1394 lines
40 KiB
1394 lines
40 KiB
Last Updated 1 May 1991
Maintained by Dawn Scotting, Ph (09) 677-027 (Voice) (09) 676-495 (BBS)
With help from Terry Bowden, Ph (09) 375-688 (Bus). (09) 452-639 (Home)
P.O.Box 6840, Auckland
(IFNA=International FidoNet Association)
Whangarei Changes during April:
Name: OPUS North IFNA# 3:772/720
Phone: (89) 435-2995 (Bryan Rentoul)
Speed: 300 1200 1275 2400 4800 9600 v32 MNP4
Hours: 24 Hours
Fee: Free limited access or $10 to $50 increasing access.
Comments: Running OPUS, Silver Express, 200MB (needs filling!)
16MHz 286, 1 Meg RAM
Name: Allied BBS
Phone: (089) 483-359 (Gordon Chubb)
Speed: 300 1200 2400
Hours: 8pm-7am, 24hrs w/ends
Fee: Free
Comments: OPUS, IBM AT, supports Atari,IBM,Amiga,TRS80
Auckland Changes during April:
Added: Terminally Bored
Crystal Towers 2
Dragon's Lair
Alternate Reality
Hitchhiker's BBS
Updated: Amstrad1 & 2 (new phone numbers)
Franklin " " " & hours
Computa Club " " "
NacJack " " "
NZ Micro Club " " "
AmigaBoard " " "
Stew Pot " " "
NZ Online
The Patch
The Beehive (new phone number)
Pipeline (new software)
Just Another Board (modem speed increased on Node 1)
Time Warp (new phone number)
Dark Side (hours changed)
Deleted: Beaker
Name: Alternate Reality
Phone: (09) 836-3983 (?)
Speed: 300 1200 2400
Hours: 10pm-6am daily
Fee: ?
Comments: ?
Name: AmigaBoard
Phone: (09) 818-9698 (Mark Gladding)
Speed: 300 1275 1200 2400
Hours: 24 hrs
Fee: $30
Comments: RBBS-PC Amiga NZ, P.O.Box 85094, Sunnynook, Akl
Name: Amstrad BBS 1 IFNA# 3:772/30
Phone: (09) 445-3619 (Chris Miller)
Speed: 1200 2400 9600
Hours: 24 hrs
Fee: Free
Comments: Amstrad support (Files, Messages) Silver Express & OMK
Name: Amstrad BBS 2 IFNA# 3:772/40
Phone: (09) 445-4571 (Chris Miller)
Speed: 300 1275 1200 2400 9600 V32 MNP4
Hours: 24 hrs
Fee: Free
Comments: Online Games,Offline readers...UK-NZ/Aust Gateway,Opus v1.14
Name: Asylum
Phone: (09) 479-7677 (Jeremy Wylie)
Speed: 300 1200 2400 MNP5
Hours: 24 hrs
Fee: Free
Comments: Searchlight, supports most computers
Name: ATI IFNA# 3:772/130
Phone: (09) 303-2456 (Kerry Koppert)
Speed: 1200 2400
Hours: 5pm-8am
Fee: Free
Comments: Opus, IBM & Amiga support
Name: Bad Karma
Phone: (09) 473-1206 (Matt Evans)
Speed: 300 1200 2400
Hours: 24 hrs
Fee: Nil
Comments: MaxBoard
Name: Bee Hive IFNA# 3:772/240
Phone: (09) 576-7728 (Terry Hart)
Speed: 1200 2400
Hours: 24 hrs
Fee: Free
Comments: Telegard, dedicated to Utilities
Name: Christian Ministry IFNA# 3:772/120
Phone: (09) 664-795 (Errol Thompson)
Speed: 300 1200 2400
Hours: 24 hrs
Fee: Free
Comments: Specialising in Christian Ministry Support and Christian
Faith Discussions. Silver Express, OPUS
Name: Circuit Board
Phone: (09) 537-2822 (Tony Margetts)
Speed: 1200 2400
Hours: 24 hrs
Fee: Free
Comments: Spitfire on TSE Clone, 20MB
Name: The Computa Club
Phone: (09) 575-8665 (Neville Harlick)
Speed: 300 1200
Hours: 24 hrs
Fee: Free
Comments: Sanyo Users Group
Name: Connections
Phone: (09) 482-0124 (Ron Wilson)
Speed: 1200 2400
Hours: 24 hrs
Fee: Free
Comments: Wildcat! IBM, online games/Doors
Name: Crystal Towers 1
Phone: (09) 537-5857 (Matthew Greenfield)
Speed: 300 - 19200
Hours 24 hrs
Fee: $40
Comments: IBM,Spitfire,350mb HDD,small Amiga content,large Door support
Name: Crystal Towers 2
Phone: (09) 527-1586 (Michael Chen)
Speed: 300 - 19200
Hours 24 hrs
Fee: $40
Comments: AT 286 with VGA, 40mb HDD.
Name: Daily Purge
Phone: (09) 815-1582 (Roger Earwaker)
Speed: 300 1200 2400
Hours: 24 hrs
Fee: Free
Comments: Wildcat, mainly Amiga
Name: The Dark Side
Phone: (09) 818-6268 (Hamish Waterer)
Speed: 300 1200 2400
Hours: 10pm-7am Daily
Fee: Free
Comments: Telegard v2.5k Beta
Name: Dark Wizard's Guild
Phone: (09) 410-9614 (Stuart Price)
Speed: 300 1200 2400
Hours: 8:30pm-5:30pm Daily
Fee: Donation
Comments: ST Express, online games, mail link with USA
Name: Delphi III Information Services IFNA# 3:772/220
Phone: (09) 645-593 (Peter Belt)
Speed: 1200 2400 9600 V32 MNP4
Hours: 24 hrs
Fee: Free
Comments: Home-grown Multi-line Unix, 386, Comp.Technical discussions.
