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;A Host Nodelist for Friday, November 6, 1992 -- Day number 311 : 23198
; NOTICE: This compilation is the property of the Perverts Anonymous
; Network which is defined as all nodes appearing in this nodelist.
; Individual elements that make up this compliation are used with
; permission, and the rights to those elements are reserved by their
; owners.
; This list may be freely distributed, as is, free of charge for
; noncommercial use. It may be included in other compilations for
; individual use only. It may not be distributed as part of any other
; compiled nodelist or copyrighted material.
; No one is granted any right to any use, sale, duplication or distribu-
; tion of this compilation for any commercial purpose.
; Current Echo Areas include:
; FANTASIES Users create and tell fantasies they would like
; MENS_ROOM Guy talk (SysOps MUST limit access to MALE users ONLY)
; LADIES_ROOM Girl talk (SysOPs MUST limit access to FEMALE users ONLY)
; HOT_TOPICS This is for subjects of HOT debate
; STAR_STUDS Users tell all about top flicks
; INTERSEXTION Users place adds to fulfill their fantasies
; PAN_SYSOP REQUIRED BY PA_NET (SysOp Chit Chat and suggestions)
; PA_NET_HUMOR Tell you favorite "Little girl fell in the mud stories"
; **** ALL echos are to be PUBLIC posts ONLY with forced ALIAS usage. ****
; ALL echos must force ALIAS usage. No REAL NAMES allowed. SysOps are
; responsible to insure the secrecy of the Alias' used and that an ALIAS
; used is not a REAL NAME. REAL names are considered those that can be
; looked up in a phone directory.