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1/14/92 Government and Related Bulletin Boards Page 1
Compiled by CNO OP-940 from various sources. Coordinate corrections with CDR
John Maher, (DSN) 227-6494, (703) 697-6494, (DDN) op940@nhis.nctsw.navy.mil.
Data1 Commercial: (800) 367-2172 DSN:
BBS: Career Counselor
Data1 Commercial: DSN: 225-7300
Data1 Commercial: DSN: 955-4999
Remarks: No Answer.
BBS: DCASR Chicago
Data1 Commercial: DSN: 930-6550
Remarks: No Answer.
BBS: DCASR Grand Central NY
Data1 Commercial: DSN: 944-3529
Remarks: No Answer.
BBS: Dial-a-Log
Location: Gunter AFS
Data1 Commercial: DSN: 446-3678
Remarks: "Call cannot be completed as dialed"
BBS: Dial-a-Log 2
Location: Gunter AFS
Data1 Commercial: DSN: 446-3688
Remarks: "Call cannot be completed as dialed"
Data1 Commercial: DSN: 639-5255
Location: Rockville, MD
Data1 Commercial: (301) 258-0953 DSN:
Voice Commercial: (301) 975-0103 DSN:
Hours: 24 Hrs/Day. 7 Days/Wk.
Access: Public
Topics: Colleges, universities, and research.
Remarks: On Line Information Service linking Fed Govt and higher educat.
Data1 Commercial: DSN: 364-5637
Remarks: "Call cannot be completed as dialed"
1/14/92 Government and Related Bulletin Boards Page 2
Compiled by CNO OP-940 from various sources. Coordinate corrections with CDR
John Maher, (DSN) 227-6494, (703) 697-6494, (DDN) op940@nhis.nctsw.navy.mil.
Data1 Commercial: DSN: 565-6815
Location: Quantico, VA
Data1 Commercial: DSN: 278-2374
Data1 Commercial: DSN: 446-4633
Remarks: "Call cannot be completed as dialed"
BBS: TechWorld
Location: Alexandria/Arlington
Data1 Commercial: (703) 524-1924 DSN:
Topics: Integrated Software Federal Users Group (ISFUG) BBS
BBS: The Office
Data1 Commercial: DSN: 462-5319
Hours: After 1900
BBS: Bureau of Health Professionals BBS
Sponsor: Bureau of Health Professionals
Location: Kensington, MD
Data1 Commercial: (301) 443-5913 DSN:
Topics: Files related to Health Professions.
BBS: DCA Acquisition
Sponsor: Defense Communications Agency
Data1 Commercial: (618) 256-8200 DSN:
Voice Commercial: (618) 256-9380 DSN:
Access: Public.
Topics: Plans and solicitations for DOD communications.
Sponsor: Defense Data Network
Location: Gunter AFS
Data1 Commercial: DSN: 446-4682
Sponsor: Defense Data Network
Data1 Commercial: (800) 368-2217 DSN:
Sponsor: Defense Data Network
Location: Gunter AFS
Data1 Commercial: DSN: 446-3576
1/14/92 Government and Related Bulletin Boards Page 3
Compiled by CNO OP-940 from various sources. Coordinate corrections with CDR
John Maher, (DSN) 227-6494, (703) 697-6494, (DDN) op940@nhis.nctsw.navy.mil.
Sponsor: Defense Data Network
Location: Gunter AFS
Data1 Commercial: DSN: 446-3288
Sponsor: Defense Logistics Agency
Data1 Commercial: (703) 274-5863 DSN:
Voice Commercial: (703) 274-5757 DSN:
Access: Public.
Topics: Supports DLA users. Conferences on ENABLE & other pkgs. DOS tip
Sponsor: Defense Logistics Agency
Data1 Commercial: (703) 274-5863 DSN:
Sponsor: Defense Logistics Agency
Data1 Commercial: DSN: 850-2559
Sponsor: Defense Logistics Agency
Data1 Commercial: DSN: 883-1974
BBS: DLA Columbus Ohio
Sponsor: Defense Logistics Agency
Data1 Commercial: DSN: 850-3588
Sponsor: Defense Logistics Agency
Data1 Commercial: DSN: 930-6523
Sponsor: Defense Logistics Agency
Data1 Commercial: DSN: 930-6552
BBS: AgComNet
Sponsor: Dept of Agriculture
Location: Washington, DC
Data1 Commercial: Use Voice Nbr DSN:
Voice Commercial: (202) 447-8694 DSN:
Access: USDA Telemail Users Only
Topics: Mtgs and Scheds for Dept's move to FTS 2000
BBS: Lipid Nutritional Laboratory
Sponsor: Dept of Agriculture
Data1 Commercial: (301) 344-1277 DSN:
1/14/92 Government and Related Bulletin Boards Page 4
Compiled by CNO OP-940 from various sources. Coordinate corrections with CDR
John Maher, (DSN) 227-6494, (703) 697-6494, (DDN) op940@nhis.nctsw.navy.mil.
