837 lines
64 KiB
837 lines
64 KiB
Abba's Keep*No PC/File ratio* 14.4 05/20 233-8661 RemoteAccess Stephen Love
+Oasis Net, BoardLink, No ratios, ABBA Means Holy Father
Abolon's Castle 19.2 05/20 939-5999 SearchLight Bruce DuPlanty
+Fido Net, Internet, Online games, files, programming, music, general
Absolute Alien BBS 14.4 05/20 938-1755 Wildcat
ACCENT! BBS *Amiga & MS Dos* 14.4 05/20 814-7894 QuickBBS Greg Smith
+Fido Net, Local, National & International messages, online games, shareware
AceComm *ACE support* 28.8f05/20 846-2940 Ace Host Michael G Phelps
+Fido Net, AceComm support board, 28,800
ACM / IEEE Phoenix Chapter 14.4 05/20 821-1162 Wildcat John Lujan
+Tower Net, 600 meg HD, CD Rom
Adrenalin & Razor Blades 28.8 05/20 978-5005 Spitfire Idiot Boy
+Dedicated to Collectible Trading Card Games Jyhad, Magic, The Gathering...
Agape 14.4 05/20 841-1481 RemoteAccess Stephen Gowers
+Fido Net
Al's Tech BBS 28.8 05/20 569-2691 PCBoard Alan Chook
+1.7 gig HD, CD Rom, lots of utilities and driver, something for all
Alcatraz Island BBS 28.8 04/24 569-1632 Renegade Jail Bird
+InterMail, adult areas, doors, files, graphics, networked, d/l ratio
ALICE #1 *Pay*Adult Only* 38.4 05/20 934-8062 Power BBS Keith Holler
+Pride & Fido Nets Western Ex. Transform. Mag. CD Rom Tech Support 934-1487
ALICE #2 *Pay*Adult Only* 14.4 05/20 930-6304 Power BBS Keith Holler
+5 nodes, Private / group chat, FTP, Use Net, Worldwide network connections
All Nite Cafe *Pay* 14.4 05/20 938-6866 GT Power Mike Middleton
+GT Net
Alternate Dimensions 14.4 05/21 955-4720 Renegade AltHead
+A. U. R. Net HQ, files, games, Co-Sysops Nifty Corpse, Bod & AnJin
Am Az! West BBS 14.4 05/20 435-8695 Xenolink Bill Hagan
+Fido Net
American Hydrogen Association 14.4 05/20 894-8403 Wildcat
+Hydrogen and alternate energy sources
American Traveler's BBS *NFR* 28.8 05/20 978-6505 Spitfire Larry Crabbe
+SF, Fire & Oasis Nets, USA_Today, files, games, Co-Sysop Zane Reinbold
Amiga Talk BBS *100% amiga* 14.4 05/20 943-0159 DLG Pro Kevin Miller
+Fido Net, 100% amiga messages and files
AMUG AZ MacIntosh Users Group 9.6 05/20 553-0749 Second Sight Michael Bean
+Fido Net, Arizona MacIntosh Users Group
AMUG Preferred #1 14.4 05/20 553-0721 FirstClass Michael Bean
+Fido Net, Arizona MacIntosh Users Group
AMUG Preferred 2 MacIntosh 14.4 05/20 947-0587 FirstClass Michael Bean
AmyAdvisor BBS *Amiga ONLY* 28.8 05/21 582-5174 DLG Pro Bill Williford
+Fido & Amiga Nets, Internet, 1200 megs, ADS & SAN file echos
Ancient Ruins 28.8f05/21 545-9458 Renegade Halatos
+Fido net, 1/2 gigabyte Co-Sysops Red Devil, Thrasher & Doc Portal of Power
Anime Archive *Japanimation* 14.4 05/20 863-6599 RemoteAccess Brad Turner
+Fido Net WWIV Link & Darren Johnson, Co's Bruce Carlson & Fred Van Graf
Apex BBS 14.4 05/21 860-2947 RemoteAccess Karl Weinmeister
+Techno, Dragon-Isle, & Sun Nets, door games, files
APPS Software International 14.4 05/20 947-7678 Maximus Paul Coppinger
+Fido Net, The Automation Bridge, APPS Software International
Archer-80 14.4 05/20 265-5254 BBS-PC Fred Clanton
+Premier Communications, Tyrone Thomas-Comp Management Sys. Windows NT LANS
Area 51 14.4 05/21 266-2133 Renegade
Ariseth Keep BBS *No Ratio* 14.4 05/20 843-0998 RemoteAccess Lord Ariseth
+Fido, USPol, & Fish Net, online games, Co'S DragonMaster & Duke Vanderveken
Arizona Chattle Ranch #1*Pay* 14.4 05/20 548-0055 Dlx
+16 lines multi-User chat free 2 week trial, 888 friendly users adult area
Arizona Chattle Ranch #2*Pay* 2.4 05/20 548-8517 Dlx
+ACR; PO Box 42003-520; Phx, AZ 85080, low flat rates
Arizona Deaf World On-Line 2.4 05/20 279-1145 TBBS David Walker
+messages, Deaf & hearing impaired, News, Events, Community Directory
Arizona Entertainment Center 14.4 05/24 756-2593 Wildcat Shane Rogers
+LORD, Co-Sysop Mike Rogers
Arizona Interactive 14.4 05/31 991-7103 Virtual BBS Mark Hickman
+Fido Net, Adult oriented subscription BBS, 1 month free full access
Arizona InterActive Sys *Pay* 28.8 05/20 951-8379 Virtual BBS Mark Hickman
+16 28,800 lines, 60 Telnet lines, 6 gigs HD, their own T1 line
Arizona Network Intertie PBBS 14.4-05/21 912-0225 Wildcat
+Public encryption software
Arizona Online 14.4 05/20 547-2995 Excaliber Richard Ramsey
+7 CD Roms, help number 547-0973
Arizona Sentinel *Internet* 28.8f05/20 412-8978 KBBS Danny Johnston
+Fido Net, Internet, UseNet, voice 926-3421 9AM-9PM Mon-Fri or Fax anytime
Arizona State Bar #1 9.6 05/20 253-0552 Wildcat
ARMA - PRIVATE AZ Med Assoc. 14.4 05/20 246-6517 Wildcat
+Arizona State Medical Association E-Mail system
ASU Library CARL #1 2.4 05/20 965-7001 CARL
+4 carriage returns for 2400, 5 carriage returns for 1200 and
ASU Library CARL #2 2.4 05/20 965-7002 CARL
+8 carriage returns for 300 baud. Destination = "Library"
ASU Library CARL #3 2.4 05/20 965-7003 CARL
ASU Library CARL #4 2.4 05/20 965-7004 CARL
ASU Library CARL #5 2.4 05/20 965-7005 CARL
At The Mountain 19.2 05/20 981-3591 Major BBS
+Where the Information Superhighway ends, and the fun begins...
AZ Helping Professions Bd. #1 14.4 05/20 644-1755 PCBoard
+Closed BBS for Counselors, Psychologists, Social Workers,
AZ Helping Professions Bd. #2 14.4 05/20 649-4458 PCBoard
+Medical Professionals, and other Social Service Workers
AZ Helping Professions Bd. #3 14.4-05/20 649-4459 PCBoard
AZ Helping Professions Bd. #4 14.4 05/21 649-4460 PCBoard
AZ Professional Books 28.8 05/24 504-9640 Wildcat
AZ Speed Trap 14.4 05/25 768-6584 RemoteAccess
AzTeC Computing *FreeNet* 2.4 05/20 965-4151 Ultrix
+Free Internet E-Mail, can be access as aztec.asu.edu
AzTeC Computing *Freenet* 9.6 05/20 965-6699 Ultrix
+High speed callers here
Bart Stop BBS #1-#3 28.8f05/20 833-0532 Searchlight Bryan Marsh
+9600 and up callers only, voice 833-8118 and press 22 after first ring
Bart Stop BBS #2 28.8f05/20 833-7871 Searchlight Bryan Marsh
+All ages welcome, Fax 833-8118, $20 per year for 60 minutes a day
Bart Stop BBS #4 *Pay* 28.8f05/20 833-8085 Searchlight Bryan Marsh
+online chat
Bart Stop BBS #5 *Pay* 28.8f05/20 833-8118 Searchlight Bryan Marsh
BatBoard BBS 14.4 05/20 789-0091 Wildcat Dave Grainer
+Tower Net
Bates Motel 28.8 05/20 943-3327 Spitfire Rick Bartels
+Circuit Net 10 gigs games files Co-Sysops Dennis Bradley & Chris O'Laughlin
Battlestar Galactica BBS 14.4 05/20 269-1209 RemoteAccess
BBS At The End of The Universe14.4 05/21 840-1268 Synchronet
BBSouthwest 28.8f05/20 813-5848 Searchlight Michael Masters
+a Conceptual CAD Design production, http://www.primenet.com/~bbswest/
Bedrock BBS 14.4 05/23 992-3055 Renegade
Berlin Connection, The 19.2 05/21 834-4962 PCBoard Uwe Hildesheim
+Fido Net, international conferences, Co'S Jutta Hildesheim & Bill Bauch
Beta Room, The 14.4 05/20 962-1929 Renegade Double (Alt-225)
+Co-Sysops shadoW & Bungee!
