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now and run some errands before it gets completely dark here *pout*
soooooooo, im sure ill see you around before i go eh? oh, ill be leaving
for home either the 29th or 30th, so ill be home either june 1 or 2nd,
but then i have to bloody drive my sis up to her uni june 3rd and then
drive back home or something confusing like that, but i should definitely
be home by like *looks at calendar* the 5th of june :)
traaaa la laaaaaa, ok so see you later, herrold-gator :)
---M :)
Mari Toyohara | "Only after the last tree has been cut
mari@olaf.wellesley.edu | down, only after the last river has been
| poisoned, only after the last fish has
| been caught, only then will you find that
| money cannot be eaten."
| --Cree Indian Prophecy
From jrossell@sas.upenn.edu Tue May 4 17:24:53 1993
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