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OK, you asked for it... The o-fish-all WORLD POWER SYSTEMS<4D>
commodity fetish listing I mean catalog. T-shirts and other<65>
cultural paraphenalia ready for you to purchase so I can throw<6F>
good money after bad for such aimless projects as rent, food,<2C>
T-SHIRTS: Black ink on a white all cotton "BEEFY-T", in sizes L<>
or XL only. (They're hand made in small quantities, and we simply<6C>
can't afford to order and stock all possible sizes and colors.)
Mail your hard earned cash to:
World Power Systems
Tom Jennings
666 Illinois
San Francisco
CA 94107 USA
OMNIARCHY! T-shirt . . . . . . . . $10 --> NOTE!
Liberty T-shirt . . . . . . . . . $10 --> NOTE!
Alan Turing T-shirt . . . . . . . $10 --> NOTE!
Discordian calendars . . . . . . . $ 5
Do-It-Yourself LPG Conversion . . $ 5
Fido the Book (& latest version) . $40
FidoTerm book (& latest version) . $12
HOMOCORE BAD POETRY . . . . . . . $ 2
Add $2 per order for shipping.
Cash preferred, checks to "World Power Systems").
Questions? Mail to Tom Jennings at 1:125/111.
IMPORTANT NOTE: These T-shirts are only available *now* -- well,<2C>
until say the middle of November 1991. Why? Because we've only<6C>
got few screens, and we strip the old images off and reuse them.<2E>
So hurry up if you're interested. (You can always ask; drop a<>
note (preferably by FidoNet).
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The OMNIARCHY T-shirts have on the front a large "circle O" (like<6B>
the circled "A" of anarchism, but better) with "OMNIARCHY!"<22>
emblazoned beneath it for the less well-informed. On the back it<69>
says in huge letters "WE'RE ALL IN CHARGE!" and in teensy letters<72>
up at the top, "Shred of Dignity", which is us in another<65>
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The Alan M. Turing shirt has a '51 photo of AMT and the<68>
Alan Mathison Turing (1912--1954)
Invented the stored-program digital computer (1936);
broke WWII German ENIGMA cypher (1941); defined modern
programming concepts (1946); designed world's first
operating computer (Manchester, June, 1948); openly and
unapologetically homosexual.
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The LIBERTY T-shirt is a slight (ahem) variation on the famous<75>
and beautiful Standing Liberty from the turn of the century<72>
20-dollar gold piece ("golden eagle"). She's had a fashion<6F>
makeover and is now the height of late 90's paranoid Discordian<61>
style. In her left hand is a five-leafed branch of cannabis; in<69>
her right Kallisti's Golden Apple. In the background are 23 rays;<3B>
on her head, appropriately enough, her long flowing hair has<61>
become liberty spikes. She has a Sacred Chao tattoo on her left<66>
arm; one breast is bared as she stands in defiance. She's hot.<2E>
There's other tiny details all appropriately buried in various<75>
nooks and crannies.
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The calendar is a true Discordian calendar, with the five seasons<6E>
as outlined in PRINCIPIA DISCORDIA, for the year 3158 POEE. (The<68>
old Discordian saw goes, "73 days hath Chaos, Discord, Confusion,<2C>
Beaurocracy and Aftermath".) Each is Illustrated in the proper<65>
manner, and has a Julian to Discordian converter table.
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"Do-It-Yourself Automotive LPG Conversion" is a 36 page book<6F>
describing converting my car from gasoline to LPG (propane) as a<>
motor fuel. It has some background, comparison to other fuels,<2C>
personal experiences and a basic how-to of the process and<6E>
equipment involved. While it may not be enough for you to<74>
complete the project end to end, it will tell you what's<>
involved, how it works and definitely set you in the right<68>
direction. (PS: after a year and a couple of 5,000 mile road<61>
trips, I can tell you it's a truly great fuel. No more gasoline<6E>
for me!)
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FidoTerm is my version of the best telecomm/modem program in the<68>
world. Of course, there are lots of them. Mine has a real<61>
programming language built in, very complete but kinda obscure.<2E>
It "remembers" the last few hundred screen lines. Fido/FidoNet<65>
can invoke it via the "F" local console command. It does ZMODEM,<2C>
XMODEM (both flavors) and some pretty nice text transfers.
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Fido the Book and Fido/FidoNet is of course the original FidoNet<65>
program that started all this nonsense. It is exceedingly<6C>
reliable -- you can literally leave it running for months at a<>
time without a hiccup. It is compact, very fast, easily<6C>
customizable, supports all popular file-transfer protocols, and<6E>
probably the easiest BBS for new users and still powerful for<6F>
experts. It's drawbacks are: only one phone line per Fido<64>
(DesqView aware though) and doesn't support FidoNet HOLD packets<74>
-- yet. Still the most robust and clean BBS, and the only<6C>
integrated BBS/FidoNet system. The manual is a bit dated, but a<>
new one is in the works and the FIDO HELP conference is filled<65>
with experienced sysops.
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HOMOCORE BAD POETRY ISSUE #5 1/2's are still available. They are<72>
gigantic format, 2ft x 3ft, two sheets, with artwork on one side<64>
and bad poetry on the other (what else). If occasional swear<61>
words and graphic sexual matter offend you, spare us both the<68>
trouble and don't buy one.