Beta Site 14.4 05/20 991-3676 Renegade Derek Woo
+ITCNet, SpecialNET, RGSNET, Online games to come, 630 MEGS of hard drive
beyonD BoB BBS / Hell 24.0 05/21 964-2399 Renegade
+Conspira Net
Bible Foundation 14.4 05/20 789-7040 Wildcat Jerry Hastings
+Online Bible w/ text search, topic-verse display, Bible test
Bill's BBS 28.8 05/20 935-5692 Spitfire Bill Barnett
+Lust! Fire & SF Nets, 2 CD Roms, adult sub-board, Co-Sysop Tammy Barnett
Bit Bucket, The 14.4 05/21 780-2213 Wildcat
Bits & Bytes Software *Free* 28.8e05/20 940-6355 Wildcat Michael Trahan
+HW & SW consult & sales Voice 940-6353 CD Rom 11,000+ files Co Clint Lawson
Black Halls 14.4 05/25 561-2439 Spitfire Darkman
+CD Rom, 330 meg HD
Black Lodge 14.4 05/20 412-1187 Renegade Bandit
+General/Teen/Music Confs., BRE/Planets EOS/Food Fite/Kannons & Katapults
Black Stallion BBS, The 14.4 05/20 649-0310 Renegade Thunder/Shawn Aker
+Home of Wacky Net Host of Music Net + Fido Net Free Internet E-Mail CD Rom
Blastertronics 14.4 05/20 848-0395 Renegade
Blue Room BBS *No ratios* 28.8 05/21 938-4277 Renegade
+Multi-Liberty-Adult Links-ITC-Renegade support-CrossOver-Wacky-Nets CD Rom
Boardwalk Hotel *Public* 14.4 05/20 955-9338 Renegade Diskman
+Fido Net, 5 nodes, Adult only
Bob's Westside #1 2.4 05/20 247-0405 Wildcat Robert Wilkins
+Az Society of Comp Info Interchange,Co-David Morrill
Bob's Westside #2 14.4 05/20 247-8803 Wildcat Robert Wilkins
Bowlcom 14.4 05/20 655-0476 Major BBS Dale Vickman
+Bowling's Best Online Service, Fax 649-0525,
Bowser #1 *Public* 28.8f05/23 967-3427 Excaliber Paul Nickell
+CD Rom, online chat, online games, AKA "Nails"
Bowser #2 Kennel Club *Pay* 28.8f05/20 929-9184 Excaliber Paul Nickell
Broadcaster's BBS *Pay* 28.8 05/20 872-9148 RemoteAccess Mark Shander
+Fido Net, Broadcasters & Media Professionals Communications Network
Cactus City Dragway 28.8f05/20 678-0214 RemoteAccess Donald Champion
+Sun & Fido Nets NASCAR & NHRA racing news 2 CD Roms 1 gig >40 online games
CAD/fx BBS, The #1 28.8 05/20 835-0274 Wildcat Kelly Kimball
+Fido Net
CAD/fx BBS, The #2 14.4 05/20 835-0145 Wildcat Kelly Kimball
+Fido Net
CAD/fx BBS, The #3 14.4 04/25 668-9117 Wildcat Kelly Kimball
+Fido Net
Candy Store BBS, The 14.4 05/21 947-7618 Wildcat John Hallamek
+AAC Net Home, Arizona Adult Connection Network = AAC Net, voice 970-8477
CandyLand Ranch 14.4 05/21 649-1845 Renegade Jolly Rancher
+Oasis, CrossOver & Wacky Nets, Other Sysop Twix
CARL HAYDEN H.S. I 14.4 05/20 271-2458 Major BBS
CARL HAYDEN H.S. II 14.4 05/20 271-2492 Major BBS
CARL HAYDEN H.S. III 14.4 05/21 440-4537 Major BBS
CARL HAYDEN H.S. IV 14.4 05/21 440-4538 Major BBS
CARL HAYDEN H.S. V 14.4 05/21 440-4539 Major BBS
CARL HAYDEN H.S. VI 14.4 05/21 440-4540 Major BBS
CARL HAYDEN H.S. VII 14.4 05/21 440-4541 Major BBS
CARL HAYDEN H.S. VIII 14.4 05/21 440-4542 Major BBS
Chairman Paul's Journal 14.4 05/20 831-0464 RemoteAccess
+Tempe's best kept secret
Chandler Prog Connect #1 Public9.6 05/20 759-7789 PCBoard Jim Volker
+Fido Net, Prog Net, Internet, Home of Advanced Programming SIG's,
Chandler Prog Connect #2 *Pay*38.4 05/20 759-6289 PCBoard Jim Volker
+The Online CPC BBS 'C' class, PascalAholics (TP and TPW),
Chandler Prog Connect #3 *Pay*28.8f05/20 759-6290 PCBoard Jim Volker
+and PC Techniques Magazine Listings, Node # 4 unlisted number
Chatter Box, The / Ante Up 14.4 05/30 435-5685 Renegade Gambit
+Babble Net, 1.3 gigs, online games, CD Rom, adult areas
Cheese Whiz *No File Ratio* 14.4 05/20 279-0793 Wildcat Sue Widemark
+Catholic Info & Tower Nets, A.C.Software, free access
Circle Of FellowShip #1 of 2 14.4 05/20 942-8921 PCBoard Terry Erickson
+INTELEC & Tower Nets, QWK, Co-Sysop Vi Erickson
City Lights #1 14.4 05/20 278-9421 Renegade
+Universe, Conspiracy & Slez Nets
City Lights #2 14.4 05/20 278-8057 Renegade
Class of 68s 14.4 05/20 516-9788 PCBoard Greg Forseth
+Internet & Use Net, Programming, Technical, PC's, OS/9, and Motorola MPU's
Classic Model Review 14.4 05/21 840-4114 PCBoard
Cloud 9 *Adult Only* 14.4 05/20 254-9682 Wildcat Skyman
+Fido, Pride, Aegis, Use & ITC Nets, Internet, Co-Sysop Legal Beagle
Coffee Club #1 *Public* 14.4 05/21 945-1684 Wildcat Doug Hastings
+Tower Kook & Fringe Nets, multi CD Rom, Co-Sysop Rosemary Hastings
Coffee Club #2 *Pay* 28.8 05/21 945-1770 Wildcat Doug Hastings
+magazine and game doors, Apogee & Epic are usually here first in Phoenix
Coffee Club #4 # #5 *Pay* 28.8 05/20 945-3585 Wildcat Doug Hastings
+$8 for 3 months, $15 for 6 months & $25 per year for access to pay nodes
Commie Kazez #1 BHC 14.4 05/26 754-4731 Falken BBS Zion
Commie Kazez #2 BHC 14.4 05/26 754-2654 Falken BBS Zion
Compuserve 7E1 14.4 05/20 468-0285
Compuserver 7E1 1.2 05/20 955-7572
Computer Connection BBS, The 28.8f05/21 931-1750 RemoteAccess John LaBua
+Fido & Police Nets, 10,000+ files, international messages
computer handyman *No Ratio* 14.4 05/21 548-9706 Waffle Jim Nutt
Computer Ticket Line 14.4 05/20 839-8604 Renegade
Concealed Dreams 14.4 05/21 813-7900 Renegade Brett Buyack
Construction Net #1 28.8 05/23 894-8762 AdeptXBBS Marv Carson
+Fido Net, Primavera & Timberline software support, Original Solutions Inc
Continuum #1 *High Speed&Pay* 28.8e05/25 866-3302 WWIV Peter S. Guild
+Fido Net, InterMail, 1.2 gigs, Amiga, IBM, Adult, High speed and pay Node 1
Continuum #2 28.8e05/21 863-7013 WWIV Peter S. Guild
+all other users Node 2, Co-Sysop DRaGMoTH
Cop Shop, The 28.8f05/21 581-6918 PCBoard Nick Roberts
+Home of Planet Connect, 12 CD Roms, 4 gigs, 31 online game doors
Cornerstone BBS, The #1 14.4 05/20 899-9329 Renegade Bryan & Mavrick
+Family Net, pure family fun for all
Cornerstone BBS, The #2 14.4 05/20 732-9882 Renegade Bryan & Mavrick
Cracked BBS *Pay* 14.4 05/23 834-9347 Renegade MedicMan
+15 days free, 2.5 gigs CD Rom, Pay $15/3, $25/6, $45/12 months
Crash & Burn BBS *3PM - 7AM* 19.2 05/20 561-1667 Searchlight Kim W. Remmel
+Fido, E-Mail, Bulletins, plant info. BBS # for Fax 7A-3P voice 561-1582
Crazy BBS 28.8e05/20 948-6963 Renegade Steve Zapatka
+ITC, ISA and Fido Nets, tons of online games, huge selection of messages
Creative Innovations 14.4 05/20 931-8287 Wildcat
+The ultimate Doomers board 1500+ levels, no ratios
CrossRoads BBS *Christian* 14.4 05/20 482-8577 Renegade Tony Ellis
+Fido Net, Christian, To POPULATE Heaven You have to PLUNDER Hell!