300mb, USENET, cont.development, user participation encouraged
Name: Dragon's Lair.
Phone: (09) 866-147 (?)
Speed: 1200 2400
Hours: 9pm-8am daily
Fee: $40
Software: Spitfire
Comments: Able to receive faxes, IBM Support.
Name: The Edge of Reality
Phone: (09) 837-1754 (Russell Hardie)
Speed: 1200 2400
Hours: 24 hrs
Fee: Free
Comments: Spitfire 100meg HD, Doors
Name: The Flying Haggis
Phone: (09) 529-2531 (?)
Speed: 300 1200 2400
Hours: 24 hrs
Fee: Free
Comments: Paragon v2.0, supports Amiga
Name: Franklin Computers IFNA# 3:772/160
Phone: (09) 278-1502 (Brett Hayward, Peter Arts)
Speed: 1200 2400
Hours: 24 hrs
Fee: Free
Comments: Run By Franklin Computers, Auckland, OPUS
Name: Golden Delicious
Phone: (09) 298-0187 (?)
Speed: 300 1200 2400
Hours: 24 hrs
Fee: $30
Comments: Apple Users Group, Red Ryder
Name: The Graffiti Wall
Phone: (09) 479-3374 (Craig Thompson)
Speed: 300 1200 2400
Hours: 24hrs
Fee: Free
Comments: Atari ST, Doors
Name: Hitchhiker's BBS
Phone: (09) 817-6620 (Jamie Walker)
Speed: 300B 1200 2400
Hours: 10pm-7am Daily
Fee: Free
Comments: Messages only, BBS-PC! v4.20
Name: Hoons For Christ
Phone: (09) 537-4272 (Dave Clements)
Speed: 300 1200 2400
Hours: 24 hrs
Fee: Free
Comments: Spitfire
Name: InfoBoard IFNA# 3:772/140
Phone: (09) 833-8788 (Colin Swabey)
Speed: 300 1275 1200 2400 (Dataplex V32 supporting upto 19.2 & MNP5)
Hours: 24 hrs
Fee: Donation optional
Comments: IBM AT 364MB, Remote Access v1.00, Huge set of files.
Name: The Jungle
Phone: (09) 303-2848 (?)
Speed: 300 1200 2400
Hours: 24 hrs
Fee: Free
Comments: Telegard, mainly Games
Name: Jupiter I/O
Phone: (09) 478-6926 (Adrian Dorrington)
Speed: 300 1275 1200
Hours: 24 hrs
Fee: Free
Comments: Custom software,mainly message based
Name: Just Another Board
Phone: (09) 892-035 (Nicholas Brooker)
Node 2: (09) 862-760
Speed: 2400-12K> MNP4 Node 2:300 1275 1200 2400
Hours: 24 hrs
Fee: Free
Comments: Mainly Mac, Audiophile messages bases
Name: Kappa Crucis
Phone (09) 817-3324 300B 1200 2400 NZMC Members line
Numbers 817-8424 300B 1200 2400 Observatory line
and 817-3725 1200 2400 9600 V32 MNP5
Speeds 817-3714 1200 2400 9600 V32 MNP4
817-3094 1200 2400 9600 V32 MNP4
Hours: 24 hrs
Fee: Free
Comments: Unix, Observatory, Science, USENET on Unix system
SysOp: David Dix
Name: The Kiwi BBS IFNA# 3:772/80
Phone: (09) 818-7079 (Harry Rose)
Speed: 1200 2400
Hours: 9:30pm-7:30am 7 days
Fee: Free
Comments: Telegard 2.5i, 300megs HDD
Name: NAC-Jack BBS System IFNA 3:772/110
Phone: (09) 483-6959 (Richard Vowles)
Speed: 300 1200 2400 9600 12000 (CompuSpec M9600) MNP4
Hours: 24 hrs
Fee: Free
Comments: This multi-user system is designed and written specifically for
roleplaying games.Home of HUNT The Wumpus MUG.Usenet: nacjack.gen.nz
Name: New Zealand On-Line IFNA# 3:772/210
Phones: Line 1: (09) 357-0845
Line 2: (09) 357-0846
Line 3: (Private)
Speeds: Line 1: 300, 1200, 2400, MNP 4 and 5
Line 2: 300, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, MNP 4, 5 and V42.bis
Hours: 24 hrs (Down from 2am-2:30am & 5am-7:30am)
SysOps: Trevor G. Leybourne (Sysop)
Co-SysOps: Lawrence T. Levine
Dean M. Welsh
Fee: Free (No restrictions for a donation of $25)
Comments: TBBS (The Bread Board System), TDBS (The Database System),Seadog,
386 PC, 220Mb, CD-ROMs,International Netmail,EchoMail,Quizzes,
Online Multi-User games, multi-node chats,Electronic shopping etc.
Name: Nexus
Phone: (09) 870-987 (Ted Chapman)
Speed: 300 1200 2400
Hours: 24 hrs
Fee: Free
Comments: Paragon software, mainly messages
Name: NikBoard
Phone: (09) 734-347 778-472 (Nikolaos Wakem)
Speed: 300 1275 1200 2400
Hours: 24 hrs (778-472 5pm-8am 24hr weekend)
Fee: Free
Comments: Games, ANSI colour, all computers supported
Name: Nite Owl BBS
Phone: (09) 570-2885 (Mark Brandwood)
Speed: 300 1200 2400
Hours: 24 hrs
Fee: Donation
Comments: Spitfire v3.0, 33meg HD, IBM & Atari support
Name: Number 1 BBS
Phone: (09) 522-1469 (?)