BBS: National Biological Impace Assessmt Pgm
Sponsor: Dept of Agriculture
Data1 Commercial: (703) 231-3858 DSN:
Voice Commercial: (800) 624-2723 DSN:
Sponsor: Dept of Agriculture
Data1 Commercial: (301) 344-0313 DSN:
BBS: Agriculture Library Forum
Sponsor: Dept of Agriculture Agriculture Information Library
Data1 Commercial: (301) 344-8510 DSN:
Data2 Commercial: (301) 344-8511 DSN:
Voice Commercial: (301) 344-2113 DSN:
Access: Public
Topics: NAL Bulletins. Messages and Conferences offering Agri Info
BBS: Nutrient Data Bank
Sponsor: Dept of Agriculture Human Nutrition Information Svc
Data1 Commercial: (301) 436-5078 DSN:
Voice Commercial: (301) 436-8491 DSN:
Access: Public
Topics: Data on Food Composition, messages, dietary analysis software
BBS: Agriculture Library Forum (ALF)
Sponsor: Dept of Agriculture National Agriculture Library
Data1 Commercial: (301) 344-8510 DSN:
BBS: Economic BBS
Sponsor: Dept of Commerce
Data1 Commercial: (202) 377-3870 DSN:
Voice Commercial: (202) 377-1986 DSN:
Access: Full access by paid subscription
Topics: Monthly GNP & corporate profits, CPI, personal incomes, etc.
BBS: Office Automation BBS
Sponsor: Dept of Commerce
Location: Suitland, MD
Data1 Commercial: (301) 763-4576 DSN:
Voice Commercial: (301) 763-4950 DSN:
Hours: 24 Hrs/Day. 7 Days/Wk.
Access: Public.
Topics: Product reviews, software, training information.
BBS: Planning and Budget BBS
Sponsor: Dept of Commerce
Data1 Commercial: (202) 377-1423 DSN:
Voice Commercial: (202) 377-2949 DSN:
Access: Public.
Topics: Moves internal documents and spreadsheets; OMB bulletins.
1/14/92 Government and Related Bulletin Boards Page 5
Compiled by CNO OP-940 from various sources. Coordinate corrections with CDR
John Maher, (DSN) 227-6494, (703) 697-6494, (DDN) op940@nhis.nctsw.navy.mil.
BBS: ADA Information
Sponsor: Dept of Defense
Data1 Commercial: (703) 614-0215 DSN:
Data2 Commercial: (301) 459-3865 DSN:
Voice Commercial: (703) 685-1477 DSN:
Hours: 24 Hrs/Day. 7 Days/Wk.
Access: Public.
Topics: Validated Compilers, ADA Bulletin Boards, and other ADA info.
BBS: ADAIC (ADA Information Center) BBS
Sponsor: Dept of Defense
Location: Arlington/Hyattsville
Data1 Commercial: (703) 614-0215 DSN:
Data2 Commercial: (301) 459-3865 DSN:
Sponsor: Dept of Defense Defense Mapping Agency
Data1 Commercial: (301) 227-4424 DSN:
Voice Commercial: (301) 227-3296 DSN:
Access: Public.
Topics: Info for mariners, marine advisories, and global positioning.
BBS: Export Control
Sponsor: Dept of Defense Defense Technology Security Admin
Data1 Commercial: (202) 697-3632 DSN:
Voice Commercial: (202) 693-1148 DSN:
Access: Public.
Topics: Exclusive use of exporters of licensed items iaw Export Control.
BBS: Export License Status Adviser
Sponsor: Dept of Defense Defense Technology Security Admin
Data1 Commercial: (703) 697-6109 DSN:
Voice Commercial: (703) 693-1097 DSN:
Access: Export License Applicants.
Topics: Status reports on export licenses and other export information.
BBS: Educational Research and Improvement
Sponsor: Dept of Education
Location: Washington, DC
Data1 Commercial: (202) 219-2011 DSN:
Data2 Commercial: (202) 357-6011 DSN:
Voice Commercial: (202) 357-6524 DSN:
Hours: 24 Hrs/Day. 7 Days/Wk.
Access: Public.
Topics: Another Voice (?) (202) 357-6012
1/14/92 Government and Related Bulletin Boards Page 6
Compiled by CNO OP-940 from various sources. Coordinate corrections with CDR
John Maher, (DSN) 227-6494, (703) 697-6494, (DDN) op940@nhis.nctsw.navy.mil.
BBS: Mines-Data
Sponsor: Dept of Interior Bureau of Mines
Data1 Commercial: (202) 634-4637 DSN:
Voice Commercial: (202) 634-0079 DSN:
Access: Public.
Topics: Tables showing minerals production.
BBS: Justice Dept BBS
Sponsor: Dept of Justice
Data1 Commercial: (202) 898-0318 DSN:
BBS: Budget and Finance
Sponsor: Dept of Justice Immigration and Naturalization Service
Location: Washington, DC
Data1 Commercial: (202) 786-3640 DSN:
Hours: Do not use in mid-day.
Access: Public.
BBS: Bureau of Prisons BBS
Sponsor: Dept of Justice/Bureau of Prisons
Location: Washington, DC
Data1 Commercial: (202) 272-4545 DSN:
Access: Public. BOP & other govt emplys
BBS: Office of Information Systems BBS
Sponsor: Dept of Justice/Bureau of Prisons
Data1 Commercial: (202) 514-6102 DSN:
Voice Commercial: (202) 307-3104 DSN:
Access: Public.
Topics: Software and conferences for computer specialists.
BBS: Criminal Justice Reference System
Sponsor: Dept of Justice/National Institute of Justice
Data1 Commercial: (301) 738-8895 DSN:
Voice Commercial: (301) 251-5500 DSN:
Access: Public.
Topics: Institute news; BOJ statistics; conference information.