Cutting Edge BBS, The *Pay* 19.2 05/20 964-5736 TriBBS Andrew Bartels
+Prog Net host Fido & Am Radio Nets 100,000+ files 25 CD Roms sound support
Cutting Edge BBS, The *Public*28.8 05/20 964-5796 TriBBS Andrew Bartels
+Internet, News Groups, PC Programming, Amateur Radio, Tradewars & others
Cyber Net 14.4 05/21 404-2292 Excaliber
Cybernet II 19.2 05/20 968-1825 Spitfire Bill Broom
Cyberspace 28.8 05/20 877-0437 WWIV CyberPunk
+WWIV Net, games, Co-Sysops Ice Warrior, A Lost Boy & Thanatos
Cyberspace Online 14.4 05/16 877-0923 Renegade
CyberSupport HQ / Co. A USR 14.4 05/20 231-9377 Renegade Phil Rynyan
+Fido Net
da Mountain *Pay* 14.4 05/21 985-8230 Wildcat Griz
+Co-Sysop Khrys
Dad's BBS #1 28.8e05/21 786-0219 RBBS-PC Brandon Carnahan
+RBBS & Fido Nets
Dad's BBS #2 28.8e05/20 786-3964 RBBS-PC Brandon Carnahan
Dark Side of The Moon 14.4 05/20 486-9234 VBBBS Mermaid
+P. B. M. games, Mail, Publications, family, Co-Sysop Sledgehammer
Darkel's Manor 28.8 05/20 241-1475 Wildcat John Cessor
+340 meg HD
Data Terminal Ready *2 Nodes* 28.8 05/23 993-4753 Spitfire Stephen L Clarke
+Rime Net Free_Internet_E-Mail >600 Use Net groups 3 gigs Co-Sysop Teri Ray
Dead Planet 28.8e05/21 873-3056 Renegade Deadman&Stubbies
+Booty, Puke, Slam, Red & Link Nets, Co-Sysop Nifty Corpse
Deep Space Five 14.4 05/20 649-0285 Renegade
+AKA Star Trek Deep Space Five
Demonic Playground 14.4 05/24 844-1541 Renegade Sweet
+Crossover & CPO Nets
DemoSoft BBS 16.8 05/21 922-0000 DemoSofTerm Fred Cohen
+Fido Net, Home of Demo Soft Term
Den of Sin, The 14.4 05/23 220-0672 Synchronet MyKul
+AKA Mike Chavez, Co-Sysop Cerridwen
Desert BBS, The 7E1 28.8f05/21 942-1584 Wildcat Steve Hoxie
+Fido & Tower Nets, no ratios, Red Dragon, Windows, OS/2
Desert Connection #1 *AO* 14.4 05/21 827-9465 Wildcat
+Primarily Gay adult, all are welcome
Desert Connection #2 *AO* 14.4 05/21 835-0799 Wildcat
Desert Connection #3 *AO* 14.4 05/23 835-2269 Wildcat
Devil's Island BBS*Soon 28.8* 14.4 05/21 943-3023 Renegade Footloose
+1.26 gig HD, games, messages, soon an 800 #, Co-Sysops Omni & Wolverine
Diamond Back BBS 28.8 05/20 839-3966 RemoteAccess Craig Pohlman
+Fido & Universe Nets 2 CD Roms 1080 meg HD Co-Sysop Brian Murray
Diamond Express 14.4 05/25 931-1229 Power BBS Diamond Dan
Digital Deli Adult BBS 28.8f05/21 730-9105 Wildcat XTreme Dream
+Fantasy & Oasis Nets, Internet, Co-Sysop Who?
Digital Underground 28.8 05/21 839-7660 Renegade Electro
+CD Rom, Night Owl 13, over 3,500 files, Co-Sysop Scarecrow
Dog House BBS, The 14.4 05/20 986-0138 Renegade Top Dog & Madmec
+Prayer ACTS Special RGS ITC Wacky & Liquid Nets 2 CD Roms 36 online games
Domain / satan's litterBOX 14.4 05/20 460-3225 Renegade Scarecrow
+Dark, Vampyr & Thanatos Nets
Door, The 14.4 05/20 482-0118 Robo FX
Dr. Tongue's 3D House Of Beef 14.4 05/20 957-3601 Renegade Yo DaVe
+Free files, messages, fun, bitchin' online games, bizarre files
Draconomicon - Inertia 28.8 05/20 938-6372 Virtual BBS ZiLCH
+BBS Access info via Zilch@Primenet.com
Dragon's Fire, The 28.8f05/20 547-0901 Maximus/2 Tim Zuchelli
+Fido Net
DragonFire 19.2 05/17 873-3046 Spitfire Brian Gollmer
+Fire Net, Co-Sysop Rick Bartels
Dragontail's Empire 14.4 05/21 486-1074 Renegade Dragontail
Drawing Board, The 16.8 05/20 968-7298 Wildcat
Dream Land BBS 14.4 05/20 252-5788 Renegade
+The place to have fun...we have something for all ages
Duckworks, The 14.4 05/20 963-6128 Robo FX Eric Hall
+AKA "The Duck" 899-1141, Co-Sysop Mr. Big (Eric Herring) 899-9712
East Valley Info. Network 9.6 05/20 644-2836 R2host
Eat A Peach 14.4 05/21 925-0832 RemoteAccess
+Fido Net
Ed's Place BBS I 16.8 05/20 848-0732 Maximus/2 Edmond Hisamoto
+Fido Net
Ed's Place BBS II 19.2 05/20 846-7724 Maximus/2 Edmond Hisamoto
Edge Secret Society, The 14.4 05/20 482-8193 Virtual BBS Jc & Madman
+Virtual & Dragon Net, WWIVLink, CD Rom, 400 megs, Inter-BBS games
Electrified Network *8 Lines* 28.8f05/20 942-9405 Excaliber Don Welsh
+9 CD Roms
Electronic Mat. & Comp. / EMC 14.4 05/20 272-5300 RemoteAccess
+Fido Net, Fax 269-3265, voice 272-3200, 3102 W Thomas Ste 902 Phx AZ 85017
Elsewhere 14.4 05/24 492-0368 Maximus/2 Dean Umberger
+Fido, OS/2 & Isa Nets, A True Blue OS/2 BBS
Emerald Donjon BBS 14.4 05/21 987-9687 RemoteAccess
EncounTer BBS #1 *Beta Test* 14.4 05/20 821-1690 DarkStar Frank Ward
+Fido Net, a Mufon - Paranet UFO board, InterMail
EncounTer BBS #2 14.4 05/20 814-1491 DarkStar Frank Ward
+no 14,400 calls to node 2
Equal Access Cafe AZApple 9.6 05/20 494-4461 GBBS Pro
+Handicap Issues
Etello Services BBS 14.4 05/20 548-1442 Wildcat Navybob Bureker
+The sysop is friendly and there is free access, voice 264-4322 Ext 1
Excentric Hideaway / Chaos 14.4 05/21 589-0667 Renegade Nicholas Estes
+Fido Net
Exeter's Place 14.4 05/20 545-1700 PCBoard Scot Thompson
+Intelec, Tower & Fido Nets, LORD, Planets, Usurper & BRE Games
Eye BBS, The 14.4 05/21 265-1342 RemoteAccess Bryon Taylor
+Fido Net
Falcon's Nest #1 *MAC , NFR* 14.4 05/20 581-7827 FirstClass Gary McSpadden
+Fido Net
Falcon's Nest #2 14.4 05/21 581-7837 FirstClass Gary McSpadden
Faustic Domain, The 28.8 05/20 846-9103 Wildcat Edward Brophy
+Writer's Workshop, Cooking Conference, files, Tradewars, 249 meg HD
File Base Alpha 14.4 05/21 494-9921 RemoteAccess Rick Slaven
+Fido Net, supports US Robotics modems
File Freeway 28.8 05/21 841-1731 Virtual BBS Larry Weinberg
+Fido Net, CD Roms, games, files, OS/2 WARP, etcetera etcetera
Filetran I 2.4 05/20 921-9405 Wildcat Billy Cape
+20 msg bases, 40 file areas, CD Rom, 20+ online games, Adult area/files
Fileworks 14.4 05/20 893-1916 Wildcat James Parker
+Tower, Wild and AAC Nets
Fire! and Ice Hotel #1 *AO* 14.4 05/20 246-9132 Synchronet Mary Warren
+Fido Metro Throb Adult & Gun Nets, Female sysops, adult only, 8 lines