Speed: 1200 2400 MNP & PEP
Hours: 24 hrs
Fee: $12 per year
Comments: PC-Board
Name: NZCUG (NZ Commodore User Group)
Phone: (09) 528-5872 (Richard Doull)
Speed: 300 1200 2400
Hours: 24 hrs
Fee: Free
Comments: Amiga 2000. PD software no restrictions, C64/128 Support
Name: NZ MICRO OPUS IFNA# 3:772/1
Phone: (09) 486-0917 (Selwyn Arrow) 2nd line for members
Speed: 300 1275 1200 2400
Hours: 24 hrs
Fee: Limited access Free. Full access $45 ($30 for school pupils)
includes full membership of NZ Microcomputer Club Inc.,
P.O. 6210, with monthly newsletter + Bits & Bytes.
Comments: 20MB 386, DESQview multitasking, 171MB hard disk,
Echomail & Matrix.
Name: NutHouse BBS (NutsVille Hospital Board) IFNA# 3:772/70
Phone: (09) 836-1113
Speed: 1200 2400
Hours: 24 hrs
Fee: $20 P/A
Comments: Telegard 2.5k, 260Mb Networked XT <-> AT system.
The Off-beat BBS that caters for those who dont want to conform to
the norm! Absolutely NO U:Dload file ratio, kiddies need not apply!
Name: Orac's Pleasure Dome
Phone: (09) 478-2217 (?)
Speed: 300B 1200 1275 2400
Hours: 24 hrs
Fee: Free
Comments: ?
Name: Pandora's Box
Phone: (09) 676-495 (Dawn Scotting)
Speed: 300B 1200 2400
Hours: 24 hrs
Fee: Free
Comments: Oasis 4.7, Atari 8-bit support, 40 meg, file areas all computers
Netmailing with ChCh, USA, Canada & Hawaii. OasisNet Node #017
Name: Parity Error BBS
Phone: (09) 410-7305 (?)
Speed: 300 1200 2400
Hours: 24 hrs
Fee: Nil
Comments: Telegard v2.5k
Name: The Patch IFNA# 3:772/50
Phone: (09) 277-9807 (Braden Jones)
Speed: 300B 1200 2400
Hours: 24 hrs
Fee: Free
Comments: Wildcat! in Papatoetoe
Name: PFN (Paxus FaxNet) IFNA# 3:772/230
Phone: (09) 302-1024 (accesses all lines)
(09) 302-1026 (*free* public access line)
Speeds: 300 1200 2400 MNP5 V42
Hours: 24 hrs
Fee: Free line: up to 15 mins per call
Opt Fee: $9 per month or $99 per year
Comments: 300MB 20MHz 386 Clone, QNX O/S, 15 lines, FaxMail,
P.O. Box 8960, Symonds Street. Voice 792350 x846
Pacnet access allows toll-free calling from any point in NZ.
"Unique" dialout facility lets you ring BBS's in other cities
TOLL FREE through this system. Online multi/user/multi-player
games, nationwide chat. Support for major PC applications.
Pacnet: 9500001313 SysOp: Bruce Simpson
Name: PC Computer Group IFNA# 3:772/200
Phone: (09) 302-2189 (Grant Hackett)
Speed: 300 1200 2400 9600 19200 MNP V32
Hours: 24 hrs
Fee: Free or $5 mth, $10 Qtr, $30 Year
Comments: 150Mb HDD, files, 70 msg echos, games, NZ Spitfire support board
(Voice: 366-0246). BBS has 3 lines automatically stepping.
Name: Pee Wee's Playhouse
Phone: (09) 878-371 (Steve Murray)
Speed: 1200 2400 9600->38400
Hours: 24 hrs
Fee: Fee $30
Comments: Spitfire on IBM AT 60MB
Name: Phoenix
Phone: (09) 412-7860 (Tony Rielly)
Speed: 1200 2400
Hours: 24 hrs
Fee: Free
Comments: Wildcat!,Programmers BBS.(Node 2-Tom Cat-R18 BBS)
Name: Pinnacle Club
Phone: (09) 615-382 (Bernadette Mooney)
Speed: 300 1200 2400
Hours: 24 hrs
Fee: Free
Comments: Sapphire. Pyroto Mountain haven.
Name: Pipeline IFNA# 3:772/250
Phone: (09) 479-7623 (Michael Taylor)
Speed: 300 1200 2400
Hours: 24 hrs
Fee: Free
Comments: Paragon v2.085, Amiga support
Name: Powerlink.
Phone: (09) 525-5492 (?)
Speed: 300 1200 2400
Hours: 24 hrs
Fee: Free
Comments: PCXT, 100Mb HDD, Netcomm 1234SA Modem. Large collection of Windows
3.0 Shareware, Throbnet, Intelec, Midilink, Metrolink, Medianet
Name: The Realm
Phone: (09) 629-3806 (Darrin Hutchinson)
Speed: 300 1200 2400
Hours: 4:30pm-11am
Fee: Free
Comments: IBM based, GT Power
Name: ST Afterburner
Phone: 834-3451 (Michael Clark)
Speed: 1200 2400 MNP4
Hours: 8pm-11am 24 hrs W/ends
Fee: Free
Comments: ST BBS
Name: STaTus
Node 1: (09) 606-067 (Jon Clarke & STu Lees)
Node 2: 608-485
Speed: 300 1275 1200 2400 (9600 MNP-Node 2)
Hours: 24 hours
Fee: Free
Comments: Atari ST. Atari-NZ support,CD_ROM,On-line Mags,Usenet
Name: Stew Pot (The)
Phone: (09) 445-3226 (David Cooke)
Speed: 300 1200 2400
Hours: 24 hrs
Fee: Free
Comments: For Amiga users with some IBM,Wildcat! v2.10S
Name: Terminally Bored
Phone: (09) 534-1966 (Peter Brook)
Speed: 1200 2400
Hours: 24 hrs
Fee: Free
Comments: Remore Access, Amiga/IBM support, large GIF section,door games
Mame: Time Warp
Phone: (09) 521-0279 (Greg Gibb)
Speed: 1200 2400 MNP5
Hours: 24 hrs
Fee: Free
Comments: Spitfire. Specialising in non-traditional BBS subjects
Name: TL Systems IFNA# 3:772/150
Phone: (09) 642-972 (Colin Swabey)
Speed: 300 1200 2400 9600 MNP5
Hours: 24 hrs
Fee: Free
Comments: Telegard, TL Systems support, large IBM area
Name: The Vapour Zone
Phone: (09) 832-1347 (Paul Robinson)
Speed: 300 1200 2400
Hours: 24 hrs
Fee: Free
Comments: Telegard, IBM support, Doors
Name: Void (The)
Phone: (09) 629-1001 (Glen Shadbolt)
Speed: 300 1200 1275 2400
Hours: 24 hrs
Fee: Free
Comments: Philosophical/political discussion,BBS-PC!,MNP5,v42bis
Name: Whakapapa IFNA# 3:772/190
Phone: (09) 832-4457 (Ross Archer)
Speed: 1200 2400
Hours: 24 hrs
Fee: Free
Comments: Xerox 6065/8. Opus - Specialising in Genealogy
Name: When?
