
3457 lines
190 KiB

³°°°°°°°°±±±±±±±±ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ The Wrong Number BBS ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ±±±±±±±±°°°°°°°³
³°°°°°°°°±±±±±±±±ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ ParaNet<sm> Pi ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ±±±±±±±±°°°°°°°³
³°°°°°°°°±±±±±±±±ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ P.O. Box 3934 ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ±±±±±±±±°°°°°°°³
³°°°°°°°°±±±±±±±±ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ Jersey City, NJ 07303-3934 ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ±±±±±±±±°°°°°°°³
³ ³
³>>> UFO Sightings & Research * Free Energy Technology * Quantum Phenomena <<<³
³ ³
³°°°°°°°°±±±±±±±±ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ (201) 451-3063 ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ±±±±±±±±°°°°°°°³
³ ³
³ 300/1200/2400/9600/14.4/19.2K bps U.S. Robotics Courier HST ³
³ ³
³ A Computer Bulletin Board and Electronic Publishing System Dedicated to the ³
³ Study of the Unusual and Unexplained. FREE Access is Provided to All ³
³ Callers Who Complete the Online Questionnaire. Over 50 Megabytes of Text ³
³ Files and Computer-Diaplayed Graphics Are Available Online, Without Charge. ³
³ ³
³ NOTE: Text Files on The Wrong Number BBS are compressed with the PKZip ³
³ Compression Programs. You can easily decompress the .ZIP files on this BBS ³
³ by using the PKunzip decompression utility program: PKUNZIP.EXE. Download ³
³ PKZ110.EXE from the <C>ommunications Files area for the complete PKZip ³
³ utilities. ³
³ ³
³ FidoNet 1:107/816.0 (FREQs 24 hrs.) * UFO Investigation Network (UFINET) ³
³ ParaNet 9:1012/4.0 (ParaNet<sm> PI) * A KeelyNet Affiliate ³
³ PODnet 93:9700/14.0 (TESLA echo) * INTERNET alt.alien.visitors ³
³ ³
³ Master List of ALL files in system on Friday, August 28, 1992 at 14:11 ³
³ ³
³ Files marked with * following the FileSize are less than 45 days old. ³
PKZip/Unzip for un-archiving files! Great!
PKZ110.EXE 149229 DOS users will need this! PKzip/unzip 1.1
PKZip/Unzip for non-IBM computers and other operating systems
OS2UNZIP.EXE 258034 OS/2 Operating System: Complete PKZip/Unzip for IBM
OS/2 Versions 1 and 2
OS2UTILS.ZIP 20822 OS/2 Operating System: PKZip/Unzip "ZIP-Kit" Utilities
for OS/2 users
PKAUNZIP.LZH 61440 AMIGA Computers: ZIP unpacker for the Amiga
PKAZ101.ZIP 77874 AMIGA Computers: Create ZIP files on Commodore Amiga
computers -- ZIP programs, directory management stuff &
PKAZIP 89004 AMIGA Computers: PKWare Un-ZIP program to extract text
files from ZIPs. This program is *not* compressed, just
run it!
ST_UNZIP.ZOO 35379 Atari ST: Latest Quick-Unzip utility for Atari ST
users, ST_UNZIP version 2.74, with docs.
ST_ZIP11.ZIP 103340 Atari ST: Latest full-function Zipper/Unzipper, Version
1.1. Zip/Unzip/Manage ZIP files.
UNZIP110.CPT 30848 MAC and MAC II: Un-ZIP archived ZIP files on your MAC!
New, improved MacIntosh Un-Zipper.
UNZIP41.ZOO 131549 UNZip for UNIX/XENIX: .tar source for UNIX/Xenix
VMSUNZIP.ZOO 18490 PKUnzip for VAX/VMS Operating Systems
WINZIP.ZIP 20921 Windows 2.x: Zip/Unzip Utilities for MicroSoft Windows
ver. 2.x
WINZIP31.ZIP 103988 Windows 3: Zip/Unzip for MicroSoft Windows 3.0 and 3.1
ZIP10EXP.ZIP 162212 PD-ZIP 1.0: Roll-yer-own Un-zipper for UNIX/VMS/DOS/MAC
& more. Public-domain source code for
UNIX/DOS/MAC/VMS/other Unzippers.
Xpress Reader System (XRS) Offline Mail Reader -- User Programs
Save time & money -- read & respond to mail offline!
XRS-4-XT.ZIP 335993 XRS Offline Mail Reader for 8086/8088 IBM PC/XT
XRS-4-AT.ZIP 344087 XRS Offline Mail Reader for 286/386/486-based IBM
XRS45DOX.ZIP 63451 XRS Offline MailReader: Docs for all XRS 4 versions
XCS110S.ZIP 247693 Xpress Conversion System programs let you use XRS
Offline Mail Resder to read/reply to QWK format mail
SLMR21.ZIP 176342 Silly L'il Mail Reader 2.1, for *QWK* packets (NOT XRS
packets from this BBS)
Master file lists, book lists, and BBS nodelists
CUFONLST.ZIP 3183* Master File Listing of the Computer UFO Network (CUFON)
CONG-102.ZIP 17235 The entire 102nd Congress: Addresses/Phones
DBLHELIX.ZIP 29472* Double Helix BBS: Master File Directories of the new
Double Helix Science BBS (212-956-8076).
FRENZY.ZIP 50663 Master File Listing of Desert Frenzy BBS 7/8/92
GOVT91.ZIP 2309 US Government BBSs -- 1991 listing
KFILES.ZIP 44399 Master file list of KeelyNet BBS 7/5/92
KRALIZEC.ZIP 54964 Master File List of the Kralizec BBS
MEDIA1.ZIP 9983 Series of Guides to the U.S. Media.
Addresses/phones/Fax numbers of major networks,
newspapers, PBS affiliates, and more.
MJ12FILE.ZIP 13812 Master File List -- The MJ-12 BBS
MUFONET.ZIP 113689* Master File List -- the MUFON-net BBS
MYSTERIA.ZIP 73138 Master file listing of the Mysteria BBS
OCCULT31.ZIP 9398* August 1992 Occult BBS List -- not just occult!
TESLABBS.ZIP 4491 Master File List of the Tesla BBS
WRONG#.ASC 194485* Master file list of The Wrong Number BBS - ASC
WRONG#.ZIP 81359* Master file list of The Wrong Number BBS - Zip
Telix 3.15 PC-Modem Communications Program. The Best!
TLX315-1.ZIP 150955 Telix Version 3.15: Superb DOS comm program!
Turbo-Zmodem built in!
TLX315-2.ZIP 123714 Telix Version 3.15: Telix Documentation & Excellent
Setup Utilities
TLX315-3.ZIP 63470 Telix Version 3.15: Script Compiler Docs, for making
*speedy* scripts
TELIXFIX.ZIP 32400 Telix 3.15 Opening Screen Remover! Great! DOS DEBUG is
*not* required!
AUTO-GEN.ZIP 4425 Runs with Telix sessions and creates logon scripts
automatically! Neat!
CVTFN21A.ZIP 83362 Dialing directory converter! Converts
Procomm/QModem/Telix directories!
TLX3-WIN.ZIP 4011 Telix and Windows 3.1: .pif recomendations and other
TXMDM206.ZIP 12750 Telix 3.15 Auto-Modem setup program. Optimizes your
modem and creates Telix Config. files automagically!
(latest vers.)
Miscellaneous Utility Programs
CCITT.ZIP 1681 Explains International Modem & Fax standards, for
CIPHER.ZIP 949 Handy ciphering program w/docs
ENCRYPT.ZIP 3195 DATA SECURITY: Ultra-secure, state-of-the-art data
security for everyone! FREE PGP software EXCEEDS
standards, beats gov't restrictions!
IM.ZIP 38438 Deep space/hyperspace monitor show/saver
NEWSPAPR.ZIP 143365 Handy Program and Database lists *all* U.S. daily
PGP10.ZIP 75492 DATA SECURITY: Pretty Good Program 1.0 (PGP) encrypts
data files so the NSA *cannot crack them!* Gov't tried
to suppress this program.
> Total of 48 files (3871483 bytes) in this area
100DYING.ZIP 4085 One hundred ways to avoid dying
AGE1.ZIP 2456 Article: aging + fasting experiments
AGE2.ZIP 2331 Cancer cells do not age!
AGE3.ZIP 5826 Aging, ultraviolet light, and more
AGE4.ZIP 1891 Impact of free radicals on aging
AGE5.ZIP 2297 "Cellular clocks"/the Hayflick Life Limit
AGE6.ZIP 1815 Secretion of "Death Hormones"
AGE7.ZIP 3656 Aging/deterioration due to mineral deposits
AGE8.ZIP 2870 Selenium retards aging process
AIDS1.ZIP 2799 AIDS cured by ultraviolent light!
AIDS2.ZIP 2445 LANCET: HIV virus can survive WET and DRY environments
ALCHEMY1.ZIP 20023 Overview & firsthand experiences with alchemy
ALCOFEM.ZIP 2851 Women more susceptible to alcohol damage
ARTHRIT1.ZIP 2584 Bee stings cure Arthritis? Caveat emptor
AURAVIEW.ZIP 48620 Aura/Life-Force Monitoring: Solid-state technology
yields new "Aura-Monitoring" Equipment! Includes 4 GIFs
(CGA) of different subjects
BADGLEY.ZIP 11342 Dr. L.Badgley's AIDS "cure"
BANDAID.ZIP 2044 Silver "bandaids" cut healing time in half! They use DC
BILOCATE.ZIP 4764 Techniques of Alstral Projection
BIOMAG1.ZIP 11247 Alternative Medicine: Treatment for Diabetes Melitus
uses both diet and negative/positive magnetic fields.
Interesting stuff here.
BIOWAR.ZIP 2198 Universities & govt Bio-war research -- good
BIOWAR1.ZIP 2817 Info on Bio-Warfare/germ research.
BLOOM1.ZIP 2897 Sonic Technology yields incredible plant growth
BRAIN1.ZIP 3279 Learning "hard-wires" brain cells
BRAIN2.ZIP 2516 Left brain/right brain capabilities
CANCELL2.ZIP 3404 Supposed Cancer Cure -- Cancell.
CANCER1.ZIP 3635 Article on EM-induced cancers
CANCER2.ZIP 5838 Hi-fat diet "shorts out" cell EM = cancers!
CANCER3.ZIP 5268 More on cellular EM, DNA & cancer
CANCER4.ZIP 2937 Attacking cancer thru blood flow
CANCER5.ZIP 2235 Cancer "cure" reported from oil of orange peels.
D-Limenone test results.
CERAMIC.ZIP 1718 Test your ceramicware for lead!
CHANTING.ZIP 1421 Scientists claim chanting is beneficial
COLOR1.ZIP 5996 Article on color theory.
COOL1.ZIP 2439 Personal air conditioner helmet from NASA
CRYINT.ZIP 5094 Cryonics, fact or folly? U decide.
CURIO1.ZIP 3428 More than a curiosity? Spin a magnet over a painful
area -- when you stop the spinning, pain is relieved!
D20.ZIP 18317 Deuterium compounds retard/prevent aging?
DEATHPSI.ZIP 2136 Study results: Psi increases near death?
DELAW1.ZIP 5142 DelaWarr Labs' Mind/Matter Journal: Radionics and
cancer treatment, back to the late 1950s.
DELAW2.ZIP 4637 DelaWarr Labs' Mind/Matter Journal: More on radionic
therapies for cancer and other cellular illnesses.
DIABETES.ZIP 7214 Article on diabetes types/treatments
DIAGNO1.ZIP 10972 DNA/Cell Fusion technology improves diagnosis
DIET1.ZIP 2532 Promising Diet from Mayo Clinic?
DIET2.ZIP 1801 Promising diet with ... hot dogs?!
DINO1.ZIP 1461 Nature mag. endorses Dino. Meteor Extinction
DINOARAB.ZIP 938 Dinosaur fossils unearthed in Saudi Arabia
DINOSAU2.ZIP 2307 Debate rages: Dino extinctions still a mystery
DINOSAUR.ZIP 2502 Did dinosaurs *survive* the meteor impact??
DNAMAST1.ZIP 8220 DNA can be electromagnetically tuned!
DNAMAST2.ZIP 7461 DNA retains "memories" per this paper.
DOD1970.ZIP 2601 US Congress transcript: Army Biowar funding!
ELECMAG.ZIP 4003 Speculation on perils of EM fields, VDTs, etc.
EMAGWEAP.ZIP 15027 Very nasty E-mag weapons destroy tissue!
ESSIAC1.ZIP 7217 Canadian herbal Cancer Cure!
FASTFOOD.ZIP 3560 Nutritional breakdown of junk foods. Hmmmm.
FDA.ZIP 4708 New bill (HR2597) will limit your FOOD intake
FOOD1.ZIP 1873 What US gov't ALLOWS in food. Disgusting!!!
FUZZY3.ZIP 2049 Exhortation to buy a book on sonic medicine.
GEMSTONE.ZIP 2855 Index on "crystal healing". Caveat emptor
GENELIFE.ZIP 2984 Patenting new forms of *Life*. NY Times
GENESIS1.ZIP 13429 Great paper! Warren York & George Merkl on Scroll
waves, energy conversion, the Unifield & more!
GENETIC.ZIP 1255 Danger! Argentine co. *dumps* recombinant DNA!
GEOTROPE.ZIP 5345 Plants flourish in certain moon phases! Good!
HAIR1.ZIP 3878 Risky UV hair loss treatment, good annotations.
HEAL1.ZIP 5033 Hi-freq. EM and rapid wound healing
HEAL2.ZIP 1878 ELF ultrasound and ultra-fast bone healing
HEALTH1.ZIP 5250 Effects of Scalar EM experiments on YOU. Read!
HEALTH2.ZIP 2746 Toward a practical portable EM detector. Good.
HEPATITS.ZIP 6545 Claims for a hepatitis cure via thymus gland extract and
beta carotine. Very interesting.
HIVVIRO.ZIP 2034 AIDS virus found alive in vapors from surgical
HOMCOND.ZIP 9152 Homeopathic conductance heals wounds faster
HOMEOPA1.ZIP 3251 Article in Nature supports homeopath. medicine
HOXSEY.ZIP 1156 Formula of supposed Hoxsey cancer cure.
HOXSEY1.ZIP 8461 3 Hoxey "cancer cure" formulas.
HUMAN.ZIP 8276 The effects of EM fields on humans.
IRRADIAT.ZIP 3734 Paper on dangers of food irradiation.
JUICE1.ZIP 2118 Revivifying dead organs with plant juices.
KIRL1.ZIP 2449 Short overview of Kirillian photography
KIRL2.ZIP 2900 More on Kirillian photography. Interesting.
KOCH1.ZIP 9245 Koch treatment contains virulent diseases.
LIFEX.ZIP 26815 Life expectancy test program & BAS source code
LIGHT1.ZIP 8339 Article on light as an important 'nutrient'.
LUCID1.ZIP 5907 Good paper on inducing "lucid" dream states
LUCIFER1.ZIP 1235 Luciferase used by NASA for ET life search
LYME.ZIP 5802 Excellent article: Lyme Disease/Lyme Arthritis
MALPRACT.ZIP 3854 Preventing medical malpractice.
MANIC.ZIP 5240 Good article on manic depression.
MANIP1.ZIP 1586 EPIC machine tests manipulation skills
MEDBBS.ZIP 11512 List of Medical BBSs from Black Bag BBS
MEDIC1.ZIP 3485 Anatomy of the "pill pushing" doctor.
MENOPAUS.ZIP 6643 Article on menopause, sideffects, implications
MESMER1.ZIP 4958 Interesting: Remote hypnotic suggestion
MIND01.ZIP 9743 Electromag. Mind Control results! Excellent!
MIND02.ZIP 23858 Brainwashing techniques. Truly exc. paper!
MIND03.ZIP 4106 Illusions/delusions & means of controlling
MIND04.ZIP 20713 Documents on CIA Mind Control programmes
MIND05.ZIP 2699 The Persinger Mind Helmet - by Persinger!
MIND06.ZIP 2007 Stress-reducing EEG goggles - Virt. Reality?
MIND07.ZIP 1989 Mag. stimulation ARRESTS SPEECH!
MIND08.ZIP 2449 Psychotronic/psionic mind control devices
MIND09.ZIP 8378 Neurophone transmits ideas direct to brain!
MIND11.ZIP 4286 Mind, matter, and the quantum Zeno effect. Neat!
MIND12.ZIP 2849 Japanese Neurophone "Walkman" - hearing w/hands?
MIND13.ZIP 3619 Sound and light machines: How they can influence
perception & consciousness.
MIND14.ZIP 2671 Persinger "Mind" Helmet: It can *evoke images*! Are we
close to creating a "Krell Helmet"?
MOM1.ZIP 5156 "Mom's" electric cancer cures of 1950's
MWO1.ZIP 6166 Lakovsky's 1925 article on EM cancer treatmnt
NANOTECH.ZIP 4749 Nano-machines to fix DNA & atoms one-by-one?
NEGION.ZIP 4551 Excellent article on Neg. Ion effects
NIGHT.ZIP 9476 Peripheral Vision & "Second Sight": Essay and
experiments in "nightwalking" -- literally hiking
without being able to see!
OOBE1.ZIP 2666 Text on Out-of-Body Experiences (OOBEs)
OZONEAID.ZIP 5185 Ozone blood treatment suppresses AIDS
PETAIDS.ZIP 3147 AIDS in Russian household pets!
PK1.ZIP 3267 Electro-induced psychokinesis. Good.
PRIAPISM.ZIP 1607 Frog's Legs are APRHODISIAC! Vive la France...
PRIORE1.ZIP 4147 Amazing Priore Machine -- EM cures!
PSYBOUND.ZIP 1740 Psychological boundaries to guard & watch
QUAKE1.ZIP 2247 Animal behaviors predict San Fran quake
QUAKE2.ZIP 3495 Ultra-Low Frequency (ULF) receptors are tried as
earthquake detectors.
RADION01.ZIP 4976 Radionics + Space Energy Field = miracle cures
REICH1.ZIP 3024 Reich Orgone Box & human cells
REICH2.ZIP 3298 A thumbnail sendup of Reich & his preachings
RIFE1.ZIP 3521 Bacteria & a cancer killed with radio waves!
RIFE2.ZIP 15060 The amazing Rife microscope
RIFE3.ZIP 11875* Confidential report on claimed benefits and results with
the Royal Rife Generator.
RIPOFF1.ZIP 3031 Shocking article; GROTESQUE hospital charges
SHC-BOOK.ZIP 953 "Fire From Heaven" - Spon. Hum. Combust. book!
SHC1.ZIP 4842 Spontaneous Human Combustion! (SHC) Very good paper.
SHC2.ZIP 8214 Spontaneous Human Combustion (SHC) Case File: Mary Reeser
SNAKE1.ZIP 5797 Treating snake bites w/high-voltage EM!
SPON1.ZIP 3208 Spontaneous generation -- fallacy or fact?
SUBLIM1.ZIP 2448 Subliminal communication in movies, ads.
SUNSPOTS.ZIP 3347 Solar radiation, UV light, and your health
TELEPSYK.ZIP 7019 The joys and benefits of BBS telecommunicating
TUBER.ZIP 3075 Due to collapsing public health policy, political
cowardice & AIDS-infected vagrants, fatal drug-resistant
TUBERCULOSIS is spreading!
VEDA1.ZIP 8233 The Krell Helmet, mind over matter, etc.
VISION.ZIP 6506 Vision is altered in space.
VITAMINC.ZIP 6632 Article on Vit. C as essential nutrient
> Total of 138 files (751119 bytes) in this area
BOND1.ZIP 1463 Stronger concrete with beef blood!
BUGS1.ZIP 2677 Resonance & agricultural insect control!
EMPTEST.ZIP 2277 Washington Post: Defense Dept must stop EMP testing in
the D.C./MD area.
FUZZY1.ZIP 2587 CFC pollution & greenhouse effect -- bunk!!??
GLOBAL.ZIP 6928 Ugly picture of global warming w/biblio.
IRPLANT.ZIP 1806 Luminous plant phenomena paper
MORSE1.ZIP 4328 Morse machine uses resonance in water treatment
OZONE2.ZIP 8959 Ozone where we DON'T need it, as pollution
PRECIP1.ZIP 2617 Electrostatic precipitator controls trash!
ROACH1.ZIP 1673 Natural pest control: Wind shakes up roaches
SEICHE.ZIP 1829 Mysterious Seiche wave/tide of Lake Michigan
SNOW1.ZIP 3302 Interesting. Identical "tuned" snowflakes
SONOCEAN.ZIP 2852 Ocean life forms "false bottom" boundary layer
SPRAY1.ZIP 2136 Refinements in Crop Dusting/Aerial Spraying
SURVEY1.ZIP 1992 Ground radar allows fast, accurate surveys
VDT.ZIP 2869 Dangers of VDT radiation & improvements
VOLCANO2.ZIP 5654 Neat overview of vulcanism.
WASTE1.ZIP 2507 Cooking toxic waste with RF energy
WEATHER1.ZIP 3207 Weather Modification: US gov't is experimenting with
it. They did such a good job with the Superfund, S&Ls
and deficit, why not this?
> Total of 19 files (61663 bytes) in this area
ANTIMATT.ZIP 1326 Much larger quantities of antimatter trapped!
ASPECT1.ZIP 11263 FidoNet UFO: An interesting message thread speculating
on the implications of the Aspect Experiment -- Quantum
AUTO.ZIP 2416 Auto electrical interference & UFOs -- good
BEARDEN.ZIP 38351 OUTSTANDING! Bearden/Rosenthal/Sweet papers. E.T.
Whittaker's scalar work of 1903 & Tesla's of 1899
preceded Bohm-Ahronov by 55 years.
BROWN3.ZIP 12226 Excellent! T.T. Brown's 1st patent, giving details for
a gravity motor. Shows beginnings of Brown's later work
on "gravity isotopes".
BSCONF92.ZIP 3003 Borderland Sciences 1992 Convention slated for Stamford,
CA. Reg. Info & more
BTC3REV.ZIP 4528 Tesla BBS: Review of Information Unlimited's BTC-3
Tesla Coil kit. Many helpful hints and observations
CATES.ZIP 2787 Univ. of Cal. Tesla book list (incl. foreign)
CHAP1.ZIP 20480 Part 1 on Pawlicki's book on Hyperspace
CHAP2.ZIP 56320 Part 2 on Pawlicki's book on Hyperspace
COAL2GAS.ZIP 3669 Nazi syn-fuel technology revived at Texas A&M
COLDFUS1.ZIP 3028 Penn. firm claims repeatable cold fusion
COLDFUS2.ZIP 6890 Two thought-provoking papers proposing a 'hydron'
mechanism behind Cold Fusion. Good stuff!
CONSENRG.ZIP 5791 Conservation of energy -- how slow nuclear fission might
be the key.
COTTELL.ZIP 3271 Eric Cottell's ultrasonic fuel injectors burn heavier
fuels, including 30% WATER! Doubled gas mileage --
reduced emissions!
CPEDOG.ZIP 4151 Good ZPE stuff! Casimir Potentials, Electromagnetic
Density Oscillations, & Gravity! Read w/ZPE1,2,3 etc.
DANART1.ZIP 14744 Excellent overview of Keely & his work!
DEADCOLD.ZIP 5105 University of Utah shuts down cold-fusion lab
DENISLEE.ZIP 5248 Heat-Pump Systems for cooling and power generation.
Excellent! Lots of details!
DEPALMA.ZIP 2692 Dr. DePalma on his 5 HP "N-Machine"
DPALMA1.ZIP 8607 DePalma article on Faraday free-energy motor
DPALMA2.ZIP 3747 Dr. Tewari on INDIAN GOVT overunity generator
DPALMA3.ZIP 4848 1984 DePalma article w/details of 1st N-Machine
DPALMA4.ZIP 5070 Info on Tewari 30KW! "Space Energy Converter"
DPALMA5.ZIP 16263 Kinchloe verification of "Sunburst" N-Machine
DPALMA6.ZIP 3902 Tewari's prototype machine & theoretical work
DPALMA7.ZIP 3146 Short DePalma treatise: psionics & energy field
DR_TESLA.ZIP 75300 Tesla BBS: The complete files on Dr. Tesla, including
Sanskrit.txt, Tesla 1-6 (mostly), and others.
EVGRAY.ZIP 9742 Exc. article: EVGRAY Electric Engine
EVGRAY2.ZIP 7891 More background on the EVGray EMS motor, Edwin V. Gray,
and EvGray Enterprises. Superefficient electric
automotive power.
EXCEL1.ZIP 4006 Magnetic-assisted air compressor from 1888
FARADAY1.ZIP 4640 Faraday's Monopole Free-Energy Generator, 1847
FRASER.ZIP 5612 The Philadelphia Experiment -- were the bizarre results
caused by "thermal fields"? Interesting idea,
provocative paper.
FUELCELL.ZIP 1222 Super-efficient, super-thin H-O fuel cells
GFILTER.ZIP 5277 Do-it-yourself gas filter modifications & claimed
increase in gas mileage.
GLOBCON1.ZIP 4028 Winter 1992 Global Sciences Congress in Daytona Beach,
FL. Schedule & info!
HARDY1.ZIP 4897* Pyramid Energy: Interesting text on pyramid-shaped
energy enhancers/focusers and use with Tesla coils. See
HINDSITE.ZIP 4379 From Dale Pond: short Keely bio & physics notes
HVOIL.ZIP 2828 Good file on HV energy transmission through Oil.