BBS: Agency for International Development
Sponsor: Dept of State
Location: Arlington, VA
Data1 Commercial: (703) 875-1465 DSN:
Voice Commercial: (703) 875-1369 DSN:
Hours: 24 Hrs/Day. 7 Days/Wk.
Access: Public.
1/14/92 Government and Related Bulletin Boards Page 7
Compiled by CNO OP-940 from various sources. Coordinate corrections with CDR
John Maher, (DSN) 227-6494, (703) 697-6494, (DDN) op940@nhis.nctsw.navy.mil.
BBS: Federal Highway Administration
Sponsor: Dept of Transportation/Federal Highway Administration
Data1 Commercial: (202) 366-3764 DSN:
Voice Commercial: (202) 366-9022 DSN:
Access: Public.
Topics: Open forum on FHWA topics and computer technology.
BBS: Federal Highway Administration
Sponsor: Dept of Transportation/Federal Highway Administration
Location: Washington, DC
Data1 Commercial: (202) 426-2961 DSN:
Voice Commercial: (202) 366-4057 DSN:
Hours: 24 Hrs/Day. 7 Days/Wk.
Access: Public.
BBS: Inventory Line
Sponsor: Dept of Treasury
Location: Washington, DC
Data1 Commercial: (202) 287-0767 DSN:
Topics: US Treasury FMS, fin mgmt, and cash mgmt for govt agencies.
BBS: DC Government BBS
Sponsor: District of Columbia Productivity management Services
Location: Washington, DC
Data1 Commercial: (202) 727-6668 DSN:
Voice Commercial: (202) 727-6665 DSN:
Hours: 24 Hrs/Day. 7 Days/Wk.
Access: Public.
BBS: Megawatts One
Sponsor: Energy Department
Data1 Commercial: (301) 353-5059 DSN:
BBS: Minority Impact
Sponsor: Energy Department
Data1 Commercial: (202) 586-1561 DSN:
Voice Commercial: (202) 586-7898 DSN:
Access: Public.
Topics: Procurement and education opportunities for minorities.
BBS: Remote BBS
Sponsor: Energy Department
Data1 Commercial: (301) 353-4892 DSN:
Voice Commercial: (301) 353-5527 DSN:
Access: Public.
Topics: Messages and software for micro users.
1/14/92 Government and Related Bulletin Boards Page 8
Compiled by CNO OP-940 from various sources. Coordinate corrections with CDR
John Maher, (DSN) 227-6494, (703) 697-6494, (DDN) op940@nhis.nctsw.navy.mil.
Sponsor: Energy Department Energy Information Administration
Location: Washington, DC
Data1 Commercial: (202) 586-8658 DSN:
Voice Commercial: (202) 586-1257 DSN:
Hours: M-F 1100-2300. Hdays 1000-1800
Access: Public.
Topics: Stats on energy production, short-term energy outlook, etc.
Sponsor: Energy Department Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
Data1 Commercial: (202) 208-1397 DSN:
BBS: FE Telenews
Sponsor: Energy Department Office of Fossil Energy
Data1 Commercial: (202) 586-6496 DSN:
Voice Commercial: (202) 586-6503 DSN:
Access: Public.
Topics: Coal, oil, gas reserves and other related information.
BBS: Radioactive Waste Management
Sponsor: Energy Department Radioactive Waste Management
Location: Washington, DC
Data1 Commercial: (202) 586-9359 DSN:
Voice Commercial: (202) 586-5722 DSN:
Hours: 24 Hrs/Day. 7 Days/Wk.
Access: Public.
Sponsor: Environmental Protection Agency
Location: Silver Spring, MD
Data1 Commercial: (301) 589-8366 DSN:
Topics: Environment, cleanup, and Superfund.
Remarks: Files, Bullitins, and Conferences regarding EPA.
BBS: Cleanup Information
Sponsor: Environmental Protection Agency
Data1 Commercial: (301) 589-8366 DSN:
Voice Commercial: (301) 589-8368 DSN:
Access: Public.
Topics: Information exchange on hazardous waste removal.
Sponsor: Export-Import Bank
Location: Washington, DC
Data1 Commercial: (202) 566-4699 DSN:
Voice Commercial: (202) 566-4690 DSN:
Hours: 24 Hrs/Day. 7 Days/Wk.
Access: Requires Subscription.
Topics: Programs and policies; news releases; staff list.
1/14/92 Government and Related Bulletin Boards Page 9
Compiled by CNO OP-940 from various sources. Coordinate corrections with CDR
John Maher, (DSN) 227-6494, (703) 697-6494, (DDN) op940@nhis.nctsw.navy.mil.
BBS: Exporters' BBS
Sponsor: Export-Import Bank
Location: Washington, DC
Data1 Commercial: (202) 566-4602 DSN:
Data2 Commercial: (202) 566-8180 DSN:
Voice Commercial: (202) 566-4690 DSN:
Hours: 24 Hrs/DAy. 7 Days/Wk.
Access: Public.
BBS: Washington Testbed for Automated Flt Svc
Data1 Commercial: (703) 790-1740 DSN:
Voice Commercial: (703) 883-6008 DSN:
Access: Public.
BBS: Public Access Link
Sponsor: Federal Communications Commission
Location: Laurel, MD
Data1 Commercial: (301) 725-1072 DSN:
Voice Commercial: (301) 725-1585 DSN:
Hours: 24 Hrs/Day. 5 min connect time.
