
79 lines
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We, Michael Streeter, and Cory Benjamin create a bulletin board listing
for the Rome & Utica, NY area (Area Code 315). This listing is named Mohawk
Valley Bulletin Boards, or MVBB for short. To qualify for this free
"advertisement" your board must be meet the following specifications:
1) It must be a local call for Rome and/or Utica residents, and be
operational 24hrs a day (excluding events)
2) It must be networked to a main system, which must fulfill #1
If your board qualifies, you must answer the following series of
questions and e-mail the answers to Michael Streeter. The quickest possible
contact will be my Fido-Net Netmail addresses 1:2609/14.1 (please do not
leave it on hold). If you do not have netmail access, leave me a message on
Catfish Mecca 336-8948, Powerline 865-4070, or Nite-Air 339-8831 for the next
best method of contact. You may leave me a message on your board, but if I
don't call I won't get the message.
1) The full name of your bbs
2) The phone number(s) (specify which #(s) for which line/node)
3) The Sysop's name
4) The fastest speed of the modems (inc. any proprietary protocals, ex.
HST, etc.). Please indicate which node(s)/number(s) have what modem(s)
5) Indicate which, if any node(s)/number(s) are LD from Rome and/or Utica
6) Do you have any CD-ROMs online?
7) Please indicate the Hard Drive storage in Megabytes or Gigabytes.
8) Does this board have adult access, or is it for adults only?
9) Do you offer RBBS-Net?
10) Do you offer Fido-Net, if so specify the address.
11) Do you offer any other nets?
12) Does the board have 10 or more doors (specify the number)?
13) What bbs software is used?
Thank you for filling out this questionaire! Upon receiving your info
we will add it to the next update of MVBB. Please feel free to post MVBB
as a bulletin on your board (provided that it is not edited or modified
in any way).
NOTE: If you attach your application as a file to a message, please name it
as first initial_lastname.mva, for example with me it would be, M_STREET.MVA.
Your cooperation is appreciated.
NOTE: You can receive MVBB automatically everytime it is released by
being on CFMMVBB (a dedicated file echo specifically for MVBB) or
being connected to the file echo BBSL_REG (see the Fidonet Filebone
for more information).
NOTE on CFMMVBB - All nodes that receive FidoNet in Net 2609 AND in Net
260's Hub 500 are eligible to receive CFMMVBB; therefore, if a nearby board
on FidoNet doesn't carry this echo, it is due to the Sysop's request
not to carry the echo. The file volume is EXTREMELY low... every copy of
MVBB to date has been under 20k! If you have any questions on CFMMVBB,
contact Toby Marsh at 1:2609/14.
MVBB is always FREQable from 1:2609/14 under the "magic filename" MVBB.
The MVBB List Creators,
Michael Streeter and Cory Benjamin
Mohawk Software
P.S. You may now leave an extended description of up to 120 lines (or so)
on you board.
NOTE: Mohawk Software has the right to accept or deny applications as we
see fit.