HYDEHATH.ZIP 3851 Hathaway's failure to reproduce Hyde Free-Energy Device
& ongoing efforts
HYDEOFFR.ZIP 1667 Letter from Hyde Free-Energy Device's lawyers offers it
to manufacturers
HYDEPTNT.ZIP 9624 Text of Hyde Free-Energy Patent - see ZPE3, too
I&V.ZIP 3116 Tesla Turbine: Is it viable? See TURBINE.ZIP.
IECEC92.ZIP 4468 Info on 1992 Non-Conventional Energy Conference.
Scheduled for August 1992. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!
INTRO.ZIP 27648 Intro on Pawlicki's book on Hyperspace
INVISI1.ZIP 2479 Electromagnetic invisibility demonstrated!!
INVISI2.ZIP 6481 Invisibility techniques. Look out Claude Rains!
JUPIBOLT.ZIP 4282 ZPE "Vacuum Energy": CIA/DIA/Navy show powerful
interest in Ken Shoulders, Jupiter Technology, and
charge condenser devices.
KIDDRIVE.ZIP 2235 ParaNet: What ever happend to the KIDD inertial drive?
LEACH.ZIP 5873 Interesting: Leach's reactant hydrogen generator
LEACH2.ZIP 4140* More Info on Sam L. Leach's electrolytic hydrogen engine.
LEVITATE.ZIP 3583 Japanese demonstrate superconductive levitation
LONGPHO.ZIP 4094 "Long Photons" can explain scalar technologies and
results, including scalar transformations.
MAGNET.ZIP 1344 The basics of magnets & magnetic materials
MARS1.ZIP 8197 Plasma communications & strange deaths 1900-85
METAL.ZIP 6912 Monograph on Palladium: Cold fusion touchstone?
MEYER1.ZIP 6509 Has U.S. inventor Stanley Meyer *solved* the energy
crisis? Meyer's electrolytic engine. See MEYERGIF for
graphics of the engine!
MEYER2.ZIP 10510 More on the Meyer electrolysis method. Hydrogen-fuelled
internal combustion engines possible? See MEYERGIF for
MORAY1.ZIP 8883 T.H. Moray's amazing devices Pt. 1
MORAY2.ZIP 11010 T.H. Moray's amazing devices Pt. 2
MORAY3.ZIP 5260 T.H. Moray's amazing devices Pt. 3
MORAY4.ZIP 8000 T.H. Moray's amazing devices Pt. 4
NEON.ZIP 1710 Good cheap switching converter for Tesla coils
NEW-EM.ZIP 3501 Self-fuelling Electro-Magnetic Motor is rumored to debut
at the Indy 500!
NEWMAN1.ZIP 2624 Descrip. Newman Free Energy motor
NEWMAN2.ZIP 6975 Article on Newman & his motor
NEWMAN3.ZIP 2911 Article claiming Newman a fraud
OERIDESC.ZIP 4414 Office of Energy-Related Inventions (OERI): Dept. of
Energy offers GRANTS for alternate-energy inventions.
OERISTAT.ZIP 2852 Office of Energy-Related Inventions (OERI): Statistics
of OERI Grant money awarded thru 1991. Patents,
inventors, grant amounts.
PATENTS.ZIP 2016 Tesla Patents - vanished! US Military has them
PAVLITA1.ZIP 4118 Paul Pavlita's psitronic devices & working group
PCV.ZIP 4069 Build-yourself auto mileage booster with claimed 40%
increase in gas mileage.
PHILAD1.ZIP 6951 The Phila. Exper. w/interesting annotations
PHILAD2.ZIP 5680 Even Bill Cooper doubts Al Bielek's "Philadelphia
Experiment" story! Includes bizarre chronology, wild
assertions re: Tesla.
PLASMA1.ZIP 7129 Plasma ring currents: power + levitation?
PLASMA2.ZIP 4568 Plasma = Unlimited power, from M. McQuay
PMOTION1.ZIP 13312 Good overview of quest for perpetual motion
PMOTION2.ZIP 5614 Disgraceful hoaxes, shams, impositions & frauds
PMOTION3.ZIP 4217 More fakes, frauds, farces, and scams
POLLGAS.ZIP 1137 MUFON: Scientists claim pollution-free fuel
PUDDY.ZIP 1661 Brit inventor DIES after patents seized by MOD
PUHA1.ZIP 4076 Interesting - Puharich/Kelly water fuel?
PYRAMID2.ZIP 4582 Thoughts on Pat Flanagan's Pyramid Power
RAWLS1.ZIP 2636* Magnetic Monopoles: Walter Rawls and Triune Force
Fields from magnetic monopoles. See RAWLS1.GIF
REALITY.ZIP 11240 Outstanding! Evidence of Holographic Universe!!
SCALAR1.ZIP 21171 Report on Reciprocal Current research
SCALAR2.ZIP 3923 More on scalar tech, cadeuceus coils, etc.
SFTS390.ZIP 5565 March 1990 minutes of the San Francisco Tesla Society,
incl. study groups, Lahkovsky experiments, membership
SFTS590.ZIP 8487 Newsletter of the San Francisco Tesla Society, Summer
1990. Membership info & *much* other good stuff.
SOLAR1.ZIP 2803 Aluminoid solar panels achieve TEST EFFICIENCIES of
72%!!! A major breakthrough in Solar Technology!
SOLAR2.ZIP 14123 List of companies supplying Solar Panels and other
passive technologies to take you "Off the Grid"
SOLAR3.ZIP 13131 Details on Lumanoid Solar Panels: 80% efficiecies!!
SONIC1.ZIP 3359 Excellent paper on ultrasound tech/techniques
SONIC2.ZIP 3313 Sonic metalworking! Good annotations, too.
SOVIET.ZIP 33576 TESLA BBS: Tom Bearden on USSR scalar weapons. Now the
Russians are trying to SELL their space program - but
not their scalar weapons!
SPARKGAP.ZIP 1138* Short info file on Tesla spark gaps & dynamics
SPHERE.ZIP 1364 Tesla's work on spherical spark arrestors
SPHERE1.ZIP 10469 Spring's spherical EM wave theory, exc.!
SSEMP.ZIP 4170 Self-Sustained Electromagnetic Propulsion!!!
STATIKA1.ZIP 10864 Text file on the incredible TESTATIKA machine
SUNPRIME.ZIP 7135 A Solar Energy Primer, from the Cindex BBS & KeelyNet's
Ron Barker.
SUPER-C.ZIP 1060 Understanding high-temp superconductivity
SWEET1.ZIP 23251 Tom Bearden on Sweet's Phase-Conjugate Triode. A
free-energy/antigravity generator? Very interesting
stuff here!
SWEET2.ZIP 23670 More on Sweet's Triode and free-energy generation.
SWEET3.ZIP 18796 Description of the Sweet Vacuum Triode, operations and
more! Excellent!
SWEET4A.ZIP 20552 Tom Bearden lecture on SCALARS and methods of trapping
the Zero-Point Energy!
SWEET4B.ZIP 12761 Part II of Bearden lecture on SCALARS and free-energy
SWEET4C.ZIP 11950 Part III of Bearden lecture, with references and
SWEET4D.ZIP 16194 Part IV of Bearden lecture, with references and
SWISSML.ZIP 7631 Translation of audio track from video of the Swiss
TESTATIKA free-energy machine, includes info on
Meterneta Research Group.
TACHYON1.ZIP 8605 Outstanding file: universal grav/energy field!
TACHYON2.ZIP 13532 More on "Tachyon Field". Also outstanding!
TBOOKS.ZIP 2678* Lindsay Pubs: List of Tesla books/tapes/songs and order
info (incl. Fax)
TBOOKS.ZIP 2678* Tesla Book Reviews/price list
TESLA.ZIP 12553 The "long-range" weapon/Death Ray
TESLA1.ZIP 12384 Theory of Broadcast Power
TESLA2.ZIP 2793 Basic Tesla Coil theory
TESLA3.ZIP 16259 Influence of Vedic systems on Tesla's work
TESLA4.ZIP 19482 The Scalar Howitzer & wave interferometry
TESLA5.ZIP 11002 The World's Greatest Hacker! Nicola Tesla bio!
TESLA6.ZIP 13134 KeelyNet: A VERY good article on Tesla's Long-Range
Weapons. Separates fact from fantasy, includes
Puharich's 1975 comments.
TESLACNF.ZIP 2289 Details of 1992 International Tesla Conference at
Colorado Springs!
THEORYBE.ZIP 18245 Tom Bearden discusses errors, inconsistancies and
anomalies in today's accepted EM physics.
TRANSLRT.ZIP 6548 OUTSTANDING! Joseph Misiolek on scalar translation
techniques and devices. This text is in TRANSGIF.ZIP
w/graphics of scalar devices.
TSL-PATS.ZIP 2903* ParaNet: Near-complete collection of Tesla Patents
offered to interested readers/researchers. From
TTBROWN1.ZIP 1383 T.T. Brown's Patents: Patent Numbers, filing dates, how
& where to obtain copies!
TURBINE.ZIP 11325 Present-day work on Tesla's Turbine!
UNITCOM.ZIP 8637 Exc.! There's an Extra Dimension (void), gang!!
URINECAR.ZIP 2347 Gas costs leave you p*ss-poor? Car runs on...
phreaks/Dimensional-Travel folks, TAKE NOTE!
VORTXGUN.ZIP 2338 Vortex gun shoots super "smoke rings".
WBSMEMO.ZIP 4279 Canadian genius Wilber B. Smith, director of Canada's
Project Magnet & a Roswell source. His experiments on
free-energy extraction.
ZAP.ZIP 4711* Hi-Energy Entertainment: Text file on a show by Jerry
Decker, Ron Barker and Chuck Henderson. See ZAP1.GIF,
ZPE1.ZIP 9247 Excellent free-energy paper: Zero-Point Energy
ZPE2.ZIP 20134 Excellent, excellent paper: Z-Point Energy Pt2
ZPE3.ZIP 14712 EXCELLENT Moray King paper: Zero-Point Energy (ZPE)
density in space, patented ZPE generator, more!
ZPE4.ZIP 9772 Excellent Hal Putoff paper: ZPE & Quanta, or ... Can the
Heisenberg Principal ever power your house?
ZPE5.ZIP 4988 Good! Vacuum ZPE, Casimir forces, gravity, and more
ZPE6.ZIP 15337 New Scientist: Recent Hal Puthoff on Zero-Point Energy
extraction. "Stochastic Electrodynamics", Cold-Fusion
tie-in, much more!
> Total of 139 files (1179302 bytes) in this area
ANTIGRV1.ZIP 2294 Japanese Anti-Grav results from gyroscopes
BALL1.ZIP 2282 Artificial Ball lightning generated!
BC_GRAV1.ZIP 3607 Gravity/Time/Concentric Universes. Very Good!
BIEBRN1.ZIP 3917 Biefield-Brown Effect - UFO propulsion?
BIEBRN2.ZIP 2038 Properties of Biefield-Brown effect
BIELEK1.ZIP 7820 Claimed Phil. Exp. sole survivor? U decide...
BRIGHT.ZIP 4665 Geological anomaly in Georgia: "Hollow Earth?"
BROWN1.ZIP 6671 Text from BRNPATEN .PCX file on Brown patents
BROWN2.ZIP 9694 Good contemporary article on T.T. Brown This text
included in BRNGIF2, with 2 graphics
BUMP1.ZIP 2825 Is physical reality just a "bump" in spacetime?
CARR1.ZIP 2431 Otis T. Carr's UFO-tron, press clips
CARR2.ZIP 3902 More on Carr's UFO-tron and sad fate
CENTER1.ZIP 12334 VERY interesting: Force-field around Earth?
CENTER2.ZIP 3882 Exc.! Read with CENTER1 re: gravity anomalies
CFG1.ZIP 3968 Charge Fluctuations and Biefield-Brown effect
DRIVE1.ZIP 5322 Exc. paper: Unidirect. force generation!
FORWARD.ZIP 8203 Pawlicki on Hyperspace & self-publishing
FTL1.ZIP 2324 Vintage paper on Faster-Than-Light travel.
GALLI1.ZIP 6432 Gravity Wave Monitors proposed based on Kozyrev theories
and dielectric stress.
GRAV1.ZIP 3673 Promising levitation tech. for the future.
GRAV2.ZIP 6862 EM Propulsion: Canada's Project Magnet (1950s)
GRAV9.ZIP 3202 Gravitational Lasers? J.G. Gallimore's Gravity Laser
and related psionics and Radionics discussion. From the
GRAVAC.ZIP 17506 Thought models: induced gravity!
GRAVITY.ZIP 2660 Odd quotes on UFOs, Townshend Brown, et al
GRAVITY1.ZIP 2801 News article on gravity research
GRAVITY2.ZIP 7541 J. Misolek's exc. paper: spacetime "twist"
GRAVITY3.ZIP 7701 Resonant Gravity Field Coil -- Dangerous!
GRAVITY4.ZIP 18782 Jos. Misiolek paper on gravity production
GRAVITY5.ZIP 2738 Ex. paper: Gyro propulsion per Dr. Laithwaite
GRAVITY6.ZIP 6860 10-year-old prodigy's theory of the universe.
GRAVITY7.ZIP 4771 Anti-grav "storms" cause plane crashes?
GRAVITY8.ZIP 3211 Zero-point energy & behavior of Moon
GRAVITY9.ZIP 1495 Brit scientists try anti-grav experiments
GRAVITYA.ZIP 5721 Good paper: UFOs and gravity as a field force
GRAVITYB.ZIP 2862 Tips on Niphers, Brushes, and "Gravitic Nodes" from T.T.
Brown. Very interesting indeed.
GRAVRES.ZIP 6442 Thick but very interesting! Grav. resonance
LAITH1.ZIP 2560 Laithwaite's gyroscopic propulsion system
LEED1.ZIP 7810 A. Leedskalinin: Levitating stonemasonry?
LEED2.ZIP 5287 More on Leedskalinin's amazing constructions
M-ROSE.ZIP 8799 Paper by Dr. Mason Rose on Biefled-Brown
NAZI1.ZIP 15421 Nazi Antigrav technologies & origins
NAZI2.ZIP 7562 Biblical interp. of Nazi UFO technologies
NAZIUFO.ZIP 4972 Nazi Anti-grav. research/tests
PUSHATT.ZIP 5589 Wright's Push - Attract Theory of Gravity. Interesting
-- compare this with PZT1.ZIP on gravity as a "Pressure
PZT1.ZIP 8611 Gravity/Magnetism as Pressure Zones? Theories of Tesla,
Brown, Chaldini, Schauberger & others.
SAUCSONG.ZIP 9580 Sound and free energy: "song of the saucers"?
SEARLE1.ZIP 4067 Anders Heerfordt on Searle's disks! Exc.!
SEARLE2.ZIP 2632 Searle's "saucer demos" never happened! Read!
SPACLINK.ZIP 3405 How to use the NASA SpaceLink BBS
STATPWR.ZIP 6957 Powersystems of NASA Space Station
TIME1.ZIP 5770 Time Travel and the liklihood of a Time Machine
UFO-PROP.ZIP 6629 UFO IntelliNet (Toronto): Ken Behrent's excellent paper
proposes Anti-Mass Field UFO propulsion system; includes
WRIGHT1.ZIP 8055 Introduction to Wright's Push-Gravity Theory
> Total of 53 files (313145 bytes) in this area
61CYCLE.ZIP 3463 Supposed 61-month cycle of UFO flaps
89CRASH.ZIP 2697 Report on supposed '89 UFO crash on L.I.
AERO1.ZIP 14291 Cal. Aero Club: Source of the 1800's Airships?
AERO2.ZIP 10395 The Airships were real! Power source? Flyers??
AERO3.ZIP 10104 More airships -- back to 956 A.D.!!
AERO4.ZIP 7915 Flying Saucers Mag.: Article on 1890 airships
AERO5.ZIP 9726 Edw. J. Pennington: Man who BUILT the airships?
AERO6.ZIP 10834 Secret processes of the 1890 airship builders?
AERO7.ZIP 6556 The discovery of Dellschau's Journals of the activities
of the Sonora Aero Society -- 19th Century Airships,
mysterious "float gas"!
AERO8.ZIP 8222 Mysterious Sonora "Aero" Society Airships of the 1850s!
Apparently a Secret Society with aeronautical expertise!
AERO9.ZIP 9109 The mysterious Mr. Dellshau -- one of the 19th Century
Airship "Aeronauts"?
AIRSHIP1.ZIP 15827 The 1896 Keeley Airship -- the 1st UFO?
AIRSHIP2.ZIP 8972 Keeley Airship & 1897 "Airship" flap
AIRSHIP3.ZIP 2418 Keeley Airship -- preserved in Chicago?!
ALT-3.ZIP 13960 The Alternative-3 papers w/info source
ALT-3PT2.ZIP 2839 Alt-3 origins history sources, from Penguin bks.
AUTOPSY.ZIP 3656 Two (2!) very different "alien autopsy" reports
BIBLEUFO.ZIP 3187 Impress the locals -- part the Red Sea!
BLACKAIR.ZIP 6099 "Black" USAF aircraft development projects
CANNON.ZIP 2101 Martin Cannon doubts conventional UFO abducts.
COOPER1.ZIP 20108 '89 Cooper speech, commentary, ideas
COOPER2.ZIP 13564 The "whole truth" from Cooper, re: Cooper
CYDONIA.ZIP 3152 Hoagland's orig. paper on Mars "face"/SETI
DEC2749.ZIP 1098 Vintage sidebar from TRUE mag: UFOs real!
DFWUFO1.ZIP 2212 Report of UFO sightings at Dallas-Ft.Wrth
E115.ZIP 3491 Bob Lazar's Element 115, its creation & probably use.
EARTHLGT.ZIP 4376 Piezoelectric force governs UFO shapes!
FLIGHT1.ZIP 7989 10/90 AvWeek: High strangeness at Area 51
HELIOTRP.ZIP 3135 Faster-than-light (FTL) travel: Is space really
heliotropic? Does the "UFO Rapid Transit Authority"
travel in spirals? Thoughtful.
HOAGLAND.ZIP 17644 Hoagland speech: Reimage Mars "face" in 93?
OUTTHERE.ZIP 3026 Something *is* "out there" -- within Pluto's orbit and
possibly heading this way. "Killer asteroids" or
station-keeping spacecraft???
RTHQUAKE.ZIP 1421 Persinger's UFO data -- tie-in to earthquakes?
RUSSUFO1.ZIP 3258 Article on Russian UFO sighting
UFO-EXPO.ZIP 3375 Big 1991 "spacecraft expo" abruptly cancelled!
UFO1.ZIP 2503 U.S. Gov't doc. on '77 S. Dakota incident
UFO2.ZIP 6838 Clippings re: AWOL soldiers & W. Cooper
UFO3.ZIP 3248 Multiple UFO sightings in Minnesota
UFO4.ZIP 14385 How to build a UFO: Practical tips!
UFO5.ZIP 2336 What to do if you SEE a UFO.
UFO6.ZIP 8570 Tesla's concept of electrical flight
UFOANTIG.ZIP 11694 Article by Kehoe on UFO Anti-Gravity
UFOYORK1.ZIP 1823 Article: 9 UFOs at Nevada Test Base
> Total of 42 files (291617 bytes) in this area
ARGUS.ZIP 1607 Project ARGUS: 1958 Atom Bomb Tests in Space!
CRATER1.ZIP 1348 NASA contest: name craters for famous women!
DEANDR91.ZIP 3990 Space Drives: Info. on the Dean System Space Drive. A
rotary-to-unidirectional drive system from 1956.
FIREBALL.ZIP 3858 1972 Asteroid Near-Miss?? West Coast Fireball
ION1.ZIP 2677 1st-generation ION DRIVES for spacecraft
ION2.ZIP 1998 ION PROPULSION/stabilization & solar radiation
ION3.ZIP 1875 Impressive stats on ion/electric space drives
ION4.ZIP 1863 Keeping ion thrusters cool in space.
LTP1.ZIP 5925 Lunar Transient Phenomena(LTP): moon anomalies
LTP2.ZIP 3397 ParaNet: Causes of Lunar Transient Phenomena
LUNACY1.ZIP 2803 Idiotic scheme to stabilize weather. Lunacy!
MOONDOME.ZIP 5549 Construction activity on the MOON? From FATE
PHOTON1.ZIP 6293 Info. on the looming PHOTON BELT!!! Does DOOM lurk in
the cosmos??
SAT1.ZIP 3444 NASA fact sheet (1985): Basics of satellites
SAT2.ZIP 8523 Exc. fact sheet on FleetSatCom satellites
SDUBIB91.ZIP 12886 Space Drives: Extensive bibliography of space drive
patents and literature from the 1950s through 1991.
SDUSPT91.ZIP 6446 Space Drives: All U.S. space-drive patents through 1991.
SETISAVE.ZIP 770 Funding for NASA SETI program saved
TORCH.ZIP 4708 Avant-garde space science from the former USSR!
Proposed *LIGHT-DRIVEN* propulsion; 100% efficient
copper energy reflectors!
TWOSUN.ZIP 6750 Second Sun (or Planet?) behind the sun?
> Total of 20 files (86710 bytes) in this area
7THPSI.ZIP 3645 J. Decker's paper on Keely/Vibratory Physics
> Total of 1 file (3645 bytes) in this area
> No files in this area
40LAWS.ZIP 8370 Keely Laws/Subscription info for KNet's PLENUM
ACOUSTO1.ZIP 2328 Ultrasound in chemistry: "tuning" chem properties
AQUA1.ZIP 4009 Keely theory of Aqueous Disintegration
AUGFORC.ZIP 4805 Keely on augmentation of force over distance
BRINTON.ZIP 6040 Keely: matter as harmonic progression & more
CHLADNI1.ZIP 2980 Bio of Ernst Chladni, acoustics, Keely & more
GNOSTIC.ZIP 4439 Gnosticism vs. Agnosticism by ... Keely??
GRAD1.ZIP 4015 Keely on graduation of harmonic media
KEELBIO1.ZIP 3124 Short bio of John Ernst Worrell Keely
KEELHOAX.ZIP 5414 Paper on Keely's motor & theories as hoaxes
KLYANEC1.ZIP 5283 Anecdotes on Keely disintegrator, stock fraud
KLYBRAIN.ZIP 9599 Keely theories and medicine
KLYMOT1.ZIP 4458 Picturesque paper on the Keely motor
MOLESTRU.ZIP 3766 Keely on mysteries of atomic structure
NEUTRAL1.ZIP 7120 Key Keely concept of the NEUTRAL CENTER
REV1.ZIP 6233 A brief history of reverse speech
REV2.ZIP 5104 More on reverse speech & human communication
RFP1.ZIP 16780 EXCELLENT. Keely info sources, pubs, history
SCI1899.ZIP 4644 Pt. 2 of Scientific American Keely fraud article
SNELL1.ZIP 6716 Snell's recollection of Keely demonstrations
ULTIMA.ZIP 3955 Keely's "Ultimate Division of Matter"
> Total of 21 files (119182 bytes) in this area
10COM.ZIP 2172 Ten Commandments for Technicians
ART-EROT.ZIP 18924 Hot new program lang. "X"! Tragic results
ATOMIC1.ZIP 4165 instructions for building an atomic bomb
BANDPLAN.ZIP 3728 No description available.
BEER.ZIP 1757 Ode to beer: Why it's better than women, etc.
BEST1001.ZIP 8746 best ADULT jokes
BEST1002.ZIP 10983 more best ADULT jokes
BLOOPRS1.ZIP 6473 student bloopers about history, amusing
CHIKLENS.ZIP 2898 red contact lenses for chickens
CONDOM.ZIP 919 Slogans for National Condom Week
CONDOM1.ZIP 1179 The German Kondom Kodes! No kidding...
CORPDEF.ZIP 1867 Corporate definitions
DARK1.ZIP 2775 Hehehe! Are light bulbs really dark suckers??
HUSBAND.ZIP 1099 chain letter for computer husbands wives
LTRICITY.ZIP 3051 a treatise on electricity
MURFSEX.ZIP 2725 Murphy's Laws of Sex
MWGAGS.ZIP 9958 computer gags to play on victims
OLDAGE.ZIP 1195 A poem on about Old Age.
REDNECK.ZIP 2130 Hot to spot 'em. From Texas...
SAFE-FAX.ZIP 2808 Rules for "Safe Faxing" in the 1990s.
SCREWUP.ZIP 2217 An example of the usual result of a government takeover:
world-class screwup.
SEXALIEN.ZIP 2374 Con-man convinces dozens of women he's an alien -- for
SPUD.ZIP 2525 Shareware Pay-Up Day -- a nice idea!
SWPRAYER.ZIP 1323 programmers Lord's Prayer
TAO.ZIP 10612 the Tao of Programming
THEPLAN.ZIP 1190 how things come to be
TOADS1.ZIP 1696 licking toads / hallucinogenic effects
TODD.ZIP 2597 solicitation from Reverend Todd
TOONLAW.ZIP 3161 the laws governing cartoons
TROJAN.ZIP 1419 a letter from the Trojan Prophylactic Co.
> Total of 30 files (118666 bytes) in this area
ANCIENTD.ZIP 3558 Amazing Chinese discovery! Text on UFO crash!
ARKCOV1.ZIP 6239 Ark of the Covenant -- Found???
BAB-GULA.ZIP 2718 Near-intact Babalonian Temple Discovered
BADGES.ZIP 7270 Star Trek-type locator badges -- here now! PANDORA and
the Active Badge system, from COMPUTERWORLD
BBSNUMB.ZIP 1613 Interesting BBSs to call
BERMUTRI.ZIP 2110 Bermuda Triangle: Delusion? Or real menace?