Access: Public. Applicants for Equip Ap
Topics: Status on equipment approval applications.
Sponsor: Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
Data1 Commercial: (202) 371-9578 DSN:
BBS: Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
Sponsor: Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
Data1 Commercial: (202) 737-7264 DSN:
Voice Commercial: (202) 898-7085 DSN:
Hours: 24 Hrs/Day. 7 Days/Wk.
Access: Public.
BBS: St and Lcl Emergency Mgmt Users Group
Sponsor: Federal Emergency Management Agency
Data1 Commercial: (202) 646-2887 DSN:
Voice Commercial: (202) 646-3528 DSN:
Access: Public.
Topics: How computers can support emergency management.
BBS: Commission Issuance Posting System
Sponsor: Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
Data1 Commercial: (202) 208-1397 DSN:
Data2 Commercial: (202) 208-1781 DSN:
Voice Commercial: (202) 208-2474 DSN:
Access: Public.
Topics: Commission agenda, filings, and findings.
1/14/92 Government and Related Bulletin Boards Page 10
Compiled by CNO OP-940 from various sources. Coordinate corrections with CDR
John Maher, (DSN) 227-6494, (703) 697-6494, (DDN) op940@nhis.nctsw.navy.mil.
BBS: Automated Library Info Exchange (ALIX)
Sponsor: Federal Library and Information Center Comm.
Data1 Commercial: (202) 707-9656 DSN:
BBS: Center for Devices and Radiological Hlth
Sponsor: Food and Drug Administration
Data1 Commercial: (301) 433-7496 DSN:
Voice Commercial: (301) 443-7003 DSN:
Access: Public.
Topics: Meeting announcements, draft reports, and researcher messages.
Sponsor: GTSI
Location: Falls Church, VA
Data1 Commercial: (703) 222-5227 DSN:
Topics: GTSI government price schedule.
BBS: Information Technology
Sponsor: General Accounting Office
Location: Washington, DC
Data1 Commercial: (202) 275-1050 DSN:
Hours: 24 Hrs/Day. 7 Days/Wk.
Access: Public.
BBS: Information Resources Services Center
Sponsor: General Services Administration
Location: Washington, DC
Data1 Commercial: (202) 501-2014 DSN:
Hours: 24 Hrs/Day. 7 Days/Wk.
Access: Public.
BBS: GSA Schedule BBS
Sponsor: General Services Administration/IRM Service
Data1 Commercial: (202) 501-2661 DSN:
Data2 Commercial: (202) 501-2014 DSN:
Voice Commercial: (202) 501-1404 DSN:
Access: Public.
Topics: Information on GSA schedule contracts.
BBS: On-Line Information System
Sponsor: Geological Survey
Data1 Commercial: (800) 358-2663 DSN:
Voice Commercial: (303) 236-1500 DSN:
Access: Public.
Topics: Seismological and geomagnetic information.
1/14/92 Government and Related Bulletin Boards Page 11
Compiled by CNO OP-940 from various sources. Coordinate corrections with CDR
John Maher, (DSN) 227-6494, (703) 697-6494, (DDN) op940@nhis.nctsw.navy.mil.
BBS: USGS Information Systems Division BBS
Sponsor: Geological Survey
Data1 Commercial: (703) 648-4168 DSN:
Voice Commercial: (703) 648-7127 DSN:
Access: CD-ROM Public. Others internal.
Topics: Conferences on dBase, CD-ROM, Sysops.
Sponsor: Inst Biological Science
Location: Washington, DC
Data1 Commercial: (202) 628-2427 DSN:
BBS: BXR Information Corner
Sponsor: Internal Revenue Service
Data1 Commercial: (703) 756-6109 DSN:
Voice Commercial: (703) 756-6280 DSN:
Access: Public.
Topics: Micro technology conferences, info on Integrated Software Fed UG
Sponsor: Internal Revenue Service, Technical Support Section
Location: Alexandria/Arlington, VA
Data1 Commercial: (703) 756-6109 DSN:
Voice Commercial: (703) 756-6280 DSN:
Topics: Integrated Software Federal Users Group (ISFUG) BBS.
Remarks: Technical Information Only. No personal mail.
BBS: Energy and Chemicals BBS
Sponsor: International Trade Commission
Data1 Commercial: (202) 252-1354 DSN:
Voice Commercial: (202) 252-1948 DSN:
Access: Public.
Topics: Chemicals reports, ITC analysts list.
BBS: Labor News
Sponsor: Labor Department
Data1 Commercial: (202) 523-4784 DSN:
Voice Commercial: (202) 523-7343 DSN:
Access: Public.
Topics: Summaries of consumer Price Index and real earnings reports.
BBS: Automated Library Information Exchange
Sponsor: Library of Congress
Data1 Commercial: (202) 707-4888 DSN:
Voice Commercial: (202) 707-6454 DSN:
Access: Public.
Topics: BBS lists and information on federal agency libraries.
1/14/92 Government and Related Bulletin Boards Page 12
Compiled by CNO OP-940 from various sources. Coordinate corrections with CDR
John Maher, (DSN) 227-6494, (703) 697-6494, (DDN) op940@nhis.nctsw.navy.mil.
BBS: Federal Library Committee
Sponsor: Library of Congress
Location: Washington, DC
Data1 Commercial: (202) 287-9656 DSN:
Voice Commercial: (202) 287-1374 DSN:
Hours: M-F 0730-1700
Access: Public.