Fire! and Ice Hotel #2 *AO* 14.4 05/20 246-1158 Synchronet Dotti Rosier
+one of the Biggest chat boards in Phoenix
Fire! and Ice Hotel #3 *AO* 14.4 05/20 246-1031 Synchronet Fire! & The KIDD
+ voice help line 336-8030, over 1000 users
Fire! and Ice Hotel #4 *AO* 14.4 05/20 246-1314 Synchronet Fire! & The KIDD
Fire! and Ice Hotel #5 *AO* 14.4 05/20 246-1317 Synchronet Fire! & The KIDD
Fire! and Ice Hotel #6 *AO* 14.4 05/20 246-0113 Synchronet Fire! & The KIDD
Firehouse 19.2 05/24 547-9402 Wildcat Medic/Thomas Nedzbala
+Tower Home Fire & QWK Nets 100+ games Tradewars firefighters & EMT's
Flatland Center #1 *Internet* 19.2 05/20 649-1542 Major BBS
+Full Internet, pay, accepts MC & Visa, Voice help line 644-0863
Flatland Center #2 *#1&2 Pay* 14.4 05/20 649-0744 Major BBS
+Telnet, FTP, Archie, Gopher, World Wide Web, shell
Focal Point BBS 28.8 05/20 892-9444 Renegade
Foothills BBS 14.4 05/20 460-5352 Wildcat
+FIB file server support board, ISU Distributed Systems
Foxy's Loft #1 of 2 14.4 05/21 412-2480 RemoteAccess Lee Wingo
+Fido Net, Motto: Have fun
FRaNKeNMuTH Gar & bRILL 14.4 05/21 945-4322 Wildcat Haughton Dansforth
+Fido and Tower Nets, 50 Internet message groups
Freebie BBS, The 19.2 05/21 872-3911 Maximus/2 Calvin Ingram
+Fido Net
Frozen Zone #1 *Soon 2 lines* 14.4 05/21 858-0429 RemoteAccessSubZero/NickCoons
+Fido BoardLink & Universe Nets 2.6 gigs Games support Co-Sysop Genesis
Garbage Dump - 135 lines *AO* 2.4 05/20 331-1112
+Internet, National chat, CD Rom, games, Voice line (505) 294-4980
Garbage Dump - 135 lines *AO* 9.6 05/20 331-5029
+Internet, National chat, CD Rom, games, Voice line (505) 294-4980
GCR Online/Phoenix Tower*Pay* 14.4 05/20 838-9289 Wildcat Chris Kracht
+Tower Net home CD Rom > 4500 files aviation AZ Computer Resource Down 4A-5A
GEnie 2.4 05/20 275-7337
Getaway BBS, The #1 *Public* 12.0 05/21 992-6824 PCBoard Jim Caswell
+2 CD Roms, 1.6 gigs, 45 door games
Getaway BBS, The #2 *Private* 19.2 05/21 482-3415 PCBoard Jim Caswell
Gettysburg 28.8 05/20 968-4783 Excaliber
+Can Send $1 to Gettysburg BBS; 717 S. Mill #57; Tempe, AZ 85281 for Terminal
GhostRider BBS 28.8f05/20 439-2226 RemoteAccessAlleyCatJohnKuhns
+Fido, Adult & Paul Revere Nets, CD Rom, 840 megs, Co-Sysop LJ
Gilligan's Island 14.4 05/20 486-5711 Renegade
Global Market *Pay Internet* 14.4 05/20 813-9041 Unix Bob Ferguson
Global Market-Creations /Mind 28.8f05/20 991-7042 Oblivion/2 God
+340 megs HD + 550 meg HD, to 28,800
Global Village *Need WIN 3.1* 28.8f05/20 759-6319 Excaliber Cornell Smith
+CD Rom, online games
GooseBerries, an Edu-Care BBS 14.4 05/21 644-9943 Renegade Father Goose
+Local Family & Acts Nets Education, Child Care & Homeschooling bases
Great Escape 14.4 05/20 938-2137 Wildcat Daron Hudon
+Good times, 500 meg HD, RIP
Greater Phoenix Mensa 9.6 05/20 840-4865 Wildcat Bob Hirshfield
+Fido Net, open to public with special access for Upper 2% of IQ society
Halle's Comet 14.4 05/20 942-4256 WWIV Ryan Halle
+Check out the "Killer Ansi's" base.
Ham Shack / Maximum Overdrive 14.4 05/20 247-6034 ProBoard The Iron Man
Hawk's Aerie #1 14.4 05/18 241-1039 Renegade Hawk
+ITC, Candy, Liberty, PODS, Fido, LOCH & PR Nets
Hawk's Aerie #2 28.8 05/20 241-1889 Renegade Patrick Spence
Headrush 14.4 05/16 864-7052 Renegade
Heat Wave *Pay*8 lines*BHC 14.4 05/30 768-2113 Major BBS Pyro
Heat Wave *Pay*8 lines*BHC 14.4 05/30 768-7101 Major BBS Pyro
Hodge Podge BBS, The 14.4 05/17 930-9414 Spitfire Ken Gilman
+Echo Mail, 70 meg HD, CD Rom, 2.2 gigs
Hog Trough!, The 14.4 05/21 545-9130 Maximus/2 Jeffrey Bingham
+Fido Net
Hotline, The *Motorcycles* 14.4 05/20 853-9160 SuperBBS Bill Noe
+Fido Net, Motorcycle forum, games, files, international messages
Huff & Puff *Amiga also* 14.4 05/20 516-0639 Wildcat Miles Hufford
+Fido Net, 3 CD Roms
Huggy's Cave 14.4 05/25 246-4843 Renegade
I-Net BBS 14.4 05/20 581-5606 RemoteAccess Hunter Bennett
+Fido Net, online real estate service, Co-Sysop Dan McWhorter
IBM PC SIG/ Mastercom 7E1 1.2 05/20 263-8302 Learn
Idiots 14.4 05/20 649-7233 RemoteAccess Smart Idiot
+Candy DragonIsle Fido Boardlink & Universe Nets, Co-Sysop Goofy Idiot
III commodore 7E1 1.2 05/20 996-2573 Color 64
Illusions #1 *Pay*Adult Only* 14.4 05/21 435-6514 Wildcat Davin Adams
+Fido & CyberSex Nets, home of Illusional Software, GIF's
Illusions #2 14.4 05/21 930-1476 Wildcat Davin Adams
+30 + online games, 15 CD Roms. 2.9 gigs, >42,000 files
Illusions #3 28.8f05/21 842-8565 Wildcat Davin Adams
+Graphic Impulse West, online shopping mall, teleconferencing
Illusions #4 14.4 05/21 435-0253 Wildcat Davin Adams
+voice 934-1660, as low as 50 cents per hour
Illusions #5 14.4 05/21 930-9122 Wildcat Davin Adams
Illusions #6 9.6 05/30 930-9250 Wildcat Davin Adams
Illusions #7 *Soon 8 lines* 9.6 05/30 930-9781 Wildcat Davin Adams
Immortal! BBS, The 14.4 05/21 814-8026 Wildcat Jamey Hopkins
+Fido, Metro, Universe & Cactus Nets
Info Base BBS, The #1 19.2 05/20 872-1943 PCBoard David St Germain
+800 Fido & 5200+ USE Nets, 12 gigs, multiplayer games, 50,000 files
Info Base BBS, The #2 &3 19.2 05/20 872-1946 PCBoard David St Germain
+Home of OneNation, World Wide E-Mail
Info Zone / Monkey Sales Shop 14.4 05/16 937-7780 Renegade Jerry Bursztyn
Inn on the Park #1 *Public* 14.4 05/20 947-3896 PCBoard Jim Jusko
+14 day free trial, QWK, Internet E-Mail gateway, online VISA/MC/Discover
Inn on the Park #2 - #8 *Pay* 14.4 05/20 941-8635 PCBoard Jim Jusko
+RIME, Fido, Adult, Pioneer & USA Nets, 12 gigs CD Roms, online chat
Insomniac Theater 14.4 05/20 971-5428 RemoteAccess Terry McGrath
+Fido & Thunder Nets, Inter-BBS BRE
Intangible Phantasies 14.4 05/20 834-5172 WWIV
+Adult BBS, It's HOTTER than SIN in here! , And that's exactly how we like it!