BIGFOOT1.ZIP 3190 Arizonian on the trail of bigfoot
BOOK1.ZIP 8527 Interesting books to read
BSTAR.ZIP 2161 MUFON: Rutgers professor says Star of Bethlehem was
CHINNASA.ZIP 912 NASA uses 3,500-year-old Chinese "Oracle Bones" to date
a solar eclipse.
CRYSTAL1.ZIP 2740 Shades of Zardoz! Recording info on crystals!
DEISM.ZIP 3838 Thoughts on religion based on reason
DISINT1.ZIP 14140 Keely's Quartz Disintegrator & gold mining
DIVE1.ZIP 1757 Underwater acoustic location technologies
DOGSTAR.ZIP 3573 Africa's Dogon tribe: legends of invisible star
DOLPHIN1.ZIP 3891 Dolphin communications -- intell. sealife?
END1.ZIP 6654 The Apocalypse -- Nostradamus & Revalations
EVP1.ZIP 6174 Electro-Voice Phenomena: Talk with the dead?
FLT19ROB.ZIP 360 MUFON: Salvors use robots to recover Flt. 19
FREEDOM1.ZIP 3014 Ruminations on freedom, live it!
FREEWILL.ZIP 9566 Can free will fit with concepts of "right"?
H2OPURE.ZIP 3808 Silver/copper probes purify water for pools, etc.
HEIFER1.ZIP 9316 Zionist zealot mysteries
HELL1.ZIP 4059 How a phoney story gets started! Read!
HOLLOW1.ZIP 4381 We live in a hollow sphere, right???
INDY1.ZIP 3069 Zionist zealot mysteries in Dead Sea scrolls
KABOOM.ZIP 2955 Astonishing find in Rajahstan, India! Convincing
evidence of Hiroshima-size ATOM BOMB, ca. 10,000 B.C.
Is Mahabarata actual HISTORY?
KEELY1.ZIP 12651 Perpetual motion & Keeley P.M. Machine
KEELY2.ZIP 4390 The life, death & inventions of John W. Keely
KEELY3.ZIP 3201 A contemporary (1899) valedictory for Keely
KEELY4.ZIP 5891 Scientific American 1899: Keely Motor a fraud
KRANTZ.ZIP 2737 Bigfoot expert testifies in murder trial
LASER1.ZIP 2924 Lasers make excellent wine tasters!!!
LOTTO.ZIP 7126 Tips on how to win Lotto. Random-number theory &
practice for profit!
MAGIC1.ZIP 11929 Alarming accounts of ritual magic
MUMMY.ZIP 1565 Did the Egyptians *irradiate* mummies?
NINE.ZIP 4665 The "Nine Unknown Men" and human progress
NOAHARK1.ZIP 15499 Review of Fasold's book -- The Ark of Noah
NOAHARK2.ZIP 9115 Noah's Ark, discovered in Turkey?
NOAHLAW.ZIP 3977 Noah's Laws
OCCULT14.LST 12927 Occult/Magick/New Age BBSs
OCCULT16.ZIP 6748 May 1991 "Occult" BBS listing - not just occult
OCCULT17.ZIP 7087 June 1991 "Occult" BBS list - not just occult
OCCULT18.ZIP 7671 July 1991 "Occult" BBS list - not just occult
OCCULT19.ZIP 7988 Aug. 1991 "Occult" BBS list -- not just occult
OCCULT20.ZIP 7959 Sept. 1991 "Occult" BBS list -- not just occult
OCCULT21.ZIP 8253 Oct. 1991 Occult BBS List -- not just occult
OCCULT22.ZIP 8221 Nov. 1991 Occult BBS list -- Not just occult
OCCULT23.ZIP 8579 Dec. 1991 Occult BBS List -- Not just occult
OCCULT24.ZIP 8845 January 1992 Occult BBS list -- not just occult
OCCULT25.ZIP 8883 February 1992 Occult BBS list -- not just occult
OCCULT26.ZIP 8975 March 1992 Occult BBS List -- not just occult!
OCCULT27.ZIP 9035 April 1992 Occult BBS List -- not just occult!
OCCULT28.ZIP 9193 May 1992 Occult BBS list -- not just occult!
OCCULT29.ZIP 9308 June 1992 Occult BBS list -- not just occult!
OCCULT30.ZIP 9364 July 1992 Occult BBS List -- not just occult!
OCCULT31.ZIP 9398* August 1992 Occult BBS List -- not just occult!
OLDDAYS.ZIP 2718 Keely's/Tesla's 1890s: Good old days WEREN'T
OOP-BATT.ZIP 1673 3,000-year-old STORAGE BATTERIES? The amazing "Baghdad
Batteries" from ancient Babylon. Electric power in
2,000 B.C.?
PIRIREIS.ZIP 5339 Piri Reis Mercator World Map of 1450!!
POMPEII.ZIP 1451 2000 year-old victims of Pompeii found
PSI-TV.ZIP 3794 Ghosts/EVP: An account of video-EVP experiments and
description of experiment setup. Influencing TV signals
through the mind?
PTERA.ZIP 1420 Pterodactyl seen in France, 1850s??
PYRAMIDS.ZIP 12240 ParaNet: Atlantis link? Egypt./Amer. Pyramids
QUOTE.ZIP 1854 Quotes from Tesla, Oliver Lodge, etc.
RADION1.ZIP 5602 Principles of Radionics -- electric cures
RADION2.ZIP 3578 List of Radionics bookstores, equipment
RADION3.ZIP 8583 Aspects of Radionics, incl. Kirilian photog.
RADION4.ZIP 8681 Witness to Radionics, use of crystals, etc.
RADION5.ZIP 5163 Radionics research on humans
ROPEPUMP.ZIP 4334 How to use rope as a PUMP. Neat, elegant idea.
RUSSELL1.ZIP 16274 TeslaBBS: Walter Russell, artist, architect, and
environmentalist. His theories anticipated the Ozone
Layer crisis.
RUSSELL2.ZIP 10335 TeslaBBS: Walter Russell's ideas anticipated Gaia
Hypothesis, global warming, macrobiotic diets, and more.
SCIEBIB.ZIP 11850 A bibliography of esoteric science sources
SCROLL.ZIP 3042 Computers translate/reconstruct Dead Sea Scrls
WHATIF.ZIP 3736 More Zionism: Real meaing of New Testament
> Total of 76 files (467364 bytes) in this area
CHEMIST.ZIP 11483 How expert are "experts"? A revealing Voire Dire
examination of an "expert" prosecution witness provides
a grim insight.
CONSTITU.ZIP 16360 No description available.
COPYRIGH.ZIP 7004 No description available.
DIPLOMAT.ZIP 1859 No description available.
EXCITON.ZIP 1671 No description available.
FUZZY2.ZIP 1758 No description available.
FUZZY4.ZIP 3057 No description available.
GHOST1.ZIP 1811 One user's account of a childhood haunting.
GORBASM.ZIP 3451 No description available.
HUMANOID.ZIP 2311 MUFON/TASS: Russian Ghost Photo? Humanoid face appears
on a photographic negative taken in an old Russian
INVENT1.ZIP 3606 No description available.
INVERT1.ZIP 2185 No description available.
JAPAN.ZIP 83978 No description available.
NEWAGE1.ZIP 8003 NY Times: CIA and Korporate Amerika awake to the
benefits of New-Age mysticism for better control &
NOAH1.ZIP 1484 Noah's Ark, discovered in Turkey?
PARTY1.ZIP 2271 No description available.
PROBNET.ZIP 4413 No description available.
PYR1.ZIP 3551 No description available.
QUANTUM.ZIP 10217 [001] QUANTUM MAGIC: Deep thoughts on Quantum theory and
implications: telekinesis, psi, parallel universes,
Bohm, Schroedinger, etc.
RISKY1.ZIP 3184 No description available.
SCICOM.ZIP 4078 No description available.
SKYLAND.ZIP 4121 Provocative vintage article: "Land in the Sky"
SOFTMARK.ZIP 2259 No description available.
SONG1.ZIP 2529 No description available.
SSN1.ZIP 3545 No description available.
STATUE.ZIP 1704 No description available.
SYSRAPE.ZIP 9454 No description available.
TAX1.ZIP 4004 No description available.
VANHIST1.ZIP 7131 No description available.
VIRTUAL.ZIP 2927 No description available.
WARNING.ZIP 1364 No description available.
> Total of 31 files (216773 bytes) in this area
Graphics Viewing Programs
CSHOW843.ZIP 354176 CompuShow v.8.43, the latest & greatest! Install
programs, more drivers, video modes, printer & mouse
support! Great!
GRASPRT.ZIP 60401 Shareware GRASP animation viewer. Plays back EGA/VGA
animations (.GL files)
SIXBIT.COM 62913 GREAT six-bit color in EGA with this utility
VPIC.EXE 56399 Small, fast VGA .GIF file viewer!
Schematic Drawings, Plans and Graphics
CRYSTAL2.ZIP 30208 Programs to create/manipulate 3-D wire forms
BRNGIF2.ZIP 23788 Two .GIF graphics of Brown's flying disks with text from
BRNPATEN.ZIP 39977 T.T. Brown Patent 2,949,550 text w/2 PCXs
HMC.GIF 3431 From J. Misiolek: HydroMagnetic Capacitor
HYDEGIF.ZIP 62222 GIFs of the Hyde Free-Energy Motor, includes patent text
HYDROGEN.ZIP 156567 Stanley Meyer's SUPEREFFICIENT hydrogen cell. Patent
docs, GIFs of patent figures, VUIMG viewing software &
drivers. Good!
HYPERSPC.ZIP 37688 HYPERSPACE SIMULATOR. View objects and space in 4
dimensions/create 4D objects & simulations
KLYAIR1.ZIP 10231 The Keely Airship: PCX graphic of the "airship" and a
text file on the machine.
MEYERGIF.ZIP 60522 The Meyer electrolytic engine: Six .GIF graphics
illustrating the engine. Includes text from MEYER1 and
NOISE_1.ZIP 3868 KeelyNet: Home-built line-noise squelcher for modems.
A few components and simple directions for building a
line-noise eliminator.
ROTJIT.ZIP 58270 Graphical design aid: Tesla Rotary Spark Gaps
SYNCDEMO.ZIP 180506 Demo Software simulates Reich's Synchronicity
TRANSGIF.ZIP 24238 OUTSTANDING! Four .GIF graphics by Joseph Misiolek on
scalar generation & translation! With explanatory text.
ZAP1.GIF 138316* Hi-Energy Entertainment: GIF of 800KV Crowd-Pleasers
from KeelyNet BBS.
ZAP2.GIF 120305* Hi-Energy Entertainment: GIF of 800KV Crowd-Pleasers
from KeelyNet BBS.
ZAP3.GIF 193164* Hi-Energy Entertainment: GIF of 800KV Crowd-Pleasers
from KeelyNet BBS.
Graphics Animations (.GL files) -- You need CGA (minimum)
plus GRASPRT.EXE (see above) to run these animations
TACYON.ZIP 23616 GRASP animation of a Tachyon-drive engine. Includes
text file from UFODRIVE.ZIP
Text-Only Components of Graphics Files
BUILDUFO.ZIP 12326 T.B. Pawlicki on UFO technology & techniques. Breezy,
witty, accurate & thought-provoking
TRANSLRT.ZIP 6548 OUTSTANDING! Joseph Misiolek on scalar translation!
Text included in TRANSGIF.ZIP
UFODRIVE.ZIP 4940 Your basic *starship engine*! UFODRIVE text is included
in TACHYON.ZIP graphics animation
> Total of 24 files (1724620 bytes) in this area
* * * The Inslaw Case * * *
Bigger than WATERGATE? Text files on the hushed-up INSLAW
scandal: The theft of powerful software by the U.S. Justice
Department from Inslaw, Inc. The role played by Attorney
General Ed Meese; how Meese and his business associates stole
and modified the software and marketed it to foreign intelligence
agencies and Secret Police. Involvement of Dept. of Justice,
Customs Service, Wackenhut Security Corp. and others.
And the mysterious death of reporter/writer Dan Casolaro and the
execution-style murders of three tribal officers of the Cabazon
indian reservation, where illegal arms and Contra-aid operations
took place.
AFFADAVS.ZIP 6921 INSLAW: Affadavits from key players in the expanding
scandal. Riconosciuto, Ben-Menasche, and others re:
Meese, Bryan, Wackenhut, etc.
CASOLARO.ZIP 37266 Was INSLAW writer Dan Casolaro murdered in West
Virginia? Autopsy & police investigation leave
unanswered questions.
CASOLAR1.ZIP 22488 INSLAW: Transcript of NY radio broadcast on Dan
Casolaro's death, what he knew about INSLAW, the 'Secret
Gov't' OCTOPUS, and more.
CASOLAR2.ZIP 3180 INSLAW: WV Medical Examiner reports Casolaro was a
suicide -- but autopsy data, physical evidence, vanished
papers leave doubts.
INS-RICH.ZIP 9840* INSLAW: Why Elliot Richardson thinks this scandal is
bigger than Watergate. Excellent interview/article by
Village Voice's Ridgeway.
INSLAW1.ZIP 24994 The Inslaw scandal: Justice Dept. as software pirates;
Ed Meese, CIA, FBI, Mossad, Saddam, 3 murdered activists
& a dead reporter.
INSLAW2.ZIP 4997 INSLAW: Background on Dr. Earl Brian, owner of FNN &
UPI. Longtime Meese associate sold Inslaw software to
secret police worldwide.
INSLAW3.ZIP 6261 INSLAW: Background on Justice Dept, Thornburg's role in
coverup, missing files, Fed. Bankruptcy Court findings,
Elliot Richardson, etc.
INSLAW4.ZIP 5795 INSLAW: Wackenhut Corp. of Coral Gables, FL and
*privatized* secret gov't. Arms deals, black-bag jobs,
theft, intimidation ... murder?
* * * The AIDS Conspiracy * * *
Is the AIDS epidemic MAN-MADE? Did it start when dangerous monkey
viruses found their way into humans through faulty POLIO VACCINE
CULTURES in the 1950s, 60s and 70s?? And does the U.S. Health
Establishment KNOW this? This story is a blockbuster -- the greatest
and most devastating medical malpractice in human history???
AIDS-$.ZIP 3350 Who's profiting from AIDS and why. Do the economics of
the epidemic favor a cure? Or a high-profit death
sentence for sufferers?
AIDS.ZIP 2974 Baltimore Sun: Truth to the AIDS Plot theories?
AIDSORIG.ZIP 3365 German researcher tracks the AIDS-Origin story to the
old East German Secret Police (Stasi) -- and to the
Pentagon in the '60s.
AIDSPLOT.ZIP 13732 Plot to spread AIDS via vaccination?
AIDSPLO2.ZIP 22541 AIDS plot: USENET message threads on a variety of
"motives" for AIDS plot/coverup. Some thoughtful, some
racist, all interesting.
AIDSPLO3.ZIP 5397 Dr. Bernice Eddy of NIH found dangerous monkey viruses
in polio vaccines in 1958. Her punishment, demotion &
theft of her finds.
AIDSPLO4.ZIP 13721 AIDS plot: AIDS, man-made? Superb Bibliography of
medical literature 1970-91 on CREATION of AIDS-like
viruses. Videotape order info.
AIDSPLO5.ZIP 1861 AIDS/Polio Vaccine Coverup: SHOCKING! FDA freezer full
of old polio vaccine samples DESTROYED just before
court-ordered AIDS tests!
ARMYAIDS.ZIP 6323 AIDS: "Designer Disease" from Army's Ft. Detrick bio-war
GENEWAR.ZIP 4590 AIDS: Gene war component?
POLIO1.ZIP 25393 AIDS: Tom Curtis's EXCELLENT Rolling Stone expose on
AIDS origins from monkey viruses in old polio vaccines!
OTHER viruses there, too!
* * * Other Conspiracy Files * * *
AMAZON.ZIP 4541 Article claims environmentalist conspiracy
ANTICOMM.ZIP 3819 World Anti-Communist League: Tie-ins to death squads,
CIA, Contra-drugs, "Illuminati"??
ARAB.ZIP 4201 The Iraq War as US/British Bankers Plot!?
BCCI-1.ZIP 29924 The BCCI collapse: Background, history, drug/arms/CIA
connections, players & their ongoing influence. See
BIGBRO.ZIP 3052 Satellite Intelligence (SATINT): How Big Brother
*really* spies.
BILDERBG.ZIP 2238 Sinister One-Worlders perverting the UN?
BOHEMIAN.ZIP 2420 The Bohemian Club: Plutocrat secret society?
BTRUST.ZIP 4006 Council on Foreign Relations (CFR): US "Imperial Brain
Trust" since 1940
BUGGING.ZIP 2119 Commonly used frequencies of Feds bugs, bumper-beepers,
BUGGING2.ZIP 977 Dept. of Defense Radio Freqs, Wackenhut too
BUGS.ZIP 8202 Recognize/deal w/gov't surveillance, bugs, spies,
provocateurs, frames, etc.
BUSHBIO.ZIP 87627 The New Federalist: Un-Authorized Biography of George
Bush! CIA contacts since the 50s, family's Nazi
business interests, much more!
BUSHBOMB.ZIP 3528 George Bush, AIRLINE BOMBER? Sources in UN and Cuban
Exile Community finger CIA-Director BUSH in 1976 Cuban
Airline Bombing!
BYEBYE.ZIP 7873 Public Law 100-690 (HR5210): The END of the Bill of
Rights? Triumph of Permanent Government?
CFP93CAL.ZIP 3551* Computers, Freedom & Privacy (CFP): '93 Conference
scheduled for California.
CFPCONF.ZIP 1966* Computers, Freedom & Privacy (CFP): Conferences aimed
at preserving personal & computing freedom in the
Computer Age. Worth supporting!
CFPVIDEO.ZIP 7340* Computers, Freedom & Privacy (CFP): Videos of 1989 and
1992 CFP Conferences are available. Not cheap.
CFR.ZIP 7054 Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) and the Trilateral
Commission: Members' Names, backgrounds, associations,
CFRORIG.ZIP 4247 Origins of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR).
America's Imperial "Brain Trust" w/Trilateral
CHOMSKY1.ZIP 5755* Airline Bombings: Noam Chomsky on *less noticed*
passenger jet terrorism. Most of it is traceable to US
Secret Police agencies.
CHRISTIC.ZIP 5650 Christic Institute faces closure due to IRS harassment
and extraordinary Federal court decisions.
CHRON.ZIP 6485 42,000 years of alien contacts/secret societies.
CIA-DEA1.ZIP 4176 CIA & Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA): UNHOLY ALLIANCE
keeps drugs flowing, kills off non-spook competitors?
More murders, more que
CIA.ZIP 21529 Ex-CIA agent and author Victor Marchetti expands on his
book _The Cult of Intelligence_
CIA1.ZIP 15907 Transcript of Bo Gritz: CIA links to drug smuggling, for
off-budget $$$
CIABOOKS.ZIP 11320 Message thread on books on/about CIA
CIAFOIA1.ZIP 3247* San Jose Mercury: Revealing 5/1992 article on
"laughable" CIA commitment to "openness". Lies & deceit
in response to FOIA requests.
CIA_INFO.ZIP 37334 Good Thesis on CIA! Loose ends, loose cannons
CLINTON1.ZIP 5301* The Nation: Skeletons in Bill Clinton's closet.
They're nasty -- BCCI money, Arkansas as a CIA
drug-stop, staffers protecting spooks.
CNEWS31.ZIP 9330 Censorship News Issue 31: Book burners live!
CNTRADRG.ZIP 1927 Why did US media AVOID Contra-Drug leads??
COKE.ZIP 4909 Sen. Kerry "confident" drugs financed Contras
COMPSEC.ZIP 3431* NSA evaluates secure computing products, and -- guess
what?? -- it publishes reviews! List of reviews of
"secure" systems.
CONGRES1.ZIP 3951 From the FBI Project: surveillance of Congress
CONTRA.ZIP 4713 Key Contra/CIA/Drug informant DIES mysteriously two days
before he was to testify before Senate
CONTRA2.ZIP 1509 Drug dealer says 75% of profits went to Contras
CONTRCIA.ZIP 4732 FRIGHTENING new insights into FEMA! Plans EXIST to
"deputize" nat. guard, arrest 100,000s, and intern them
in regional camps!
COOPAIDS.ZIP 3847 AIDS: Plot by Bilderbergs, the Club of Rome, US Army Ft.
Detrick facility, U.N. as CIA project MKNAOMI.
*Vintage* W. M. Cooper!
COSSIGA1.ZIP 14159 Italian media coverage of letter from Italy's PRESIDENT
implicating CIA in Olaf Palme murder, Contra-Drugs.
COSSIGA2.ZIP 4663 Italian President informs Prime Min. of CIA ops within
Italy: Palme murder, Contra-drug-arms deals!
COURT.ZIP 5189 Secret CIA/FBI/NSC Court okays spying on U.S. citizens
at home or abroad. No notice, no appeals
CRYPT.ZIP 121090* DATA SECURITY: Public/Private Key Cryptography the
state of the art (for public consumption, anyway).
CTHISBIP.ZIP 4935 Good Books-in-Print/Biblio. on Conspiracies
DEADMAN1.ZIP 3870 "Life Insurance for Journalists": PEACENET proposal for
"DEADMAN" unix accounts -- if Dan Casolaro had one, he'd
be alive today!
DEPASS1.ZIP 4765 _Common Ground_: K.C. DePass on FEMA Camps being built
throughout the country. Revealing insights into
America's planned Gulag.
EOC8-1.ZIP 19138 Echoes of Conspiracy Newsletter v.8 #1
EOC8-2.ZIP 19149 Echoes of Conspiracy Newsletter v.8 #2
EOC8-3.ZIP 19065 Echoes of Conspiracy Newsletter v.8 #3
EOC8-4.ZIP 19104 Echoes of Conspiracy Newsletter v.8 #4
EOC9-1.ZIP 18964 Echoes of Conspiracy Newsletter v.9 #1
EOC9-2.ZIP 8563 Echoes of Conspiracy Newsletter v.9 #2
EOC9-3.ZIP 19479 Echoes of Conspiracy Newsletter v.9 #3
FBIALERT.ZIP 3461 FBI provocations & infiltrations increase!
FBIELECT.ZIP 1990 Optical fingerprinting adds to FBI powers
FBISPIES.ZIP 2120 FBI spies tracked U.S. High-School students thru the 60s
FEDREGS.ZIP 4900 Federal Regulations on private BBS messages -- and when
the Feds can "intrude"
FEMA1.ZIP 1462 Spotlight: Overview of FEMA and the Spotlight FEMA
series. Most-frequently-asked questions about FEMA and
Executive Orders.
FEMA10.ZIP 3159 Spotlight: Congressional GAO study of FEMA. BUNGLED
management of disasters and emergencies, no planning for
earthquakes, floods, etc.
FEMA2.ZIP 4174 Spotlight: Executive Orders and FEMA. The bulwark of
"extra-Constitutional" government, here are the EOs that
spell dictatorship.
FEMA3.ZIP 3314 Spotlight: All Americans computerized by FEMA and NSA.
Linked computer records support quick arrests,
confiscations and asset seizures
FEMA4.ZIP 1707 Spotlight: What's an Executive Order? A short course
in U.S. Executive Power. Star chambers and Presidential
FEMA6.ZIP 3245 Spotlight: Jimmy Carter's shocking legacy. FDR,
Truman, Johnson & Nixon all tried to build FEMA-like
agencies -- only Carter suceeded
FEMA8.ZIP 4688 Spotlight: A short history of internments of U.S.
citizens. Cherokees, Apaches, Irish (1860s), Germans
(WWI), Japanese (WWII) - YOU?
FEMA9.ZIP 3087 Spotlight: General Accounting Office (GAO): Only 260
FEMA workers actually handle disasters! Real goal:
Make US a "Command System".
FEMAACT.ZIP 5376 Federal Emergency Managmnt Agency (FEMA): Facist
FEMARULE.ZIP 4976 More on FEMA: Founded by trilaterals; never approved by
Congress; designed to seize power!
FRAME.ZIP 3062* Police Frameups: Effective, "low-level, rubber-stamp"
procedure for dealing with "politicals". With
enthusiastic Justice Dept. support.
FREEMIN1.ZIP 8569 Freemasons: Fiendish Cult? Simple Shriners?
GLOBAL.ZIP 15101 Galloping Globalism: Peril? Plan? Plot?
HANDBANK.ZIP 16353 BCCI Background: Australia's Nugan Hand Bank.
Collapse, deaths of key players, drug/arms/CIA/Military
Intelligence connections, m
HOFFA.ZIP 1690 Hoffa associate says FEDS drove the kidnap car!
ILLUMIN.ZIP 33572 The amazing and infamous OPAL File! Info on covert
powergroup, Illuminati, incl. secret Swiss Bank Numbers,
INFMNPLY.ZIP 2185 The Information Monopoly: Media as conspiracy
IRAQLOAN.ZIP 3236* Financial Times: Kissinger and his "consulting" firm
linked directly to Banca Nazionale de Lavoro and US
loans to Iraq.
JACCUSE.ZIP 4630 Gov't coverup of deal with "Alien Nation"
JFK001.ZIP 4411 The JFK Files from Mark Turner: The Presidential
connections to the JFK conspiracy. LBJ, Ford & Nixon
all had connections.
