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O S / 2 B B S ' s A C R O S S T H E W O R L D
This list is a compilation of OS/2 BBS's across the world. If you wish to
make an addition or correction to this list, please send the information to
the following (as netmail or logged onto the BBS itself):
BBS : LiveNet, (918) 481-5715
Nodes : 1:170/110@fidonet.org, 40:4372/0 (ibmNET), 81:202/201 (OS2NET)
Sysop : Dave Fisher
Location : Tulsa, OK, USA
This list is distributed to many FidoNet nodes found in this OS/2 BBS listing
via the Fernwood distribution system. All BBS's listed are in alphabetical
order by country, state, and then by BBS name. Unless otherwise noted, all
node addresses are FidoNet.
A current list can always be file-requested from LiveNet as 'OS2WORLD'.
Volume No. 10 - January 10, 1993
Legend: -A : HST, MNP -G : PEP
-B : HST, MNP V.32/V.42bis -H : ZyXEL V.32bis/V.42bis
-C : HST, MNP V.32bis/V.42bis * : OS/2 is primary interest
-D : MNP V.32(bis)/V.42bis F : BBS is a FidoNet node
-E : MNP V.32 % : Entry is new or changed
-F : MNP V.42
USA BBS's show states, International BBS's show three letter country codes.
Graham Stair 3M Australia +61-2-498-9184 Aus 9600-E * F
Matthew Taylor Lake Macquarie BBS +61-49-562-853 Aus 9600-D * F
+61-49-521-762 Aus 2400 * F
Russell Coker Mbug Australia +61-3-739-5238 Aus 2400 F
Alan Salmon PC User's Group +61-6-259-1244 Aus 2400
Felix Tsang Programmer's BBS +61-2-875-1296 Aus 9600-E * F
Bill Bolton Software Tools Mail Exc +61-2-449-2618 Aus 9600-E * F
+61-2-449-9477 Aus 9600-E * F
John Della-Torre The Poet's Dilemma +61-2-804-6412 Aus 2400-E
Werner Baar La Bamba-1st Austrian O +43-222-688971 A 14.4-C * F
Franz Krainer OS/NT User Group Austri +43-222-5864639 A 9600-D *
Norbert Fuerst The Styrian OS/2 Jumbo +43-316-673237 A 9600-A * F
Karel Peeters C.I.S. BBS Antwerp +32-3-3660159 Bel 9600-C * F
Alex Cleynhens Cormoran BBS, The +32-15-520279 Bel 14.4-D * F
Bas Heijermans OS/2 BBS, The +32-3-3851934 Bel 14.4-D * F %
Benoit HUON Os/2 MANiA BELGIUM +32-2-3872021 Bel 9600-D * F
Alex Wyckmans The New York Soft Excha +32-2-5366818 Bel 9600-D * F
Herbert Tsui BBS Council (604) 275-6883 Can 14.4-D * F
Ian Evans Baudeville BBS (416) 283-0114 Can 14.4-D * F
(416) 283-6059 Can 9600-A * F
Tony Bearman Bear Garden (604) 533-1867 Can 9600-C * F
Oliver McDonald Borealis Weyr (604) 477-7542 Can 14.4-C F
(604) 477-7570 Can 2400 F
Brian P. Hampson CAGE, The (604) 261-2347 Can 16.8-C * F
Evan Smith ECS Net (403) 253-5996 Can 14.4-C * F
Jim Allonby Green Zone, The (306) 789-9217 Can 14.4-D * F
Chris Ange-Schultz Home Front BBS (514) 769-5174 Can 2400 * F
Raymond Beriau INFODATA Service d'Info (514) 438-3234 Can 14.4-C * F
Richard Dodsworth MACH2/VULCAN OS/2 Syste (603) 489-4250 Can 16.8-C * F %
Peter Fitzsimmons RT Labs (416) 867-9663 Can 9600-B * F
Ken Kavanagh Sound Stage BBS (604) 944-6476 Can 2400 * F