Internet Direct 14.4 05/20 274-9600 UNIX Shell AcWilliam Petrisko
+Phoenix voice line 274-0100, Tucson voice line 324-0100, 9AM - Midnight
Interstellar BBS 14.4 05/16 977-6757 Wildcat Robert Davis
+Fido Net, 1 gig HD, Usurper, Legend of The Red Dragon
InTrec Soft. *ProTERM Support*19.2 05/20 992-9789 GBBS Pro
+InTrec software support board, voice help 992-1345
Iron Horse 2.4 05/20 247-1036 Net_Time Exp Nite Hacker
Jason's BBS! 14.4 05/20 839-5110 Renegade Jason Quintana
+Doom Tournaments, Registered LORD, Trade wars and Usurper, CD Rom
JCCS #1 *No File Ratio* 28.8f05/20 582-3643 Wildcat Dale Williamson
+11 gigs HD, fast CD Roms
JCCS #2 *No File Ratio* 28.8f05/21 582-4309 Wildcat Dale Williamson
JCCS #3 *No File Ratio* 28.8f05/20 582-4200 Wildcat Dale Williamson
JCCS #4 *No File Ratio* 28.8f05/20 582-4299 Wildcat Dale Williamson
JCCS #6 *No File Ratio* 28.8f05/20 582-1773 Wildcat Dale Williamson
Jester's Court #1 14.4 05/20 915-0506 Renegade Slick
+Crossover & Wacky Nets, 10,000+ Files, 40+ On-line games, fun, adult areas
Jester's Court #2 14.4 05/20 915-2347 Renegade Slick
+2 CD Roms, Soon 3 lines
Jim's Place 14.4 05/20 497-3759 Major BBS Jim LaCroix
+CD Rom
Job Seekers Source BBS, The 14.4 05/20 464-1177 Major BBS
+"Matching Job Seekers to Jobs", voice 464-1122, Fax 464-1166
Just For Fun Adult *AO Pay* 14.4 05/20 254-0999 Major BBS
+Internet, live nationwide chat, 680 megs of Mac files, view GIFs online
Kelly's BBS *Science Fiction* 14.4 05/23 878-7925 COOL(RemoteAccess) Kelly Beam
+Fido Net, Science Fiction, Remote Access 2.02
Key Board BBS 14.4 05/20 548-0749 Synchronet Key Man
+AKA Frank Partello
King Arthurs 14.4 05/21 963-3806 Excaliber
Kitty's Sandbox BBS *No ratio* 2.4 05/20 829-7522 Quick BBS Kitty
+Fido Net, no ratios, QuickBBS 2.75, AKA Kathleen McDonald-Neal
Knave's Korner 14.4 05/20 581-0412 Maximus/2 David Low
+Fido Net
Knight's Castle 14.4 05/20 934-0464 Renegade True Knight
+ALL kinds of goodies
Kurta Corp BBS 38.4 05/23 243-9440 TriBBS Ted Buck
+2 lines, voice line 276-5533, 3007 East Chambers, Phx AZ 85040
L & M *Soon to be 28.8* 14.4 05/20 730-0116 Renegade Martin Maxwell
+ITC, Amber, Skip & Special Nets, 2 CD Roms, Sysop is a Private Investigator
Land of Cyberia, The *Music* 14.4 05/20 945-0937 Renegade Cyber Punk
+World HQ Liquid Net & quest Ansi's Special Prayer & ACTS Nets 2 gigs games
Land of Nomad 14.4 05/20 936-3076 RemoteAccess Eugene Beckett
+Fido Net
Leave It To Beavis BBS 14.4 05/21 848-7675 Renegade Beavis
+InterMail, Conspira Net, A Highly Flammable Production
Leecher's Union 28.8f05/27 943-9485 Renegade Nomad
+Crossover, Wacky & Hammer Nets, Co-Sysop - Black Lightning, adult area
Light Post, The 14.4 05/20 890-1588 RemoteAccess Don Wheeler
+Fido Net, No file ratio
Live-Wire BBS, The 14.4 05/21 277-0025 Major BBS
+"The Inter-adventure Bulletin Board", 2 free hours, multiplayer Doom
Living Dead, The 14.4 05/20 493-7557 Wildcat Barry Overholts
+Fido Net
Mac's Place #1 of 2 28.8f05/20 241-0256 Spitfire Mike Scott
+Fido Net, CD Rom
Mad House Society 28.8e05/21 649-3894 Renegade
+ITC Strange Candy & RGSF Nets Internet, 1.2 gigs, games, free adult access
Madd House 14.4 05/24 581-6230 Renegade Madd Dogg
+Special Net, Tradewars tournament
Magic Circus *Amiga 3000* 14.4 05/21 993-3239 Skyline
+300 megs, online since 1987
Manila Bay BBS 14.4 05/21 995-1564 RemoteAccess Gloria Tufo
+Fido, Inter, ISA & Asia Nets, games, files, Co-Sysop John Tufo
Maricopa County Library 9.6 05/20 992-8471
+Hours 8A to 9P, hit carriage returns for connection, User Name = Dialup
Meat Head BBS 14.4 05/20 491-5236 Spitfire Jerry White
Mecca Motorola Amiga Users Grp14.4 05/20 963-5286 SkyLine BBS
Medieval Square *NFR* 9.6 05/27 820-0452 Tag King Arty
+Co-Sysops Hitech & Darkside
Memory Alpha BBS 14.4 05/20 955-6012 Waffle
+The Sum of All Knowledge
Merlin's #1 *Private* 14.4 05/20 247-6404 Spitfire Rick Dahmer
+400 meg + 600 meg CD, 12000+ files, Co-Sysops Billie Jo Dahmer & Dave Cole
Merlin's #2 *Public* 14.4 05/20 247-9570 Spitfire Rick Dahmer
+online games
Merlin's #3 *Public* 14.4 05/20 247-8640 Spitfire Rick Dahmer
Mesa MicroSystems BBS 19.2 05/20 641-7013 Aftershock Steve McBride
Metallic Mines, The 14.4 05/24 830-2863 PCBoard Paul Devine
+Co-Sysop David Hayes
Midnight Express 28.8e05/21 815-0158 PCBoard Dan & Sue James
+120 megs, online games IBM & Amiga
Midnight Sun BBS 14.4 05/20 926-9619 TBBS
+Fun and Games, nonstop
Moon Valley Triangle*Scouting*28.8e05/20 942-9228 WWIV Lance Halle
+Home of National BSA (& GSA) Forum, WWIV, Ice & FILE Nets, WWIV support
Moonbase Alpha BBS 14.4 05/21 899-6138 Spitfire Timothy J Sanker
+>50 meg HD, public BBS, Co-Sysops Brian Murray & Tom Schofield
Mountain Man *3 lines*Pay* 14.4 05/20 867-7244 Major BBS Omega & Trillion
+3-14,400 lines, online prize giveaway, Co-Sysop Draco
Mr. Wizard's BBS 19.2 05/20 994-0113 Major BBS
+Supports RIP
Mystic Cyrcle 14.4 05/20 969-8214 Wildcat Death Knight
+Usurper, LORD, Tradewars, messages for all ages, CD Rom, D&D
National Congress 4 Men/Child 9.6 05/20 840-4752 Wildcat Bob Hirshfield
+Fido & DADS Net, Children custody issues, civil liberties, Men's rights
Negotiations *Voice 807-2131* 28.8f05/21 807-2122 Spitfire Dave Perkovich
+Fido & Door Nets, Internet, 20+ games, 150+ file areas, 30+ CD Roms
Neighborhood Net #1 9.6 05/21 495-1797 Opus-CBCS Mike Volckmann
New World BBS 14.4 05/18 873-3813 Wildcat James Welch
Nick's Place 14.4 05/20 789-1100 Tag
+Serving Gay & Lesbian commUNITY
Nighthawk On-Line Services #1 28.8e05/21 582-1127 Wildcat Steve Irving
+Fido net, Internet ARCHIE, Use Net, No porn
Nighthawk On-Line Services #2 14.4 05/20 582-0187 Wildcat Steve Irving
Nightmare BBS 19.2 05/20 935-3662 GT Power Raven
+Co-SysOp J. Harding
Nova Star's "Highlander" #1 28.8 05/23 878-3952 Excaliber Al Shope
+5 CD Roms, fun, game hints, tech support, voice help 878-7001, 10AM - 9PM
Nova Star's "Highlander" #2 28.8 05/20 878-3929 Excaliber Al Shope
+Nova Star is on SE corner of 75th Avenue & Cactus Road, good prices.
