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> > it would be nice if you or tj had spare cycles to cough up how
> > fightonet routing worked, and fantasize about it being applied
> > to a store-and-forward network that can do 1500-byte datagrams
> > at very high speeds... i can think of several venues, infested
Randy, you're remembering the Opus/Binkley router.
It's mainly forgotten now, but starting with version 10 (I think)
the three-level (zone:net/node) topology was fairly complex.
It was never really a simple top-down tree, though it was
forced into that for political concerns and by bad software
like Opus/Binkley (bad as far as their network topology).
I'm sorry this is so long, but it's necessary to
know this to understand the router.
There were NODES (end-user BBSs).
NETs were clusters of NODES in a geographical area such that
they were a "local call" (U.S.) and hence could take advantage
of an incoming host to distribute mail in the obvious manner
(obvious to me in San Francisco in 1985), eg. mail to N >
1 nodes in a given NET were delivered in a single phone call.
Each NET had a 0th logical node that was in fact one of the
normal, numbered nodes. It was explicitly willing to forward
mail to any node in its net. However, note that ANY node is
capable of forwarding mail, especialyl within its own net.
I don't joke when I say the design was explicitly anarchist.
It was meant to be highly cooperative. There were explicit
controls for all of this (destination AND source-address
filtering and routing) and if you think I'm being revisionist,
go look at the code (URL below).
The 0th person in a NET generally also handled administrative
tasks like creating the local nodelist fragment (updating phone
numbers, names, that sort of thing). This wasn't required, but
it seemed harmless at the time...
Mainly multiple incoming hosts weren't used though because the
single host worked well and few people were comfortable with
the scheduler (later on that).
At the same syntactical level of heirarchy as NETs were REGIONs.
As it turns out REGIONs became a huge political disaster but
I didn't see that until later.
REGIONs are syntactically equivelant to NETs, but do not cause
the automatic routing to the 0th host to take place. No other
FidoNet-compatible software ever implemented REGIONs right,
except possibly SeaDog. It was to satisfy consistency needs for
the programmer (me!) and it made the topology trivial-seeming
to users.
The original idea of REGION was, if you're in Each Overshoe
Utah, you are not part of a net because you have the only BBS
for 50 miles.
And it provided an administrative 0th position, similar to
a NET. The REGION 0 (zero, as I call them) maintained the
ndoelist fragment for that region, but their system didn't
generall yforward any mail, though they were free to do so.
They might re-distribute assembled nodelists back down to nodes,
something a NET/0 often did.
The size of REGIONs grew in a sawtooth manner; as FidoNet
spread, in a region like California/Nevada the number of nodes
in Region 10 grew, until a cluster of them formed, and spawned
off a new NET.
ZONEs were something else entirely. They provided a third level
to the apparent heirarchy, very much like a NET was, but for
a large geographical area, eg. a continent (not a political
boundary, though of course that's what happened later, don't
blame me, I didn't do it, etc)
ZONE:0/0 was, by default, the OUTGOING funnel for inter-zone
traffic, since hopping puddles etc was more dificult then.
Fido's router was at it's heart a table of (more or less)
three columns of N rows where N was nodelist size. Each table
row contained:
zone:net:node zone:net:node stuff
... ... ...
The source to FidoNet's router core:
Ben Baker's description of FidoNet routing, pre-ZONE, undated,
but around 1985.
I will search for my contemporary accounts if you want.
FidoNet (the executable) started wit ha default table and applied
routing commands to modify it
a zone:net:node datum; to determine the destination for a message
the dest was searched for in the left column and the right column
> > by me and abha, that would love such a thing.
> i don't think so. in fidonet, geographic addressing and routing
> were in a deadly embrace far deeper then in the internet. i.e.
> 1:105/6.42 was absolutely clearly
> 1: - north america (zone)
> 105 - portland orygun (net)
> /6 - randy's cloud (node)
> .42 - someone specific but not divulged in randy's cloud (point)
> routing was up/down the hierarchy. i.e. a message from 1:105/6.42
> to 5:222/4.666
> 42 sent to 1:105/6
> 1:105/6 send to 1:105/0
> 1:105/0 sent to 1:1/5 (gate from 1: to 5:
> 1:1/5 sent to 5:5/1
> and then down the african tree, net 222, node 4, point 666
> but all nodes could get the full 'nodelist' (e.g. hosts.txt) and
> call the destination directly.
> make sense?
> <http://www.nsrc.org/lowcost_tools/fidonet/standards/fts-0001.016>
> jeezus tj! it seems i was updating it as late as '95.
> randy