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As of 08/19/86
The following is a list of on-line
sources for info about computer music
which I compiled over the last 3
months. The list will be up-dated as I
hear about more BBS's. If you know of
any other music-oriented BBS's, please
let me know.
- Sysop Ray Reach
1. Alphasyntauri Users Group BBS
Data: 201-661-1249
Subscription only, or must own
Alphasyntauri equipment. For more
info, call Bill Lewis @ 516-399-
1896, John Gilbert @ NYU: 212-598-
3493, Russ @ 518-885-4733, or Dave
Wilson @ 718-224-6660.
2. AmigaScope
Data: 214-288-1537
Sysop: Alan Yoder
Local Dallas Amiga Users Group BBS.
Several of their members are MIDI
enthusiasts, but this BBS contains
no MIDI-specific information.
3. Canadian West Coast MIDI Users Group
4538 Marguerite Street
Vancouver, B.C. CANADA
V6J 4G8
Data: 604-263-8487
Sysop: Timothy McGuinnness
This one was listed in the Canad-
ian MIDI Users Group Newsletter.
Several levels of access: Level 1
(FREE), Level 2 (requires vali-
dation - no fee), Level 3 ($30.00
per year) and Level 4 ($40.00 per
year). See file in area #3 called
"CWCMIDI.BBS" for more info.
4. Compuserve MIDI/Music Forums
2 Special Interest Groups ("SIGs"):
1) General Music Forum - "GO
MUSICFORUM" from the main
prompt. Data Libray 0 is
the "Computer Music" area.
2) Orchestra-90 Forum - "GO
ORCH90" from the main prompt.
Data Library 5 is the MIDI
5. The Computer Source BBS
Columbia, South Carolina
Data: 803-786-6132
Voice: 803-787-5470
MIDI Sigop: Lewis Ethridge
Operated by Computer Source, Inc.
and The Central South Carolina
Apple Users Group. Also addresses
Commodore, IBM, Ham Radio, MacIn-
tosh, Apple and Microsoft BASIC.
MIDI/Synth area just getting
started, 6/24/86.
6. Dallas MIDI Users Group BBS
(also American MIDI Users Group)
7225 Fair Oaks, Ste. 515
Dallas, TX 75231
Data: 214-276-8902
Voice (Ray Reach): 214-272-0963
Voice (Mike Loveless): 214-987-2940
300/1200/2400 baud
24 hours
Sysop: Ray Reach
Operated in conjunction with
the American MIDI Users Group.
You may join and/or communicate
with AMUG through this bbs. Large
public domain areas, including
music education SIG. Address all
brands of MIDI hard/software.
7. IMC Network
Contact: Steve Mandell
Voice: 213-937-0347
Entertainment and music oriented
Telcom service. $200 one-time
Sign up fee. 28 cents per minute
Connect time. Call & they will
Send you detailed info. No free
On-line look available.
8. KCB Systems Computer Music BBS
P.O. Box 1733
Denton, Texas 76202
Voice: 817-565-0730
Data: 817-382-5778, 7pm to 8am CST
Sysop: Kenny Bergle
Operated by KCB Systems (Computer
Music Consultants). Not in full
operation as of 5/20/86.
9. Micro Music MIDI BBS
210 Marray Dr.
Atlanta, GA 30341
Data: 404-454-8059
Voice: 1-800-551-4251
Contact: Gary Osteen, Jay Sterrett
or Dan Coy
300 baud, no parity, eight data
bits, 1 stop bit
Operated by Micro Music, Inc. at
the above address. The 5 "Bulle-
tins" list the hardware/software
products which Micro Music has for
sale. Files area contains numerous
synth patches in various formats.
LFD Enterprises BBS
Data: 317-875-7773
Sysop: Preston Tuchman
First logon, 6/16/86.
11. MIDI-COM (Montreal)
483 Neptune
Dorval, Quebec CANADA
H9S 2L7
Data: 514-636-8877
Sysop: Michel Poirier
Found this one listed in the News-
letter of the Canadian MIDI Users
Group. Spoke to Michel today
(08/19/86). Interested in FIDO
network communications.
12. MIDI World Network
11920 W. Olympic Blvd.
L.A., CA 90064
Voice: 213-826-3777
Data: 213-826-4288
ATARI ST BBS System. Operated by
Hybrid Arts, makers of MIDI
software for Atari computers.
Features include: Message Area,
free program and utility down-
loads, the MIDI Music Store (SIG
#10), price and release info and
other product details.