(604) 944-6479 Can 16.8-C * F
Joe Lindstrom Telekon/2 BBS (403) 226-1157 Can 14.4-C * F
(403) 226-1158 Can 2400 * F
Gerry Rozema The Idle Task (604) 275-0835 Can 14.4-B * F
Jerry Stevens The Locutory (613) 722-0489 Can 9600-D * F
Alec Herrmann The Nibble's Roost (604) 244-8009 Can 14.4-B * F
Kevin Lowey University of Saskatche (306) 966-4857 Can 14.4-C * F
Herbert Kowalczyk iKon View (416) 635-1400 Can 2400 * F
Jorgen Ollgaard Josti-BBS +45-47-380524 Den 9600-C * F
+45-47-380120 Den 9600-C * F
+45-47-380501 Den 9600-C * F
Rene Carlsen OS/2 Task & FrontDoor H +45-98451070 Den 9600-A * F
Marko Karppinen Altair +358-0-872-0007 Fin 14.4-D * F %
Emmanuel Sandorfi Os/2 MANiA (Help Maximu +33-164-090460 Fra 9600-C * F
Peter Kaszanics APOLONIA +49-201-200382 Ger 9600-D * F
+49-201-200381 Ger 9600-D * F
+49-201-237509 Ger 9600-D * F
Ulrich Roeding BOX/2 +49-89-6019677 Ger 14.4-H * F
Romeo Bernreuther CCWN-BOX +49-7151-68434 Ger 14.4-B * F
Guenter Hahn CheckPoint OS/2 +49-7331-68221 Ger 9600-C * F
Andreas Miers Hacker Baer Wanlo +49-2166-51638 Ger ???? *
Carsten Schroeer Highspeed Duesseldorf +49-211-752734 Ger 14.4-C * F %
Juergen Berger JERRY'S OS/2-BBS +49-6134-26563 Ger 16.8-H * F %
Oliver Lass LRZ-System +49-228-331214 Ger 2400 *
+49-228-334372 Ger 9600-D *
Oliver Schwabedissen MoonFlower +49-6145-31602 Ger 16.8-C * F
Richard Clement OS/2 Express +49-6183-74270 Ger 9600-D * F
Harald Kipp OS/2 Point +49-234-9279222 Ger 9600-B * F
Michael Breukel PC Softbox OS/2 +49-6196-27799 Ger 2400 * F
Markus Noller Second Source +49-7191-56267 Ger 9600-D * F
Peter Bankmann ShutDown BBS Bochum +49-234-283902 Ger 9600-C * F
+49-234-289019 Ger 14.4-D * F
+49-234-294864 Ger 2400-A * F
Kalle Braun Terrania City +49-228-317752 Ger 14.4-B F
Thomas Tegel The CAT +49-7971-72446 Ger 14.4-D * F
Karlheinz Kissel The_File_Store +49-6106-22266 Ger 9600-C * F
Karlheinz Kissel The_File_Store +49-6106-22266 Ger 9600-C * F
Chris Leuder Zaphod BBS +49-228-262894 Ger 14.4-B F
+49-228-229147 Ger 2400 F
Markellos Diorinos Russians On Line Underg +30-31-300-170 Gre 9600-D * F
Ashley Cheng Ashley Board +852-871-0272 Hon 14.4-H * F %
Pasquale Cantiello FastForward BBS +39-823-812099 Ita 14.4-C * F
Luigi Ravina Italy Network +39-11-89899069 Ita 9600-A * F
Fabrizio Bogli Italy Network #5 +39-11-3174440 Ita 2400 * F
Roberto Sonzogni Runnin' with The Devil +39-363-302798 Ita 9600-C * F
Peter Smink BBS The Experiment +31-1150-15245 Net 9600-A * F
+31-1150-14498 Net 14.4-C * F
Jan Terpstra Bamestra RBBS # 1 +31-2998-3602 Net 9600-A * F
Jan Terpstra Bamestra RBBS # 2 +31-2998-3603 Net 9600-D *
Nitz Neder-Helman Bommel's +31-10-4709577 Net 14.4-D F
Lody Caenen Chat BBS +32-75-704045 Net 14.4-C * F
John Crossno Crystal Palace +31-73-429321 Net 9600-D *
Charles Gerungan DATEX SDN/SDS/PDN +31-1715-3185 Net 14.4-C F
Ronald Faber DataLink NL +31-50-735035 Net 14.4-C * F
Henk Heidema Develsteyn Castle +31-78-196010 Net 14.4-C * F