BBS: Information Technology Center
Sponsor: National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Location: Washington, DC
Data1 Commercial: (202) 646-6197 DSN:
Hours: 24 Hrs/Day. 7 Days/Wk.
Access: Public.
BBS: NASA Hdqtrs Information Tech Ctr HQ-ITC
Sponsor: National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Data1 Commercial: (202) 453-9008 DSN:
Voice Commercial: (202) 453-9009 DSN:
Access: Public.
Topics: Micro tips, downloadable files, and messages.
BBS: NASA Marshall Space Flight Ctr Spacelink
Sponsor: National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Data1 Commercial: (205) 895-0028 DSN:
Voice Commercial: (205) 544-6531 DSN:
Access: Public.
Topics: Scientific and education prgms; teachers lv questions for NASA.
BBS: National Space Science Data Center
Sponsor: National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Location: Greenbelt, MD
Data1 Commercial: (301) 286-9000 DSN:
Voice Commercial: (301) 286-7251 DSN:
Hours: 24 Hrs/Day. 7 Days/Wk.
Access: Public.
Topics: Enter "NSSDC" after connect. When asked user, enter "NSSDC".
BBS: Space Physics Analysis Network
Sponsor: National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Location: Greenbelt, MD
Data1 Commercial: (301) 286-9000 DSN:
Voice Commercial: (301) 286-7251 DSN:
Hours: 24 Hrs/Day. 7 Days/Wk.
Access: Public.
Topics: Enter "NSSDC" after connect. When asked user, enter "SPAN_NIC".
1/14/92 Government and Related Bulletin Boards Page 13
Compiled by CNO OP-940 from various sources. Coordinate corrections with CDR
John Maher, (DSN) 227-6494, (703) 697-6494, (DDN) op940@nhis.nctsw.navy.mil.
Sponsor: National Computer Security Association
Location: Washington, DC
Data1 Commercial: (202) 364-1304 DSN:
Topics: Computer security and viruses.
Sponsor: National Institute of Health
Data1 Commercial: (301) 480-8400 DSN:
Voice Commercial: (301) 496-2282 DSN:
Access: NIH users.
Topics: Bulletins; dBase conference; file download.
BBS: Automated Computer Time
Sponsor: National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)
Location: Gaithersburg, MD
Data1 Commercial: (303) 494-4774 DSN:
Voice Commercial: (303) 497-3639 DSN:
Hours: 24 Hrs/Day. 7 Days/Wk.
Access: Public.
Topics: Synchronize computer clocks.
Sponsor: National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)
Location: Gaithersburg, MD
Data1 Commercial: (301) 948-8966 DSN:
Voice Commercial: (301) 975-3561 DSN:
Hours: 24 Hrs/Day. 7 Days/Wk.
Access: Public.
Topics: CALS Implementation Guide; CALS standards; meetings.
BBS: Center for Fire Research
Sponsor: National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)
Location: Gaithersburg, MD
Data1 Commercial: (301) 921-6302 DSN:
Voice Commercial: (301) 975-6872 DSN:
Hours: 24 Hrs/Day. 7 Days/Wk.
Access: Public.
Topics: Fire simulation programs and lab information.
BBS: Computer Security
Sponsor: National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)
Location: Gaithersburg, MD
Data1 Commercial: (301) 948-5717 DSN:
Data2 Commercial: (301) 948-5140 DSN:
Voice Commercial: (301) 975-3359 DSN:
Hours: 24 Hrs/Day. 7 Days/Wk.
Access: Public.
Topics: Emergency Reponse Team advisories, info on computer security.
1/14/92 Government and Related Bulletin Boards Page 14
Compiled by CNO OP-940 from various sources. Coordinate corrections with CDR
John Maher, (DSN) 227-6494, (703) 697-6494, (DDN) op940@nhis.nctsw.navy.mil.
BBS: Data Management Information Exchange
Sponsor: National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)
Location: Gaithersburg, MD
Data1 Commercial: (301) 948-2059 DSN:
Data2 Commercial: (301) 948-2048 DSN:
Voice Commercial: (301) 975-3272 DSN:
Hours: 24 Hrs/Day. 7 Days/Wk.
Access: Public.
Topics: Summaries of standards reports; information on data management.
BBS: Forecast and Advisory
Sponsor: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Data1 Commercial: (303) 497-5000 DSN:
Voice Commercial: (303) 497-3188 DSN:
Access: Public.
Topics: Highlights and forecasts of geomagnetic and solar activity.
BBS: Information Technology Exchange
Sponsor: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Location: Kensington, MD
Data1 Commercial: (301) 770-0069 DSN:
Voice Commercial: (301) 377-2949 DSN:
Hours: 24 Hrs/Day. 7 Days/Wk.
Access: Public.
BBS: Science Resource Studies
Sponsor: National Science Foundation
Location: Washington, DC
Data1 Commercial: (202) 634-1764 DSN:
Voice Commercial: (202) 634-4250 DSN:
Hours: 24 Hrs/Day. 7 Days/Wk.
Access: Public.
Topics: OTA reports; bulletins or R&D funding.
BBS: Climate Dial-Up Service
Sponsor: National Weather Service
Data1 Commercial: (301) 899-0827 DSN:
Voice Commercial: (301) 763-4670 DSN:
Access: Public. User fees charged.
Topics: Short-term climate conditions worldwide.