Phone: (09) 607-739 (Wayne McDougall)
Speed: 300 1200
Hours: 24 hrs
Fee: Various charges
Comments: Commodore. The maintenance-free BBS for SysOp's old age.
Name: ZL1UCY's BBS IFNA #3:772/260
Phone: (09) 728-251 (Alan Still)
Speed: 1200 2400
Hours: 24 Hrs
Fee: Public $25 /Year
CBers $20 /Year
Public & CBers...90 Days $10...30 Days $5
Ham Radio Operators Free *** With Restrictions ***
Comments: TL Systems 386 SX 170Mb
Node 1...SPITFIRE Phone 64-9-728251
Node 2...AA4RE 1200 Bd PACKET RADIO ON 144.650 Mhz & 144.675 Mhz
...2400 Bd PACKET COMING SOON ON 144.675 Mhz
******* Suits Technical minded to General Users *******
Hamilton changes during April:
Updated: The Great Escape - New phone number
Name: Aotearoa CBCS IFNA# 3:774/610
Phone: (071) 549-542 (Tenga Reese)
Speed: 1200 2400
Hours: 24 hrs
Fee: Free (or subscription to MUGS $25)
Comments: Member of MUGS, online games
Name: Dixon's BBS IFNA# 3:774/570
Phone: (071) 435-578 (Murray Dixon)
Speed: 300 1200 2400
Hours: 7pm - 7am
Fee: Free
Comments: Member of MUGS, online games
Name: The Great Escape CBCS IFNA# 3:774/620
Phone: (071) 461-610 (Fraser Kemp, David Doggart, Steven Detoni)
Speed: 300 1200 2400
Hours: 24 hrs
Fee: Free
Comments: Remote Access 1.0, 210 MB, Member of Waikato MUGS,
In association with -:TGE "GREMLINS!":-
Name: Pirate Ship (The) IFNA# 3:774/590
Phone: (071) 490-486 (Aaron Westerby)
Speed: 300 1200 2400
Hours: 24 hrs
Fee: Free
Comments: Member of MUGS, online games
Name: USA Connection IFNA# 3:774/560
Phone: (071) 566-851 (Carl Rayner)
Speed: 300 1200 2400
Hours: 24 hrs
Fee: $5-15/Year (Entitles to latest US files & online games)
Comments: T.A.G. BBS, TAG/TAGMail support BBS. latest online games
Name: Waikato Amiga CBC System IFNA# 3:774/605
Phone: (071) 466-918 (Barry Blackford)
Speed: 1200 2400 9600
Hours: 24 hrs
Fee: Free
Comments: Waikato Amiga UG owned, member of MUGS
Name: Waikato Fido-Net NZ (The "Makor") IFNA# 3:774/501
Phone: (071) 567-219 (James Mossman NC/Host 774)
Speed: 300 1200 2400
Hours: 24 hrs
Fee: Free (Dedicated Fido and Electronic Mail Cbcs
Christian User Files ONLY).
Comments: Waikato Area Fidonet HUB, OPUS v1.13, 200mb HDD.
Fido Net Co-Ordinator Host NC 774 (James Mossman)
Name: Starmail IFNA# 3:774/565
Phone: (071) 550-602 (Gordon Gallagher)
Speed: 300 1200 2400
Hours: 24 hrs
Fee: Free and Mugs members by sub to MUGS.
Comments: Member Waikato MUGS.
Name: The Warehouse IFNA# 3:774/550
Phone: 071-460-543 (James Allen)
Speed: 300 1200 2400
Hours: 7pm to 7am (12 hrs)
Fee: Free
Rotorua changes during April:
Name: The Beast IFNA# 3:774/600
Phone: (073) 490-588 (Peter Hendricks, Brett Lilley)
Speed: 300 1200 2400
Hours: 24 hrs
Fee: Free, Full access $25 (+$5/month)
Comments: Opus, Echomail, Internet news
Name: Quest
Phone: moving (Allan Scott, Brett Slater)
Speed: 300 1200 2400
Hours: 10pm-7am
Fee: Free
Comments: Opus 100MB Atari,C,Amstrad,Amiga,Apple,IBM files. Echos.
Name: Kiwifruit Coast
Phone: (075) 81-333 (Neil Parkinson)
Speed: 300 1275 1200 2400
Hours: 7pm-7am
Fee: Free
Comments: Opus on XT
Changes during April
Name: Apanui Link
Phone: (076) 85-854 (Ralph Clulow)
Speed: 300 1200 2400
Hours: 5pm-8am, Weekends 24hrs
Fee: Free
Comments: Wildcat!, 30mb Exzel, Apanui Educational Centre, educ.orientated,
Official BBS of Whakatane Computer Enthusiasts Group, supports Atari
Name: PC-Link BBS, Kawerau
Phone: (076) 38925
Speed: 300 1200 2400
Hours: 24 hrs
Fee: $16 to join + $2.50/mth
Napier changes during April:
Name: Jaybee's IFNA# 3:772/300
Phone: (06) 844-1144 (John Bickerstaff, Dale Spittle)
Speed: 300 1275 1200 2400 9600 V32 MNP1-4
Hours: 24 hrs
Fee: $0.00 to $40.00 depending on access required.