JFK002.ZIP 5278 The JFK Files, Part II: The Evidence Reconsidered --
the 1978 Congressional hearings, audio analysis, extra
shots and more.
JFK003.ZIP 6240 The JFK Files, Part II: The BUSH Connection. CIA,
Zapata Oil Company, and more. Once again, the question:
Where Was George???
JFKEXNER.ZIP 1935 JFK's mistress on motives for his murder
JFKFILE1.ZIP 92802 Twilight Zone BBS: 1st JFK Series. The JFK Murder in
Retrospect. Early research, early media manipulation in
the 1960s.
JFKFILE2.ZIP 72626 Twilight Zone BBS: 2nd JFK Series. The Committee for
Open Archives (COA), 100 unanswered questions, Fletcher
Prouty on the murder.
JFKFILE3.ZIP 86581 Twilight Zone BBS: 3rd JFK Series. _Foreign Relations of
the U.S._ (FRUS) - Vietnam policy/CIA "cleanup" as
motives for murder.
JFKFILE4.ZIP 60518 Twilight Zone BBS: 4th JFK Series. Vanishing Witnesses &
Prouty's KEY 1975 article on how Warren Commission
"missed" the evidence.
JFKFILE5.ZIP 67227 Twilight Zone BBS: 5th JFK Series. Smoking guns: Names
of the murderers, source of the weapons, Prouty on
"Assassination Business".
JUN18GIO.ZIP 3564 Italian newspaper _Giornale d'Italia_: LaRouche
AIDS-plot ideas correct
KENBOOK1.ZIP 21372* Oswald, Presumed Guilty: How and Why the Warren
Commission Framed L.H. Oswald. From Howard Roffman's
KENBOOK2.ZIP 20480* Oswald, Presumed Guilty: Defense attorney's
point-by-point attack on the Warren Commission
sandbagging of Oswald.
KENBOOK3.ZIP 15142* Oswald, Presumed Guilty: Role of law-enforcement in
"sewing up" Oswald's presumed guilt. Dallas PD, FBI and
other agencies.
KENBOOK4.ZIP 10138* Oswald, Presumed Guilty: Suppressed medical, ballistic
and spectrographic evidence raises questions about
ACTUAL Dallas murder bullets
KENBOOK5.ZIP 18930* Oswald, Presumed Guilty: Ballistics, bullet-types, and
JFK's wounds. Were devastating wounds POSSIBLE with
Oswald's $12 rifle & ammo?
KENBOOK6.ZIP 15043* Oswald, Presumed Guilty: Gov. Connolly's wounds &
Parkland Hospital "magic bullet." The bullet was
intact, so WHY all the fragments??
KENNEDY1.ZIP 4095 REAL Kennedy assassin's confession to son -- Diary
recounting murder plot STOLEN by FBI agents
KENNEDY2.ZIP 3120 Did Oswald have a TELEVISED alibi !?!?!?
KGB-FREQ.ZIP 3644 KGB radio frequencies from Lyndon LaRouche
KIDSCAN1.ZIP 4759 ParaNet: Implantable, HUMAN tracking systems?
Space-based "implant" tracking to "protect kids" -- and
oppress them when they grow up!!
KULTCHA1.ZIP 4931 Nazis, the OSS/CIA, Vril Society & more
KULTCHA2.ZIP 2808 UFOs, Biefield-Brown, assorted anarchic notes
LBTYGATE.ZIP 6177 Israel's attack on U.S.S. Liberty and COVERUP
LHL-ORG.ZIP 13957 LaRouche Organization: Laudatory history of the
LaRouche cult
LINKS.ZIP 1348 Flowchart showing links between occult groups
LSDCIA.ZIP 8139 CIA, LSD & the mental health establishment
LYN_JFK.ZIP 9223 Larouche links Lincoln/JFK/DeGaulle plots
MCGEHEE.ZIP 2690 CIA & Disinformation: CIA renegade McGehee on the scope
and effectiveness of CIA disinformation/media control.
MOSC_OCC.ZIP 4676 Moscow's use of the Occult
MSNSCRTS.ZIP 7634 Secrets of the Freemasons
NADER.ZIP 35556* "Plutocracy and the Public Agenda": Ralph Nader's group
takes on the ultra-wealthy, ultra-powerful,
ultra-well-connected & ultra-secre
NEWNASA.ZIP 9922 What's going on at NASA??! TRW's Black Budget
Impresario Daniel Goldin takes over and starts making
NEWSTAT2.ZIP 7155 Analysis of the "Newstates Constitution" from the
Liberty Lobby. Suffocating paternalism: the Trilateral
vision of the New World Order?
NEWSTAT3.ZIP 11823 Article-by-Article critique of Newstates. Kinder,
gentler Leninism -- with an armored fist. A Stalinist
New Deal.
NEWSTATE.ZIP 25956 Infamous Newstates Constitution! Socialist police state
-- direkt from the Demokrats 2 U!! Read it & fear the
Left-Liberal Nomenklatura!
NINEMEN.ZIP 5368 Secret Societies: The "Nine Unknown Men"
NSASUIT1.ZIP 2435* ParaNet: Stunning court judgement against NSA! Agency
must respond to answer _WHY_ its UFO files are
classified on Nat. Sec. grounds.
NSD47.ZIP 3148 Please read this!!! Bush, Gates, Scowcroft & NSD 47:
NWOSTILL.ZIP 2803 New World Order is a secret plot -- Wm. Still
OUTLINE1.ZIP 41630 The "Illuminati" Outline of History. They've been busy
for the last 4,000 years!
OUTLINE2.ZIP 44631 Neil Wigus _The Illuminoids_: A MUCH more detailed
history of the Illuminati, going back 20,000,000 years.
OWGART1.ZIP 20346 G. Hunt's alarming One World Gov't newsletter
OWGART3.ZIP 5603 G. Hunt's alarming One World Gov't newsletter
OWGART4.ZIP 6685 New World Order - Who elected these "Barons"?
OWGART5.ZIP 6332 One World Gov't -- the New World Order???
OWGART6.ZIP 4015 New World Order -- watch out!
OWGART7.ZIP 4099 New World Order -- watch out!
OWGART8.ZIP 4486 New World Order -- watch out!
OWGTAPE1.ZIP 19383 Excerpts: George Hunt tape on World Bank
PACIFIC4.ZIP 5493* Pacifica Radio (WBAI): Gary Null interviews Harry
Livingstone on the JFK autopsy coverup.
PACIFIC5.ZIP 6183* Pacifica Radio (WBAI): Gary Null interviews David
Lifton on the disinformation and CIA insiders thwarting
the JFK murder investigation.
PACIFIC6.ZIP 5608* Pacifica Radio (WBAI): Gary Null interviews David
Lifton JFK autopsy coverup, especially BIG discrepancies
on the missing brain.
PHILAGEE.ZIP 17280 CIA rogue Phil Agee on Iraq/Kuwait & U.S.
PLAYERS.ZIP 6151 Players in CFR and other influential org
PRIVFBI.ZIP 3436 FBI's attempts to enlarge monster databank.
PRIVWAR.ZIP 4641 The Government's war on personal privacy.
PRODIGY.ZIP 6933* Prodigy Online Servies: Does Prodigy software capture
data from your computer? If so, what are they doing
with it???
PROJECTX.ZIP 85431 Project X: Are *most aspects* of modern life subject to
control by a cabal of gov't, spies, private companies?
These texts say yes.
PROUTY1.ZIP 1734 Fletcher Prouty's outstanding book _The Secret Team_ is
available once again in paperback!
RACECLAS.ZIP 3670 Clarence Thomas: So. Africa lobbist???
REALENE.ZIP 3321 The Real Enemy: Our OWN Government?!
REGIONAL.ZIP 2508 Regionalism: Part of Fed tyranny blueprint?
RES_STN.ZIP 3887 Lyndon Larouche exposes Satanist conspiracies in
Vatican, schools, and everywhere else...
REX-84.ZIP 1278 Readiness Exercise '84 (REX-84): Short snippet on the
American Gulag designed by Oliver North and ... George
SCAN2.ZIP 6028 Federal scanner/bumper tracker freqs.
SCOWCFT1.ZIP 2480* House Banking Chrmn Gonzalez reads shocking record of
Brent Scowcroft's Iraq connex and stock bribes into
Congressional Record.
SCOWCFT2.ZIP 3340* Brent Scowcroft: More squalid info -- multi-million
stock deals, Kissinger connex to BNL, Iraq "loans",
North/Casey Contras, more!
SCROLL1.ZIP 6535 Dead Sea Scrolls - Fakes? Philadelphia scholar says yes.
SCROLL2.ZIP 1730 About Neil Altman, the Chief Dead Sea Scroll Doubter.
SCROLL3.ZIP 1466 More on the case for *hoaxed* Dead Sea Scrolls.
Carbon-14 dates, *Chinese* pictograms, Christian
diacriticial marks ... a BIG mystery
SCRTGVT1.ZIP 11138 Miami Herald, 1987: Secret Govt in action?
SCRTGVT2.ZIP 2048 Musings: Bill Moyers, JFK, UFOs, Sec't Govt.
SCRTGVT3.ZIP 2235 Occult "pedigree" of Trilaterals, Council on Foreign
Relations (CFR), Geo. Bush, Golden Dawn, and others.
SECRETAG.ZIP 7744 _The Secret Agenda_ by Jim Hougan. Was Watergate a CIA
entrapment/blackmail operation from the start? Very
good stuff here!
SHEEHAN.ZIP 40994 Speech by Christic Institute's Dan Sheehan on
CIA-Contra-Drugs, Hostage Deal, underground gov't & more.
SKULBON1.ZIP 4643 Skull & Bones: Weird elite boys' club? CIA personnel
pool (are they more twisted than *anyone* thought!?)
What goes on in the tomb?
SKULBONE.ZIP 1783 Yale's Skull & Bones Society: Blood-drinking
Episcopaleans?! Fledgling Spook Club? Or are they
harmless? Or maybe all 3?
SPY-CELL.ZIP 3759 Good! CIA "cell" structures & how set up in police,
business, unions, etc. Includes Contra cell structure.
SSAN.ZIP 3020 Soc. Sec. Numbers: logic, assignment, info sources
SSOCBIP.ZIP 2611 Books In Print: Secret Societies! Many!!
STRIPES.ZIP 3370 Fed. Reserve adds polyester "$tripe$" to $100 bill.
Anti-counterfeiting measure? Or first step to computer
currency control?
TEMPEST.ZIP 19021* The infamous TEMPEST project -- electronic intelligence
(ELINT). Remote monitoring of computer displays & data
via "Tempest" systems.
TRILATBG.ZIP 1676 The Trilateral Commission: Background, names, places,
history, agenda
UFOPLOT.ZIP 46445 Wm. Milton Cooper: Complete lecture on the Gov't UFO
coverup, UFO work group, etc.
UPAY4TAP.ZIP 2832 We're PAYING to have our phones tapped and monitored.
Telephone customers foot the bill for government
UPAY4TA1.ZIP 3113* Confirmation of "Justice" Dept. lobbying in Congress for
BUILT-IN, AUTOMATIC monitoring equipment on all new
phone switch equipment.
USA-REV1.ZIP 4497* U.S. Revolution? Major Civil Disturbances, followed by
martial law and a takeover? "Cosmic Awareness" group
claims the plans are afoot
WATKINS.ZIP 2839 Info on ALTERNATIVE 3 book & BBC-TV pgm.
WER-BBS.ZIP 30043 Whole Earth Review (WER) article on WER-BBS, Cyberspace,
Cyberpunks, and gov't monitoring of BBS nets
WORLDBNK.ZIP 2234 Background on the World Bank, International Monetary
Fund (IMF), and other int'l financial fixers
Z-MAG1.ZIP 10221 Z Magazine: October Surprise source Richard Brenneke,
charged with Federal perjury, is *acquitted* after his
> Total of 186 files (2213180 bytes) in this area
*** ParaNet Message Archives -- All Public Message Echos ***
Message Threads Are Archived by Yearly Quarter
PABD1Q91.ZIP 10599 ParaNet Abduction Echo -- 1st Quarter '91
PABD2Q91.ZIP 44063 ParaNet Abduction Echo -- 2nd Quarter '91
PABD3Q91.ZIP 19924 ParaNet Abduction Echo -- 3rd Quarter '91
PABD4Q91.ZIP 55816 ParaNet Abduction Echo -- 4th Quarter '91
PABD1Q92.ZIP 105858 ParaNet Abduction Echo -- 1st Quarter '92
PABD2Q92.ZIP 102114 ParaNet Abduction Echo -- 2nd Quarter '92
PASK1Q91.ZIP 23167 Ask UFO Magazine Echo -- 1st Quarter '91
PASK2Q91.ZIP 34098 Ask UFO Magazine Echo -- 2nd Quarter '91
PASK3Q91.ZIP 87152 Ask UFO Magazine Echo -- 3rd Quarter '91
PASK4Q91.ZIP 69353 Ask UFO Magazine Echo -- 4th Quarter '91
PASK1Q92.ZIP 40598 Ask UFO Magazine Echo -- 1st Quarter '92
PASK2Q92.ZIP 40099 Ask UFO Magazine Echo -- 2nd Quarter '92
PFID1Q91.ZIP 29842 ParaNet FIDO UFO Echo -- 1st Quarter '91
PFID2Q91.ZIP 147980 ParaNet FIDO UFO Echo -- 2nd Quarter '91
PGEN1Q91.ZIP 40353 ParaNet General Topics -- 1st Quarter '91
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PGEN3Q91.ZIP 51787 ParaNet General Topics -- 3rd Quarter '91
PGEN4Q91.ZIP 148105 ParaNet General Topics -- 4th Quarter '91
PGEN1Q92.ZIP 405712 ParaNet General Topics -- 1st Quarter '92
PGEN2Q92.ZIP 185063 ParaNet General Topics -- 2nd Quarter '92
PRED1Q91.ZIP 5810 ParaNet Predictions Registry -- 1st Qtr '91
PRED2Q91.ZIP 13451 ParaNet Predictions Registry -- 2nd Qtr '91
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PRED1Q92.ZIP 7973 ParaNet Predictions Registry -- 1st Qtr '92
PRED2Q92.ZIP 24233 ParaNet Predictions Registry -- 2nd Qtr '92
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PUFO1Q91.ZIP 500111 ParaNet UFO Echo -- 1st Quarter '91
PUFO2Q91.ZIP 541557 ParaNet UFO Echo -- 2nd Quarter '91
PUFO3Q91.ZIP 558160 ParaNet UFO Echo -- 3rd Quarter '91
PUFO4Q91.ZIP 418049 ParaNet UFO Echo -- 4th Quarter '91
PUFO1Q92.ZIP 319708 ParaNet UFO Echo -- 1st Quarter '92
PUFO2Q92.ZIP 374336 ParaNet UFO Echo -- 2nd Quarter '92
> Total of 32 files (4589043 bytes) in this area
These files are for personal use only
All material is (C) 1991 ParaNet(sm) Information Service
1089IUR.EDI 11221 IUR Editorial on MJ-12/Roswell
1117NAP.UFO 28530 Interview: George Knapp re:Lazar/Area51
1122LACO.UFO 13551 Notes on Lazar's KVEG radio co. 11/22/89
1209LAZ.UFO 26518 KLAS interview w/Lazar 12/9/89. Text
1214HARD.UFO 12418 12/14/89 Radio/Harder/Area51/Lazar
1220LAZ.UFO 78995 KVEG/Lazar Transcript 12/20/89. Best Yet
3STAR.INT 23555 Interview with 3 star General on UFOs.
A-12.ART 9960 Article on the A-12 / Stealth
AAAS.DOC 8218 AAS Summary Report on the UFO phenomenon
ABDUCT.AUS 12627 A compilation of abduction cases in Australia.
ABDUCT_2.AUS 18716 The abduction phenomenon in Australia
ABMATTER.UFO 5202 The non-physical reality of UFOs.
AREA51.UFO 15721 Robert Lazar speaks out on Area 51/Dreamland
AUG_89.DIG 5169 Research Digest for Aug. 89/Australia
AZTEC119.TXT 35709 Paul Faeder's Book Video Store
BELGIAN.MIL 5696 Belgium Military Briefing on UFO
BELGIUM1.UFO 20744 Antonio Huneuus on Belgium UFO.
BELMATCH.UFO 22858 Paris Match Article on Belgium UFO
BIBLIO.UFO 5376 List of UFO Books for the novice
CARP.UFO 8236 Unverified Crash/Retrieval Report
CAUSE.TXT 42932 CAUS drops bomb on William Moore
CHASUFO.TXT 5054 Eerie UFO sighted in Charleston, S.C.
CHASUFO2.TXT 2119 UFO in Charleston, S.C. -- Explained
CHIP.UFO 1154 Mysterious chip found in gene.
CHRONO.UFO 6990 Chronocentricity re:UFOs /User Upload
CIR2.GIF 141696 GIF image of a Crop Circle
CIR4.GIF 274688 GIF of the best-known crop pictogram of 1990
CIRVIS.TXT 4353 FOIA document concerning CIRVIS reporting.
CISLIST.UFO 11648 Reports containing ParaNet ratings.
CLARK.REP 25788 Rebuttal to Smith.TXT - Jerry Clark CUFOS
CLASSIC.UFO 2304 Article on Air Force procedure.
CLOUD.UFO 4526 UFO Report from AP 8/13/86
CO9990.TXT 20551 CI$ Conference/Rex and Carol Salisberry
COMMENT2.UFO 4876 User comment on UFOs
COOPER.TXT 2816 Don Mason responds to Cooper.
COVERUP.UFO 5201 AP report 3/17/87
CUFOSPR.DOC 4775 Info on Journal of UFO Studies from CUFOS
CYBORG.UFO 10752 Al Pinto: Cybernetics and UFOs
CYDONIA.TXT 5632 The message of Mars?
CYDONIA2.TXT 67328 Technical paper on "The Message of Mars"
DEBATE.ARC 23093 The great debate on ParaNet -- Archived
DISC.TXT 6082 Story about disks which explain...
DOTY.TXT 3259 March 89 statement by Doty
DOUBLE.TXT 5994 Gulf Breeze Update from John Hicks
DREAM390.UFO 6346 ParaNet Subscriber's Views on Lazar/A51
DULCEDOC.TXT 23910 ParaNet: Report from The Phoenix Project on
investigation of "alien bases" and other odd activities
at Dulce, NM. Annotated.
DUST_OZ.TXT 2956 A report by Bob Fletcher on Aus. UFO.
ETHICS.TXT 3769 Ethics Questionaire by Sally Sheridan
ETSEARCH.TXT 19015 Hoagland: Implications of the Disc. of ET life
FEDWARDS.UFO 23221 Frank Edwards on Space program & UFOs
FEINMARS.UFO 4493 Article on Mars -- Investment Opps.
FETUS.ZIP 4134 ParaNet: Alien Fetus recovery in Vancouver, BC?
FIFFE01.UFO 2183 Transcript of Fyffe, AL sighting
FOIA.REQ 12746 FOIA Request Information
GB.TXT 19370 John Hicks Updates Gulf Breeze
GBREFUTE.TXT 15085 Maccabee Refutes latest photo controv.
GBREPORT.UFO 49042 Rex and Carol Salisberry on Gulf Breeze
GBWATER.TXT 2072 Gulf Breeze water sample report
GILLEUFO.ASC 2627 File on Dulce, NM sighting of 10/88
GRAVITY.TXT 3712 Text about gravity and anti-gravity
GRUDGE13.UFO 78336 Bill English on Grudge 13 Report.
HOAGLAND.CO 37504 CIS conference with R. Hoagland
HOAGLAND.TXT 23012 Mars Face vs. ET Hypothesis/Hoagland
HOPKINS.REP 12955 ParaNet Alpha's questions to Hopkins (Reply)
HUFF.REP 15757 Gene Huff on Robert Lazar
HUMMUTE.TXT 13655 Possible human mutilations by UFOs
HYNEK.TXT 9602 Omni interview with the late Dr. J. Allen Hynek
IMPLANT.REP 3157 Reply to Inside UFO article
INDEX 13247 Bay Area Skeptics Index of Articles
INDIGO.TXT 3072 Operation Indigo: Contact with Aliens?
JAPAN.UFO 3456 UFO party active in Japan
JASON60.TXT 2366 Members of the alleged Jason Society
JUL_89.DIG 7400 Research Digest for Jul. 89/Australia
K2-WARN.UFO 2316* ParaNet: *WARNING* re: Phoenix Project. Some claims in
the Phoenix Project texts don't check out -- including
the group's incorporation
K2RPT.REP 39070 ParaNet: Report from The Phoenix Project claims a new
UFO "hot spot" with landing zones, alleged contacts,
etc. Annotated.
KECKBURG.UFO 6078 A refutation on Kecksburg UFO/T. Crain
KFYI-GB.DOC 9263 ParaNet on Gulf Breeze
KNOWLES.UFO 40322 1988 Mundrabilla UFO Incident. Report
LAIBOW.TXT 33238 Rima S. Laibow on abductions.
LASER.TXT 2392 CIUFOR Lasar Project
LAZ1121.UFO 35537 Goodman/Lazar Conf. 11/21/89
LAZAR.MON 8178 1982 Article re:Lazar/Los Alamos employ
LAZAR.SCR 24879 Lazar's Transcript on Inside Report
LAZAR1.DOC 2659 News clip re: Lazar and prostitution
LAZAR10.TXT 1883 Strange Summary Report on Lazar
LAZARUFO.REP 25000 Lazar's "Inside Report" Interview 6/1/90
LOST.RUP 4060 Information on lost Ruppelt papers.
LYDIA.ABD 9968 Jim Speiser/ParaNet Abduction Report
MACLEOD.DOC 22690 Oddysey article by Mike MacLeod - Oddysey
MARS.ARC 12671 Series of files on the Mars mission
MCCANN.RES 3291 Discrepancies in the Lear text
MEESEN.ZIP 23335 ParaNet: Update on Belgium UFO wave
MENGER 25856 Research file on Howard Menger
MIBS_HST.TXT 24631 History of the Men In Black
MISIDENT.TXT 3200 Misidentification of UFOs. Australian Bureau
MRED.RES 9600 Ed Walters response on Gulf Breeze
MUFON-NC.TXT 6860 North Carolina UFOS
MUGGER.DOC 1777 Second MJ-12 document received from Cooper
MUTES.TXT 10368 Mutilation reports from Idaho
MUTILATE.TXT 3072 Mutilation reports from Idaho
NAVY.TXT 4095 FOIA document concerning JANAP and Navy
NCUFO.TXT 3838 North Carolina UFO sighting
NELLIS.FRE 28672 Nellis AFB Frequencies and Others
NELLIS.UFO 9459 Secrets of Dreamland. Interesting!
NEOK.UFO 21765 Oklahoma investigation and report 10/89
NEWS51.UFO 11489 Area 51 news articles from Dell'Aquila
NOMEM.LAZ 3660 Goodman/Lazar comments 12/20/89
NOV_89.DIG 8758 Research Digest for Nov. 89/Australia
NSDD145.DOC 27934 National Security Defense Directive 145
OCT_89.DIG 9534 Research Digest for Oct. 89/Australia
ODDAIR.UFO 2858 Strange objects seen over Edwards AFB
OWENS 6528 A discussion with UFOlogist Ted Owens
OZTRAIN.AUS 2664 Australian UFO sighting report
PETIT.REB 12698 James Roger Black rebuts Petit on UFOs
PETIT.UFO 33431 Int. w/Jean-Pierre Petit-Paris Match Mag
PHOENIX.TXT 52052 Excerpt from Phoenix Journals/Channelers
POTASS.TXT 1443 UFO Mag. article: Australian dust from UFO
PROJBETA.ARC 15360 Bennewitz file. Archived version. Clean
RESEARCH.TXT 6272 A research guide. Austalian Bureau
RESPONSE.TXT 3157 Inside UFOlogy response from Dr. Andrews
REVIEW.TXT 2048 Comments on The UFO Abductors Book
ROSCRASH.UFO 23453 Another witness to Roswell confirms ETs
ROSWELL.UPD 7173 A startling revelation on Roswell to come!
RUBY.UFO 2304 Alleged photo of alien taken in Arizona
RUSSIAN.NEW 5362 Russians worried UFOs could trigger Star Wars!
SEP_89.DIG 9809 Research Digest Sep. 89/Australia
SETI.TXT 8576 The Search for ET -- SETI Research
SETIUPD.TXT 23627 "Is Anybody Out There?" - SETI Update!
SETI_LAW.TXT 5114 SETI information. Reprint from magazine.
SIRENS.UFO 5652 Sirens in Dallas triggered by fireball
SKEPCON.ARC 17024 CIS conference: Speiser vs. Skeptics
SKEPREP.UFO 2466 ParaNet member reply to Skeptical Inq.
SKEPTIC.CO 39068 CIS conference: Speiser vs. Skeptics Text
SMITH.REP 3190 Dr. Smith's rebuttal to Clark and others
SMITH.TXT 30230 Dr. Willy Smith blasts the UFO community
SPACE 14360 A contribution by Floyd Petri
SPOOK.BIB 3840 Bibliography of intelligence agencies
SPRINKLE.UFO 10592 Psychotherapeutic services for abductees
SPY.TXT 7592 A profile on the CIA
STEINMAN.REP 8841 Steinman replies further.
STRING.CO 15900 Len Stringfield CI$ Conference
STUMPS.UFO 10712 Lighthearted UFO story.
SWAN.TXT 14336 Swan corroborates some of Cooper's claims.