13. The Mixing Board
Data: 718-479-9874, 24hrs, 7da
Sysop: Eric Fishbein
Privately operated music-oriented
14. Musician's Exchange
Data: 619-462-5229
Sysop: Pete Lam
From the Main Menu, you can choose
2 areas: the "Board" area, and the
"Interest" area. The Interest area
contains text files about various
subjects, such as text versions of
synthesizer patches. The Board
area has 4 available boards: 1)
General, 2) Records (for sale or
swap), 3) MIDI/Synthesizer, and 4)
"Ask Rick Rockster." These boards
are message boards only. No long
information files. No synth patch
files or song files for downloading.
15. Music Manufacturers Assn. BBS
% Jim Cooper
J.L. Cooper Electronics
1931 Pontius Avenue
West Los Angeles, CA 90025
Voice: 213-473-8771
Fee: $250.00/yr
Am waiting for information about
the MMA BBS by return mail. Will
update this info as soon as the
mail arrives.
16. MusicNet
P.O. Box 272
Beekman, N.Y. 12570
Data: 914-442-4006 - $5.00/hr
Data: 1-800-643-7968 - $17.50/hr
Voice: 914-724-3668
$75.00/yr, with 3 free hours
Call 914-442-4006 and browse 15
minutes for free. Operates on
FidoNet software. Download banks
of synth patches @ $20 each.
Features include Users Groups for
Ensoniq and the Jim Miller (IBM)
Personal Composer software.
17. Performing Artists Network (PAN)
P.O. Box 162
Skippack, PA 19474
Data: 215-489-4640
Voice: 1-800-544-4005
$150 one-time sign-up fee
$.40/min. - 8am to 6pm EST
$.20/min. - after 6pm EST
A rather expensive but extensive
database with many diverse ser-
vices, including: hardware User
Groups for Kurzweil, Mark of the
Unicorn, etc and a musician's
referral service. Write to the
above address for more info.
18. Rising Star (IBM & Amiga)
Data: 214-231-1372
Local Dallas IBM/Amiga BBS.
Several of their members are MIDI
enthusiasts, but this BBS contains
no MIDI-specific information.
19. SuperService East
Voice: 616-245-6635
For a free look, log-on as "NEW
Full service BBS offering
messages, file upload/download
and Fido-Net Mail. Over 2000 DX-7
patches on-line ! 8 word length,
1 stop bit, no parity. 300/1200/
2400 baud service. To register,
leave your name, address, and
choice of password to Sysop in a
private message. Sysop is Robert
Reister [Compuserve # 74325,1122].
To subscribe to SuperService, send
your name,addrees and phone,
password (you must choice one),
computer type and $10.00 subscrip-
tion fee to:
SuperService East
2102 Osceola SE
Grand Rapids, MI 49606
Make checks payable to Robert
20. Synth Net (& MIDI Connection)
320 W. 37th St.
New York, NY 10018
Data: 212-564-1776
Synth Net: $175 one-time fee
$16.50/hr flat fee (all baud
MIDI Connection: FREE
Sysop: Gary Rottger
Waiting for information by return
mail. Will update this file as
soon as the info arrives. See
file named MIDIFILE.LST for a list
of files available on MIDI Con-
ection for free download. Numer-
ous files for the Macintosh.
21. Mid West MIDI BBS
3408 Meadowbrook Dr.
Mid West City, Oklahoma 73110
Data & Voice: 405-733-3102
Brand new BBS operated by John
Fordenbacher. Sporadic hours: 6pm
to 9pm Mon thru Fri, and 8am to 12
noon Sat & Sun. He offers a 20%
discount on all MIDI software to
Level 2 ($20 per year) members of
AMUG/DMUG. See list of files
available in file called
MIDIFILE.005 in the MIDI file area
of this BBS.
22. GEnie
Voice: 800-638-8369
This commercial service has a
23. Delphi
Voice: 800-544-4005
Don't know anything about this ser-
vice. If you do, please leave a
message to Ray Reach.
24. Madisound BBS
Data: 608-767-2673
Haven't logged on yet.
25. SNAPP MIDI Board
Data: 714-921-2255
Haven't logged on yet.
26. The Source
Data: 800-336-3330
Does anyone know what might be
available for MIDI/Music on this
service. Leave a message for Ray
27. Synergy BBS
Voice: 415-961-3811
Haven't logged on.
28. MusicTerminal #1
Data: 714-898-8634
Data: 714-524-9326
First logon, 08/16/86. FidoNet:
Net 103 Node 512. Board hosts dis-
cussions about music in general,
record reviews, etc. Sysop named
Marc called this BBS and expressed
interest in discussing MIDI thru
29. Courseware BBS (FidoNet)
Data: 217-359-6165
For Music Education Courseware
SIGers: This board is a support
system for registered users of the
Unison Authoring System. Will have
more info later.