Comments: Remote Access, D'Bridge
Hastings Changes during April:
Name: Bay Baud
Phone: (06) 876-7683 (John Newson)
Speed: 300 1200 2400
Hours: 24 hrs
Fee: $5.00 Registration $12.00 per year
Comments: Spitfire 2.7
Name: CV Hastings
Phone: (06) 876-3804
Speed: 300 1200 2400
Hours: After Shop Hours
Fee: Free
Comments: Amiga 500 with 590 HDD
Name: Half Men of Modem
Phone: (06) 877-4747 (David Miller)
Speed: 300 1200
Hours: Mon-Fri 5.30am-8am, 5.30pm-11pm
Weekend 5am-11pm
Fee: Free
Comments: Spitfire 2.8
Palmerston North changes during April:
Name: Arcadia
Phone: (063) 89-805
Speed: 1200 2400
Hours: 5pm-5am
Fee: Free
Comments: Remote access
Name: Bacon Board
Phone: (063) 85-297
Speed: 300 1200 2400
Hours: 11pm-8am
Fee: ?
Comments Run on Atari 1040ST,44megs, Atari,Amiga,IBM files.
Name: Dark Realms
Phone: (063) 551-342
Speed: 300 1200 2400
Hours: 24 hrs
Fee: Free
Comments: Searchlight
Name: Hamboard (Lingo)
Phone: (063) 590-999
Speed: 300 1200 2400
Hours: 24 hrs
Fee: $20 full access
Comments: Wildcat, Intronics
Name: Open All Hours IFNA# 3:771/300
Phone: (063) 72-309 (Kerry Garrett)
Speed: 2400
Hours: 24 hrs
Fee: $30
Comments: OPUS 1.14, Fidonet
Name: Plus Baud
Phone: (063) 553-168
Speed: 300 1200 2400
Hours: Midnight to 7am, 7 days
Fee: Free
Comments: Remote access
Name: The Source
Phone: (063) 64-304
Speed: 300 1275 1200 2400
Hours: 24 hrs
Fee: $20 per year
Comments: PC
New Plymouth changes during April:
Name: Informex IFNA# 3:771/400
Phone: (067) 75-584 (Airdrie Black)
Speed: 300 1200 2400
Hours: 24 hrs
Fee: $25 or free to AUG Taranaki Users
Comments: Amiga & IBM. 9a Ballantrae Place. NP., Opus 1.14
Wgtn updates to Murray Thessman, Ph (04) 725-051 (Voice) (04) 4990-490 (BBS)
Changes during April
Deleted: The Cross
Name: Actrix and Springboard II IFNA# 3:771/110
Phone : (04) 895-478 (Paul Gillingwater & J.Vostermanns)
Speed: 300 1275? 1200 2400
Node 2: (04) 895-468 Speed: 1200 2400
Node 3: (04) 896-016 Speed: 300 1275 1200 2400
Node 4: (04) 895-857 Speed: 1275 1200 2400 V32 V42bis PEP
Fee: $54/year, $108 full Unix access
Comments: Unix XBBS system at P.O.Box 11-410, local & international e-mail
Access to Usenet newsgroups & Clarinet professional news service
ie an electronic newspaper (world topics, sports etc).
Ecology and Peace topics, real names
Node 1 steps to 2, Node 3: Wgtn FidoHub, Node 4: Mainly outbound
Name: Andrew's Folly IFNA# 3:771/150 (#1) / 3:771/151 (#2)
Phone #1: (04) 339-126 (Andrew McMillan)
#2: (04) 339-887
Speed #1: 1200 2400 HST MNP5
#2: 300 1200 1275 2400 MNP5 V32
Hours: 24 hrs
Fee: Free or $15 to $40 depending on facilities
Comments: OPUS V1.14 & Waffle, FidoNet, Usenet, Files & msgs (338Mb),PBM games
PBM games, the cont.saga of "Dr Richard Harris & the Weasel from
H.E.L.L." (Usenet: folly.gen.nz)
Name: The Board
Phone: (04) 646-035 (Mark Richardson)
Speed: 300 1275 1200 2400 9600 V32 MNP5 (Node 1 updated 27-Feb-91)
Node 2: (04) 648-358 Speed: 300 1200 2400
Hours: 24 hrs
Fee: $30 for full access on 2nd line
Comments: Searchlight Multinode on Ethernet, online shopping/games,GIF
Name: (Name of BBS not worthy of this list!) (added 27-Feb-91)
Phone: (04) 858-971 (Lou Winn, Raz Wolfman)
Speed: 300 1275 1200 2400
Hours: 24 hrs
Fee: None
Comments: Intelligent (????) conversation.
Name: The Cave MegaBBS (Cave III System)
Numbers & (04) 642-269 1275 1200 2400
Speeds: 642-317 1200 2400 9600 V32
Hours: 24 hrs
Fee: Free ($40 for line 2, $25 toll area)
Comments: DataExpert 386/25, 160MB disk, Cave software.
