitted permanently
off the echo.
9. This echo must not be sent out via the Fido net Network
If you have any suggestions or comments on this common sense policy please
send them directly to me via E Mail.... Lets make this a better echo, with
good information... No further discussions on the rules will
be tolerated on the echo. Please use email or net mail for further
discussions on the echo. Any and all offenses must be reported only
by email and net mail to me. Please include the msg excerpt or quote
that is an echo offense, along with any other evidence you have. Lets
all self police this echo.. Any accusations must be accompanied with the
offending post in order to be considered. And these must be sent via
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