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\section{European Autonomy and Domestic Meddlers}
\dropcap{S}\kern3pt ince\plainmargintext{by Tom Jennings,<2C>
1:125/111, June 89. An article I wrote for FidoNews, the<68>
electronic newsletter of the FidoNet communications<6E>
network.} I see my name is getting dragged into this, I thought<68>
I'd respond on the subject of Zone 2's autonomy, which is really<6C>
an issue of control.
First of all, no one need worry about trademark abuse; I am in<69>
contact with all parties involved, and there is nothing to worry<72>
about. Things will be settled to everyone's benefit and<6E>
satisfaction. No further discussion is needed on this matter.
It is none of our business\margintext{What's going on is,<2C>
provincial law'n'order control freaks in the U.S. were (and still<6C>
are) trying to make (in this case) European FidoNet members<72>
behave `like us', the `correct' way. Same old story. It's<>
especially embarrassing in an international environment. The good<6F>
part is that it really {\rm is} an inter-national environment,<2C>
and people {\rm are} learning. It's not a pretty process to watch<63>
though, and real damage does get done along the way. Oh well.}<7D>
how Zone 2 (or any other zone) runs their network(s), other than<61>
how they interface to us, just as it is no business to net 125<32>
how net XYZ runs theirs, unless it somehow physically affects our<75>
operation. If they have different criteria for joining a network,<2C>
what business is it of ours? To meddle ahead of time ``in case<73>
they do something awful'', is silly; they are no more (or less)<29>
likely to do something stupid than we in Zone 1 are. Europe is<69>
not just the U.S.-only-different; it is a totally different<6E>
environment, socially, technically, legally and politically.<2E>
Europe is none of our damn business.
Zone 1 is not the police force of the world. Have we not learned <20>
our lessons from other arenas? We do not ``have'' a unified
world-wide network, nor is such a thing even desirable. What we<77>
do have is a number of cooperative networks, that can cooperate<74>
in a world-wide networking effort. This is a critical difference.
Unfortunately, meddlers and control freaks will not give up until<69>
everything not exactly like themselves is squashed or<6F>
controlled\margintext{It's funny for me to read two years later<65>
and see how fast and how far the law'n'order mentality has gone<6E>
in this country. Ha ha.}. Or they are in turn removed. We have a<>
growing bureaucracy in our Zone 1 that wants to reorganize us<75>
from being a bottom-up network, where sysops choose their net<65>
hosts and other /0's, and determine how to run their own BBS,<2C>
nets and lives, to one (according to POLICY4) where the existing<6E>
bureaucracy picks their own region and net hosts. Bureaucrats<74>
always tell us, if they can control this one more thing, then all<6C>
the problems will be solved.
Our network has never run smoothly, and I propose that it will<6C>
{\it never} run smoothly; this is good, not bad. It means we're<72>
alive, only dead rigid bureaucracies are pure order. (Or pretend<6E>
they are.) Excessive order is not good for any organism. It<49>
stifles creativity and free expression. Let's take a hint from<6F>
history, OK?
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