Sysops: Charlie Lear, Conrad Bullock
Name: The Cave MegaBBS (Cave IV System) IFNA# 3:771/130
Phone (04) 642-260 1200 2400
Numbers 643-000 1200 2400
and 643-429 1200 2400
Speeds 642-314 2400 9600 V32
Hours: 24 hrs
Fee: Free ($40/$25 for lines 2,3,4)
Comments: AT&T 3B2 Unix system, 144MB disk, KCBBS software. Custom Fido
mailer s/w. Sysops: Charlie Lear, Conrad Bullock
Name: The Crossroads (Chk'd 27-Feb-91)
Comments: Offline from 1-Mar-91 for Software upgrade. Expected back 1-Apr-91
Name: Digital Vaults III (Chk'd 27-Feb-91)
Phone: (04) 736-679 (David Vincent)
Speed: 1200 2400
Hours: 24 hrs
Fee: Free
Comments: Spitfire MAC/IBM files, real names only
Name: Fred's Diner (Chk'd 25-Feb-91)
Phone: (04) 683-830 (Gary Dickinson)
Speed: 300 1200
Hours: 7pm - 6am, W/ends 24 hrs
Fee: Free
Comments: Searchlight
Name: Garfield's Greenhouse (Chk'd 27-Feb-91)
Phone: (04) 368-067 (Damian & Janine Kennedy)
Speed: 300 1275 1200 2400
Hours: 9pm-8am
Fee: Free
Comments: Kiwiboard, The friendly BBS & Sysops!
Name: GenBoard IFNA# 3:771/160 (Chk'd 27-Feb-91)
Phone: (04) 499-0490 (Murray & Liz Thessman)
Speed: 300 1200 1275 2400
Hours: 24 hrs
Fee: Free Genealogy viewing / donation Genealogy & Full Fido access
Comments: Opus, Specialising in Genealogy & Technical interests
Name: Ghost in the Machine
Phone: (04) 635-679 (Grant Baker)
Speed: 1200 2400
Hours: 24 hrs
Fee: Free
Comments: Searchlight
Name: Harbour Board (W.A.C.E)
Phone: (04) 835-041 (Chris Thorpe)
Speed: 300 1275 1200 2400
Hours: 24 hrs
Fee: Free
Comments: ATARI ST. Wgtn Atari Computer Enthusiasts, FoReM
Name: Hideaway
Phone: (04) 264-407 (David Dixson)
Speed: 300 1275 1200 2400
Hours: 24 hrs
Fee: Free
Comments: Searchlight
Name: High Tower of Sorcery (Chk'd 27-Feb-91)
Phone: (04) 668-156 (Matthew Moore)
Speed: 1200 2400
Hours: 24 hours
Fee: Free
Comments: Searchlight. Sierra Game info.
Name: Major Force
Phone: (04) 667-194 (Russell Pratt)
Speed: 1200 2400 V32 MNP5
Hours: 24 hrs
Fee: Free
Comments: Remote Access, Support BBS for Sierra games software, real names
Name: Maranatha IFNA# 3:771/220
Phone: (04) 767-542 (Brian Daley)
Speed: 300 1200 2400
Hours: 24 hrs
Fee: Free
Comments: Paragon, running on an Amiga + HDD, UCCN (Christian) Echos
Name: No Bauds Barred IFNA# 3:771/140 (Ph updated 27-Feb-91)
Phone: (04) 289-730 (Greg Cooney)
Speed: 300 1200 2400
Hours: 24 hrs
Fee: $20/yr, $40 life
Comments: Searchlight. On FidoNet.
Name: Open All Hours
Phone: (04) 842-342 (Mark Wilson)
Speed: 1200 2400
Hours: 24 hrs
Fee: Free
Comments: Wildcat! Wgtn Polytech. Info on courses. Voice 850-599 ext 8800
Name: Outlaw Operations Unlimited
Phone: (04) 856-656 (Watai Rakete)
Speed: 300 1200 2400 (updated 27-Feb-91)
Hours: 9:30pm - 8am
Fee: Free
Comments: Searchlight, support BBS for EFX ANSI screens, aliases only
Name: PC Power
Phone: (04) 801-6599 (Tony Hitchcock)
Speed: 300 1200 2400 V32 (updated 27-Feb-91)
Hours: 24 hrs
Fee: Free
Comments: Searchlight, PC Power Computer shop
Name: PFN (Paxus FaxNet) IFNA# 3:772/230
Phone: (04) 711-010 (accesses all lines)
(04) 711-013 (*free* public access line)
Speeds: 300 1200 2400 MNP5 V42
Hours: 24 hrs
Fee: Free line: up to 15 minutes per call, access to all forums
Opt Fee: $9 per month or $99 per year for 45 mins/day plus
access to dialout, DocX, Email, all lines.
Comments: 300MB 20MHz 386 Clone, QNX O/S, 15 lines, FaxMail,
P.O. Box 8960, Symonds Street. Voice 792350 x846
Pacnet access allows toll-free calling from any point in NZ.
'Unique' dialout facility lets you ring BBS's in other cities
TOLL FREE through this system. Online multi-user/multi-player
games, nationwide chat. Support for major PC applications.
Pacnet: 9500001313
Name: Romboard
Phone: (04) 836-040 (Brent Wood)
Speed: 1200 2400
Hours: 24 hrs
Fee: Free ($20 for full d/lng access)
Comments: Wildcat. CD-ROM PD software
Name: Seaboard
Phone: (04) 781-008 (Peter Longman)
Speed: 300 1275 1200 2400
Hours: 24 hrs
Fee: Free
Comments: Kiwiboard. Home & Business Computers
Name: Sideways
Phone: (04) 695-695 (Pat Cain)
Speed: 300 1200 2400
Hours: 24 hrs
Fee: Free
Comments: Waffle software, Usenet, BBC & Archimedes, IBM, heaps text files
Comments: 300bps users: wait for 3rd tone before sending carrier
Name: Spider's Web IFNA# 3:771/200 (update 27-Feb-91)
Phone: (04) 773-133 (Jay Montilla)
Speed: 300 1275 1200 2400
Hours: 24 hrs
Fee: Free
Comments: Multi-node Searchlight Reg #0512, Usenet
Name: Springboard IFNA# 3:771/110 see Actrix (update 27-Feb-91)
Name: Stargate
Phone: (04) 666-728 (David Benfell)
Speed: 300 1200 2400 9600 14.4k HST/V32bis/V42bis MNP5 Locked at 38.4k
Hours: 24 hrs
Fee: $35/yr or $ 60/lifetime
Comments: PC-Board software,support BBS TopSoft doors, online games,350Mb
NZ hub for Throbnet, Intelec, MediaNet, MidiLink, MetroLink
IFNA# 3:771/190 issued but front end d'Bridge not working yet
Name: Te Wahapu BBS IFNA# 3:771/210
Phone: (04) 885-552 (Richard Benton)
Speed: 300 1275 1200 2400
Hours: 7am - 6pm ( potluck other times)
Fee: donations (koha)
Comments: Opus v1.14, Maori language support BBS
Comments: NZ Council for Educational Research.
