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METRO List - Official Area Code 617 BBS List
Issue #1 June 1995
Compiled by Paul Litvak
Welcome to the first issue of the METRO List!
I have noticed that the 617 Boston area is lacking an updated BBS List and
decided to start a list that will be updated each month. I am going to get
this list into Boardwatch Magazine's List of BBS List Keepers as THE bbs
list for the 617 area code.
I do not think that I have all the systems in the area on this list.
If you know of a board that is not listed here, please contact me and give
me its number. I will check its existence and include it in the next issue of
the list.
I will eventually have the current issue of the list on every bbs listed in
here but for now anyone who wants me to deliver an updated issue monthly
to his/her bbs will have to pay an annual fee of $12(if their bbs is in
617 AC), $20(if their bbs is in some other AC in the US), or $30(if their
bbs is outside US).
Of course you can always download the current issue of this list free of
charge on the PAL Online BBS, which is the central distribution site of the
METRO List. The list is in the file METRLIST.ZIP
I am currently using Telix to keep this list updated but Telix does not
allow long descriptions for each entry, so if you know of a good comm.
program that would let me enter long descriptions please contact me.
Also ignore *70 in front of the telephone numbers, I used this to disable
call waiting.
The list will give BBS of the Month award to the most outstanding bbs each
month. If you would like to nominate a bbs for the award, contact me.
To purchase an advertisement in this list for $5 a month, contact me.
| Please contact me(Paul Litvak) on the PAL Online BBS (617)964-6028 |
You can distribute this list in an unmodified form free of charge. You can
not modify this list. You can not charge money for this list. You can not
distribute this list under you name, your company's name, your dog's name,
etc. The METRO List is to be used only as reference material.
If you have any suggestions or comments, please contact me.
*****************BBS of the Month******************************************
Skyline BBS
361-1242 2400 bps NEW callers please call this line first.
364-5474 14400 bps
361-7134 14400 bps
361-7264 28.8 kbps
8 nodes!!! Friendly Sysop and Co-Sysops!!!
Lots of Files! Fidonet Conferences, Adult Access, National Matchmaker.
Friendly Graphical Interface!
A Great BBS! Running Wildcat!
|-------| /---\ |
| | / \ |
|-------| / \ |
| /---------\ | |----------------|
| / \ | | |
| / \ |---------- ONLINE | (617)964-6028 |
BBS | |
A Great BBS for Everyone |----------------|
Home of the METROList, an up-to-date 617 Area Code BBS List
Over 10,000 MSDOS shareware/freeware files
The Simtel CD-ROM Collection - 2 disc!
Extensive Collection of programming-oriented files
Computer-Related and Programming-Related Message Areas
Many Online Games!
The OCO (Organization/Company Online) Program
- Put Your Organization or Company Online!
- Run your own mini-BBS(Conference) with your own
bulletins, file areas, message area, and doors
- Control Access to your Conference and in your
Very Easy to Use! User-Friendly Interface!
***** CALL NOW!!! ------> 617-964-6028 (2400, 9600, 14400 bps) *****
-------The List-------
BBS Name BBS Number BBS Software Date Updated
(Year is 1995)
4D *70, 494-0565 First Class 05/29
ADFIS *70, 321-1110 Major BBS 05/29
Archibus *70, 426-6513 Opus 05/29
Argus *70, 674-2345 Major BBS 05/28
Arka Amateurs *70, 983-5421 Maximus 05/29
BayState PCBoard *70, 598-6646 PCBoard 05/28
BCS - Amiga *70, 729-2843 DLG Pro BB/OS 05/29
BCS - Central *70, 466-8730 TBBS 05/31
BCS - Telecomm *70, 786-9788 Opus 05/29
Bionic dog *70, 964-8069 Maximus 05/29
Black Hat *70, 862-2643 Maximus 05/29
Boiler Room *70, 246-5569 Wildcat 05/29
Boston Rocks *70, 397-8888 Wildcat 06/01
Buckman Tav III *70, 625-7483 FirstClass 05/31
Bus Stop *70, 964-1633 Adept-XBBS 05/29
Channel 1 *70, 354-3230 PCBoard 06/01
ComLab *70, 376-2569 PCBoard 05/31
CompMagic *70, 444-1184 Renegade 05/29
Connections *70, 332-3200 Major BBS 06/02
Crazy Coota's *70, 472-5992 CNet 05/31
DaLLiance/Vortex *70, 899-7534 Synchronet 05/29
Data Express *70, 247-3383 WWIV 05/28
Dave's BBS *70, 387-8323 Wildcat 05/31
Donna Dee's Dungeon #1 *70, 894-3090 Synchronet 05/31
Donna Dee's Dungeon #2 *70, 894-4958 Synchronet 05/31
Durex Blender *70, 696-3146 DBC Blend/OS! 05/31
Duxbury BBS *70, 767-5964 Opus 05/29
Effigy *70, 288-1117 Spitfire 05/29
Embassy *70, 731-4239 Hermes 05/31
Enigma *70, 237-2378 FirstClass 05/31
Frazzle's Free For All *70, 789-5840 Opus 05/29
Freedom's Choice *70, 593-2605 Maximus 05/28
Grand Central *70, 354-6073 C-Net 05/29
Kids and Cops *70, 599-2499 RemoteAccess 05/31
Knight's Playroom *70, 599-2284 Renegade 05/31
Mass Running Board *70, 828-0868 PCBoard 05/29
Metro Eagle *70, 595-8459 Maximus 05/29
Music City North *70, 224-0033 Renegade 05/29
Nautica *70, 442-6071 Renegade 05/31
New World Magic *70, 595-5626 Maximus 05/29
Newton Educational BBS *70, 552-7797 Wildcat 05/29
Night Rider BBS *70, 395-6787 /
North East *70, 492-5295 Renegade 05/29
Oriental Crayon/2 *70, 575-0131 Renegade 05/31
PAL Online BBS *70, 964-6028 PcBoard 06/20
Proxima Centauri *70, 247-1626 PcBoard 05/29
Purple Cowz Hideout *70, 373-7404 TAG 05/31
Reading Access *70, 942-1298 TBBS 05/29
Reflections *70, 598-4028 FirstClass 05/31
Shareware Exchange *70, 595-0805 Renegade 05/29
SkyLine *70, 361-1242 Wildcat 05/29
Sports National *70, 938-8790 Telegard 05/31
StarBase *70, 739-9246 TBBS 06/03
Tackle Box *70, 328-7371 WWIV 06/01
Tangent *70, 364-1576 Maximus 05/31
The Den *70, 662-6969 TBBS 05/29
The {Void} BBS *70, 396-9416 /
Tom's BBS *70, 356-3538 TBBS 05/31
Tony's Inn *70, 569-4654 Vision 05/29
Up All Night *70, 397-7962 Spitfire 05/29
Vi Bug *70, 767-2909 Opus 05/31
Wet-n-Wild *70, 625-0613 RemoteAccess 05/29
Withouta Net *70, 846-0237 TBBS 05/31
World *70, 739-9753 IRIX 05/29
Your BBS Name Here *70, 325-4749 WWIV 06/02
Note: Some of the boards above do not have dates next to them. I am
sure these BBSs exist but everytime I called to verify them they were