TABAROB.UFO 15313 Robertson Panel: Tab A of CIA UFO Report
TAFF.TXT 11281 Screen writer Barry Taff on UFO Coverup Live
TIBET.UFO 6765 Tibetan Shambhala and MJ-12/Sally Sheridan
UFOBASE.UFO 2573 UFO base under Lake Ontario?
UFOCOVUP.LIV 16384 Selected excerpts from UFO CoverUp Live?
UFOQUEST.QST 4569 ParaNet UFO Survey. Complete it and upload!
ULTSEC.TXT 54143* ParaNet: Phoenix Project revives MJ-12 "control group"
hypothesiswith details of "UFO Work Group", NASA
involvement, more. Annotated
ULTSEC.2 2100* ParaNet: Correction to Phoenix ULTSEC.TXT document, with
"correct info" on PROJECT GRUDGE, etc. Annotated.
USAFTXT.FIL 36130 Chapter from USAF training manual on UFOs.
VALLEE.ZIP 15764 ParaNet/FATE Mag.: Interview w/Jacques Vallee
VALLEE.REB 18312 ParaNet/IUR: Jerome Clark parts company with Jacques
Vallee's conclusions from "Revalations"
VESCO.TXT 22144 Pinto document on ETs or Terrestrial?
WALKER1.TXT 2559 Bibliography on Eric Arthur Walker(The Old Man)
WALTERS.PHO 6696 Ed Walter's statement on Gulf Breeze
WASH.MSS 61150 Theme on brainwashing
WHY_WW2.DOC 59904 File re: Fenwick.txt and Hitler
WINGPT1.UFO 37545 Westchester Wing-Hudson Valley/R. Perry Collins
WINGPT2.UFO 52809 Part II - R. Perry Collins -- Good articles
WPAT.TXT 3787 Notes on Wright Patterson
WRIGHT.REP 13650 Dan Wright's rebuttal to Dr. Smith
WSMITH.HOX 2986 Ed Walters responds to Smith
WSSLET1.TXT 2811 Steinman reply to Friedman
WSSLET2.TXT 2984 Letter from Steinman to Friedman
WYTHE.UFO 21504 Interview with Danny Gordon
ZETARETI.UFO 113922 Hill Star Map/Zeta Reticuli
> Total of 170 files (3020743 bytes) in this area
AFR200-2.TXT 8704 FOIA document regarding JANAP
AGENT.TXT 11231 Conversation with former intelligence officer
AQUANSA.DOC 3584 Aquarius documents
AQUARIUS.ARC 26909 Aquarius documents archived
ASHTAR.TXT 7139 Etheric beings of light?
AUH20.UFO 2688 Did Goldwater really write those letters?
AUH2OINT.UFO 2059 Conversation with Goldwater 10/88
AZ.UFO 2441 Arizona UFO report
BEAMSHIP.UFO 3331 Bryon Smith comments on Meiers
BETAQUES.UFO 3188 Questions regarding Bennewitz
BLUEBOOK.TXT 6277 Press release: The New Project Blue Book
BOYS.UFO 18432 CE-III reported by boys at sub base.
BSMITH.TXT 10106 Bryon Smith writes of his encounter
CAPTIONS 499 GIF catalog
CIRCLE.UFO 1152 AP on British wheat field circles
CO0221.TXT 16950 CIS conference from 2/21/88
COASGARD.DOC 1552 Coast Guard denial from FOIA
COMMENTS.UFO 9422 ParaNet comments from survey
CONF.DOC 30080 CIS conference with Don Ware and Ed Walters
COWSBL.THD 11261 Regarding cow blood and human blood
CR44.DOX 11648 Aquarius documents
CUFOSGB.UFO 4096 CUFOS on Gulf Breeze
CVTGIF.ARC 16640 Conversion program for GIF archived
DOTYDATA.UFO 3328 Discharge papers on S/SGT R.C. Doty
EDWARDS.PCX 34252 Graphic of UFO expert, author & groundbreaking
researcher Frank Edwards.
EMP.UFO 3274 Washington Post article on EMP
ENGLISH.NOT 899 William English is OK
ERIE1.THD 2188 Messages on the Lake Erie UFO
ERIE2.THD 830 Messages on the Lake Erie UFO
ERIE3.THD 2188 Messages on the Lake Erie UFO
ERIE4.THD 3256 Messages on the Lake Erie UFO
ERIE5.THD 5566 Messages on Lake Erie UFO
ETHICS.UFO 26719 An ethical essay on abductions by Hopkins
ETHYPE.UFO 23168 CBC: Transcript of the 'ET Hypothesis'
FEDEX1.DOC 318 Documents and memos re: Lear - Cooper
FEDEX2.DOC 4111 Lear - Cooper
FEDEX3.DOC 27725 Lear - Cooper
FEDEX4.DOC 2477 Lear - Cooper
FEDEX6.DOC 4070 Lear - Cooper
FEDEX7.DOC 19298 Lear - Cooper
FEDEX8.DOC 8866 Lear - Cooper
FENWICK.ARC 64354 Fenwick Interview - Archived
FOIA.ARC 79232 Complete set of FOIA documents
FREIDROS.UFO 7040 Stanton Friedman on MJ-12
GIRLS.UFO 6528 UFO seen by four girls near NIKE base
GLENWOOD.UFO 2432 AP: Sighting in Glenwood Springs, CO 5/17/87
GREYS.TXT 22803 Story on what are the Greys?
GUIDANCE.DOC 4632 First MJ-12 file from Cooper
GULFBZ.TXT 9339 Newspaper stories on Gulf Breeze
GUNGHO.UFO 3780 UFunded opportunities
HALL.RVW 2939 Book review: Uninvited Guests by Richard Hall
HARVEST.MUT 10701 Cattle Mutilations
HOPKIN.CO 21504 CIS conference with Budd Hopkins
HOPREP.UFO 9978 Hopkins reply to Uncle Phil Klass
HORSEMUT.TXT 2176 UPI report on horse mutilation
HOTTEL.UFO 1792 FOIA: FBI director told of crashed disks.
HOWE.THD 12341 Howe's messages on cattle mutilations
IFOLIST.TXT 4224 Classification on Identified Objects
INCIDENT.UFO 4608 UFO reported over Shiprock, NM
INSIDE00.UFO 9058 Inside UFOlogy
INSIDE01.UFO 5948 Inside UFOlogy
INSIDE03.UFO 5694 Inside UFOlogy
INSIDE05.UFO 5279 Inside UFOlogy
INSIDE06.UFO 5145 Inside UFOlogy
INSIDE07.UFO 8595 Inside UFOlogy
INSIDE08.UFO 7158 Inside UFOlogy
INSIDE09.UFO 9058 Inside UFOlogy
ISRAELI.UFO 726 AP: UFO over Israel
JPL.UFO 617 Letter from Jet Propulsion Laboratory
JSUFO.NEW 13184 Jim Speiser on UFOs
KFYI.UFO 27025 Interview with Jim Speiser on KFYI radio
KRILL1.UFO 30848 O.H. Krill Paper - Pt. 1
KRILL2.UFO 17152 Krill (Cont)
KRILL3.UFO 37248 Krill (Cont)
KRILL4.UFO 43520 Krill (Cont)
KRLLORIG.UFO 3583 Krill (Cont)
LAKERIE.SR 2202 UFO investigative report
LAKERIE.UFO 11110 Special Release on Lake Erie UFO
LAKERIE2.UFO 1030 Article from Plain Dealer News
LAKERIE3.UFO 1210 UFO article from News Herald
LAKERIE4.UFO 2717 First Coast Guard Report
LAKERIE5.UFO 1474 Second Coast Guard report
LAKERIE6.UFO 1092 Unmarked black helicopter haunts witness
LAKEWASH.UFO 3328 Blimp shaped UFO visits Seattle 4/4/88
LANG.RES 3137 Langton's remarks on Lear
LANG2.RES 2622 Langton's remarks on Lear
LE-CO.TXT 18810 CIS conference with Dell'Aquila on Lake Erie
LEAR.CO 31744 CIS conference with Lear
LEAR.FLM 7353 Langton's first impressions of Lear video.
LEAR.INT 12233 Online interview with Lear
LEAR.THD 17497 Messages to Lear
LEAR.TXT 27094 Statement from John Lear
LEAR.UFO 6261 Response to MUFON member to Lear.TXT
LEAR2.TXT 12203 Langton's interview with Lear 2/2/88
LEARBIO.UFO 4003 Biography of John Lear
LEARCIS.THD 20997 Messages to Lear
LEARCOOP.TXT 11398 Lear & Cooper -- Explanations
LEARDANW.UFO 6730 Lear names some of his sources.
LEDEBAT2.UFO 56304 Debate on Freenet - Lake Erie
LEDEBAT3.UFO 2048 Debate on Freenet (Cont) - Lake Erie
LEDEBATE.UFO 40711 Debate on Freenet (Cont) - Lake Erie
LEINTERV.UFO 22708 Interview with two witnesses - Lake Erie
LETRANSC.UFO 13755 Transcript of interview with UFO photographer
LIGHT.TXT 9191 How to solve the problems of UFOlogy
LONGISL.UFO 7850 Long Island, NY UFO reports
MAJIC.TXT 31229 Cooper tells all on Majestic
MAJIC2.TXT 30231 Cooper Papers
MAJIC3.TXT 6582 Cooper Papers
MAJIC7.TXT 10779 Cooper Papers
MAJIC8.TXT 27688 Cooper Papers
MAJORITY.UFO 16898 Statement from William Moore on MJ-12
MARS.TXT 3616 Mars Face discussion
MARSFACE.ARC 13312 PC Paint scan of Marsface. Use PCRGB to view.
MARSFACE.MSG 3613 Mars Face discussion
MARSFACE.PCX 19123 Mars Face pictures
MARSFACE.THD 5868 Mars Face Discussion
MARSFACE.TXT 2689 Mars Face Discussion
MEIER.TXT 5600 Debunking the Meier debunking
MESSAGE7.ARC 97590 No description available.
MICKUS1.RES 9216 Mickus responds to Lear
MISSILE.UFO 11904 First hand account of a different kind.
MJ12.SR 3840 CSICOP calls MJ-12 a hoax
MJ12COM1.UFO 11776 Jim Speiser's comments on MJ-12
MJ12DOC1.UFO 1024 William Moore on MJ-12
MJ12DOC2.UFO 12628 William Moore - Eisenhower briefing letter
MJ12DOC3.UFO 1171 William Moore - Truman letter
MJ12DOC4.UFO 1514 William Moore - Cutler to Twining memo
MJ12DOC5.UFO 768 President's appointments in 1954
MJ12DOC6.UFO 5504 Letter from national archives on MJ-12
MJ12SR03.UFO 9856 CAUS claims that MJ-12 is a hoax
MUT.TXT 4864 Another hypothesis on mutilations.
NIGHT.UFO 16105 Night Siege update from Phil Imbrogno
OECHSL.CO 34243 CIS conference with Bob Oechsler
OECHSLER.GB 10597 Oechsler on Gulf Breeze
OECHSLET.UFO 4614 Letter to the president from Bob Oechsler
OLDHAM.UFO 13056 AP: Report from David Oldham 9/30/87
ORIGIN.UFO 11976 Q & As regarding origins of Earth.
PARA.TXT 30488 ParaNet and Jim Speiser
PIMSG03.UFO 51908 Local message base upload Pi
PIMSG04.UFO 18560 Local message base upload PI
PITTS.PBB 5411 Bill Pitts responds to warning.pbb file
PONCA.UFO 2304 Daily Oklahoman article on UFO 11/6/87
PROJ.BET 18706 Bennewitz on underground alien base (Bad file)
PROJBET2.TXT 4962 More from Bennewitz
PUBLIC01.DOC 22762 "Forget MJ-12...we were only kidding."
RAPTURE.TXT 2034 Article on rapture that didn't happen
READLST.ASC 2560 Suggested reading list
RELATIV1.ABS 7296 Abstract of new theory on UFO mechanics.
RELEASE1.UFO 3046 First William Moore press release on MJ-12
REP0808.88 7850 Long Island UFO reports
REPTOIDS.NAR 4994 The pasturing and use of human by aliens
RESULTS.UFO 8325 Results on poll from ParaNet
RHODBT.ARC 68608 ParaNet Rho debate Archived
RORVIK.TXT 13035 Al Pinto on Cybernetics
RUMINATE.TXT 6265 Brad Langton's observations
S-P.TXT 2918 ParaNet/Hynek rating system
S4B-2.UFO 919 Letter from NASA insider on Saturn 4B rocket
SARBACHR.DOC 3834 Sarbacher letter in full admits UFOs.
SHOW.THD 27449 Comments on UFO Cover-UP? Live
SHWGIF.ARC 10457 GIF files
SLIMOLD.UFO 7980 Slime mold evidence misinterpretated
SPOOK.UFO 11028 Retired intelligence officer on UFOs.
STFLET1.TXT 3470 Letter from Stanton Friedman to Steinman
THISISIT.UFO 13645 Whole ball of wax on MJ-12 Lear Cooper
TIMES.UFO 8704 Article from the Seattle times on aliens
TIRU-1.UFO 5144 First report of UFO on US sub in 1966
TOALL.DOC 3177 Message to all from Bill Cooper
TORME.CO 33558 CIS conference with Screenwriter Tracy Torme'
TORME2.CO 19747 CIS conference with Screenwriter Tracy Torme'
UFO 1395 Sighting of UFO in Minnesota
UFO.2QT 5481 The FUND's second quarter report
UFO.MAG 620 Listings of UFO magazines
UFO0.DBT 3397 ParaNet Rho Debate
UFO1.DBT 5048 ParaNet Rho Debate
UFO2.DBT 2707 ParaNet Rho Debate
UFO2.GIF 9216 GIF file of UFO
UFO3.DBT 4518 ParaNet Rho Debate
UFO4.DBT 2474 ParaNet Rho Debate
UFO42.BIB 17704 Bibliographic information on 42 books.
UFO5.DBT 2486 ParaNet Rho Debate
UFO6.DBT 6887 ParaNet Rho Debate
UFO7.DBT 2767 ParaNet Rho Debate
UFO8.DBT 9216 ParaNet Rho Debate
UFOAWARE.DOC 3712 Press release on UFO Awareness Society
UFOBKS2.TXT 30080 Listings of 300 UFO books
UFOBOO.KS 4430 More books on UFOs
UFOFUND.ORD 4960 Documents available through the FUND
UFOMANIA.ARC 62272 Krill and other stuff - Archived
UFOPRESS.THD 7040 Comment from Jim Speiser
UFOPRESS.TXT 7046 Journalists polled on UFOs
VIGIL.TXT 7168 NY vigil watches for UFOs
WALTON.THD 11776 Comments on Travis Walton case from ParaNet
WAREPOS.UFO 1707 Don Ware on Gulf Breeze
WARNING.PBB 12067 Cooper sounds alarm on New Project Blue Book
WHATARE.UFO 10368 Al Pinto on UFO speculation and origins
WHIDBEY.UFO 4736 UFO report
WHITERPL.TXT 27437 John White replies to JSUFO.TXT
WPLEAR.UFO 4817 Lear material
WSEATTL3.UFO 6400 Findings on Washington UFO report
YEAR.GB 9661 Gulf Breeze News Clippings
> Total of 200 files (2401186 bytes) in this area
Verified Documents Obtained by CUFON Under the
Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)
U.S. Air Force Regulations on UFO Sightings
AFR80-17.ZIP 10892 Air Force Regulation AFR 80-17
Replaced AFR 200-2 in September, 1966.
The Joint Army-Navy Protocols (JANAP) on Unidentified Aerial Phenomena
U.S. Air Force Regulations on Unidentified Aerial Phenomena
VDOC_001.ZIP 2832 JANAP 146 (C)
VDOC_002.ZIP 4123 JANAP 146 (E)
VDOC_003.ZIP 4503 Air Force Regulation AFR 200-2
Executive Orders and National Security Classifications
EO12356.ZIP 11592 Executive Order No. 12356: National Security Levels and
CUFON FOIA Documents
FOIA-DIR.ZIP 1923 Freedom of Information Act Documents Directory File
FOIA_001.ZIP 5314 FOIA documents 1 - 5
FOIA_002.ZIP 5622 FOIA documents 6 - 10
FOIA_003.ZIP 7000 FOIA documents 11 - 15
FOIA_004.ZIP 5547 FOIA documents 16 - 20
FOIA_005.ZIP 4777 FOIA documents 21 - 25
FOIA_006.ZIP 5583 FOIA documents 26 - 30
FOIA_007.ZIP 6695 FOIA documents 31 - 35
FOIA_008.ZIP 5095 FOIA documents 36 - 40
FOIA_009.ZIP 5582 FOIA documents 41 - 45
FOIA_010.ZIP 5500 FOIA documents 46 - 50
FOIA_011.ZIP 6067 FOIA documents 51 - 55
FOIA_012.ZIP 4350 FOIA documents 56 - 59
> Total of 18 files (102997 bytes) in this area
UFO Sighting Reports: US / North America
Backlogged Sighting Reports
SRBLDIR.ZIP 4136 Backlogged sighting reports directory file for
SRBL001.ZIP 4731 Domestic Reports -- Reports 1 - 25
SRBL002.ZIP 6305 Domestic Reports -- Reports 26 - 43
SRBL003.ZIP 3498 Domestic Reports -- Reports 44 - 50
SRBL004.ZIP 9821 Domestic Reports -- Reports 51 - 75
SRBL005.ZIP 9719 Domestic Reports -- Reports 76 - 100
SRBL006.ZIP 4880 Domestic Reports -- Reports 101 - 111
SRBL007.ZIP 4650 Domestic Reports -- Reports 112 - 125
SRBL008.ZIP 9185 Domestic Reports -- Reports 126 - 150
SRBL009.ZIP 9188 Domestic Reports -- Reports 151 - 175
SRBL010.ZIP 14005 Domestic Reports -- Reports 176 - 200
SRBL011.ZIP 15315 Domestic Reports -- Reports 201 - 225
International UFO Sighting Reports
Backlogged International Sighting Reports
ISRBLDIR.ZIP 1384 Backlogged international sighting reports directory file
ISRBL001.ZIP 4899 International Reports -- Reports 1 - 5
ISRBL002.ZIP 4376 International Reports -- Reports 6 - 10
ISRBL003.ZIP 3764 International Reports -- Reports 11 - 15
ISRBL004.ZIP 5841 International Reports -- Reports 15 - 21
> Total of 17 files (115697 bytes) in this area
Miscellaneous Files Relating to CUFON, Blue Peace,
UFO History & UFO Studies
AFTHES1.ZIP 29699* _UFOs and Extraterrestrial Life_, June 1968 thesis from
the U.S. Air and Staff College. Vintage UFO perspective
from inside the USAF.
ARMEN.ZIP 18059 CUFON: Armen Victorian reviews Timothy Good's book
_Alien Liason_
CISCLASS.ZIP 2411 CUFON International Sighting Classifications
CONFIRM.ZIP 16147 CUFON: February 1992 _Confirmation Paper_ documents the
links between the NSA, CIA, IAC and NSC and gov't UFO
BENTWATR.ZIP 8747 1980 Bentwaters/Rendlesham Forest Incident audio tape
transcription & FOIA release (July 1991)
HYNEKINT.ZIP 5794 Dr. J. Allen Hynek's last interview (July 1991)
MCDONALD.ZIP 2623 Dr. J.E. McDonald's 1991 statement to House Committee on
Science and Astronautics, Symposium on UFO, 1968 (intro
NASATAPE.ZIP 3090* CUFON: Editorial on NASA "UFO" video from STS-48
PHY_370.ZIP 28536 USAF Academy Physics textbook chapter on UFOs! Complete
excerpt of _Introduction to Space Science_; Now expunged
from current textbook
PRESSKIT.ZIP 24345 CUFON Press Conference, National Press Club, July 25,
1987, on CIA/NSA/USAF Project "Aquarius" (July 1991)
READLIST.ZIP 8399 CUFON Recommended Reading List (updated May 1992)
ROBERT.ZIP 4364 The Robertson Panel Consultant's Report from January
1953. Text of the cover sheets (Tab "A" and Tab "B") as
released by CIA Oct. 1991
SWAMPGAS.ZIP 4863 Lab results of 1966 "Swamp Gas Case"
**** Backlogged Associated Press (AP) Articles on UFOs ****
APABLDIR.ZIP 1493 Backlogged AP Articles -- Directory File for
APABL001.ZIP 4656 AP Articles 1, 3 & 4
APABL002.ZIP 4090 AP Articles 5 - 7
APABL003.ZIP 3169 AP Articles 8 - 11
APABL004.ZIP 3238 AP Articles 12 - 14
APABL005.ZIP 3129 AP Articles 15 - 19
APABL006.ZIP 5780 AP Articles 20 - 23
**** CUFON Text Files and Reports ****
OFIL_001.ZIP 16801 Review and outlook on science
OFIL_002.ZIP 3271 The history of UFO's during World War II
OFIL_003.ZIP 2170 Statistical chart by state for UFO sightings during June
and July 1947
OFIL_004.ZIP 4427 Study on Radiation Sickness & Symptoms, for evaluating
Close Encounters: Acute exposure & radiation sickness
OFIL_005.ZIP 16216 USAF Academy Physics Dept. textbook chapter on UFOs!
From _Introduction to Space Science_ Now expunged from
current textbook.
OFIL_006.ZIP 2119 UFO Close Encounters - CUFON Explanation of
> Total of 26 files (227636 bytes) in this area
CANCIR91.ZIP 1938 Good data on Canadian Crop Circles in 1991
CC-PLOT1.ZIP 1882* Are the Crop-Circle Hoaxers DISINFORMERS?? British
Planetary Society members feel circles contain
information and WEREN'T HOAXED!
CCNA92-1.ZIP 2540* NAICCR: First report of North American Crop Circles,
summer 1992.
CHOAX1.ZIP 2429 Aged Britons claim they hoaxed all crop circles
CHOAX2.ZIP 3648 More on Dave & Doug, elderly circle "hoaxers" -- with
ties to top-secret Pine Gap spy center in Australia!
CIRALI.ZIP 4417 Far-ranging thread on Crop Circls, aliens, more
CIRCLE2.GIF 141696 GIF image of Crop Circle; view w/CSHOW832.ZIP
CIRCLE4.GIF 274688 GIF of the most famous crop pictogram of 1990
CIRCLER.ZIP 2796 Strange, interesting tale of time-warp or ???
CIRCLES.ZIP 7115 Explanation of crop circles/"faery rings"
CIRCLES1.ZIP 3060 UK Crop Circles summer 91 (see TREVELYN.ZIP)
CIRCLES2.ZIP 2669 More circles, summer 1991 (see TREVELYN.ZIP)
CIRCLES3.ZIP 3255 S. Wernikoff on Circle Creation/traces
CIRCLES4.ZIP 7935 Recent newsclippings on Crop Circles with some
confirmation of vortex ring origins.
CROPSTAT.ZIP 1293 1991 North American Crop Circles
ENGLAND.ZIP 3759 English Crop Circles/"Faery Rings" since '76
ICE-CIRC.ZIP 3805 A new twist -- an Ice Circle found in Canada. Possibly
an off-season Unidentified Ground Marking (UGM)?
IOWACIRC.ZIP 21632 ParaNet: Iowa Crop Circles, 1991
NAICCR91.ZIP 1705* NAICCR: Canadian Crop Circle research group's report on
1991 Circles! Now available in hard copy!
NEST1.ZIP 1979 "Saucer Nests": Canada's Chris Rutkowski on the
profusion of Crop Circles/"Saucer Nests" on the Canadian
SGJV6#1.ZIP 13067 The Swamp Gas Journal Vol. 6 No. 1 -- Crop Circle & UFO
research mag from UFO Research of Manitoba and Chris
THEOREMS.ZIP 1712 British Crop Circles illustrate complex theorems?
TREVLYN1.ZIP 7676 Ongoing reports of 1991 UK crop circles!
TREVLYN2.ZIP 2538 Why did UK Defense Minstry *hoax* crop circles?
TREVLYN3.ZIP 1941 Latest update on U.K. Crop Circles
XEROX-CC.ZIP 2185 INTRIGUING THEORY: Are Crop Circles formed by a process
similar to Xerox Copying? Electrostatic discharge
rearranging particles?
> Total of 26 files (523360 bytes) in this area
AERIAL.ZIP 1645 Aerial Anomalies International - JUN/89
BELIEFS.ZIP 6046 MUFON study: UFO witnesses usually credible
BLUEPEAC.ZIP 1060 "Bluepeace" wants Congressional Hearing
BUFORA.ZIP 4371 British UFO Research Association info.!
BYLAWS.ZIP 8437 Bylaws of the San Francisco Tesla Society
CAUSTXT.ZIP 1697 Citizens Against UFO Secrecy (CAUS): Short info file /
membership application.
CLUB-51.ZIP 1290 Area 51 Monitoring Group: Info & Address.
CUFORN1.ZIP 2288 Overview of Canadian UFO Research Org.
CUFORN2.ZIP 5252 Canada UFO Research Net: info, address, forms
CUFOS.ZIP 962 Membership info: Center for UFO Studies (CUFOS)
FUFOR.ZIP 3275 UFO books available from FUFOR
FUFORPRI.ZIP 1512* Fund for UFO Research (FUFOR): FUFOR's research
priorities questionnaire of 1992, showing direction of
research & funding.
FUFOR_90.ZIP 3457* Fund for UFO Research (FUFOR): 1990 report on research
grants for the Roswell Case, PTSD in abductees, and
other ongoing projects.