Name: Tornado
Phone: (04) 331-843 (Simon McAuliffe)
Speed: 300 1275 1200 2400
Hours: 24 hrs
Fee: Free
Comments: Waffle v1.63, PC/Mac anti-virus BBS, latest anti-virus software
Name: Waug Shorts
Phone: (04) 278-817 (Allan Honey/David Wilson)
Speed: 300 1275 1200 2400
Hours: 24 hrs
Fee: Apple UG membership
Comments: Dumboard, Apple II/Macintosh support
Name: Wellington MicroComputing Society IFNA# 3:771/120
Phone: (04) 836-592 (Peter Cowley)
Speed: 300 1275 1200 2400
Hours: 24 hrs
Fee: $30 WMCS club
Comments: OPUS Matrix + EchoMail, "Boffins BBS", real names only
Name: Wizard's Lair
Phone: (04) 338-538 (Matthew Culver)
Speed: 300 1275 1200 2400 MNP5
Hours: 24 hrs
Fee: Free
Comments: Atari STe support
Changes during April
Updated: Sun City (new phone numbers)
M.A.C.E. (now 2400 baud & Free)
Name: Sun City
Node 1: (054) 89-171 (Damon Rose)
Node 2: 89-172
Speed: 300 1200 2400
Hours: 24 hrs
Fee: $25 pa (Free for Toll callers)
Comments: Wildcat, Nelson
Name: MACE
Phone: (057) 81-847 (Ian Scott)
Speed: 300 1200 2400
Hours: 24 hrs
Fee: Free
Comments: Atari 1040ST, BBS Express!, Marlborough Atari Computer Enthusiasts
Christchurch Changes during April:
Offline: Genesis
Added: Background
All A Baud
SHEBPP Adventure
Source Board
Krystal Lite
Polyvox IV
Realm of Insanity
Updated: Connection II (new phone number)
Deleted: Two Bit Baud
Name: All A Baud IFNA# 3:770/125
Phone: (03) 332-6870 (Terrence Blyth)
Speed: 300 1200 2400
Hours: 24 hrs
Fee: Free
Comments: Amiga 500, Paragon software
Name: Amiga Info BBS
Phone: (03) 337-1531 (David Hassall)
Speed: 1200 2400
Hours: 24 hrs
Fee: Free
Comments: Amiga 2000 40MB Skyline BBS 1.32,Large Amiga File Base
Name: Background
Phone: (03) 830-801 (Stephen Webber)
Speed: 1200 2400
Hours: 24 hrs
Fee: Free
Comments: Amiga 2000, Skyline v1.32, ACUG
Name: Computer Software Library of NZ
Phone: (03) 615-9313 (Bill Strauss)
Baud: 300 1200 2400
Fee: Free
Comments: On Line catalogue of Shareware, NZ Agent for McAfees, Searchlight
1.31 PD
Name: Connection II
Phone: (03) 355-3896 (Jon Himing)
Speed: 300 1200
Hours: 24 hrs
Fee: Messages - Free, Doors access - $12 per year
Comments: C64, Commnett v8.5, ChCh Commodore Users Group
Name: Enterprise III
Phone: (03) 650-792 (Steve Waters)
Speed: 300 1200 2400
Hours: 24 hrs
Fee: Free
Comments: Searchlight v1.77, Amiga 1000
Name: The Equinox Network
Phone: (03) 854-406 (4 lines) (Geoff McCaughan/Pete Moore)
Speed: 1200 2400 MNP5
Hours: 24 hrs
Fee: Local areas Free. Subscription for UseNet
Comments: File & message areas, Public Access UseNet & Email,Waffle, VLSI AMI
Alloy Clustered Network, Internet: equinox.gen.nz
Name: Gateway
Phone: (03) 842-850 (Grant Thomas)
Speed: 300 1200 2400
Hours: 24 hrs
Fee: Free
Comments: Amstrad PC, Spitfire v3.0
Name: Genesis CCNZ IFNA# 3:770/110
Node 2:
Speed: 300 1200 2400 (on both Nodes)
Hours: 24 hrs
Fee: Free
Comments: DBridge/RemoteAccess & Binkley/RemoteAccess (Non Fidonet)
Name: The Haven
Phone: (03) 855-702 (Paul Hoglund)
Hours: 24 Hrs
Speed: 300 1200
Fee: Free
Comments: C128D, CommNett v8.5, Commodore files
Name: Krystal Lite
Phone: (03) 650-441 (Daini Peagram)
Hours: 24 hrs
Speed: 300 1200 2400
Fee: Free
Comments: Amiga 500, Paragon v2.08
Name: Lilliput BBS
Phone: (03) 337-2699 (James Andrews)
Hours: 10pm-4:30pm w/days, 9pm-11am w/ends
Speed: 300 1200 2400
Fee: Free
Comments: Amiga 500, 4D-BBS software
Name: Mainland
Phone: (03) 655-574 (Simon Tregear)
Hours: 24 hrs
Speed: 300 1200 2400
Fee: Free
Comments: Searchlight
Name: Online Support IFNA# 3:770/120
Phone: (03) 667-324 (John Clarke)
Hours: 24 Hrs
Speed: 300 1200 2400
Fee: Free
Comments: Searchlight. PC related sales board, support ChCh Clipper Users
Group and Dbase Users.