NurseNET 14.4 05/20 582-9077 Wildcat Erich Widemark
+Fire Net, Offering the latest in medical information and networking
Oasis BBS 14.4 05/21 849-3406 RemoteAccess Betsy Allen
+Oasis Net Home, Fido & Universe Nets, 530 megs, Co-Sysop Duane Allen, games
Oasis Satellite BBS *3 Nodes* 28.8 05/20 649-6132 Wildcat John R
+3 CD Roms, over 2 gigs of files, games, technical & adult
Olestra (Mortville Castle) 2.4 05/20 271-4496
Open Connections USR 14.4 05/20 967-0761 Opus-CBCS Marty Escarcega
+Fido Net, Echo Net
Open Door West, The 28.8f05/23 486-5142 Maximus Bill Hamilton
+Fido Net, 28,800 dual standard
Ophidian Herpetological Netwk 2.4 05/20 837-7305 WWIV John Varney
+Reptiles amphibians Ice WWIV & File Net Co-Sysop Ronda Varney
P.A.U.G.S. 14.4 05/20 278-8505 Express-Pro
+40 megs online
Paint Palace, The / T.P.P 14.4 05/21 265-7001 Renegade Ol Paint & Chani
+Fido & Omni Nets, doors, over 2.2 gigs
PandemoniuM 14.4 05/20 482-8801 Robo FX Pagan & Zima
+Need Windows 3.1, 5 CD Roms, 3.3 gigs, AKA Taylor Selden
Paradise BBS *NOT Adult Only* 14.4 05/20 435-6546 Spitfire Dennis Bradley
+Fire & SF Nets CD Rom door games Pay Co-Sysops Rick Bartels & Larry May
PC Maniacs Anonymous 14.4 05/20 986-5251 Renegade Kliper
+Home of Special & ITC nets online games & adult online games AKA Randy Wall
PC PURSUIT LOCAL ACCESS I 2.4 05/20 254-0040
PC PURSUIT LOCAL ACCESS II 1.2 05/20 254-0244
PC PURSUIT LOCAL ACCESS III 2.4 05/20 256-6955
PC-AUG AutoCad Users Group 14.4 05/20 952-0638 Wildcat James Witt
+ProfessionalCadGraphics (PCG) Net, AutoDesk (tm) Global Village, free
PD Exchange/Proline-Phx 14.4 05/24 939-7376 FutureVision
Pegasus AZ 28.8e05/20 641-3136 Wildcat Vince Weis
+Over 760 megs
PEROT! On-Line Forum 14.4 05/20 945-5747 Wildcat Walt Peters
Petting Zoo #1 *Adult Only* 14.4 05/20 493-1937 Wildcat
Petting Zoo #2 2.4 05/20 992-0019 Wildcat
Petting Zoo #3 9.6 05/20 493-0838 Wildcat
Phantom's Universe 14.4 05/20 844-7604 Renegade
Phoenix Apollo 9.0 9.6 05/20 843-1704 SysopsCustom
Phoenix By Night #1 *Public*28.8f05/21 396-6556 Excaliber
+over 25,000 files, 4.5 gigs
Phoenix Online #1 14.4 05/20 678-5776 TBBS Richard Keyt
+Boardwatch Online, 12 CD Roms, games, classified ads, Rest. & movie reviews
Phoenix Online #2 14.4 05/20 678-5780 TBBS Richard Keyt
Phoenix Public Agenda Access 2.4 05/20 495-5472 Custom
+Phoenix City Council agenda & Public notices
Phoenix Public Lib 14.4 05/20 534-8888 ValleyCat
Phoenix Red Ryder Host #1 Mac 16.8 05/20 870-1810 Second Sight Joe Tvedt
+PowerMac 6100, 8/230/CD, 1 gig external HD
Phone Company, The (TPC) *AO* 28.8f05/20 839-8280 Wildcat Chuck May
+Home and MSI Nets, CD Rom online, 160 meg HD
PHX PC Users Gp. #1 *Public* 14.4 05/20 222-5491 PCBoard Del Parent
+voice mail 222-8511, New Sysop this month-4/1995
PHX PC Users Gp.2&3 *Private* 28.8f05/20 222-5492 PCBoard Del Parent
Pinnacle *Free 15 minutes* 14.4 05/20 242-9226 Major BBS Mike Weber
+$25 per year for up to 3 hours a day, no profanity or porn, voice 246-8907
Planet Chandler 14.4 05/20 814-0953 Maximus Carl Harnish
+Fido Net
Power Board/2 28.8f05/20 464-9676 Renegade Black Lightning
+Crossover,Wacky, Hammer & Special Nets, 540 meg HD, doors, Co-Sysop Nomad
Powerhouse, The 14.4 05/20 926-3214 Renegade Mastermind
+ITC, RGS, Family & Ram Nets CD Rom, files online games all ages Soon Fido
Pride *Amiga 3000/25* 16.8 05/20 965-0285 Xenolink Tim Webster
+Fido Net, Co-Sysops Carol Stamper & Jorge Muniz, Amiga
Primenet *Internet* 28.8f05/20 395-1111 Unix
+voice help 870-1010
Printshop BBS 14.4 05/20 998-1543 Wildcat Don Smith
+Home Net, Printing customers and general BBS, 640 meg HD
Programmer's Workshop West 28.8 05/20 897-9549 GT Power Paul Meiners
+GT Power Net / support, Many message nets, 4.4 gigs, CD Rom, >25,000 files
Pros Apologian *Christian* 14.4 05/20 973-3739 Maximus James White
+A Christian BBS, Fido & Family Nets
Pyramids of Mars *2 Pub Nodes*14.4 05/20 998-4137 PCBoard Norm Dye
+1.3 gigs online, 13 CD Roms, Since 1988, AKA Sutekh / Bounty Bob
Pyramids of Mars *3 Pay Nodes*14.4 05/20 998-9244 PCBoard Norm Dye
+P. O. Box 10995, Scottsdale AZ 85271-0995, Since 1988
Quantum Leap 9.6 05/20 937-1356 Supra 128
QuickDog BBS! *No Ratios* 2.4 05/20 862-3368 Quick BBS Gatekeeper
+Messages, RPG's, Online games, files
Quiet Room *Adult* 14.4 05/20 929-0731 Renegade Sinful Sugar
+RAM Net hub CrossOver Net files games Co-Sysops Night Tiger, Ripper & Wacko
Ragarm!, The *No ratios* 14.4 05/20 230-1463 Spitfire Ken Gardner
+Circuit & Fire Nets, Internet
Rainbow BBS 14.4 05/20 996-2290 RemoteAccess Frank Wagner
Ranch And Cattle *NFR* 28.8f05/23 943-1497 Wildcat Peter Raymond
+RIME, U'NI, Metro, Fido, JCCS & Cactus Quick Nets, online games
Rare Readers BBS *Geneology* 28.8 05/21 756-2855 Opus-CBCS Ron Stalzer
+Fido Net
Realm of Darkness *NFR* *SCA* 14.4 05/20 245-2362 SuperBBS Ken Bowley
+Loch Net, Society For Creative Anachronisms, NFR
Realm of The Black Stallion 14.4 05/20 371-3457 Spitfire Midnite Madness
+Circuit RIP Hell! Lust! Terra ISA & SF Nets adult sub-board AKA Lloyd Lewis
Rebound!, The 28.8e05/20 956-7484 Renegade Light Foot
+Fido Net AKA Adam Puleo
Resume Exchange #1 *NFR* 57.6 05/21 947-4283 PCBoard Dennis Davis
+Fido & Job Nets, Internet, Arctic Ind. Box 9203 Scottsdale AZ 85253
Resume Exchange #2 *NFR* 28.8e05/21 941-5480 PCBoard Dennis Davis
+Custom Online Services For Today's Business World, Node 1 data & Fax
Rick's Country Club 14.4 05/20 948-1490 Wildcat Rick Sarantos
+Tower Yankee & MSI Nets, games, files, 500 meg HD, help, Christopher Kracht