HYNEK.ZIP 1853 The Allen Hynek UFO rating system
JUSTCAUS.ZIP 2169 Info and Order Form for Citizens Aganist UFO Secrecy
(CAUS) -- run by the authors of _Clear Intent_. Good
LIUFON.ZIP 2649 Info on Long Island UFO Network from Ed Sanborn
MOORLIST.ZIP 3608 List of publications from W.L. Moore
MUFO1991.ZIP 1322 Videotapes of 1991 MUFON Symposium for sale
MUFOINFO.ZIP 19591 MUFON: Comprehensive info. on MUFON membership,
booklist, publications, symposia, contact information &
order forms.
MUFONET0.ZIP 5962 MUFON-net BBS Sysop package & policies
MUFOSUB.ZIP 1823 MUFON UFO Journal Subscription Info/Form
ORGAN1.ZIP 1113 UFO Groups and Organizations - 1
ORGAN2.ZIP 2025 UFO Groups and Organizations - 2
ORGAN3.ZIP 1265 UFO Groups and Organizations - 3
REXRESCH.ZIP 1302 REX Research: Address and order info.
TEJONINF.ZIP 1948 Secret Saucer Base Expeditions/Civilian Intell. Net.
(SSBE/CIN) contact info - Tejon Ranch Raiders?
UFOCON.ZIP 8338 Sysop package for the UFOCON UFO Conspiracy Network.
UFOWATCH.ZIP 1611 National UFO Reporting Center - Seattle
> Total of 28 files (97871 bytes) in this area
10MOST.ZIP 2288 Kralizec BBS: "10 Most Prominent UFOlogists". Helpful
list -- which omits Jacques Vallee (!!)
ALVAOBIT.ZIP 3017 Obituary for L.W. Alvarez - SEP/88
APBSALE1.ZIP 1683 Alternative Publishing House for Sale: Health Research
Publishing of California is up for sale.
APROBYE.ZIP 1529 Aerial Phenomena Research Org. folds
KLASSASU.ZIP 4944 Debunker Klass speaks at Arizona U
LONGISLE.ZIP 3159 Synopsis of NY UFO symposium - MAR/88
OMEGARIP.ZIP 6875 Review of the 1989 OMEGA UFO Conference
SHOWME.ZIP 3260 Report on 1989 "Show-Me" UFO Conference
> Total of 8 files (26755 bytes) in this area
A3MOVIE.ZIP 824 Info on "Alternative 3" TV movie
GALLUP.ZIP 2473 Poll shows over 60% of Americans accept UFOs
HILLENKO.ZIP 1700 UFOs are "serious business" - NYT 1960
KFYI.ZIP 10748 Speiser and Hall on KFYI Radio - AUG/88
STEALTH.ZIP 1882 AP: "Stealth fighter" crashes at Nellis
TIMES.ZIP 4391 NYT and "the urge to believe" - JUN/86
TVPROG.ZIP 1025 High hopes given for "UFO Coverup LIVE"
UFOPRES2.ZIP 3500 JFORUM UFO poll on Compuserve
UFOPRESS.ZIP 3689 "UFOs and the Press" - by J. Speiser
> Total of 9 files (30232 bytes) in this area
ALIENVID.ZIP 1244 "Alien Contacts" Video offered for $19.95. Order info.
AUSS-VID.ZIP 1545 Australian Video from Stan Deyo on "Cosmic
Consciousness", UFOs, Aliens & more. Order info, etc.
BARKER.ZIP 1365 GRAY BARKER COLLECTION avail. to researchers
BOOKREVI.ZIP 6863 J. White reviews "Dimensions" by Vallee
BRITPUBS.ZIP 1281 British UFO Pubs/Groups/Subscription info.
CUFOSVID.ZIP 1896 Center for UFO Studies offers 85-minute videotape on UFO
abductions. Price, order info, etc.
DBWBOOKS.ZIP 1688 List of UFO Books by D.B. Wedge
ELECBOOK.ZIP 3237 Latest Australian UFO publication is electronic: _UFO
Research in Australia and New Zealand_ is 800 pages,
req's. EGA & hard disk.
ESJ.ZIP 1138 Electric Spacecraft Journal: Subscrip. info.
ET-ECHOS.ZIP 1858 Linda Murphy On The Book "GENESIS"
ET_GUIDE.ZIP 3816 Linda Murphy On The E.T. Message Echo
GENESIS.ZIP 5229 Book Review of "GENESIS" - FSR/1980
GENESIS2.ZIP 7071 Flying Saucer Review: Harbinson's "Genesis"
HALL.ZIP 1836 Review of Hall's "Uninvited Guests"
INFO-LTD.ZIP 2358 Info Unlimited catalog: Tesla plans & books
INTRUDER.ZIP 1973 Review of Budd Hopkins "Intruders"
IUR-MAG.ZIP 1157 Subscrip. Info: Int'l UFO Reporter (IUR) Mag
JACOBS1.ZIP 3353 Review of David Jacobs' new book, _Secret Life_
JNLUFOS.ZIP 976 Subscrip./back-issue info, Journal UFO Studies
JUNGSUFO.ZIP 8072 Summary of C.G. Jung's 1958 UFO book
LINDSAY1.ZIP 4283 Partial book/price list, from Lindsay Books
LINDSAY2.ZIP 2345 Original/rare/out-of-print titles, Lindsay Bks.
LYEARS.ZIP 1759 "Light Years" reviewed by Gary Kinder
MAJESTIC.ZIP 1073 Review of Whitley Streiber's "MAJESTIC"
MEIRFLM.ZIP 3921 Speiser reviews Billy Meier films
MUSTREAD.ZIP 572 Must-Read UFO books! Jim Speiser's exc. picks!
ODYSSEY.ZIP 1056* Odyssey Online Magazine: Available in hard copy!
Address & cost info.
PAWLICKI.ZIP 55572 Excerpts from Pawlicki's "Hyperspace"
RATIONAL.ZIP 1236 Robert Anton Wilsion's _The New Inquisition: Irrational
Rationalism and the Citadels of Science_. High praise
for an excellent book.
RESOURCE.ZIP 2272 Bookstores, videos, magazines, publishers -- the
complete Borderland Sciences Resource List for 4/92.
ROSREV.ZIP 6054 ParaNet: Corbin/Black Review Randles' Roswell
ROSWELLB.ZIP 5973 D. Allen reviews Randall's UFO Crash at Roswell
SFEMEIER.ZIP 5946 San Francisco Examiner on Billy Meier
SOURCE1.ZIP 3599 Sources of books/research material on Keely
THIN_AIR.ZIP 1337 Excellent novel _Thin Air_ by Simpson & Berger recalls
the "Philadelphia Experiment" and speculates on its
actual form & consequences.
UFI-BOOK.ZIP 2367 UFINET's recommended book list, 1991
UFO-ARCH.ZIP 1136 Rare UFO books and articles availabe from UFO Archives
in Arizona.
UFO-FOLK.ZIP 1023 Info on _In Advance of the Landing: Folk Concepts of
Outer Space_. A very thoughtful examination of UFO's as
UFOBOOKS.ZIP 9364 Bibliography of 343 UFO books -Stewart
UFOENCY1.ZIP 1053 Volume One of the Exhaustive UFO Encyclopedia published
by Apogee Books. Address, info.
WALTON.ZIP 5160 Reaction to Phil Klass "abduction" book
> Total of 41 files (175057 bytes) in this area
KORTRON1.ZIP 22040 "Orvotron" Newsletter for 11:11 freaks. "Kortron"
activates the World Power Grid, offers free videos for
postage & takes road trip.
ANTIGRAV.ZIP 1048 UK Scientists look for Anti-grav Force
COMUFO2.ZIP 2729 User comments from recent BBS Survey
CONDON.ZIP 3721 1969 Condon Report not convincing
DEBUNK.ZIP 2168 "My Brother the Debunker" - Frazier
DELLA.ZIP 10849 Bentwaters 1980 & more - R. Dell'Aquila
DULCEDOC.ZIP 10309 ParaNet: Report from The Phoenix Project on
investigation of "alien bases" and other odd activities
at Dulce, NM. Annotated/Zipped.
K2-WARN.ZIP 1759* ParaNet: *WARNING* re: Phoenix Project. Some claims in
the Phoenix Project texts don't check out -- including
the group's incorporation
K2COMENT.ZIP 3451 Commentary and independent investigation of the "K2"
area and Phoenix report. A mysterious NASA heliport in
the middle of nowhere?!
K2REP.ZIP 16934 ParaNet: Report from The Phoenix Project claims a new
UFO "hot spot" with landing zones, alleged contacts,
etc. Annotated/Zipped.
K2RPT-2.ZIP 21349* Phoenix Project: K2 Report, Part II. Claims the
Council on Foreign Relations, Trilateral Commis. &
"Jason Group" work with MJ-12!
LIGHT.ZIP 4479 Don Ecker reviews the situation
LIGHTS.ZIP 7029 Thread on role of UFO lights and colour
MARGE.ZIP 2021 Marge Christensen comments on MUFON
PARANOID.ZIP 5532 Jerome Clark: EXCELLENT article on *why* the UFO
community is an ideal disinformation target!
RHODBT1.ZIP 26482 UFO debate on Idaho BBS - 1
RHODBT2.ZIP 9410 UFO debate on Idaho BBS - 2
SIXTY1MO.ZIP 2663 "A Revival of the 61-Month Wave Theory"
SNOBS.ZIP 3695 Speiser editorial "The Snobs Among Us"
STEALTHD.ZIP 2863 CIS thread on Stealth technology
TRAPUFO1.ZIP 1852 Wrong Number caller's idea for attracting and capturing
a UFO! Thought-provoking.
TRUCE.ZIP 2780 "Science vs. Spirit" by Jim Speiser
UFO-DBT0.ZIP 1997 Introduction to a UFO Debate
UFO-DBT1.ZIP 2972 UFOlogy: No Respect After 40 Years
UFO-DBT2.ZIP 1700 UFOs: No Longer A Time To Debate!
UFO-DBT3.ZIP 2517 Brief Overview of 40 years of UFOs
UFO-DBT4.ZIP 1789 UFOs: Have We Got Any Evidence?
UFO-DBT5.ZIP 1598 Dave Ledoux Assess the UFO situation
UFO-DBT6.ZIP 3594 Fr. Kemble Looks at the UFO Question
UFO-DBT7.ZIP 1757 Phillip Klass responds to J. Speiser
UFO-DBT8.ZIP 4208 "The UFO 40 Years On" by J. Aultman
ULTSEC.ZIP 22382* ParaNet: Phoenix Project revives MJ-12 "control group"
hypothesiswith details of "UFO Work Group", NASA
involvement, more. Annot'd/Zip
ULTSEC2.ZIP 1688* ParaNet: Correction to Phoenix ULTSEC.TXT document, with
"correct info" on PROJECT GRUDGE, etc. Annotated/Zipped.
VALLEE2.ZIP 9357 ParaNet/IUR: Jerome Clark parts company with Jacques
Vallee's conclusions from "Revalations"
WAREUFO.ZIP 3078 AP: Don Ware and govt UFO secrecy
> Total of 35 files (223800 bytes) in this area
AMST.ZIP 1026 AP: Amsterdam UFO hoax
AUSSIE.ZIP 1462 AP: Aussie UFO "picks up car" - JAN/88
AUSTRLIA.ZIP 602 CBS Radio: More on Australian UFO
AUS_GOV.ZIP 9017 Australian Gov't persecution of UFOlogists
GERMANY.ZIP 1258 UFOlogists Converge On West Germany 10/27/89
GRNALIEN.ZIP 2012 South American sightings of Green Aliens
MOUNTIE.ZIP 1809 Canadian Mountie harassed for UFO report
NEW-UFOS.ZIP 3964 New UFO reports, Australia
OSSETTE.ZIP 6773 Material on May 7/89 SA crash of object
P1006-1.ZIP 4346* ParaNet: Guatemala UFO report from 1967 -- from a
declassified Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) cable!
P1005-1.ZIP 2799* ParaNet: Peruvian UFO report from a U.S. intelligence
cable! Peru Air Force spots UFO near coastal island.
PORTUCAT.ZIP 32044 UFO Sighting Reports from Portugal
QATAR.ZIP 526 UFO reported over Persian Gulf - FEB/88
SHOTALIE.ZIP 1740 Did the Russians *shoot* an alien, Summer '91?
SOVIET1.ZIP 5018 "UFOs And Security" USSR view - JUN/89
SPUTNIK1.ZIP 7800 "Time To Study The Facts" - OCT/89
TELAVIV.ZIP 680 UFO in skies of Tel Aviv - AUG/88
TUNGUSKA.ZIP 2746 Was devastating 1908 explosion a doomed UFO?
UFONCS24.ZIP 3848 UFO NewsClip Svce: Soviet pilot KILLED by UFO
UFONCS27.ZIP 2897 UFONCS: USSR Mil. opens files - Hostile UFOs!
UFONCS29.ZIP 1265 UFONCS: More on 1983 Soviet UFO shootdown
USSRUFO0.ZIP 2641 MUFON: NY Times - On Tass Report / UFO
USSRUFO1.ZIP 5285 MUFON: Glasnost & Soviet UFO Enthusiasts
USSRUFO2.ZIP 3171 MUFON: Russian Jets Scramble For UFO
ZIMUFO.ZIP 1301 Jets scrambled for Zimbabwe UFO - 1985
> Total of 25 files (106030 bytes) in this area
ADJUNTA1.ZIP 1568 Puerto Rico - Major 1991 UFO Flap, unfortunately ignored
by many mainland (gringo) U.S. researchers
BCASH.ZIP 1734 The Cash/Landrum UFO sighting. Short overview.
BELLEVIL.ZIP 1313 Belleville Wisconsin UFO - MAR/87
BOYS.ZIP 7362 UFO sighting from WA Naval Base -AUG/87
CO1115.ZIP 4007 Conference focused on JAL UFO Sighting
CTFLASH.ZIP 646 AP: Blue flash in sky - NOV/87
DS.ZIP 840 Box shaped UFO near Edwards AFB -MAR/88
EMP.ZIP 1931 Link between MD Sightings and EMP test?
FYFFE2.ZIP 1067 AP: News release on Fyffe UFO - MAR/89
FYFFE3.ZIP 1326 Fyffe UFO Witnesses Inteviewed by TV
FYFFEALA.ZIP 1259 UFO Sightings Fyffe, Alabama - FEB/89
GIRLS.ZIP 3188 Campers view green alien in WA - JUN/88
GORDON.ZIP 6720 Wytheville Virginia UFO sighting OCT/87
GORDON2.ZIP 1117 Wytheville VA UFO sightings - DEC/87
IDAHO.ZIP 1254 Idaho UFO report - APR/88
JAN0848.ZIP 1461 Pilot killed by UFO? The Mantell Case, 1948
JESSUFO.ZIP 1572 UFO sighting in Jessup Georgia
KIRTLND1.ZIP 2482 1980 Kirtland AFB UFO sighting - 1
KIRTLND2.ZIP 1693 1980 Kirtland AFB UFO sighting - 2
LOSANG.ZIP 1210 Memo to Roosevelt over LA UFOs - FEB/42
LUCEDALE.ZIP 1100 UFO sighting near Lucedale, MS - DEC/88
MARYS.ZIP 1193 Mary Geest's UFO encounter in SC
MIDWEST.ZIP 2695 AP: CCCP Rocket Reentry Confused as UFO
NORWALK3.ZIP 2909 Norwalk sighting probably a star MAY/87
OGRE.ZIP 1863 Flashing light identified as satellite
PLANES.ZIP 1817 1940s Grumman Avenger found at Key West
POLICE.ZIP 840 Blimp confused for UFO - SEP/87
RCHESTER.ZIP 1174 Sighting in Webster NY in 1981
REP2.ZIP 1789 Some new UFO sightings - JUL/88
S4B-UFO1.ZIP 1623 Sighting during Saturn 4B firing in 60s
S4B-UFO2.ZIP 1047 ParaNet: Saturn 4-b UFO sighting doubtful.
TRIAN-CO.ZIP 1897* ParaNet: ParaNet Network Administrator Michael Corbin
reports on a Hudson-Valley sized Boomerang UFO, seen
near Denver!
UFOGRID.ZIP 2433 Austin TX group builds UFO sensor grid
UFOSTR.ZIP 4565 Late 1986 - early 1987 UFO sightings
USSR.ZIP 1210 Soviet space debris lights up night sky
WESTPA.ZIP 3185 Unexplained UFO sightings in PA -NOV/87
WSTCH.ZIP 1945 Westchester County NY UFO - MAR/88
WYTHE.ZIP 2476 Wytheville VA sighting
XUFO.ZIP 2365 AP: UFO sightings in California -MAY/86
> Total of 39 files (81876 bytes) in this area
890903BC.ZIP 461 [00] (v0.00) Auto-Added : 05-10-92
ARCHIVES.ZIP 2391 UFO Source Info - Nat. Archives Canada
ARNPRIOR.ZIP 5135 UFO meets aircraft near Ottawa - AUG/79
AUDIO.ZIP 3967 UFORIC obtains rare UFO lecture audio
BURNS.ZIP 909 Interesting UFO report in ONT - MAR/89
CN041252 277 MUFON: UFO Sighting: North Bay, Ontario
CN041852 199 MUFON: UFO Sighting: Corner Brook, Newfoundland
CN061952 262 MUFON: UFO Sighting: Goose Bay Labrador
CN071047 376 MUFON: UFO Sighting: Newfoundland
CN073050 313 MUFON: UFO Sighting: Newfoundland
CN091451 425 MUFON: UFO Report: Goose Bay, Labrador
CUFAPR88.ZIP 5290 Excerpts from "CUFORN Bulletin" -APR/88
FENWICK1.ZIP 52849 Canada's Larry Fenwick on UFOs, aliens
KINGSTON.ZIP 1705 Short history of UFOs in Kingston ON
MANITOBA.ZIP 2212 "UFO Blitz" on in Manitoba - JAN/88
MONTREAL.ZIP 1396* ParaNet/OVNI-Alert: French-speaking UFO group reports
several UFO sightings near Montreal Int'l Airport at
Mirabel, Quebec.
SASKUFO.ZIP 3663 UFO sightings in Saskatchewan in 1930's
TORMEFEN.ZIP 4511 Tracy Torme responds to Fenwick and GB
TORONTO.ZIP 2677 MUFON: UFO Report: Mysterious Balls of Light near
UFORIC.ZIP 5062 UFO Research Institute of Canada (UFORIC)
> Total of 20 files (94080 bytes) in this area
ERIE1.ZIP 5351 UFO Sightings near Perry Nuclear Plant
ERIE2.ZIP 986 "Venus" blamed - Cleveland Plain Dealer
ERIE3.ZIP 1066 "Planets" the culprit - The News-Herald
ERIE4.ZIP 1745 Lake Erie Coastguard Report on UFOs - 1
ERIE5.ZIP 1189 Lake Erie Coastguard Report on UFOs - 2
ERIE6.ZIP 874 Black Helicopter makes an appearance
ERIEDB.ZIP 10499 Freenet Lake Erie UFO debate
LAKEERIE.ZIP 5031 "N.E. Ohio Flap" by Richard Dell'Aquila
LEDEBAT1.ZIP 17700 Freenet debate on Lake Erie UFO - 1
LEDEBAT2.ZIP 23196 Freenet debate on Lake Erie UFO - 2
LEDEBAT3.ZIP 9372 Freenet debate on Lake Erie UFO - 3
LEINTERV.ZIP 8865 Interview of Lake Erie UFO witnesses
LETRANSC.ZIP 5546 Lake Erie Photographer Interview MAR/88
> Total of 13 files (91420 bytes) in this area
ALKI.ZIP 2245 West Seattle UFO Sighting - MAR/88
CHRON87.ZIP 1472 WA State UFO reports AUG-SEP/87
CHRON88.ZIP 2095 WA State UFO reports JAN-APR/88
OAK.ZIP 3193 Oak Harbour, WA UFO Sighting - JAN/88
SEATTLE.ZIP 1155 UFO Report on Seattle sighting - MAR/88
UFOSITE.ZIP 3217 Slumber party turns weird: UFO & "face" seen
WITDBEY.ZIP 2583 Whidbey Island UFO sighting - JAN/88
WSEATTL1.ZIP 2737 Seattle sighting MAR/88 - Witness #1
WSEATTL2.ZIP 1769 Seattle sighting MAR/88 - Witness #2
> Total of 9 files (20466 bytes) in this area
890303NJ.UFO 947 MUFON: Jersey UFO sighting
CFN127.UFO 528 MUFON: Bergen/Hudson County UFO sighting.
LETTER2.ZIP 890 MUFON: Another report of Ft. Dix alien visits
NJ010190.ZIP 1123 MUFON: 10/1/90 Jersey UFO sighting
NJ012590.ZIP 1142 MUFON: 12/5/90 Jersey UFO sighting
NJ031153 267 MUFON: UFO Sighting: Hackettstown, 3/11/53
NJ041450 265 MUFON: UFO Sighting: Ft. Monmouth, NJ
NJ050552 206 MUFON: UFO Sighting: Tenafly, New Jersey
NJ070652 227 MUFON: UFO Sighting: Elizabeth, New Jersey
NJ072052 250 MUFON: UFO Sighting: Lavalette, New Jersey
NJ072252 266 MUFON: UFO Sighting: Trenton, New Jersey
NJ072852 442 MUFON: UFO Sighting: McGuire AFB, 7/28/52
NJ110452 201 MUFON: UFO Sighting: Vineland 11/4/52
> Total of 13 files (6754 bytes) in this area
1974-NY.ZIP 1905 UFO sighting, upstate N.Y., 1974
42289CT.ZIP 2261 Hudson Valley UFO buff Ellen Crystal responds to
derisive articlein Gannett Westchester newspapers
ABDUCT2.ZIP 5169 Hudson Valley abductions by P. Imbrogno
BIRDSLL1.ZIP 3205 Disinformation rampant - Jerry Birdsall
BIRDSLL2.ZIP 1843 Imbrogno responds to Birdsall
CLOSE.ZIP 5266 HV UFO close encounters on I-84
ESOPUS75.ZIP 1969 A *1975* encounter with the HudVal UFO?
HUDSON.ZIP 7574 Alien "abductions" in Hudson Valley?
HVUFO-CT.ZIP 7197 Night Seige, Continued: UFO sightings over Central
HVUFO.ZIP 3700 Imbrogno responds to HV UFO questions
IMBROGNO.ZIP 6973 Conference with author of "Night Siege"
INDIAN.ZIP 7464 P. Imbrogno: Indian Pt Nuclear Station buzzed by UFO --
witnesses threatened for speaking out.
INDIAN2.ZIP 8041 Phil Imbrogno threatened by the New York Power Authority
for investigating the Indian Pt. UFO.
JPL.ZIP 631 JPL looks at HV UFO videotape - DEC/87
NY030286.UFO 1641 MUFON: UFO Report: Niagara Falls, New York
NY032153 177 MUFON: UFO Sighting: Elmira, NY, 3/21/52
NY080452 253 MUFON: UFO Sighting: Mt. Vernon, NY, 8/4/52
NY060151 236 MUFON: UFO Sighting: S.E. Of New York City
NY070450 348 MUFON: UFO Sighting: White Plains, New York
NY071752 322 MUFON: UFO Sighting: Port Crane, New York
RADIO.ZIP 2202 ParaNet: Message on NY UFO radio program
RICKDUR.ZIP 2030 Rick Durso on the Hudson Valley UFO
SIGHT1.ZIP 1683 MUFON: Honeoye Falls (Rochester) sighting
VIGIL.ZIP 3792 NY vigil for "Big Bertha" - NOV/88
WESTNY1.ZIP 15944 Perry Collins: Look Closer at the HudVal UFO
WESTNY2.ZIP 22718 Collins: More details of the Westchstr "Wing"
> Total of 26 files (114544 bytes) in this area
AIRLINE.ZIP 1410 Orlando UFO actually fell off a 757
CAUSEDIT.ZIP 2352 CAUS editorial on Gulf Breeze - AUG/88
CO306.ZIP 10550 Conference on the Gulf Breeze sightings
CO327.ZIP 8483 Conference dealing once more with GB
CUFOS-GB.ZIP 2167 CUFOS postion of Gulf Breeze situation
EDWARECO.ZIP 10790 Conference with Don Ware and "Mr. Ed"
GB89JA30.ZIP 1406 UFO experts debate photo authenticity
GBLYONS.ZIP 876 Message reporting a Gulf Breeze UFO sighting
GBREEZE1.ZIP 13840 ParaNet: In 4 messages Don Allen summarizes the facts,
hype, claims, mathematics, and believability of the Gulf
Breeze UFOs.
GBREV.ZIP 5074 Ed Walters rebuts the GB "debunkers"
GBSENT89.ZIP 4716 More 1989 excerpts from GB Sentinel
GULF1.ZIP 1537 "Mr. Ed" describes his sighting -NOV/88
GULFBRZ1.ZIP 2204 UPI: Gulf Breeze attracts UFO groups
GULFBRZ2.ZIP 1879 Gulf Breeze Sentinel: Letter to the Editor on the
then-new UFO wave and Ed Walters' photos, claims
GULFBRZ3.ZIP 3970 Is Gulf Breeze UFO a hoax? - MAY/88
GULFHOAX.ZIP 3970 GB a Hoax? Summary from R.Boyd -MAY/88
GULFLET.ZIP 3085 Oechsler responds to criticism -MAY/88
HYZERGB1.ZIP 3156* Gulf Breeze Photo Analysis: Leading U.S.
photogrammatist analyzes and reports on Ed Walters' Gulf
Breeze photos: They're hoaxed.