BBS: Midwest Federal Jobs
Sponsor: Office of Personnel Management Detroit Area Office
Data1 Commercial: (313) 226-4423 DSN:
Voice Commercial: (313) 226-2095 DSN:
Access: Public.
Topics: Federal jobs and related information for Midwest States.
1/14/92 Government and Related Bulletin Boards Page 15
Compiled by CNO OP-940 from various sources. Coordinate corrections with CDR
John Maher, (DSN) 227-6494, (703) 697-6494, (DDN) op940@nhis.nctsw.navy.mil.
BBS: Northeast Federal Jobs
Sponsor: Office of Personnel Management New Jersey Area Office
Data1 Commercial: (201) 645-3887 DSN:
Voice Commercial: (201) 645-2284 DSN:
Access: Public.
Topics: Federal jobs and related information for Northeast States.
BBS: Information Systems Management
Sponsor: Securities and Exchange Commission
Location: Washington, DC
Data1 Commercial: (202) 272-2835 DSN:
Voice Commercial: (202) 272-2823 DSN:
Access: Public.
Topics: Federal Government Use Only.
Sponsor: Small Business Administration
Data1 Commercial: (202) 205-6269 DSN:
Voice Commercial: (202) 205-6400 DSN:
Access: Public.
Topics: Software; messages.
BBS: Whistleblower BBS
Sponsor: U.S. House of Representatives
Location: Washington, DC
Data1 Commercial: (202) 225-5527 DSN:
Voice Commercial: (202) 225-3741 DSN:
Hours: 24 Hrs/Day. 7 Days/Wk.
Access: Public.
Topics: Help federal employees report fraud, waste, and abuse.
Remarks: Sponsored by Rep Bob Wise (D-WVa).
Sponsor: US Army CECOM
Location: Ft. Carson, CO
Data1 Commercial: (913) 684-7675 DSN: 552-7675
Data2 Commercial: (913) 684-7676 DSN: 552-7676
Voice Commercial: (913) 684-7510 DSN: 552-7510
Hours: M-F: 1600-0700. Wkends: 24 Hr
Access: Military/DOD Personnel Only
Sponsor: US Army CECOM
Location: Ft. Lee, VA
Data1 Commercial: DSN: 862-1015
Remarks: Phone Number is for Chanute AFB, IL. Correct Data not avail.
1/14/92 Government and Related Bulletin Boards Page 16
Compiled by CNO OP-940 from various sources. Coordinate corrections with CDR
John Maher, (DSN) 227-6494, (703) 697-6494, (DDN) op940@nhis.nctsw.navy.mil.
BBS: Corps of Engineer (COE) Manpower
Sponsor: US Army Corps of Engineers
Location: Washington, DC
Data1 Commercial: (202) 272-1514 DSN:
Hours: 24 Hrs/Day. 7 Days/Wk.
Access: Public.
BBS: Corps of Engineer Planners
Sponsor: US Army Corps of Engineers
Location: Mt. Vernon, VA
Data1 Commercial: (202) 355-2098 DSN:
Voice Commercial: (202) 355-3087 DSN:
Hours: 24 Hrs/Day. 7 Days/Wk.
Access: Public.
BBS: Ft. Meyer Officer Club BBS
Sponsor: US Army Ft. Meyer, VA
Data1 Commercial: (703) 524-4159 DSN:
Topics: Catering, Gen Util (DOS), Files, etc. No conferences.
BBS: Computer Support Center
Sponsor: US Army Information Systems Engineering Command
Data1 Commercial: (703) 285-9637 DSN:
Voice Commercial: (703) 285-6973 DSN:
Access: Public. New users req full acc
Topics: Bulletins about major military contracts. User messages.
BBS: Metro Net
Sponsor: US Army Military District of DC
Data1 Commercial: (202) 475-7543 DSN:
BBS: Census Bureau BBS
Sponsor: US Bureau of the Census
Data1 Commercial: (202) 763-4576 DSN:
BBS: Census Bureau/Personnel
Sponsor: US Bureau of the Census
Location: Suitland, MD
Data1 Commercial: (301) 763-4574 DSN:
Voice Commercial: (301) 763-5780 DSN:
Hours: 24 Hrs/Day. 7 Days/Wk.
Access: Public.
Topics: Job vacancies and personnel messages.
BBS: Economic Analysis Electronic Forum
Sponsor: US Bureau of the Census
Data1 Commercial: (301) 763-7554 DSN:
Voice Commercial: (301) 763-1580 DSN:
Access: Public.
Topics: Shareware to use Census CD-ROMs and information exchange.
1/14/92 Government and Related Bulletin Boards Page 17
Compiled by CNO OP-940 from various sources. Coordinate corrections with CDR
John Maher, (DSN) 227-6494, (703) 697-6494, (DDN) op940@nhis.nctsw.navy.mil.
BBS: State Data Cen/Business-Ind Data Cent
Sponsor: US Bureau of the Census
Data1 Commercial: (301) 763-1568 DSN:
BBS: Customs Electronic BBS
Sponsor: US Customs Service
Data1 Commercial: (202) 535-5069 DSN:
Voice Commercial: (202) 343-7715 DSN:
Access: Public.
Topics: Policies and directives; currency conversion rates; meetings.