Rippers *Pay*12 lines*BHC 14.4 05/26 768-7515 Major BBS Larry Drum
Roadie's Transient Term. *NFR*38.4 05/20 371-1618 Searchlight Ralph Mitchell
+Sl & Sun Nets, 3 CD Roms, 980 megs, Official Searchlight Software Support
Roadkill BBS 14.4 05/20 834-6662 Wildcat
Rock Garden-56 lines #1 *Pay* 2.4 05/20 220-0001 Major BBS
+Tel Net, national chat, games, CD Rom, voice help line 234-2207
Rock Garden-56 lines #2 *Pay* 14.4 05/20 234-3737 Major BBS
+Internet, Node 2 for high speed users only
Rose Cross/1 BBS, The 28.8 05/20 982-3578 RBBS
+Rosicrucians, RIP graphics support
Route 66 MacIntosh *CD Rom* 14.4 05/21 979-2858 Hermes
RPCUG BBS,The #2-4 *No ratio* 14.4 05/20 246-2252 Wildcat Robert Beaubien
S.E.V.A.C. Atari & PC clones 28.8 05/20 968-5165 RATSoft/ST Dennis LaFontaine
+Atari, NeST & Fido Nets, IBM also, no ratios, Co-Sysops Jeff Kovach & Viper
Saguarro Station N7ULD*Radio* 28.8e05/20 846-2318 Wildcat Steve Thraen
+Tower ITC & Z Nets Online radio freq 11000+ files 1.2 gig HD Windows files
Scorpion's Lair BBS, The 28.8e05/20 396-6993 Renegade
+ITC, Strange, Crossover, Storm & Ram Nets >300 msg bases, >0.8 gigs, games
Scott's Spot *NFR* 14.4 05/21 982-6156 GT Power Scott Sparks
Scottsdale Pub Lib*Name=DIALUP*2.4 05/20 994-7655
+Hit enter a couple of times to connect
Screw Driver BBS, The 14.4 05/23 404-2961 Renegade Cadillac Man
+ITC Net, adult access, Remote Sysop Footloose
Servitor BBS, The *Christian* 14.4 05/20 933-1205 TBBS James
+Morning Star Mag., American Family Assoc., Servitor & others
Shadow Castle BBS *No ratios* 14.4 05/21 986-3811 Renegade Dark Knight
+Crossover Special Wacky Conspira & Hammer Nets 15,000 files 4 CD Roms games
Shadow Dancer 14.4 05/16 253-0336 RemoteAccess
+family oriented, CD Rom
Shadow Keep 28.8 05/21 245-0919 PCBoard The Dragon
+RPG & discussion forums; Gorr Planets Usurper Overlord Melee LORD...
Sherwood Forest 28.8 05/18 876-0013 Little John Myers
+Kid games, adult areas, 2.2 gigs >100,000 files, no ratios, no fees
Short Circuit *NFR* 14.4 05/20 937-5055 Spitfire Stan Kapala
+Fido Circuit ITC RIP Universe Sun & Thunder Nets, Co-Sysop Pam
Singleton's Suite BBS #1 14.4 05/20 846-7174 Synchronet Michael Nikirk
+Adult, Fido, & Surv Nets
Singleton's Suite BBS #2 14.4 05/20 846-5779 Synchronet Michael Nikirk
Sir Charles' Arcade 14.4 05/20 843-4310 Spitfire Sir Charles
+14,400 MNP, IBM 386DX/40, Co-Sysop Hammer, AKA Charles Donat
skyfall stat.com 14.4 05/21 396-9463 Waffle Kirk Kamberg
Skyhawk's Tree BBS 19.2 05/20 929-0666 Searchlight Cartage
+online doors, messages, Sysops Perry Paine, Adam Giger & Debbie Knight
Sleep Robber BBS, The 14.4 05/21 985-1088 RemoteAccess Bernard Wilmes
+Fido, Play, CAT & Acts Nets, Internet, 480 megs, multiBBS ISA, CD Rom
SmallTime BBS 14.4 05/20 983-7204 RemoteAccess Robert Peasley
Smorgas Board #1 *Nine Lines* 14.4 05/20 925-0086 TDBS Glen Billings
+NAPLPS & Ansi Grafx, 13+ Gigs of files, Co-Sysop Eleanor Lansberry
Smorgas Board #2*NAPLPS Grafx*14.4 05/21 925-1150 TDBS Glen Billings
Snake Pit BBS, The 14.4 05/23 926-5570 Excaliber Metallicat
+60 megs of 'PG' pinups, 400 swim suit gifs, 2 CD Roms. over 7,800 files
Snoopy's #1 & 2 14.4 05/20 820-6706 RemoteAccess Wyatt Wolfe
+Fido Net, online for 3 years
Software Excell By Design #1 14.4 05/20 375-0531 PCBoard
+'Zip Manager' for Windows, 'GrabIt' screen capture program for Windows
Software Excell By Design #2 14.4 05/20 375-9945 PCBoard
+'ImageTamer' graphics convertor, 'ChartTamer' 3D Graphics presentations
Software Galore 14.4 05/20 482-6957 Wildcat Mike Ursone
+Fido & Tower Nets
Solaris VII BBS 14.4 05/20 995-3070 RemoteAccess John Streeter
+Fido Net, Online games oriented, few files
Somewhere Out There 16.8 05/20 838-9707 Coconet Jeff
+voice 838-9759 during normal business hours, 4.2 gigs, chat, messages
Source, The #1 - 6 28.8e05/20 861-3000 C-Net Pro Weasel
+Fido & Zone Nets Welcomes HLM members 1 gig Co-Sysop Kidd-X Chat-OP Goddess
Source, The #7 28.8e05/20 943-1262 C-Net Pro Weasel
Southern Delight 14.4 05/20 979-3565 Renegade Bitchy
+Down for mail from 2 AM to 4 AM
Special Friends BBS 14.4 05/21 838-0712 Renegade Stateliner
+Special Net Home + ITC & Prayer Nets, files, online games, Co Topdog
Spectrum Scanning Images #1 28.8f05/20 997-6500 Renegade
+Scanning service since 1987, Voice help at (800) 822-6200 or 6201
Spectrum Scanning Images #2 14.4 05/20 678-1842 Renegade
Sports Card/Comic Book Express14.4 05/20 893-0096 Major BBS Darren Patoni
+Pinnacle Fleer Pacific Skybox Cardz & Topps; talk forums Comic news
Star Base Command 14.4 05/20 936-3649 PCBoard Admiral DeFer
+Fido, Xero, Universe, Thunder, & Subspace Nets online games AKA Jesse DeFer
Star*Linx Atari 14.4 05/20 464-4817 RatSoft/ST Jeff Kovach
+Internet Fido & Music Nets Science Fiction 500 megs 1st RATSoft BBS in AZ
Stardock BBS 14.4 05/20 433-9330 Renegade Ducklord (Rob)
+CD Rom, games, OS/2, BBS files, Co-Sysops Ajax (Scott) & Rubber Duck
Steve's One Stop DLG Shop 14.4 05/20 494-2620 DLG Pro Steve Lewis
+Fido Net, support for DLG Pro BB/OS users, DLG Mail, PDQ Mail
Stonehenge BBS 9.6 05/21 947-2223 QuickBBS Mark Boniece
+Fido & Cactus Quick Net
Storm Damage BBS #1 28.8e05/20 866-0501 PCBoard WaveMaker
+Home of Wave Net, Cameo Net, CD Rom, family, 850 megs of files, door games
Storm Damage BBS #2 *No 2400* 28.8e05/20 866-8559 PCBoard Dean Hausman
+No 2400 baud calls on Node 2, Co-Sysop Penelope P. Parkenfarker
Strike Eagle ][ BBS 28.8 05/21 486-1737 RemoteAccess Brian Holmes
+Fido Net, no file ratios, Co-Sysop Wayne Nielsen
Sun State Fun BBS, The #1 / 2 28.8 05/21 971-4205 GT Power Mark Gresin