LAWYER.ZIP 1196 Lawyer's correspondence with W. Smith
SMITH.ZIP 13560 "Decline & Fall of American UFOlogy"
SMITH3.ZIP 1127 Smith threatens lawsuit with Maccabee
SMITH4.ZIP 1888 Smith trades insults with Jerome Clark
STATEPOS.ZIP 1775 Willy Smith's response to accusations
UFONCS34.ZIP 1944 The "Gulf Breeze 6" deny UFO involvement
UFONCS33.ZIP 1381 Mysterious teletype hints at UFO coverup
YEAR.ZIP 4618 Three articles from the GB Sentinel
> Total of 26 files (108954 bytes) in this area
CR44DOX.ZIP 4126 FOIA doc on alleged govt UFO Projects
CUFON1.ZIP 8693 FOIA Documents on UFOs # 01-09 - CUFON
CUFON2.ZIP 10539 FOIA Documents on UFOs # 10-19 - CUFON
CUFON3.ZIP 9043 FOIA Documents on UFOs # 20-29 - CUFON
CUFON4.ZIP 10496 FOIA Documents on UFOs # 30-39 - CUFON
CUFON5.ZIP 9716 FOIA Documents on UFOs # 40-50 - CUFON
FOIAINFO.ZIP 1557 COMPLETE F.O.I.A. resource file! Check it out!
FORGOT.ZIP 2061 Memorable quotes about UFOs
GOLDLTRS.ZIP 2159 Barry Goldwater letters on UFOs - CUFON
NSA.ZIP 5216 From FOIA one NSA analysts view of UFOs
UNKNOWN.ZIP 5070 Old news from CUFON
> Total of 11 files (68676 bytes) in this area
1991.ZIP 3935 Make of this what you will. Activation of the "East
Point Power Point" By Cmdr. Kortron
3-19DISC.ZIP 1563 Monitored communications from Space-Shuttle Discovery:
Was a UFO reported on 3-17-89? Bob Oechsler wants to
4DEMI.ZIP 2523 Thoughts on 4-dimensional hypotheses for UFOs.
ADDIT.ZIP 18227 Treatise on (many) different alien species
ALIENSP.ZIP 3063 BBC report of NASA contacts w/alien species
ARTICLE.ZIP 2052 JUL/86 article on Jim Speisers Network
AUTO.ZIP 2416 Auto electrical interference & UFOs -- good
AVENGER.ZIP 2080 5 Navy TBM Navy Avengers lost in DEC/45
AVOID1.ZIP 1717 Why do UFOs avoid contact with us? A short post with
the sad answer ... we're stupid, stubborn and violent.
BASHAR.ZIP 10632 MUFON: Profound musings on good, evil, the past & the
future -- all channelled, of course! Bashar speaks via
Walter Pullen. Caveat...
BAYES.ZIP 3200 Bayes on Better Analysis of UFOs
BAYES2.ZIP 1402 More Of Bayesian Analysis
BENDER.ZIP 4238 Alfred Bender, first MIB victim??
BERLINER.ZIP 1584 The Berliner "Strangeness Scale" UFO sighting
classification system. Useful; compare with Hynek
system & Vallee's theories
BEYOND.ZIP 9406 Life Beyond Earth & The Mind of Man
BLACKCIA.ZIP 5174 Black Helicopters Harass MUFON?
CAPTURE.ZIP 12081 The Hill Case: Interesting chronology links Betty &
Barney Hill's case with Intelligence Community, USAF,
Hynek, et al. Interesting.
CASE.ZIP 2096 Court Case by U.S. Army publicist claims harrassment and
dismissal due to UFO studies. It heads to the Supreme
DARKCONE.ZIP 2703 Lightning bolt highlights UFO propulsion field?
DUTIES.ZIP 1758 Transcript reveals Channeling manipulation
ETWAR1.ZIP 979 Thought-provoking item on observed ET sighting: Are we
spectators to an interplanetary WAR?
ET_AIR.ZIP 2348 ParaNet: Does our atmospheric composition preclude
alien visits?
FLT19-1.ZIP 2751 Bermuda Triangle's Flight 19 -- Found??
FLT19-2.ZIP 2375 Flight 19 -- NOT found! The mystery deepens.
JPARSBIO.ZIP 24572 Biography of JPL's Jack Parsons, occultist
JPL-49.ZIP 21491 J. Parsons' occult "lab notebooks"! Bizarre and
disturbing experiments *and results*!
LETTERS.ZIP 2840 Letters to Saucer Smear
MIBUNIX.ZIP 4363 Excerpts from a UNIX conf. on the Men in Black
MIGRANE.ZIP 5218 Supposed "migrane study" has a UFO agenda!?
MJ12SS.ZIP 4755 Moseley sees MJ-12 as a Hoax
OGDEN.ZIP 1603 ParaNet: Ancient objects found buried in Utah
OPGOVUFO.ZIP 117617 A collection of files on early UFO sightings, gov't UFO
projects, Blue Book, etc.
PARANOIA.ZIP 5050 Editorial by Clark from JAN/FEB 89 IUR
PARSONS1.ZIP 5250 Jack Parsons, JPL founder & occultist, Part 1
PARSONS2.ZIP 8680 Parsons: Aleister Crowley correspondence, etc
PARSONS3.ZIP 6321 Weirdness in Pasadena: Parsons & "elementals"?!
PARSONS4.ZIP 7485 Parson's dangerous occult experiments & death
PHOBOS-2.ZIP 2687 What did Russia's Phobos 2 Mars probe *see*??
PILOT.ZIP 7780 MUFON: When Pilots See UFO's -- by D. Stacy, Editor, Av.
Week & Space Technology
PSINOTES.ZIP 4453 A psi researcher's notes: UFOs, psychic fields
RAINBOW.ZIP 44758 The complete Rainbow Declaration, from MUFON
RAVINGS.ZIP 942 Miscellaneous ravings from Saucer Smear
REICH.ZIP 8141 Wilhelm Reich and UFOs
SARB1.ZIP 1629 Some background on Smith-Sarbacher memo
SATURN5B.ZIP 2223 Saturn Rocket tests in the 1960's
SHIRL.ZIP 4831 The Coynes harrassed by black 'copters
SP.ZIP 1888 MUFON: Hynek UFO Sighting Classifications and Rating
TIDBITS.ZIP 1005 Moseley gets bad rap in Steinman book
TODDLET1.ZIP 4097 R. Todd w/speculation on Cooper, MJ-12
UFO-IFF.ZIP 1030 UFO transmits a U.S. military identity code!!!
UFOMAGDE.ZIP 1232 Brief listing of DEC/88 UFO Magazine
UFONUKES.ZIP 7599 NCSD George Faucett: UFO's and Nuclear Plants
UFOSYMP.ZIP 2140 Astronomer Calls For Assistance For UFOlogists
USSR-ET.ZIP 2363 Brad Steiger on Soviet Astrobiological Research
VICKI.ZIP 2296 Editorial from Vicki Cooper of UFO Mag
WARNINGS.ZIP 803 What to do when a UFO lands near You
WHYWW2.ZIP 26623 Linda Murphy examines various subjects
> Total of 57 files (444068 bytes) in this area
ASIMOV.ZIP 3907 Msg thread of Asimov's view on UFOs
DRNATHAN.ZIP 2070 A short chat w/JPL photo analyst Robt Nathan
FORREST.ZIP 1695 Odd occult angle to Adm. Forrestal's suicide
FREDBELL.ZIP 2738 Andre Eichner: Fred Bell's German activities
FRIEDMAN.ZIP 11691 Friedman endorses G. Anderson's Roswell claims
GLEASON.ZIP 1334 Gleason & Nixon see bodies in 1973?
MACARTHR.ZIP 1895 Gens. Marshall, MacArthur & Army UFO Unit
PRESREL.ZIP 1527 More "Reagan-alien" excerpts
REGANUFO.ZIP 4482 President Reagan's CE-I (?) - UFO Mag
SPACINV.ZIP 1725 AP: Reagan with "alien" remark - MAY/88
STRIEBER.ZIP 2648 AP: What angers Whitley Streiber...
STRIEBYE.ZIP 2389 Whitley Strieber "bows out" of UFOlogy -- his farewell
letter to the thousands of members/readers in his UFO
> Total of 12 files (38101 bytes) in this area
CORDER.ZIP 4514 Dr. Corder with End Times predictions
CORDER2.ZIP 4281 Russell, Kansas, UFO wave -- Phil Klass investigates (!)
and Scott Corder speaks.
FATGULF.ZIP 12382 The Fatima prophesies & the Gulf War
FATIMEDJ.ZIP 3868 Link betweeen Fatima secret and UFOs?
FATIMLET.ZIP 1822 Jungian speculation on Fatima 1917
JINNS.ZIP 13235 The True Nature of UFO Entities - G.C.
JWHITE.ZIP 9879 UFO Coverup -from religious perspective
NEPHILIM.ZIP 8857 Who are the ufonauts?
OBINA.ZIP 2792 Canada's Ben Obina on his channeled revelations from an
alien on the "Last Trumpet", etc.
OBINA4.ZIP 10636 Ben Obina on "The Last Trumpet" -- Judgement Day and
OBINAREP.ZIP 6669 David Rice responds to Obina's Judgement Day claims.
PAASA.ZIP 4377 Prehistoric Science & Art became religions
PSIUFO.ZIP 5728 Psychics on UFOs
SANSKRIT.ZIP 1896 Brad Steiger on ancient Indian Vimanas (UFOs?)
STEINMAN.ZIP 2111 The UFO Situation - W.M Steinman
STEINREP.ZIP 4124 David Rice rebuts STEINMAN.TXT
UFOLET1.ZIP 4125 1960's UFO Predictions for the Future!
VATICAN.ZIP 1139 Vatican "training program" said false
WHATSUP.ZIP 11250 Are "THEY" the biblical "Watchers"?
WHEEL.ZIP 3386 Native American parallels to today's "Greys"
WHITE.ZIP 13483 No description available.
> Total of 21 files (130554 bytes) in this area
CO0419.ZIP 7208 Conference on assorted subjects
CO313.ZIP 12951 Conference on various UFO subjects
GOLDSR.ZIP 1621 Goldwater denied access to Hangar 18
GREENCO.ZIP 6607 Conference with author Barry Greenwood
STRNGFLD.ZIP 7474 Conference of Len Stringfield, Imbrogno, et al
TORME1CO.ZIP 13870 Conference #1 with Tracy Torme - SEP/88
TORME2CO.ZIP 9025 Conference #2 with Tracy Torme - OCT/88
> Total of 7 files (58756 bytes) in this area
AIRSPACE.ZIP 10026 "When Pilots See UFOs" - CSICOP
BASISAPR.87 32909 Bay Area Skeptics Newsletter
BASISAPR.88 40156 Bay Area Skeptics Newsletter
BASISAPR.89 38541 Bay Area Skeptics Newsletter
BASISAUG.87 37972 Bay Area Skeptics Newsletter
BASISAUG.88 39563 Bay Area Skeptics Newsletter
BASISAUG.89 39725 Bay Area Skeptics Newsletter
BASISDEC.87 38976 Bay Area Skeptics Newsletter
BASISDEC.88 38052 Bay Area Skeptics Newsletter
BASISDEC.89 39871 Bay Area Skeptics Newsletter
BASISFEB.87 29665 Bay Area Skeptics Newsletter
BASISFEB.88 37461 Bay Area Skeptics Newsletter
BASISFEB.89 39277 Bay Area Skeptics Newsletter
BASISJAN.87 28049 Bay Area Skeptics Newsletter
BASISJAN.88 40200 Bay Area Skeptics Newsletter
BASISJAN.89 37829 Bay Area Skeptics Newsletter
BASISJUL.87 33962 Bay Area Skeptics Newsletter
BASISJUL.88 40267 Bay Area Skeptics Newsletter
BASISJUL.89 42005 Bay Area Skeptics Newsletter
BASISJUN.82 7674 Bay Area Skeptics Newsletter
BASISJUN.87 37071 Bay Area Skeptics Newsletter
BASISJUN.88 39027 Bay Area Skeptics Newsletter
BASISJUN.89 37828 Bay Area Skeptics Newsletter
BASISMAR.87 32514 Bay Area Skeptics Newsletter
BASISMAR.88 38172 Bay Area Skeptics Newsletter
BASISMAR.89 36051 Bay Area Skeptics Newsletter
BASISMAY.87 38760 Bay Area Skeptics Newsletter
BASISMAY.88 39076 Bay Area Skeptics Newsletter
BASISMAY.89 39990 Bay Area Skeptics Newsletter
BASISNOV.87 43523 Bay Area Skeptics Newsletter
BASISNOV.88 37909 Bay Area Skeptics Newsletter
BASISNOV.89 43104 Bay Area Skeptics Newsletter
BASISOCT.87 41030 Bay Area Skeptics Newsletter
BASISOCT.88 36047 Bay Area Skeptics Newsletter
BASISOCT.89 42635 Bay Area Skeptics Newsletter
BASISSEP.87 44192 Bay Area Skeptics Newsletter
BASISSEP.88 37029 Bay Area Skeptics Newsletter
BASISSEP.89 41800 Bay Area Skeptics Newsletter
CHANNEL.ZIP 2326 Skeptics caution re: Channelers. Fair warning.
CHIP.ZIP 875 Article on now debunked "chip" implant
CSICOP.ZIP 1135 Science vs Fringe Science APR/87 -Sagan
FUROR1.ZIP 2283* Skeptics UFO Newsletter: Phil Klass questions FUFOR
funding, blasts Congressional UFO investigation,
supports Gulf Breeze investigation
HOAX.ZIP 1807 UFO prankster in Lake City, Minnesota
MEIER.ZIP 3152 Article on How to Debunk Anything
RETOUCH.ZIP 2199 Usenet threads: photo retouching/UFO hoaxes
> Total of 45 files (1411715 bytes) in this area
BENZ.ZIP 2144 Alan Benz affadavit denying Moore's claims
BREAK1.ZIP 1682 Research update by W.L. Moore - APR/88
CAUS.ZIP 19360 Citizens Against UFO Secrecy (CAUS): Landmark 1989 issue
of JUST CAUSE brands MJ-12 a hoax;
Moore/Shandera/Freedman dis-informants
DINFUFO.ZIP 6837 UFO Disinformation: Moore, Streiber, gov't
FRIEDOS.ZIP 3668 Friedman with background on MJ-12
HASTINGS.ZIP 11485 Robert Hastings on "The MJ-12 Affair"
MJ12CAU1.ZIP 3692 CAUS: Tantalizing hints of official US gov't documents,
with Truman's signature, on the Roswell Crash and MJ-12.
Part 1.
MJ12CAU2.ZIP 2954 CAUS: Part 2 on the tantalizing MJ-12 report. Dated on
the CIA's birthday!
MJ12DOC1.ZIP 2483 Moore/Friedman/Shandera release MJ-12
MJ12DOC2.ZIP 4760 MJ-12 Briefing document - lists MJ-12
MJ12DOC3.ZIP 821 MJ-12 Letter to Forrestal from Truman
MJ12DOC4.ZIP 943 MJ-12 Cutler to Twining Memorandum
MJ12DOC5.ZIP 535 Truman's schedule on July 16, 1954
MJ12DOC6.ZIP 2339 National Archives responds to MJ-12
MJ12EURO.ZIP 5084 "MJ12-The European Connections" -OCT/89
MJ12QA.ZIP 3493 Info on Roswell and MJ-12 material
MJ12REAL.ZIP 3827 Majestic-12: Docs fake, but MJ12 REAL??
MJ12REAX.ZIP 2927 More on Friedman's rebut of CISCOP
MJ12STF.ZIP 4084 Friedman rebuts CISCOP MJ-12 analysis
MJ12TEAM.ZIP 1147 Background on Moore/Shandera/Friedman
MOORE.ZIP 1433 Is the "Big Breakthrough" coming?
MOORE2.ZIP 4353 English/Moore Speech MUFON '89 Symposium
MOORE3.ZIP 3203 English on Moore - MUFON Symposium
MOORELET.ZIP 3989 Open Letter from Bill Moore - DEC/88
MOTIVES.ZIP 18760 Why would Truman create something like MJ12 and allow it
to take on a life all its own? Self-extracting essay.
MRSP.ZIP 3483 Moore/English Letter re '89 Speech - MUFON Symp
MTHLY2.ZIP 17966 UFINET newsletter attacks William Moore
> Total of 27 files (137452 bytes) in this area
AQUA-CAT.ZIP 1142 Catalog of the "Aquarius" Documents
AQUA-DOC.ZIP 2560 Aquarius Documents
AQUA-NSA.ZIP 2132 National Security Agency (NSA) admits Project Aquarius
exists, refuses to release documents, and sends a huge
bill to CUFON!
AQUA-UFO.ZIP 1279 More Aquarius Documents
AQUACONF.ZIP 2303 Project Aquarius UFO related - NSA
AQUAMEMO.ZIP 1833 Air Force responds to FOIA request
AQUAQUES.ZIP 8555 "Questions on Aquarius" by C. Lambright
AQUATV.ZIP 1493 FOIA responds to TV station on request
FRYAQUA.ZIP 769 AFOSI denies info on Project Aquarius
GLENAQUA.ZIP 2088 NSA responds to John Glenn on UFO info
> Total of 10 files (24154 bytes) in this area
GREYS.ZIP 11097 Reaction to Lear claims from M. Macleod
JSLEAR.ZIP 6267 Response to John Lear's "Hypothesis"
LANG2.ZIP 1996 Brad Langton of ParaNet Lamda doubts Lear
LANGRES.ZIP 2202 Brad Langton with response to Lear
LEAR-NEW.ZIP 5747 John Lear's newest pronouncements on Secret Gov't, the
UFO conspiracy, the plot to spread AIDS, and more.
LEAR.ZIP 12218 John Lear's UFO Coverup theory
LEARBIO.ZIP 2395 Background information on John Lear
LEARCAL.ZIP 2986 Article on John Lear from UFO Magazine
LEARCIS.ZIP 9382 Thread on CIS involving John Lear
LEARDANW.ZIP 3450 Lear responds to MUFON Deputy Director
LEARFLM.ZIP 3487 Analysis of Lear's TV videotapes
LEARREP.ZIP 3198 Rick Dell'aquila responds to J. Lear
LEARTHD.ZIP 6625 Thread on MRI and on Lear's Hypothesis
MCCANN.ZIP 2389 Lear Hypothesis: Craig McCann's thoughtful reply to
John Lear's claims.
MICKUS1.ZIP 4410 Comparison between Lear & Andrews texts
OUTLOOK.ZIP 2802 FSR editorial on Lear/Cooper Info
WPLEAR.ZIP 2684 Lear Jet designer believed in UFOs
> Total of 17 files (83335 bytes) in this area
HOROWITZ.ZIP 2131 David Horrowitz held at gunpoint
KRIL-FAK.ZIP 2072 UFINET: Bill English posts the definitive info on the
Krill "papers" -- who hoaxed them and why.
KRILL1.ZIP 12987 EBE Overview - Cattle Mutilations
KRILL2.ZIP 7626 Do we have Alien Technology?
KRILL3.ZIP 16221 The infamous Men-In-Black (MIB)
KRILL4.ZIP 18796 Does Reagan know something we don't?
KRLLORIG.ZIP 1903 The origin of "Krill" by Bill Cooper
MATRIX.ZIP 10108 Listing of content of "The Matrix"
VEGASEBE.ZIP 1318 Nevada U.S.- Alien Facility Brief
> Total of 9 files (73162 bytes) in this area
COOPER2.ZIP 1188 New phones & addresses for Cooper groups
COOPRBBS.ZIP 1919 Cooper's BBS: Mucho $$ to join. Order form
FEDEX1.ZIP 326 Correspondence to Cooper from Lear
FEDEX2.ZIP 2351 Correspondence between Cooper & Lear
FEDEX3.ZIP 12013 Bill English and Grudge Report #13
GUIDANCE.ZIP 2613 A "not-to-be-released" file from Cooper
INDICT.ZIP 2877 Lear-Cooper letter to U.S. Govt
INDICT1.ZIP 4580 Revised INDICT txt sent to Govt 4/26/89
LEARCOOP.ZIP 2848 Speiser gives opinion of Lear-Cooper
MAJIC10.ZIP 772 Trilateral Insignia depicted
MAJIC2.ZIP 11113 Bill Cooper gives an explanation
MAJIC3.ZIP 3318 "Roberts Story" from Bill Cooper
MAJIC4.ZIP 13282 Several letters dealing with UFO info
MAJIC5.ZIP 9452 More letters and Aquarius speculation
MAJIC6.ZIP 11519 CUFON FOIA files & Seattle Times piece
MAJIC7.ZIP 5025 Bill Coopers reasons for going public
MAJIC8.ZIP 11967 Supporting info for Cooper claims
MAJIC9.ZIP 6918 Project Redlight, Delta Security, etc.
MJ-12.ZIP 7786 This time it's the "absolute truth" - Cooper
MJ12.ZIP 7479 Bill Cooper's *Final* file on MJ-12 etc
OFFPUB.ZIP 1217 Henry Swerdloff backs up Cooper's claims of "Offical
U.S. Gov't Publications" on Aliens & UFOs.
PICNIC2.ZIP 6658 A "not-to-be-released" file from Cooper
RUMINATE.ZIP 3298 B. Langton speaks on Cooper material
SWAN.ZIP 5623 Swan attests to some of Cooper's claims
SWAN1.ZIP 1723 R. Swan letter to Linda Howe 4/5/89
THISISIT.ZIP 5926 List of Projects under MAJESTIC-12
TIRU1.ZIP 2787 Cooper sees UFO sighting from submarine
TOALL.ZIP 1849 Bill Cooper's relationship with J. Lear
UFOGOVMT.ZIP 26766 Wm. Milton Cooper speech on UFO coverup -- This file is
contained in UFOPLOT.ZIP
UFOPLOT.ZIP 46445 Wm. Milton Cooper: Complete lecture on the Gov't UFO
coverup, UFO work group, etc.
VARIOU$.ZIP 17228 Late$t Bill Cooper raving$: He never $aid all tho$e
thing$, and for a $mall contribution, he'll tell you the
real deal!
> Total of 31 files (238866 bytes) in this area
ABDUCTEE.ZIP 2115 AP: Abduction experiences on the rise
ALIENCON.ZIP 2126 One man's account of Alien Contacts 1967-70
ANTI-ABD.ZIP 3358 How to avoid being abducted by a UFO
ANTI-MIB.ZIP 4580 How to avoid being vexed by "Men in Black"
BRYON.ZIP 6077 UFOs come when summoned? Fyffe, AL sightings
BSMITH.ZIP 4836 Bryon Smith recalls possible abduction
CHRISCO.ZIP 6558 Conference with abductee Chris Young
COYNECO.ZIP 9065 CompuServe Conference transcript of a chat with Shirley
and George Coyne, abductees.
DJOURNAL.ZIP 15385 D. Brown's journal on UFO visitations
DOCTOR.ZIP 1578 Addresses/phones of abduction hypnotherapists
ETHICS.ZIP 12311 ParaNet: Budd Hopkins thinks long and hard about the
ethical implications of the UFO abduction phenomenon.
ETHYPE.ZIP 4787 CBC: Transcript of "The ET Hypothesis"
EXPMJ12.ZIP 2215 What about our "human rights"?
FETUS.ZIP 4134 ParaNet: Alien Fetus recovery in Vancouver, BC?
FILEPLOT.ZIP 686 Small graph plotting worldwide UFO abducts
HOPKINCO.ZIP 5047 Conference with researcher Budd Hopkins
HOPKINS.ZIP 5047 Budd Hopkins with update on implants
HOPREPLY.ZIP 4898 Budd Hopkins replies again to Klass
HYPNOLTR.ZIP 2897 Response to CSICOP "fantasy-prone" per.
IMPLANT.ZIP 1941 Article on MRI decries sci. ignorance
IMPLANT2.ZIP 1352 Ohio group claims abductee implants can be neutralized
by magnets and Tesla coil fields.
JACOBIN.ZIP 4251 CBC Interviews abduct. researcher David Jacobs
JRIVERS.ZIP 1840 Bud Hopkins announces implant recovery 5/90
KIDNAP.ZIP 3066 MUFON: Victor Boc, Radio Talk-Show Host from San Jose,
CA, kidnapped by UFO cult. Tie-in to Boc's research on
Travis Walton case?
LAIBOW.ZIP 13884 Hypnotist Rima Laibow's in-depth paper on Abductees &
her methodologies.
MISSING.ZIP 3046 MUFON: Over 20 people from Oregon disappear in the wake
of a UFO-Contactee Cult run by an elderly couple.
OBINA2.ZIP 2538 Purpose behind abduction implants?
OBINA3.ZIP 9862 Ben Obina dialogues with a Space Being
PKLASSBH.ZIP 5213 Budd Hopkins angrily rebuts Phil Klass
PTSD1.ZIP 3706 MUFON: Criteria and info on Post-Traumatic Stress
Disorder. A psychiatric (tho' Freudian) view of the
illness re: UFO abductions
TRANSMIT.ZIP 4441 Swedish brain-transmitter experiments
UFO-CULT.ZIP 9926 Especially bad UFO contactee cult makes the news.
Highly mobile members, nasty doings at a campsite,
mysterious leadership.
UFOGIRLS.ZIP 1636 Abuductees rack up "freq. flyer miles"
VALENT1.ZIP 2135 Australian Bob Fletcher on the mysterious UFO encounter
of Frederick Valentich -- and his disappearance.