BBS: DC Info Exchange
Sponsor: US Navy
Data1 Commercial: (202) 433-6639 DSN:
Sponsor: US Navy
Location: Bremerton, WA
Data1 Commercial: DSN: 439-5748
Sponsor: US Navy
Location: Newport, RI
Data1 Commercial: DSN: 948-3990
Sponsor: US Navy
Location: Mayport, FL
Data1 Commercial: DSN: 960-5142
Sponsor: US Navy
Location: Washington, DC
Data1 Commercial: (202) 325-0748 DSN: 221-0748
Hours: 24 Hrs/Day. 7 Days/Wk.
Access: Public.
BBS: Naval Gun Weapon System BBS
Sponsor: US Navy
Data1 Commercial: DSN: 332-1916
BBS: Robin's Nest
Sponsor: US Navy
Location: Capitol Heights, MD
Data1 Commercial: (301) 568-1679 DSN:
Topics: Career Navy Personnel Interests
1/14/92 Government and Related Bulletin Boards Page 18
Compiled by CNO OP-940 from various sources. Coordinate corrections with CDR
John Maher, (DSN) 227-6494, (703) 697-6494, (DDN) op940@nhis.nctsw.navy.mil.
Location: NAS Norfolk VA
Data1 Commercial: DSN: 564-2359
Location: NAS North Island, CA
Data1 Commercial: DSN: 577-2250
Data1 Commercial: ?958-1397 DSN: 577-2249
Data2 Commercial: DSN: 577-2250
BBS: Office Automation Systems
Sponsor: US Navy David Taylor Naval Research Center
Data1 Commercial: (301) 227-1042 DSN:
Voice Commercial: (301) 227-4901 DSN:
Access: Public.
Topics: Microcomputer Support.
Sponsor: US Navy FACSFAC
Data1 Commercial: (301) 862-8912 DSN:
Sponsor: US Navy FACSFAC St. Inigoes, MD
Location: FACSFAC St. Inigoes MD
Data1 Commercial: DSN: 356-3517
Sponsor: US Navy NADAP
Data1 Commercial: (202) 693-3831 DSN:
Remarks: Cancelled?
BBS: NARDAC New Orleans
Sponsor: US Navy NARDAC New Orleans
Location: New Orleans, LA
Data1 Commercial: DSN: 363-6462
Sponsor: US Navy NARDAC Pensacola
Location: Pensacola, FL
Data1 Commercial: DSN: 922-4400
Data1 Commercial: DSN: 226-5186
Sponsor: US Navy NAVSUBASE New London
Location: NAVSUBASE New London, CT
Data1 Commercial: DSN: 241-4419
1/14/92 Government and Related Bulletin Boards Page 19
Compiled by CNO OP-940 from various sources. Coordinate corrections with CDR
John Maher, (DSN) 227-6494, (703) 697-6494, (DDN) op940@nhis.nctsw.navy.mil.
Sponsor: US Navy NAVTRASYSCEN Orlando
Location: NAVTRASYSCEN Orlando, FL
Data1 Commercial: DSN: 791-5524
Sponsor: US Navy NESEA
Location: Lexington Park, MD
Data1 Commercial: (301) 862-8048 DSN:
Sponsor: US Navy Naval Air Logistics Center
Location: NAS Patuxent River, MD
Data1 Commercial: DSN: 356-4489
Sponsor: US Navy Naval Air Station Patuxent River
Location: NAS Patuxent River, MD
Data1 Commercial: DSN: 356-3610
Sponsor: US Navy Naval Aviation News
Location: Washington, DC
Data1 Commercial: (202) 475-1973 DSN: 335-1973
Voice Commercial: (202)433-4407 DSN: 335-4407
Hours: 24 Hrs/Day. 7 Days/Wk.
Sponsor: US Navy Naval Computer and Telecommunications Station
Data1 Commercial: (301) 238-2131 DSN:
Voice Commercial: (301) 238-2181 DSN:
Access: Public.
Topics: DDN Newsletter. Navy datacom policy. Micro tips.
Sponsor: US Navy Naval Data Automation Command
Data1 Commercial: (202) 433-2118 DSN: 288-2118
Remarks: Disestablished.
Sponsor: US Navy Naval Data Automation Command
Data1 Commercial: (202) 475-7885 DSN:
Voice Commercial: (202) 475-7685 DSN:
Access: Public.
Topics: Software. Messages.
BBS: Automated Data Service
Sponsor: US Navy Naval Observatory
Data1 Commercial: (202) 653-1079 DSN:
Voice Commercial: (202) 653-0487 DSN:
Access: Public.
Topics: Time measurement from Observatory atomic clock.
1/14/92 Government and Related Bulletin Boards Page 20
Compiled by CNO OP-940 from various sources. Coordinate corrections with CDR
John Maher, (DSN) 227-6494, (703) 697-6494, (DDN) op940@nhis.nctsw.navy.mil.
Sponsor: US Navy Naval Weapons Engineering Support Activity
Location: Washington, DC
Data1 Commercial: (202) 433-6639 DSN: 288-6639
Data2 Commercial: (202) 433-2171 DSN:
Voice Commercial: (202) 433-4836 DSN:
Hours: 1600-0700 Wkdays. 24 Hrs other.
Access: Public.
Sponsor: US Navy Navy -- Marine Corps Appellate Review
Data1 Commercial: (202) 889-9214 DSN:
Voice Commercial: (202) 433-4651 DSN:
Access: Public.
Topics: Micro tips. Messages. Downloads.
Remarks: Disestablished.