Gert Ensing ENSING-BBS +31-5904-2135 Net 14.4-C * F
+31-5904-2733 Net 14.4-C * F
+31-5904-1913 Net 2400 * F
+31-5904-1388 Net 9600-D * F
Kees Pijnenburg HCC IBM gg. +31-8857-1865 Net 9600-D
Joop Mellaart INFOBOARD +31-4752-6300 Net 9600-A * F
Arie Rietkerk MasterBrains BBS +31-5131-807 Net 14.4-D * F %
Winston van Oosterhou Medusa BBS +31-1650-46107 Net 14.4-C * F
Marcel Stikkelman PC-Square +31-79-424107 Net 16.8-C * F
Harm Lukas Scheltens Power Systems BBS +31-5978-14897 Net 16.8-C * F %
+31-5978-12307 Net 2400 * F %
Lammert Doddema Target BBS +31-5970-12235 Net 16.8-C * F
+31-5970-12142 Net 14.4-C * F
J.F. Nipshagen The Gauntlet +31-73-569797 Net 9600-C F
Vincent Veeger The Mailbox [SDN] +31-40-122083 Net 9600-C * F
Dave Jones The TJD Support BBS +31-1720-38558 Net 9600-A *
Terje Slydahl PerlePorten +47-83-33003 Nor 9600-C * F
+47-83-33003 Nor 2400 * F
Terje Slydahl PerlePorten +47-83-33003 Nor 14.4-C * F
Ivan Leong Miqas/2 [Singapore] +65-755-6463 Sin 9600-C * F
Walter Wu OS/2 Centre +65-274-0577 Sin 9600-D * F
Santiago Crespo Enchufe +34-1-5416262 Spa 9600-C F
Jan Sevelin Lanthandeln +46-480-32393 Swe 9600-C * F
Mikael Wahlgren OS2You Support BBS +46-31-196406 Swe 9600-D * F
Johan Hellman Quebab Corner +46-8-667 Swe 14.4-A * F %
Simon Josefsson Tanken FAMS +46-8-7043276 Swe 16.8-H * F
Alex Wyss Gepard's Oracle Zuerich +41-1-3637037 Swi 14.4-C * F
Michael Buenter MICS OS/2 Paradise +41-41-538607 Swi 9600-C * F
Ernesto Hagmann PC-Info +41-61-9412204 Swi 9600-C * F
Martin Schaefer Swiss OS/2 BBS +41-1-3627339 Swi 14.4-C * F
Chrus Durhan Abbey, The +44-202-873911 UK 14.4-C * %
+44-202-896910 UK 14.4-D * %
Mike Gove MonuSci BBS +44-0-454-633197 UK 9600-A * F
Mike Gove MonuSci Opus +44-45-453197 UK 9600-C F
Phil Tuck The TJD Support BBS +44-535-665345 UK 9600-C *
+44-535-665345 UK 9600-A *
Phil Burden UK File Echo Coord. +44-61-483-4105 UK 9600-C F
Colin Adams Usrsus Fremens Rexx +44-772-828975 UK 14.4-C * F
Mike McGuire Analog Gate, The (602) 458-0451 AZ 16.8-C * F
Mike Mahoney Emerald Isle, The (602) 749-8638 AZ 14.4-C * F
Frank Ward Encounter, The (602) 892-1853 AZ 14.4-C F
Eugene Grover ORAC/2 (602) 864-8862 AZ 14.4-C * F
Patrick O'Riva AsmLang and OS/2 (408) 259-2223 CA 14.4-B * F
Rollin White Computer Education Serv (714) 965-9963 CA 14.4-H * F
Ian Robertson Data Port BBS (408) 259-3019 CA 14.4-D * F %
Chuck Gilmore Magnum BBS (805) 582-9306 CA 9600-C *
Craig Swanson OS/2 Connection (619) 558-9475 CA 14.4-H * F
Unknown Omega-Point BBS (714) 963-8517 CA 2400
David Lents/Sue Lin P PCAware OS/2 (619) 291-9791 CA 14.4-C F
(619) 291-2963 CA 14.4-D F
(619) 291-9792 CA 2400 F
Michael Nelson SeaHunt BBS (415) 431-0473 CA 14.4-C * F
(415) 431-0227 CA 14.4-A * F
Chris A. Epler T.E.L. Net Systems #2 (714) 597-7858 CA 14.4-A * F
Michael Cummings Zzyzx Road OS/2 BBS (619) 579-0135 CA 14.4-H * F