+>300 message bases, Official OZ Reg. Ctr., voice 867-9480, Co Rick Wullkotte
Sunwise *No File Ratio* 19.2 05/20 584-7395 TBBS Keith Slater
+Fido Net
Superstition BBS 14.4 05/23 641-8713 Wildcat Clint Lawson
+Hwy1 & Seek International Nets, No RIP
Swamp, The 14.4 05/21 649-1507 RemoteAccess Daniel Sallee
+Fido Net, InterMail, online games, great message areas
Sweet Shoppe BBS, The *AO* 9.6 05/20 272-8403 RemoteAccess Candy & Newby
+multi-line Adult only games files membership encouraged AKA Butch Hoffman
Systems Consulting Floating 14.4 05/20 438-7088 RemoteAccess Joel L. Davidov
+Fido Net
Tasty Petunia Vomit *NFR* 28.8 05/23 813-1859 Renegade Nifty Corpse
+Fido Crossover Wacky Puke RGS Liberty & Trendy, Co's Anjin Deadman & Drago
Technoids Anon. #1,2,3&6*Pub* 14.4 05/21 899-4876 PCBoard David Cantere
+Night Owl 8-14 online
Technoids Anon. #2 *Public* 14.4 05/23 899-5233 PCBoard David Cantere
Technoids Anon. #3 *Private* 14.4 05/23 786-9131 PCBoard David Cantere
Technoids Anon. #4 *Private* 28.8f05/21 786-5192 PCBoard David Cantere
Technoids Anon. #5 *Private* 2.4 05/20 786-4751 PCBoard David Cantere
Telesys Development Systems 14.4 05/20 649-9099 Unix
+Dime Net, no FTP or Tel Net
Terminal Wellness 2.4 05/21 263-0560 Spitfire Jupiter
+voice help 263-0739, AKA Joe Perkins
Terra BBS #1 *Adult* 19.2 05/20 336-0346 RemoteAccess Korombos
+Terra & RIP Nets, InterMail, The "Out of This World" BBS
Terra BBS #2 *Adult* 19.2 05/21 249-0706 RemoteAccess Korombos
+Home of SHARKware, Co-Sysops Shark & Leperechaun
Terra Libre 28.8 05/20 285-9280 Powerboard
+Spreading Freedom Technology through Cyberspace
Terrestrial #1 *Pay Internet* 19.2 05/21 945-8416 Wildcat David Ray
+Internet & Fido Nets, Voice help 945-9650, $10 / month, SLIP/PPP/Shell
Terrestrial #2 *Pay Internet* 14.4 05/21 423-8987 Wildcat David Ray
Terrestrial #3 *Pay Internet* 14.4 05/20 423-9490 Wildcat David Ray
Terrestrial #4 *Pay Internet* 14.4 05/20 423-8860 Wildcat David Ray
Thunderbolts BBS #1 19.2 05/21 272-3517 Wildcat Thunderbolt
+2400 callers Node 1 please, files, games, messages, no handles - real names
Thunderbolts BBS #2 *9.6 & Up*19.2 05/21 272-1424 Wildcat Larry Park
+High speed calls only on node 2, both nodes up to 14,400, Co-Sysop Thorron
Tiger's Den *Messages Only* 28.8e05/20 992-9879 Second Sight John Gillett
+Fido Net, 100% MacIntosh
Toga *Messages ONLY no Files* 14.4 05/21 491-5318 Wildcat Prince Thraknath
+Lib, Wacky, & Trendy Net, InterMail, messages only, Co-Sysop Shakespeare
Tom's Haven BBS #1 of 3 14.4 05/20 966-6506 Spitfire Thomas A. Smith
+Adult, QWK
Tom's Haven BBS #2 of 3 28.8f05/20 966-6233 Spitfire Thomas A. Smith
Topper's World 14.4 05/20 986-1294 RemoteAccess Chris. Kutzler
+Pro Fido Realm Oasis & Universe Nets 872 Meg HD Co's Stacey & Bryan Irwin
Toyland BBS 14.4 05/21 253-5492 RemoteAccess Steve Johnson
+Fido Net, Co-sys Jim Mitchell
Trading Post BBS, The #1 *NFR* 9.6 05/21 867-1715 PCBoard Bill Colburn
+1.3 gigabytes, door games, since April 1990
Trading Post BBS, The #2 *Pay*19.2 05/27 867-2229 PCBoard Bill Colburn
True Sight Reality BBS 14.4 05/21 943-3588 TriBBS Boots 'n Gloves
+Online Tarot readings, alternate religions & lifestyles, Co Michelle Weaver
Twilight Software BBS 14.4 05/21 844-1769 Renegade
Twilight Zone commodore 64 19.2 05/21 827-2706 Color64/V128 Dynamite &Bobcat
Tymnet 7E1 2.4 05/21 258-0554
Tymnet III 7E1 9.6 05/21 258-4528
TZ's Playground 14.4 05/21 437-2206 Wildcat
U-FO Info / Commo-Amigos 14.4 05/21 245-9492 GT Power John Harding
+Mysteries, Paranormal & UFO's since January 9, 1992 Co-Sysop Eric Allen
UltraSound*The All Music BBS* 57.6 05/21 269-8663 Wildcat Squirrel
+concert and music news Screachen Publications Inc PO Box 16352 Phx AZ 85011
Umbrella Graveyard 14.4 05/21 234-2151 TBBS Tom Parker
+Fido Net, Down for mail from 2 AM to 3 AM
Union Jack BBS, The 28.8f05/21 274-9921 Maximus/2 Chris Payne
+Fido Net
Unknown BBS, The T.U.B.B.S. 2.4 05/23 934-5857 TUBBS The Unknown Sysop
USA Net Online *4 Lines*Pay* 14.4 05/31 966-5155 Wildcat
+Internet, Adult Net
Vegetarian Slaughterhouse 14.4 05/25 952-1855 Renegade Atlantis
+Hammer Net
Virgin Rain Forest 14.4 05/21 878-7874 Renegade
Vista Information Data Svcs. 14.4 05/21 899-4868 Wildcat Mark Booth
+Fido Net
Warp Asylum, The 2.4 05/17 870-4963 Renegade Lsd
Warzone BBS, The *No Ratio* 28.8f05/27 932-9243 RemoteAccess Rick Smothermon
+ISA City Fish RIP (Hub) Fido Cactus Quick Nets, 100+ online games, files
Watterhouse Online,The *NFR* 2.4 05/21 930-0457 Major BBS Chuck Foy
White Tiger 14.4 05/21 935-9732 Renegade Night Tiger
+Ram Net, few doors, many files, Co-Sysops Sinful Sugar & Silent Talker
Wild Side *Many music files* 28.8 05/21 258-8351 RemoteAccess Frank Kostyun
+Fido Techno Universe Wacky Music Reveal Tower Thunder Nets, online games
Wireless BBS WB7VHB and N7TNP 28.8f05/21 813-6608 PCBoard Conrad Harteloo
+a landline BBS dedicated to HAM Radio, SWLing, Scanners, and related topics.
Wizard's Corner 14.4 05/23 247-9367 Renegade Wizard & SoSweet
+Home of Slez + Fido & ITC Nets, Online games, AKA Paul Reed, Co-Sysop Hawk
Wolf Den, The 14.4 05/23 433-1659 Wildcat
+Adults playground
Wolf's Tavern 14.4 05/21 934-5068 Renegade The Time Keeper.
+Conspira Vampyr Ram Play & Fang Nets, Co-Sysops *Funky* & Capt. Sinbad
Yo Electronic Services 14.4 05/21 244-1463 ProBoard
Yool's Corner *Adults Only* 14.4 05/21 230-0942 TBBS George Yool
+Adults Only, GIFs galore, Co-Sysop Teri Yool
Zephyr, The 14.4 05/21 956-1379 PassKey Pro Steve MacLeod
+Uni Net, Home of Zephyr Mag. Passkey Pro. AZ Orthodox Christianity Support