BBS: 463 TAW
Sponsor: USAF
Location: Abilene, TX
Data1 Commercial: DSN: 461-3482
BBS: Cannon AFB
Sponsor: USAF
Location: Cannon AFB,
Data1 Commercial: DSN: 681-2303
Sponsor: USAF
Data1 Commercial: DSN: 787-8357
Sponsor: USAF
Data1 Commercial: DSN: 246-7961
Sponsor: USAF Air Training Center
Location: Randolph AFB, TX
Data1 Commercial: DSN: 487-3669
Hours: 24 Hour
Remarks: Call could not be completed.
Sponsor: USAF Air Training Command 3324th CSSQ/SCQT
Location: Randolph AFB, TX
Data1 Commercial: DSN: 487-4091
Voice Commercial: DSN: 487-7282
Hours: 24 Hour
Access: Controlled. DOD Employees only.
Topics: Air Force Small Computer Contract, Downloadable DOS files.
Remarks: Mail requests for access on command letterhead.
1/14/92 Government and Related Bulletin Boards Page 21
Compiled by CNO OP-940 from various sources. Coordinate corrections with CDR
John Maher, (DSN) 227-6494, (703) 697-6494, (DDN) op940@nhis.nctsw.navy.mil.
Sponsor: USAF Edwards AFB, CA
Data1 Commercial: DSN: 527-3429
Sponsor: USAF Edwards AFB, CA
Data1 Commercial: DSN: 527-9624
Sponsor: USAF Engineering Installation Division
Data1 Commercial: (405) 736-0928 DSN:
Voice Commercial: (405) 734-9928 DSN:
Access: ULANA consumers in USAF and DLA
Topics: Information on products on ULANA Network Contract
BBS: Mission Critical Computer Resources
Sponsor: USAF Headquarters, Systems Command
Data1 Commercial: (301) 735-8124 DSN:
Voice Commercial: (301) 981-6941 DSN:
Access: USAF employees and others auth.
Topics: ADA msg area, embedded systems info, USAF ADP Policy
Sponsor: USAF Hill AFB
Location: Hill AFB,
Data1 Commercial: DSN: 458-2989
BBS: Laughlin AFB
Sponsor: USAF Laughlin AFB
Data1 Commercial: DSN: 732-4386
Hours: After 1700 local.
Sponsor: USAF Military Airlift Command Little Rock AFB
Location: Little Rock AFB, AR
Data1 Commercial: DSN: 731-7033
Sponsor: USAF Military Airlift Command Scott AFB
Location: Scott AFB, OH
Data1 Commercial: DSN: 576-6510
Sponsor: USAF Myrtle Beach AFB
Location: Myrtle Beach AFB,
Data1 Commercial: DSN: 748-4444
Hours: After 1400
BBS: Artificial Intelligence
Sponsor: USAF Oklahoma City Air Logistics Center
Location: Tinker AFB, OK
Data1 Commercial: DSN: 339-5012
Voice Commercial: DSN: 339-5231
Topics: Artificial Intelligence.
1/14/92 Government and Related Bulletin Boards Page 22
Compiled by CNO OP-940 from various sources. Coordinate corrections with CDR
John Maher, (DSN) 227-6494, (703) 697-6494, (DDN) op940@nhis.nctsw.navy.mil.
Location: Hawaii
Data1 Commercial: DSN: 449-6884
Sponsor: USAF PDOS Gunter AFS
Location: Gunter AFS,
Data1 Commercial: DSN: 446-5207
Sponsor: USAF Peterson AFB
Location: Peterson AFB,
Data1 Commercial: DSN: 692-4490
Hours: After 1700.
Sponsor: USAF Robins AFB SCTC
Data1 Commercial: DSN: 468-7221
Data1 Commercial: DSN: 574-3995
Sponsor: USAF Tinker AFB OK
Data1 Commercial: DSN: 339-3942
Sponsor: USAF USAF Air Training Command
Data1 Commercial: DSN: 478-6727
Sponsor: USAF Vance AFB
Data1 Commercial: DSN: 962-7143
Hours: After 1900
Sponsor: USAF Vance AFB 2
Data1 Commercial: DSN: 962-7432
Hours: After 1900
Sponsor: USAF Vance AFB 71 SPS
Data1 Commercial: DSN: 962-7325
Hours: After 1900
Sponsor: USAF Williams AFB, AZ 82nd Security Police Squadron
Location: Williams AFB, AZ
Voice Commercial: DSN: 474-6380
Remarks: Disestablished.
BBS: FMSAO-2 Pendleton, CA
Sponsor: USMC
Data1 Commercial: DSN: 365-5753
Remarks: Disestablished.
1/14/92 Government and Related Bulletin Boards Page 23
Compiled by CNO OP-940 from various sources. Coordinate corrections with CDR
John Maher, (DSN) 227-6494, (703) 697-6494, (DDN) op940@nhis.nctsw.navy.mil.
BBS: Veterans Administration
Sponsor: Veterans Administration
Data1 Commercial: (202) 376-2184 DSN:
Voice Commercial: (202) 233-5571 DSN:
Hours: 24 Hrs/Day. 7 Days/Wk.
Access: Public.
BBS: Information, Technology and Fac Dev
Sponsor: World Bank
Location: Washington, DC
Data1 Commercial: (202) 676-0920 DSN:
Voice Commercial: (202) 473-3076 DSN:
Access: Public.