Preson Smith Canadian Connection, Th (719) 599-4568 CO 14.4-C * F
William Herrera Cuerna Verde (719) 545-8572 CO 16.8-H * F %
Randy Edwards Socialism OnLine! (719) 392-7781 CO 9600-B * F
Bob Morris Ascii Neighborhood I & (203) 934-9852 CT 9600-G * F
(203) 932-6236 CT 9600-C * F
Steve Lesner Bullet BBS (203) 329-2972 CT 9600-B * F
(203) 322-4135 CT 9600-B * F
Rob Schmaling Caladan (203) 622-4740 CT 14.4-A * F
Felix Tang Excelsior, The (203) 466-1826 CT 14.4-C * F
(203) 466-1892 CT 2400 * F
Emmitt Dove Fernwood (203) 483-0348 CT 9600-C * F
(203) 481-7934 CT 14.4-B * F
Chris Regan Storm Front - OS/2, The (203) 234-0824 CT 9600-A * F
Don Dawson Treasure Island (203) 791-8532 CT 14.4-C * F
John Tarbox Singer Bear BBS (302) 984-2238 DE 9600-A F
Scott Street Space Station Alpha (302) 653-1458 DE 14.4-C * F
Don Bauer OS2 Exchange (904) 739-2445 FL 14.4-H * F
Troy Kraser Other World, The (904) 893-2404 FL 9600-D F
Mark Wheeler SandDollar, The (407) 784-4507 FL 9600-A * F
IBM IBM National Support Ce (404) 835-6600 GA 2400
(404) 835-5300 GA 9600-C
Ed June Information Overload (404) 471-1549 GA 9600-A * F
Craig Oshiro Ghostcomm Image Gallery (808) 456-8510 HA 14.4-C * F
Kevin Zimmerman Boomtown BBS, The (815) 868-2422 IL 16.8-C * F %
Bill Cook GREATER CHICAGO Online! (708) 895-4042 IL 9600 * F
Bogie Bugsalewicz I CAN! BBS (312) 736-7434 IL 9600-C F
(312) 736-7388 IL 2400 F
Mike Phillips Catacombs, The (317) 525-7164 IN 9600-A F
Stephen Gutknecht Fortress BBS (219) 471-3918 IN 14.4-D *
(219) 471-4016 IN *
Jay Tipton Play Board, The (219) 744-4908 IN 9600-A * F
Troy Majors Byte Bus, The (316) 683-1433 KS 16.8-C * F
Stan Brohn HelpNet of Baton Rouge (504) 273-3116 LA 9600-C F
(504) 275-7389 LA 9600-A F
Jim Sterrett Padded Cell BBS, The (504) 340-7027 LA 14.4-C * F
Rick Ferguson Simple Board, The (504) 664-2524 LA 14.4-D * F
Burce Budd New World OS/2 (508) 372-2399 MA 14.4-C * F %
(508) 372-2884 MA 2400 * F %
(508) 372-1985 MA 14.4-D * F %
Vladek Komorek Polish Home, The (617) 332-9739 MA 14.4-D * F
James Chance Last Relay, The (410) 793-3829 MD 14.4-D * F
Dave Shoff Cornerstone BBS, The (616) 465-4611 MI 14.4-D * F
Brady Flowers Oberon Software (507) 388-1154 MN 14.4-C *
Ron Gines Gateway/2 OS/2 BBS (314) 554-9313 MO 9600-D * F
Bill Hirt Multitasking Systems (816) 587-5360 MO 14.4-D * F
Woody Sturges OS/2 Woodmeister, The (314) 446-0016 MO 14.4-C * F
Thomas Bradford Backdoor BBS (919) 799-0923 NC 14.4-D * F %
(919) 350-0180 NC 9600-A * F %
Chris Laforet Programmer's Oasis BBS, (919) 226-6984 NC 14.4-C * F
(919) 226-7136 NC 14.4-C * F
Richard Lee Psychotronic BBS (919) 286-7738 NC 9600-C F
(919) 286-4542 NC 9600-A F
Bob Germer Capital City BBS (609) 386-1989 NJ 14.4-C * F
Mike Fuchs Dog's Breakfast, The (908) 506-0472 NJ 14.4-C F
(908) 506-6293 NJ 2400 F
Ralph Merritt MACnetics BBS, The (908) 469-4603 NJ 14.4-C F
Bob Hatton Monster BBS, The (908) 382-5671 NJ 9600-A *
