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Triangle Area Bulletin Board Listing
September 1994 RDU0994.LST #20/32/7
by: Richard Martin & Robert Holloman
No.(919) Name Node Hrs Type Modem Verif
----------------------------------> Angier <----------------------------------
639-6611 >The Illustrated Mac <I> f191 24 F.C. 28800 9/18
-----------------------------------> Apex <-----------------------------------
362-1213*? The Body Shop f126 24 TAG 14400 7/30
387-7000* Oracle of N.C. 24 OCOM 14400 9/18
387-5801 The Ravid Rabbit Farm f150 24 TAG 14400 9/18
387-1152 The Soapbox f142 24 Maxi 14400 9/18
----------------------------------> Benson <----------------------------------
894-1690 Homes Online Services 24 Powr 9600 9/14
----------------------------> Cary / Morrisville <----------------------------
481-4896* >AppleSeeds RMUG <I> f152 24 TFnd 14400 9/18
469-8463 >ArenA - An Absurd Notion f139 24 PCBd 14400 9/18
467-8032 BedSide Manor f117 24 Simp 14400 9/18
380-7194 Dark Oak f155 24 R.A. 14400 9/18
469-0023 C>Deep Thought (new #) 24 14400 9/20
481-9399* deltaComm Online <I> #22 f107 24 PCBd 14400 9/18
380-0920 ? Friday The 13th w5420 24 WWIV 14400 7/30
460-0523 Justice For All f135 24 QBBS 14400 9/18
481-1259 Mongo's Revenge 24 Rene 14400 9/18
469-3153 >Night Shift w5446 24 TAG 2400 9/18
467-2189 Planet Mars f133 24 TAG 14400 9/18
469-1731 N Rage of the Sabyrithe 24 TAG 14400 9/19
380-0975 Range World Online Insanity 24 Rene 14400 9/18
481-4300 Reel Class 24 N128 2400 9/19
481-3787* SalzoBoard <I> 24 Wafl 14400 9/18
677-8155* SAS Institute BBS 24 TBBS 14400 9/18
460-6483 Southeast Jobnet 24 Shit 14400 9/18
-------------------------------> Chapel Hill <--------------------------------
932-1008* The Crux f504 24 F.C. 14400 9/17
942-8546* Lobsterboard 24 PCBd 14400 9/17
929-0027 ? Praxis Transmutation 24 Sync 14400 7/30
968-3315 Sno EE <=Mind Level=> BBS f505 24 R.A. 9600 9/17
967-4373 World of Violent Rage 24 Rene 14400 9/18
---------------------------------> Clayton <----------------------------------
553-9088 >The Electronic Classifieds 24 TAG 14400 9/07
553-0320 The Fastlane 24 WWIV 14400 9/17
553-8778 N McBBS 24 TAG 14400 9/20
553-3366 Micro Message Service <I> f102 24 TBBS 14400 9/02
550-9013 Micro Stuff 24 WC 14400 9/07
553-5328 N Nightshade: Arcana 24 WWIV 2400 9/20
553-1176 >Nightshade: The Clinically Insane 24 WWIV 14400 9/20
553-8745 >The Shareware Source f134 24 Maxi 28800 9/20
----------------------------------> Durham <----------------------------------
383-4905* >Downtown! BBS <I> ^220 24 TBBS 14400 9/17
220-6058 >Aardvark Central w5400 24 WWIV 14400 9/17
220-6299 >Another World w5408 24 WWIV 2400 9/17
408-0321 N The Cage BBS 24 Herm 14400 9/19
490-6390* Cedar Republic BBS w5411 v1919198 ^232 24 VBBS 28800 9/17
544-7811* Entertainment Club BBS 24 WC 14400 9/17
471-6026* Geneal Board 24 TBBS 2400 9/17
383-3195 ? Great Adventure w5429 24 WWIV 9600 7/30
286-6624 The Mail Stop ^277 24 R.A. 14400 9/17
471-4547 >MoonBase Alpha BBS *200 24 GT 14400 9/17
220-0291 >North State BBS w5424 24 Simp 14400 9/17
286-3962* PreRapture BBS 24 Maxi 14400 9/17
286-7738* Psychotronic BBS <node 1> <I> 24 PcBd 14400 9/17
286-4542* Electronic Hangover <node 2> ^224 24 PcBd 14400 9/17
493-5475 >Rocky's Club House w5451 v9597 ^234 24 VBBS 14400 9/17
477-4240 Scout Keys BBS #798 24 WC 2400 9/17