Name: Pioneer (Geraldine)
Phone: (03) 693-9684 (Barry Newell)
Hours: 9pm-6am daily
Speed: 300 1200
Fee: Free
Comments: PCBoard
Name: Planet Melmac
Phone: (03) 348-6522 (Murray Cameron)
Hours: 24 Hrs
Speed: 300 1200 2400
Fee: Free
Comments: Searchlight software, BBS Registry
Name: Polyvox IV
Phone: (03) 649-027 (Peter Ellens)
Hours: 24 hrs
Speed: 300 1200 2400
Fee: Free
Comments: Seatchlight v1.77, run by ChCh Polytechnic
Name: Realm of Insanity
Phone: (03) 669-380
Hours: 9pm-7am weekdays, 9pm-10am & 1pm-7pm w/ends
Speed: 1200 2400
Fee: Free
Comments: Searchlight
Name: Relative In Power IFNA# 3:770/135
Phone: (03) 348-2969 (Michael Phillips)
Speed: 300 1200 2400
Hours: 24 hrs
Fee: Free
Comments: Networking via FidoNet, Real Names only, Paragon on Amiga 500
Name: RemoteAccess IFNA# 3:770/115
Phone: (03) 347-8094 (Graeme Kerr)
Hours: 24 hrs
Speed: 300 1200 2400
Fee: Free
Comments: PC running RemoteAccess software
Name: Simplicity BBS
Phone: (03) 352-8694 (John Haines)
Hours: 10pm-5am (Teenagers only, 3pm-5pm M-F, 1pm-4pm W/E)
Speed: 300 1200 1275 2400
Fee: Free
Comments: Atari 8bit support, Oasis 4.7, Netmailing with Auckland, America
& Canada. OasisNet Node #019
Name: Source Board
Phone: (03) 656-301 (Ed Sickmann)
Speed: 300 1200 2400
Hours: 8pm-8am weekdays, 24 hrs w/ends
Fee: Free
Comments: Searchlight
Name: SuperSystem IV
Phone: (03) 890-830 (Bob Curwood)
Speed: 300 1200 2400
Hours: 24 hrs
Fee: Free
Comments: IBM Clone, Searchlight software
Name: Tony's BBS IFNA# 3:770/101
Phone: (03) 831-155 (Tony Hall)
Speed: 1200 2400 MNP (Note: Trailblazer is used for mail)
Hours: 24 hrs (Mail only from 2:30am - 4:30am)
Fee: Basic entry - Free
Full Access $5 per month
Comments: OPUS v1.14 210Mb - Netmail, Echomail, IBM & Others supported,
Fidonet Region 57 (New Zealand) Co-Ordinator,
Fidonet Network 770 (Sth Island) Co-Ordinator
Name: Twilight BBS
Phone: (03) 498-500 (Andrew Munro)
Speed: 300B 1200 2400
Hours: 10pm-8am
Fee: Free
Comments: Amiga 500, 4D-BBS software, CURRENTLY OFFLINE
Changes during April:
Deleted: The Oracle
Updated: Taieri (new phone number)
Name: Midnite Modemer BBS IFNA#3:770/500
Phone: (03) 455-5359 (Iain Lourie)
Speed: 300 1200 2400 9600 V32 V42 V42bis MNP
Hours: 24 hrs
Fee: Free for toll callers
Comments: Searchlight 1.77A-S, 120mb, FidoNet, Echo & Matrix Mail, Online
Games. "Baud of the City?" BBS's brother board.
Name: Southern Vortex
Phone: (03) 489-3420 (Chris Pheloung)
Speed: 300 1200 2400
Hours: 24 hrs
Fees: Free
Comments: Searchlight BBS
Name: Taieri
Phone: (03) 489-6891 (Barry Clearwater)
Speed: 300 1200
Hours: 6pm-8am Mon-Thu, 9pm-8am Fri, noon Sat-8am Mon
Fee: Free
Comments: Software:FoReM ST V2.0, Atari Mega 2 ST, 60MB
Name: VAX (Otago University Computer Soc)
Phone: (024) 779-068 773-959
Speed: 300 1200 2400
Hours: 24 hrs
Fee: Free.
Comments: Usernames are:CCCIG, XMICRO, EDUCATION
Changes during April
Added: Micro South
Updated: Night Shift (change of hours)
Name: "Baud of the City?" BBS IFNA #3:770/605
Phone: (03) 218-6445 (Cathy Lourie-MacKenzie, Scott Phillips
Speed: 300 1200 2400 and Allan Mackenzie)
Hours: 24 hrs
Fee: Free
Comments: Searchlight 1.77A-S, 60MB, FidoNet, Echo & Matrix Mail. Online
games, Two "inner" BBS's, Home of SLMatrix Mailer, Invercargill's 1st
SL BBS. Midnite Modemer BBS's sister board.
Name: Land's End BBS
Phone: (03) 214-4150 (Ken Sutton)
Speed: 300 1200 2400
Hours: 24Hrs
Fee: $20 per 6 months, Free for toll callers
Comments: Searchlight 1.77A-S, 40MB, Educational emphasis.
Name: Micro South
Phone: (03) 218-4056 (Jamie Dowling)
Speed: 300 1200 2400
Hours: 7pm-7:30am Weekdays, 24 hrs w/ends
Fee: Free
Comments: Atari PC3 running Searchlight software by Southern Micrographics
Name: Night Shift
Phone: (03) 218-4647 (Bill Niven)
Speed: 300 1200 1275 2400
Hours: 9pm-5am 7 days
Fee: Free
Comments: Searchlight 1.77A-S, Atari PC3, 40MB, Online Games.