VALENT2.ZIP 6899 Final report by New Zealand civil aviation investigators
on the disappearance of Frederick Valentich and his
VALTAPE.ZIP 2334 Transcript of the Air-Traffic Control tapes of Frederick
Valentich's last flight, mid-air UFO encounter and
WALTON1.ZIP 6812 Travis Walton UFO Abduction Case: Two messages
summarize the facts, mysteries, and unanswered questions
of the last 17 years.
> Total of 37 files (182582 bytes) in this area
ALABAMA1.ZIP 1689 Cattle/Animal Mutilations in Alabama continue?
CATAGAIN.ZIP 2820 Cattle Mutilations again! Linda Howe info.
CATTLE.ZIP 15496 Files On Possible Cattle Mutilations
CATTLEMU.ZIP 1210 1990 cattle mutes in North Carolina
COWBLOOD.ZIP 4742 Cowsblood interchangeable with human?
DEDSHEEP.ZIP 4336 11-24-91 article on dead sheep in NV
ETMON.ZIP 2090 E.T. Monitor: Linda M. Howe updates Mutilation Reports
from Arkansas (probably), Penna. (questionable) and
FOXLAKE.ZIP 2778 What's worse, actual mutes or hungry UFO cultists? Fox
Lake, IL, cattle mute turns out to be a strange, hungry
UFO contactee cult.
HORSE.ZIP 1377 Horse Mutilated in Saskatoon - OCT/89
HOWE.ZIP 5653 Message threads w/Linda Howe on Cattle Mutes
HOWEMUT.ZIP 2865 Update on Linda Moulton-Howe & her research
HUMANMUT.ZIP 1138 1991 report: possible Human Mutilation (WV)
HUMMUTE.ZIP 6327 "Human Mutilation Factor" by Don Ecker
MORGMUTE.ZIP 2078 Morgue Mutes! Satanists? Saucers? Jeff Dahmer-like
Sexual Sadists? Real grim stuff.
MUT.ZIP 3001 Cattle Mutes hypothesis by Brad Steiger
MUTILAT1.ZIP 4885 Multiple mutes in Idaho: 1988 Police reports
MUTILAT2.ZIP 2111 More Idaho Mutes, 1989: From _Idaho Statesman_
MUTILATE.ZIP 1788 Rancher hit with Cattle mutes - JAN/89
UFONCS4.ZIP 4072 UFONCS: Cattle mutes - Earth as UFO lunch-stop?
UFONCS52.ZIP 1373 UFONCS: August 1990 Cattle Mute
> Total of 20 files (71829 bytes) in this area
CYBORG.ZIP 5038 Cybernetics and UFO's by Al Pinto
ORIGIN.ZIP 5643 Earth Origin Theory of UFOs - Al Pinto
RORVIK.ZIP 6281 David Rorvik on Cyborgs - by Al Pinto
THEORY.ZIP 3454 The Hollow Earth theory - Omni OCT/83
VESCO.ZIP 10101 Vesco & German UFO Research - Al Pinto
WHATARE.ZIP 5143 UFOs - Alien or Man-made? by Al Pinto
> Total of 6 files (35660 bytes) in this area
INSD0188.ZIP 2043 Inside UFOlogy - JAN/88
INSD0189.ZIP 3158 Inside UFOlogy - JAN/89
INSD0288.ZIP 2570 Inside UFOlogy - FEB/88
INSD0289.ZIP 3791 Inside UFOlogy - FEB/89
INSD0388.ZIP 1444 Inside UFOlogy - MAR/88
INSD0588.ZIP 3090 Inside UFOlogy - MAY/88
INSD0688.ZIP 2934 Inside UFOlogy - JUN/88
INSD0788.ZIP 4528 Inside UFOlogy - JUL/88
INSD0888.ZIP 3345 Inside UFOlogy - AUG/88
INSD0988.ZIP 4365 Inside UFOlogy - SEP/88
INSD1287.ZIP 3211 Inside UFOlogy - DEC/87
SAUCER1.ZIP 4058 James Moseley's SAUCER SMEAR ONLINE UFO mag. #1
SAUCER2.ZIP 5689 James Moseley's SAUCER SMEAR ONLINE UFO mag. #2
SAUCER4.ZIP 6107 James Moseley's SAUCER SMEAR ONLINE UFO mag. #3
SAUCER5.ZIP 7578 James Moseley's SAUCER SMEAR ONLINE UFO mag. #4
SAUCERS.ZIP 2837 Track down US Gov't "UFO" tech. patents & docs!
SNUFORS5.ZIP 7983 SNUFORS Newsletter, Vol 1, No 5
> Total of 17 files (68731 bytes) in this area
BBC.ZIP 1557 A 1969 news item re: the closing of Project Blue Book.
BLUEBOOK.ZIP 3085 Info on the New Project Bluebook
PBBADD01.ZIP 741 Bill Pitts with "New Project Bluebook"
PBBWARN.ZIP 5417 Cooper with "warning" on N.P. Bluebook
PITTS.ZIP 2946 Pitts explains purpose of N.P. Bluebook
> Total of 5 files (13746 bytes) in this area
ACRONYMS.ZIP 3328 List of govt/military acronyms - CUFON
AETHER.ZIP 2598 Aetherius Society wants Coverup exposed
AFBBS.ZIP 1493 Brief list of some "USAF" BBSs
AFOSI.ZIP 2479 Air Force Office of Spec. Investigations docs. reporting
analysis of several photos(see DOTY)
AFR200-2.ZIP 3595 USAF regulation AFR-200-2 active AUG/54
BRAINWSH.ZIP 23296 Discussion of mind control techniques
CIRVIS.ZIP 2098 CIRVUS reporting - from JCS SEP/51
CLASSIC.ZIP 1413 1959 U.S. order referring to AFR 200-2
COASGARD.ZIP 851 U.S. Coastguard denies having UFO info
COYCAN1.ZIP 2480 Kirtland AFB UFO sighting SEP-AUG/80 -1
COYCAN2.ZIP 1691 Kirtland AFB UFO sighting AUG/80 - 2
CUFONFBI.ZIP 8029 Did the FBI get out of the "UFO business"? Nope! FOIA
Documents show long-term FBI monitoring of CUFON!
DEFMAP1.ZIP 1430 ParaNet: Message on obtaining maps from the Defense
Mapping Agency (DMA).
ENGLISH.ZIP 707 Bill English is still alive
GSWCIA.ZIP 3012 Ground Saucer Watch: UFOs & CIA surveillance
IPU.ZIP 1756 Info on Interplanetary Phenomenon Unit
JCAUSE.ZIP 2116 US deep space tracking detects alien ships?
JMP.ZIP 7510 Letter to President Reagan - DEC/87
NAVY.ZIP 2207 UFO reporting within the Navy - JUL/54
SPOOK.ZIP 5212 Talk with a former Intelligence Member
TAB-A.ZIP 7018 ParaNet: "Tab A" of Robertson Panel(CIA)UFO study!
USAFCHAP.ZIP 16050 Chapter XIII of former USAF manual
USNAVY.ZIP 2288 Ghost haunts U.S.S. Carrier Forrestal
WEATHER.ZIP 7424 Mt. Weather - U.S. underground facility
> Total of 24 files (110081 bytes) in this area
DOTY.ZIP 1829 MAR/89 letter from Richard C. Doty
DOTY2.ZIP 2041 APR/89 letter from Richard C. Doty
DOTYDATA.ZIP 1864 Military Record of Richard C. Doty
KLASDOTY.ZIP 13421 JAN/88 Interview with Klass and R. Doty
> Total of 4 files (19155 bytes) in this area
BETAQUES.ZIP 1804 Questions on Bennewitz's Project Beta
PAULBENN.ZIP 2749 Bennewitz claims US govt attack on alien base
PROJ.ZIP 8523 "Project Beta" by Paul Bennewitz - 1
PROJBET2.ZIP 2669 "Project Beta" by Paul Bennewitz - 2
PROJBETA.ZIP 12030 Expanded version of Project Beta info
> Total of 5 files (27775 bytes) in this area
A51NEW.ZIP 3037 News of Area 51 reverberates thru the Fido Alternative
News conference.
AREA51-1.ZIP 8050 First KLAS reports on Lazar/Area 51
AREA51-2.ZIP 5665 Follow up/more detail on "Dreamland"
AREA51-3.ZIP 5551 Nuts & bolts, commentary on UFO propulsion, etc.
AREA51.ZIP 34256 Transcripts of the original "Area 51" broadcasts by
George Knapp, Chuck Harder, and others.
AURORA1.ZIP 6746* Aviation Week/Space Tech: List of AW&ST articles on
hypersonic AURORA spaceplane, with excerpts.
BLACKUFO.ZIP 1909 Federation of American Scientists (FAS): Scientists,
researchers and others decry costly, secret, uncontained
"black" programs.
BLACKTEC.ZIP 5640 Some samples of "Black Technology" that CIA/DIA/DARPA
are trying to suppress: radar-invisible materials,
electronic mirrors, much more.
DLILLY.ZIP 2466 The Area 51 song: Lyrics presage reality?
DREAM.ZIP 4442 Dreamland journal: "Stealth" & scorpions
DREAMLND.ZIP 4674 ParaNet: Steve Douglass' 1989 article on Nellis AFB,
Area 51, & the Tonopah Test Range
GROOMDIR.ZIP 1805 Directions to Nevada's Groom Lake/Area 51
GROMSIGN.ZIP 1356 Sample of the *Warning Signs* posted at Area 51
GROOMLTR.ZIP 1450 Text of the notices posted at Area 51
KLAS.ZIP 2079 Contact info: KLAS-TV's George Knapp
KNAPP1.ZIP 3275 Geo. Knapp sums up Lazar case & aftermath
LAZAR1.ZIP 36950 Lazar material from the 9 KLAS-TV segs
LAZAR10.ZIP 2487 U.S. Govt "Summary Report" on Lazar?
LAZAR2.ZIP 10658 Transcript of material from KLAS seg
LAZAR3.ZIP 11886 Sun Radio interviews G. Knapp -NOV17/89
LAZAR4.ZIP 9262 Transcripts of Lazar from KVEG Radio
LAZAR5.ZIP 13496 More transcripts of Lazar on KVEG Radio
LAZAR6.ZIP 13034 Yet More transcripts of Lazar on KVEG
LAZAR7.ZIP 5879 Chuck Harder of Sun Radio on Lazar
LAZAR8.ZIP 11136 Knapp & Lazar on KLAS "On The Record"
LAZAR9.ZIP 3675 Billy Goodman interviewed on Phone
LAZ-KVEG.ZIP 32314 Lazar & Area 51/S-4: Transcript of 1989 Billy Goodman
interview with Bob Lazar.
NEWS51.ZIP 5460 Past news items from 1984 onward on the strange doing
(and gov't land grab) around Groom Lake/Area 51
STEALTH1.ZIP 2222 AP report: mysterious "Stealth" crash near Area 51
STEALTH2.ZIP 3207 Messages on "Stealth"-like UFOs, like HudVal UFO
> Total of 30 files (254067 bytes) in this area
ALIENLET.ZIP 1334 "Alien Letter" from Eric Arthur Walker
CORREX.ZIP 2591 Facts surrounding Steinman/Barker text
INFORMNT.ZIP 5357 "An MJ-12 Informant" by Scott Crain Jr.
JASON60.ZIP 1057 1973 Listing of "Jason" Members
JASONNEW.ZIP 34043* "Rainbow Traveller" papers: Direct from a Jason Society
insider? Or from someone with an agenda? Lotsa detail,
but Caveat Emptor...
STFLET1.ZIP 2088 MAY/84 letter from Friedman to Steinman
WALKER1.ZIP 1651 E. A. Walker excerpt from "Who's Who"
WALKER2.ZIP 3873 Bibliographic info on Dr. Eric Walker
WALKER3.ZIP 2287 Steinman interviews Walker - AUG/87
WALKER4.ZIP 3300 Mickus speaks with E.A. Walker - AUG/89
WALKER5.ZIP 4921 Article on Cameron/Crain paper - Mickus
WSSLET1.ZIP 1646 MAR/84 letter from Steinman to Friedman
WSSLET2.ZIP 1741 MAY/84 letter from Steinman to Friedman
> Total of 13 files (65889 bytes) in this area
ALIENS.ZIP 11078 Article on aliens physical appearance
AUH20INT.ZIP 1321 Goldwater confirms Wright-Pat denial
CARP.ZIP 4557 The "Carp" UFO crash claim, for the gullible...
CRASH.ZIP 17541 Several files & threads on UFO Crash/Retrievals
DEAL.ZIP 4246 Missouri writer Val Germann outlines the case for a
government-alien "deal", dating back to the 1950s.
DULCEPAP.ZIP 2080 List of material in "The Dulce Papers"
FUROR.ZIP 1053 Fund for UFO Research(FUFOR)plans Roswell visit
GOODBOOK.ZIP 1024 REUTERS: Short "4 alien body" excerpt
GRUDGE13.ZIP 8634 Bill English recounts Grudge Report #13
GUNGHO.ZIP 2381 Alien Technology Center at Nellis AFB
HANGAR.ZIP 5584 Thread on Wright-Pat AFB Hangar-18
HIDUFO.ZIP 2026 Sarbacher confirms UFO statements
HNG18-FL.ZIP 2001 Florida man describes "Hangar 18" evidence he's
encountered since 1975.
HOTTEL.ZIP 1226 Letter to FBI about alien bodies - 1950
JUL0347.ZIP 2072 Roswell: July 3, 1947 article from Las Vegas
Review-Journal on growing local UFO wave. Article
dateline matches the Roswell crash.
KECK.ZIP 3895 5-6-89 article on Kecksburg crash
KECKUFO1.ZIP 4924 Response to skeptics re: Kecksburg UFO crash
LETDIX.ZIP 1920 Ft. Dix UFO and body story claimed
LETUFO.ZIP 3013 Billie Goldston writes his Texas Gov.
MONITOR1.ZIP 2267 E.T. Monitor: Leonard Stringfeld confirms Roswell
crash, alien bodies at Wright-Patterson AFB. Order info
for his new book.
MONITOR2.ZIP 3529 E.T. Monitor: More UFO crash stories, including a
shootdown over the Pacific by US fighters. Len
Stringfeld Q&A.
MOONDUST.ZIP 6115 CAUS: Just Cause article on Project Moondust. EXCELLENT
F.O.I.A. stuff & interviews!
RDR.ZIP 2150 FRONT PAGE: Roswell _Daily Record_ of 7/8/47
RECOVERY.ZIP 7505 Gov't scientist reveals 1975 Penna. UFO crash
REPTOIDS.ZIP 2879 Are we just a meat market for EBEs?
ROSFUGO.ZIP 2659 The Roswell Saucer: A Fugo Balloon?
ROSWELL.ZIP 5376 WSJ review of Unsolved Mysteries Roswell show
ROSWELLU.ZIP 3524 AP piece on D. Schmitt's Roswell inquiries
SARBINT.ZIP 12161 Mid-80s Friedman/Sarbacher interview
SDI&UFOS.ZIP 1891 Theories linking SDI with aliens
UFIPLUTO.ZIP 8771 UFINET: Letter from an anonymous engineer re: "Project
Pluto". Alien craft recovery in Pennsylvania in the
late 1970s???
UFONCS23.ZIP 5764 UFO NewsClip Svce: 1989 Russian UFO Crash?
UFONCS28.ZIP 1108 UFONCS: USSR jets shot down UFO in 1983
UFOPRESI.ZIP 1870 UK politician responds to Truman rumour
WPAT.ZIP 2180 References on Wright-Pat AFB from Good
> Total of 35 files (150325 bytes) in this area
ASTEROID.ZIP 4359 "The End Of A Chapter?" - Creighton
BEAM.ZIP 1995 Particle Beam from distant star hits Earth!
CENSOR.ZIP 1510 Jersey gentleman alleges NASA intimidation due to
questioning of moon photos and curious behavior by John
Keel re: a UFO sighting.
FUSION.ZIP 91666 Data on 1989 Utah Fusion Experiment
GALILEO.ZIP 36690 NASA Information on Galileo Probe
MISSIONC.ZIP 1508 NASA UFO Coverup: First inkling of NASA-UFO contact.
March 14, 1989 monitoring tape from Discovery re: "alien
MOONMARS.ZIP 14934 Lyndon LaRouche envisions Mars colony
NASA-ICE.ZIP 1462 Space-Shuttle UFO Report: Ice buildup!
NASA1.ZIP 11392 A look at UFOs & NASA Space Missions
NEARMISS.ZIP 2574 ParaNet: 1991 "Near-Miss" Space Object remains
mysterious. Not an asteroid, not an old rocket booster.
NOSETI.ZIP 1696* Ohio U. Researcher sets the record straight on "Project
SETI". There is no such thing, but Ohio U's SETI
program may be the oldest.
S4B2.ZIP 702 NASA Rep. responds to a UFO researcher
SDI1.ZIP 2705 MUFON: What's SDI about, *really*? A high-frontier
defense against aliens?
SDI2.ZIP 3206 SDI -- Spiritual Defense Initiative??! A group of
would-be Pentagon psychics unite for US Spiritual
Defense. Contact info.
SETI1.ZIP 3953 Search is on for E.T. Intelligence
SETILAW.ZIP 2802 How should World deal with SETI data?
STARS.ZIP 1021 List of closest 46 stars to our Sun
> Total of 17 files (184175 bytes) in this area
APMARS.ZIP 872 Press release on Russian Mars Probe
CYDONIA1.ZIP 2684 "The Message of Cydonia" - Hoagland
CYDONIA2.ZIP 3752 ParaNet: Roundup of Hoagland/Mars/Cydonia
ECLECTIC.ZIP 2422 Hoagland, Mars & NASA: Excellent report on Hoagland
lecture! The Mars Face agenda, the 9-15-92 NASA UFO
video from STS-048, more!
ETSEARCH.ZIP 7833 Implications of ET Existence - Hoagland
HOAGCO.ZIP 17269 Author of "Monuments of Mars"
HOAGMARS.ZIP 13036 Mars "face" author writes Pravda - DEC/89
LUNAR1.ZIP 1567* Lunar bases full of aliens? Wrong Number caller's
hypothesis on alien lunar bases, Area-51, Aurora
spaceplane, and Alternative 3.
MARS.ZIP 2239 AP: Mars makes close approach in 1988
MARSFACE.ZIP 1611 AP: Speculation around MarsFace -JUL/88
MARSMSG.ZIP 2223 Thread on "Sphinx Face" on Mars
MARSOB.ZIP 2986 The Mars Observer Project
MARSPICS.ZIP 164852 3 Pictures of the "MarsFace"
MARSTHD.ZIP 3162 Another thread on Mars "Sphinx Face"
PHOBOS2.ZIP 2844 Impact of Phobos failures on USSR
SPACENEW.ZIP 3252 ParaNet Exclusive!: Secret US Mars Mission??
WHMOON.ZIP 3756 Draft report outlines US Moon/Mars exploration.
> Total of 17 files (236360 bytes) in this area
Graphics Viewing Programs for Your Home Computer
(You need a minimum of Hercules graphics capability to use them)
CSHOW843.ZIP 354176 CompuShow v.8.43, the latest & greatest! Install
programs, more drivers, video modes, printer & mouse
support! Great!
GRASPRT.ZIP 60401 Shareware GRASP animation viewer. Plays back EGA/VGA
animations (.GL files)
SIXBIT.COM 62913 Get 256 six-bit colors in EGA with this utility
VPIC.EXE 56399 Small, fast VGA .GIF file viewer!
*** ALIEN1-5.GIF -- Make of these what you will. UGGGH! ***
ALIEN1.GIF 59471 GIF of dead, mummified Alien? 1/5
ALIEN2.GIF 26030 GIF of dead, mummified Alien? 2/5
ALIEN3.GIF 35069 GIF of dead, mummified Alien? 3/5
ALIEN4.GIF 27106 GIF of dead, mummified Alien? 4/5
ALIEN5.GIF 25417 GIF of dead, mummified Alien? 5/5
Graphics Files of UFO Photos/Videos -- CompuServe .GIF format
AIRSHIP.GIF 119597 An advanced earthly airship of the 1897 era. The
Santos-Dumont Airship, in France, ca. 1898.
ALIEN.GIF 9655 Sketch of the common "Graylien"
AVROCAR.GIF 76563 US Air Force "UFO": Dangerous, ducted-fan disk could
barely fly. It was displayed and flown to "explain" UFO
BCUFO.GIF 31595 British Columbia UFO photo.
BRAZIL2.GIF 27176 Brazilian UFO photo 2: The 1950s Ubatuba UFO?
BRAZIL3.GIF 57081 Brazilian UFO photo 3 from the 50s.
GREY.GIF 4352 A GIF illustration of your basic "Grey" alien
HORTEN1.GIF 5880 1945 Horten Flying Wing #1: Nazi Stealth plane?
HORTEN2.GIF 5595 1945 Horten Flying Wing #2: Early Stealth?
HORTEN3.GIF 4826 1945 Horten Flying Wing Design #3
HORTEN4.GIF 4793 1945 Horten Flying Wing Design #4
HORTEN5.GIF 6309 1945 Horten Flying Wing Design #5
HORTWING.GIF 5165 Horten Wing cross-section & detail
HWINGDEV.GIF 10288 Horten Development Doc from (US) Chance Vought!
MARCEL.GIF 64884 Picture of Maj. Jesse Marcel showing the Roswell debris,
MEIR2.GIF 27513 Eduard "Billy" Meier UFO photo, widely regarded as a
MEIR3.GIF 31195 Eduard "Billy" Meier UFO photo, widely regarded as a
MEIR4.GIF 28533 Eduard "Billy" Meier UFO photo, widely regarded as a
MEIR5.GIF 29608 Eduard "Billy" Meier UFO photo, widely regarded as a
NASARPRA.GIF 147757 NASA remote-piloted disc spacecraft.
NAZIDISK.GIF 95084 1944 plans for a Nazi "UFO" disk aircraft.
PAUFO.GIF 31166 Pennsylvania UFO photo.
SCUFO.GIF 28293 So. Carolina UFO photo
SICILY.GIF 31922 Sicily, Italy, UFO photo.
UFO1.GIF 9216 No description available.
UFONAUT.GIF 12006 GIF of bald, dwarfish UFOccupant: Phil Klass!!
UFOPIX.ZIP 242822 Collection of 6 UFO .GIFs: Descriptions below:
AUS.GIF 43176 Balwyn photo of UFO in Australia
BRAZIL.GIF 38931 UFO photographed near Rio de Janeiro
FAKE.GIF 42608 Heflin "UFO" - APRO analysis found a string!
GIBB.GIF 40367 Gibbonsville UFO
HILL.GIF 37208 Photo by Betty Hill of Interrupted Journey fame
WASH.GIF 39525 Washington D.C. buzzed by UFOs in '52
Space & Earth Oddities -- The Mars "Face", Lunar Anomalies,
The Ogden "Object" -- CompuServe .GIF and other formats
35A72.GIF 73069 View of Cydonia - contained in MARSPIX.ZIP
70A13.GIF 52304 View of Cydonia - contained in MARSPIX.ZIP
AURAVIEW.ZIP 48620 Aura/Life-Force Monitoring: Solid-state technology
yields new "Aura-Monitoring" Equipment! Includes 4 GIFs
(CGA) of different subjects
BUCKY.ZIP 57725* Self-extracting picture of a Fullerene (a "Bucky-ball")
CIRCLE1.GIF 33104 A Crop Circle
CIRCLE3.GIF 33372 Crop Circle 3
CIRCLE5.GIF 31687 Crop Circle 5
CIRCLE6.GIF 82432 British Crop Circle: Marlborough Downs "Frying Pan", 1991
MAP.GIF 13671 Map of alleged underground bases used by aliens in the
Western U.S. and Mexico. Tunnels from Mexico to
MARSFACE.GIF 39169 The Mars "face" - contained in MARSPIX.ZIP
MARSPIX.ZIP 164852 Three .GIF files of Cydonia, the Mars "face" and other
surface features, including 35A72.GIF, 70A13.GIF and
NASA-IMG.ZIP 140756 NASA image display system, for displaying and detailed
analysis of NASA pix, w/docs
OGDEN1.GIF 84511 Sketch of buried "mystery" object from Ogden, UT
OGDEN2.GIF 94712 Tracing of "Arabic" writing on Ogden Object
SKYGLOBE.ZIP 288171* Star Chart Software: SKYGLOBE is a shareware
astronomical charting program. Nice.
Graphics Files of Patents, Plans, and Devices --
assorted formats, some include text files
BRNPICS.ZIP 39977 T.T. Brown piezoelectric "saucer" patents, PCXs only
HOWITPCX.ZIP 66017 Tesla Howitzer: PCX graphics only
HOWITZER.ZIP 150706 Tesla's Scalar Howitzer: 7 PCX graphics and text
** ANIMATION FILES ** you need CGA or better and
GRASPRT.ZIP (see above) to run these!
ABDUCT1.ZIP 17095 Silly little ANSI animation of an abduct.
Text Components of Graphics/Animation files -- good reading!
HOWITZER.TXT 41580 Text from HOWITZER.ZIP: Tesla/Bearden scalar cannon.
> Total of 62 files (3651201 bytes) in this area
³ Total number of files = 2148 Total number of bytes = 31357385 ³
³ ³
³ Compiled with AvaiList 1.60 - Copyright (c) 1988-1990 Andrew D. Farmer. ³