383-0306 >Seductive Dreams I v1919108 24 VBBS 28800 9/18
309-9618 >Seductive Dreams II 24 VBBS 28800 9/18
683-1661 >Shark's Bar & Grill w5410 ^207 24 VBBS 28800 9/18
490-8978 TAG Board BBS ^206 24 TBBS 14400 9/17
687-0913 Tele-Comm Lounge *000 24 GT 9600 9/17
544-9044 Tri-Met BBS (1) Tele 9600 9/17
------------------------------> Fuquay-Varina <-------------------------------
557-3845* >Bloom Beacon-Picayune f106 24 PCBd 28800 9/19
-------------------------------> Hillsborough <-------------------------------
644-2497 >The Plantation w5445 v1919194 f503 24 VBBS 14400 9/17
--------------------------------> Knightdale <--------------------------------
266-0304 C>The Carolina Coil (was Hangman's Noose) f168 24 Rene 14400 9/18
266-6572 N LinkWay BBS 24 TAG 14400 9/19
217-8448* The Warren v1919101 24 VBBS 14400 9/18
----------------------------------> Mebane <----------------------------------
563-6199 Deep Space Nine +009 24 SIM 14400 9/16
563-9093 Night Forest BBS 24 WC 2400 9/16
563-2511 The Programmer's Club BBS +004 24 SIM 14400 9/16
-----------------------------> Raleigh / Garner <-----------------------------
856-6023* >Wake EMS On-Line 24 WC 14400 9/20
779-9822 >The Adult Playhouse 24 VBBS 14400 9/16
832-0035 AJIS - Anonymous Jones Information System 24 TBBS 14400 9/02
662-2662 N>Andromeda 24 NLP 14400 9/07
847-6155 >BARON'S Elite f164 24 TAG 14400 9/02
847-5441 The Basement 24 Tri 14400 9/03
878-0054 Baxter w5404 24 WWIV 14400 9/03
787-6198 >The Black Forest w5555 24 WWIV 14400 9/09
856-0184 ? Blue Bus 24 Rene 24000 4/23
787-6211* >The C: Directory f115 24 Star 14400 9/02
851-3780 Capitol OPUS-PC f121 24 OPUS 14400 9/07
846-1750 ?>The Cave 24 WWIV 14400 7/02
779-5323* Centre Pointe 24 Majr 2400 9/02
772-0960 >The Chalkboard f119 24 TAG 14400 9/14
851-2860 Chaos On-Line 24 TAG 14400 8/06
821-2690 >The Chateau D'Isaster f190 24 Herm 14400 9/09
881-9177 A Cheap Hotel f130 24 Copp 14400 9/09
848-8904* >Cool World f174 24 Lora 28000 9/09
676-1526 The Corner f137 24 Herm 14400 9/18
821-0634 >The Devil's Cyberspace Arena w5457 24 WWIV 14400 9/03
571-0926 Digital Works (4) R.A. 14400 8/25
833-0112 Dixieland f154 24 PCBd 28800 9/02
870-8681 >Domain of the Killer 24 TAG 14400 9/02
846-0449 >The Driving Range f171 24 Maxi 14400 9/20
846-1382 The Eye of Horus Esoteric 24 Sync 14400 9/09
231-8827 >The Fifth Dimension 24 Rene 14400 9/17
870-1928 Flame Buster's f104 24 R.A. 14400 9/14
848-4608 >The Foundation f122 24 TAG 14400 9/19
851-3121 Frequencies R Us f161 24 WC 14400 9/10
821-4354 >Hobbies Unlimited f148 24 TAG 28000 9/17
510-4174 N The Homeless BBS 24 WWIV 14400 9/17
851-8460 >InfoSys f101 24 QBBS 14400 9/06
676-4638 Insane Visions 24 TAG 14400 9/14
834-1583 >Jell-o Sword f180 24 TAG 14400 9/17
787-0365 N>Jimbo's Playhouse 24 Maxi 14400 9/20
847-1113 >Ktulu's Den 24 TAG 14400 9/17
676-0118 N The Last Resort 24 Rene 14400 9/17
878-9892 >The Late Show (5) WC 14400 9/12
779-6288 The Litterbox 24 Rene 14400 9/16
881-9593 >Lounge Lizards f145 24 Rene 14400 9/02
848-6766 MACH TWO f120 24 R.A. 28000 9/17
779-6674* Micro Message Service <I> f102 24 TBBS 14400 9/02
715-0983* >NC-AGENET 24 WC 14400 9/20
859-2547 NiteFlite w5405 24 WWIV 2400 9/02
779-5413 C>No Tell Motel (was OITC Online for DOS) 24 Excl 14400 9/17
233-6738* >Nobodys Home f138 24 TAG 28800 9/20
676-0585* nocturnal me 24 TAG 14400 9/04
