29 lines
1005 B
29 lines
1005 B
Commands Actions
123456 <cr> To call a remote device, enter the address.
#RDIAG <cr> Use the SRA <RDIAG> to call the remote test port.
SET[?] p:v[,p:v]<cr> Modify the profile where p is
the parameter and v the value.
PAR? <cr> Display the assigned profile.
PROF X <cr> Download the profile X.
STAT <cr> Get the port status.
DIAL <cr> Dial the assigned SRA.
LDIAG <cr> Enter the diagnostic mode.
<cntl P> CLR <cr> * Clear the communication.
<cntl P> RESET <cr> * Reset the communication.
<cntl P> INT <cr> * Send an interrupt packet.
<cntl P> RPROF X<cr> * Modify remote profile X.
<cntl P> BIN <cr> * Enter in BINARY mode.
<break> ASC <cr> * Return to ASCII mode.
* Command available in connection mode.
@this is hpbismo on 224134
Unknown command, for help type HELP
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