B.J. Weschke Sorcery Baord BBS, The (908) 722-2231 NJ 9600-C F
(908) 704-1108 NJ 9600-C F
Kerry Flint Caddis OS/2 BBS (702) 453-6981 NV 16.8-C * F
Mark Woolworth Choice BBS, The (702) 253-6527 NV 16.8-C F
(702) 253-6274 NV 9600-D F
Dennis Conley Communitel OS/2 BBS (702) 399-0486 NV 14.4-C * F
Philip Perlman BlueDog BBS (212) 594-4425 NY 9600-C F
Mikel Beck Kind Diamond's Realm (516) 736-3403 NY 14.4-C * F
Mark Lehrer Akron Anomoly, The (216) 688-6383 OH 9600-C F
Bill Schnell Asylum BBS, The (918) 832-1462 OK 9600-B * F
Scott Dickason BBS/2 (918) 743-1562 OK 2400 * F
Jeremy Lakey Distortion (918) 459-0597 OK 9600-D F
Lloyd Hatley H*A*L (918) 682-7337 OK 14.4-D * F
Dave Fisher LiveNet OS/2 BBS (918) 481-5715 OK 16.8-C * F
Rad Craig The SNAKE PIT! (918) 494-5624 OK 14.4-H * F
Bill Taylor Integrated Media Servic (503) 296-8192 OR 14.4-H F
Paul Breedlove Multi-Net (503) 883-8197 OR 9600-C *
Louis F. Ursini Quantum Leap (215) 967-9018 PA 2400
Ed Barboni System-2 RBBS (215) 631-0685 PA 9600-D F
(215) 584-1413 PA 9600-D F
Richard A. Press U.S. Telematics (215) 493-5242 PA 9600-A F
Paul Beverly PMSC OnLine Resource (803) 735-6101 SC 2400 * F
Sany Whetherholt BLUFF CITY BBS (901) 763-3742 TN 14.4-D * F %
Operand BBS Lonnie Wall (901) 753-3738 TN 2400 * F
(901) 753-7858 TN 14.4-D * F
Edward Owens Looking Glass, The (901) 872-4386 TN 14.4-D * F
Stan Gammons Strictly OS/2 (615) 449-3579 TN 9600-A * F
Charlie Coffman Talkin' Ring Network, T (615) 385-2316 TN 2400 * F
Unknown WSI BBS (901) 386-4712 TN 2400
Bob Fudge Alternate Escape (I and (903) 883-4441 TX 9600-C * F
(903) 883-4444 TX 9600-A * F
Bob Juge COMM Port One (713) 980-9671 TX 14.4-C * F
Kevin Cook Cache Flow (817) 483-2283 TX 14.4-D F
Jim Dailey DOOGER'S Place OS/2 (713) 469-3689 TX 14.4-H * F
Shawn Haverly Dugout BBS, The (817) 773-9138 TX 16.8-C * F
(817) 773-9140 TX 2400 * F
Robert McA Live-Wire (214) 307-8119 TX 9600-B F
Ron Bemis Nibbles & Bytes (214) 231-3841 TX 9600-A F
David Dozier Roach Coach, The (713) 343-0942 TX 14.4-C * F
Doug Palmer Rock BBS, The (210) 654-9792 TX 14.4-H F %
(210) 654-9793 TX 2400 F %
Ken Rucker RucK's Place/2 (817) 485-8042 TX 14.4-C * F
Art Fellner Soldier's Bored, The (713) 437-2859 TX 9600-C * F
Ed Baldwin Stadium Club OS/2, The (713) 458-2037 TX 14.4-C * F
Joe Salemi Max's Doghouse (703) 548-7849 VA 2400-A * F
Pete Norloff OS/2 Shareware (703) 385-4325 VA 14.4-C * F
(703) 385-4325 VA 14.4-C * F
Bill Andrus Systems Exchange, The (703) 323-7654 VA 9600-A * F
David Bannister OS/2@Manassas (703) 369-0672 VI 14.4-D * F
Todd Riches Alternate Reality (206) 557-9258 WA 2400 F
Adolph Weidanz Gold Pegasus, The (206) 698-8404 WA 14.4-D * F %
LeRoy DeVries Sno-Valley Software Exc (206) 880-6575 WA 9600-C F
Dana Laude Interlink Data Services (414) 233-5926 WI 9600-C * F
(414) 233-3181 WI 2400 * F
-------------------------------| End of Listing |-------------------------------