872-1928 >OITC Online for Windows 24 Excl 28800 9/17
662-9313* >The Outland f147 24 PCBd 28800 9/20
779-8895 >The Page 24 TAG 14400 9/02
859-5826 >The Parallel Universe 24 Late 28000 9/20
233-1035 >Paronomasia w5423 24 WWIV 14400 9/17
846-9443 The PINK Triangle f131 24 R.A. 14400 9/17
846-5850 B A Portal Into the Unknown 24 TAG 14400 9/17
571-7252 >Quality Weird People w5432 24 WWIV 14400 9/17
846-9409 >The Rancid Bison f178 24 TAG 14400 9/17
772-9176 RARS - Raleigh Amateur Radio Society 24 TBBS 14400 9/10
662-9918* Real World Entertainment 24 Majr 14400 9/02
676-3113 Realm of Darkness 24 TAG 28800 9/02
846-7632 REALMS 24 WWIV 14400 9/02
779-7536 >The Red Baron f108 24 QBBS 14400 9/10
662-0546 The Right Stuff f172 24 TAG 14400 9/02
782-0830 Robotec Odyssey f128 24 TAG 14400 9/17
733-0486 The SCONC Works 24 PCBd 9600 9/03
848-2347* >Serpent's Twist f184 24 TAG 28800 9/02
662-9223 The Shadow's Lair f278 24 TAG 14400 9/17
832-4926 >Smitty's Place f111 24 PCBd 14400 9/18
829-8089 N>Snake Pit f193 24 Maxi 14400 9/20
876-7395 ? Spectrum of Dreams w5403 24 WWIV 14400 7/10
846-1197 N>The Stagedoor 24 WWIV 14400 9/02
954-5028 >Starfleet 24 RBBS 28800 9/20
571-3344 Technicolor Dreams 24 WWIV 14400 9/17
833-3412 >TI Raleigh f114 24 Maxi 2400 9/02
233-1655 Van Allen Industries f165 24 Maxi 14400 9/17
821-4049 >The Vault f124 24 Rene 14400 9/17
847-2415 The Vegetable Patch w5419 24 WWIV 14400 9/17
847-4440 Visions of a Psychopath 24 TAG 14400 9/17
828-0803 >The White Dragon II 24 PCBd 14400 8/04
787-0047 >Xen w5442 24 WWIV 14400 9/17
833-7435 Z-Board f125 24 PCBd 14400 9/03
-----------------------------------> RTP <------------------------------------
549-0042*? DataGate 24 PCBd 9600 7/30
517-0001* IBM PC Company BBS 24 Mult 14400 9/16
541-0041 NIEHS Apple User's Group 24 OBBS 2400 9/16
541-5742* OAQPS Technology Transfer Net (2) TBBS 14400 9/16
992-3059*N NT Digital Velocity (ISDN node: 992-0407) 24 PCBd 28800 9/19
----------------------------------> Selma <-----------------------------------
965-9885* >The Parole Board f185 24 WC 28800 9/20
965-9177 C Broken Promises (was SuperUnknown) 24 WWIV 14400 9/17
--------------------------------> Smithfield <--------------------------------
934-1002 >Free Advice <I> f187 24 WC 28800 9/20
--(910)-------------------------> Timberlake <--------------------------------
364-4996 >Family Fun BBS #799 24 WC 14400 9/18
364-6694 C>SpectraSystems BBS (Leather 'n Lace) 24 Majr 28800 9/19
-------------------------------> Wake Forest <--------------------------------
556-5564 >Basically w5443 (3) WWIV 14400 9/18
556-8369 Skull's Cove f162 24 Star 14400 9/18
556-0159 ? SOFTreat Digital Imaging 24 TAG 14400 7/30
--------------------------------> Wendell <-----------------------------------
365-9307 N>Dream Zone BBS f194 24 Rene 14400 9/19
---------------------------------> Zebulon <----------------------------------
269-2254 CQ Connection 24 WC 14400 9/18
269-9153 Digital Dreamscape f176 24 Rene 14400 9/18
365-0599 >A Time for Visions BBS 24 VBBS 28800 9/18
Number: Locations are based on telephone prefixes as listed by the local
phone companies. When calling, set your communication program to
2400/9600/14400+ bauds, <8-N-1> (8 = eight data bits, N = no
parity, 1 = one stop bit), and full duplex.
? Name: No answer, BBS MAY be GONE - will be dropped from the next list.
B Name: Back online - system was a "no answer" or dropped from last list.
C Name: Changed since the last list.
N Name: New Board added to the list.
>Name: Sysop is displaying a recent Triangle Area List online (Thanks!).
* Name: System is multiline <ONLY "non-member" or "node 1" number listed>.
Other numbers may be avalible for this system - see "line2.inf"
Modem: Maximum ITU-T speed as listed by board. Many of the 14400bps
boards may supports one or more non-ITU standards - HST,
V.terbo, etc. Modems listed at 28800bps currently support
V.Fast Class (a non-ITU standard). Most of these modems can
and probably will be upgraded to support V.34 (ITU standard
for 28000bps) in the near future.
Hours: System online for 24 hrs per day except for the following:
(1) 7 pm - 10 am (M-Sat) 24 hrs (Sunday). This is a business
VOICE line between 10 am - 7 pm (M-Sat) so please don't
call the BBS except during NON-BUSINESS HOURS.
(2) 24 hrs - Except for Mondays from 8 am - 12 pm when system
is down for system maintenance and backup.
(3) 7am-7pm, 8pm-11pm (M-F), 24hrs Sat/Sun.
(4) 9pm-9am (M-Sun).
(5) 11:30pm-7am (M-Sun).
Node: (f) = Member of Fidonet - (1:151/xxx) - network.
(^) = Member of Fidonet - (1:3641/xxx) - network.
(+) = Member of Fidonet - (1:3644/xxx) - network.
(I) = Member of Internet - Internet Access Provider
(w) = Member of WW4net - (@5xxx) - network.
(v) = Member of VirtualNet - (@9x9x or @1919xxx) - network.
(#) = Member of PCRelay - (RIME) - network.
(*) = Member of GTnet - (89/xxx) or (64/xxx) - network.
*(AmiX) AmiExpress +(Mult) Multi-Net BBS *(Star) Star-Net BBS
*(BBX ) BBX -(N128) C-Net 128 +(Sync) Synchronet
-(C128) C-Base 128 %(OBBS) OBBS +(TAG ) TAG
-(C64 ) C-Base 64 +(OCOM) Orocomm Plus +(TBBS) TBBS
+(Copp) CopperCit +(OPUS) OPUS +(Tele) Telegard
-(DMBS) DMBBS *(Para) ParaBIT #(TFnd) TeleFinder
+(Excl} Excalibur BBS +(PCBd) PCBoard ?(Tiny) TinyHost
#(F.C.) First Class +(Powr) Power BBS +(TpB ) TpBoard
+(GAP ) GAP Comm. Sys. +(QBBS) Quick BBS +(Tri ) TriBBS
+(GT ) GT Power Sys +(R.A.) Remote Access +(ULTR) Ultra BBS
#(Herm) Hermes +(RBBS) RBBS +(Vel ) Velocity
-(Intl) Intelligentisa +(Rene) Renegade +(VBBS) Virtual BBS
+(MAG ) Magnum OS2 BBS +(Shlt) SearchLight +(Wafl) Waffle
+(Majr) Major BBS +(Simp) Simplex +(WC ) Wildcat!
+(Maxi) Maximus +(Sptf) Spitfire +(WWIV) World War IV
!(Mich) MichTron
?( ) Unknown, Custom, or Network/Gateway System
(*)Amiga (%)Apple (!)Atari (-)Commodore (+)IBM (#)Macintosh (?)Unknown
This bimonthly listing is provided ,as is, and as such, may be freely copied
and distributed as long as this file is not renamed or modified in any way.
Please do not use or distribute this list if it is more than three months old.
The "complete list" is included in the following zip:
RDU0994.ZIP -- Triangle Area BBS List -- Raleigh/Durham/Chapel Hill area
(VERIFIED) BBS listing as provided by Richard Martin &
Robert Holloman for September 1994.
FidoNet systems can always "FREQ" the latest listing by using the magic
names of "DURHAM" or "RALEIGH" from 1:3641/220.
Thanks to Tom Faulkner, sysop of Downtown! BBS, the current "Triangle list"
plus 15 cd's, 98,000+ files, Chat, Internet access, and more -- so, give
Downtown! BBS (919-383-4905) a call.
Additions-Corrections-Comments should be left to either -Richard Martin- at
Downtown! BBS (919-383-4905) or -Robert Holloman- at Wake EMS Online BBS+
(919-856-6023). All systems that are listed have been verified - by calling -
but systems do come and go between verification cycles and notification of
errors are always welcome.
Copyright 1994, Richard Martin & Robert Holloman - All rights reserved