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Raw Permalink Blame History

Raleigh Local Area June 25th, 1991
Bulletin Board Listing BBS0691A.TXT
Parole Board BBS List
(c) 1990, 1991
Number Name Location Baud Type Hours Checked:
--------- ---------------------------- ---------- ---- ---- --------- --------
639-9728 Home By The Sea Angier 2400 QBBS 24 05/29/91
639-4929 King Arthur's Castle Angier 2400 ---- 24 05/29/91
362-1213 Body Shop, The Apex 14.4 TAG 24 05/29/91
362-0676 Oracle of N.C. Apex 2400 OCOM 24 05/29/91
481-4896 AppleSeeds RMUG Cary 2400 ---- 24 05/29/91
469-1864 Carolina TRACON Cary 9600 QBBS 24 05/29/91
460-4699 Civil Servant, The Cary 2400 QBBS 24 05/29/91
380-0920 Friday The 13th Cary 2400 WWIV 24 05/29/91
481-9826 Gates of Dawn, The Cary 2400 C128 24 05/29/91
469-0862 Homey Express, The Cary 2400 Tele 24 06/24/91
467-2189 Jump Start Cary 2400 TAG 24 05/29/91
469-4838 Mac Tonight (@9962) Cary 9600 WWIV 24 05/29/91
469-3153 Night Shift Cary 2400 TAG 12AM-6PM 06/24/91
460-0628 Pina Colada Cary 14.4 TAG 24 05/29/91
481-4300 Reel Class Cary 2400 C= 24 05/29/91
481-0368 Research Triangle Cary 9600 QBBS 24 06/24/91
481-3787 SalzoBoard (IBM only) Cary 19.2 ---- 24 05/29/91
380-0316 Toaster, The Cary 2400 Herm 24 06/24/91
460-7375 Wall, The Cary 2400 Tele 24 05/29/91
553-8745 Carte Blanche Clayton 9600 OPUS 24 06/24/91
553-7056 Parole Board, The Clayton 38.4 WC 24 06/24/91
553-8836 Spider's Web Clayton 1200 C= 24 06/24/91
552-9750 PrimeTime Fuquay-Va. 2400 TAG 7AM-11PM 05/29/91
217-1410 Binky's Place Knightdale 2400 TAG 24 05/29/91
266-0447 Focal Point, The (Raleigh) Knightdale 2400 WWIV 24 05/29/91
832-0035 AJIS - Anonymous Jones Raleigh 2400 TBBS 24 06/24/91
231-2374 Alchemist's Laboratory, The Raleigh 2400 TAG 24 06/24/91
231-7363 Alter Ego, The Raleigh 2400 OPUS 24 06/24/91
847-6754 Antithesis II Raleigh 2400 Tele 24 06/24/91
890-6201 Baxter (@9957) Raleigh 2400 WWIV 24 06/24/91
233-9554 Beach, The Raleigh 38.4 TAG 24 06/24/91
233-8566 BedSide Manor Raleigh 14.4 Simp 24 06/24/91
831-0674 BoardRoom, The Raleigh 9600 TpB 24 06/24/91
872-3984 C: Directory, The Raleigh 14.4 Para 24 06/24/91
954-0697 C: Directory, The Raleigh 2400 Para 24 06/24/91
781-4203 Capitol OPUS-PC Raleigh 9600 OPUS 24 06/24/91
787-6399 Carousel, The (@9965) Raleigh 2400 WWIV 24 06/24/91
772-0960 Chalkboard, The Raleigh 14.4 TAG 24 06/24/91
954-0043 Country Club, The Raleigh 2400 C= 24 06/24/91
848-8005 Crypt, The Raleigh 19.2 Para 24 06/24/91
834-3380 Den, The Raleigh 2400 TAG 24 06/24/91
733-4478 Emergency Management Raleigh 2400 RBBS 24 06/24/91
233-8682 Fast Bytes Raleigh 9600 WC 24 06/24/91
847-6327 First Class Raleigh 2400 TAG No Answer 06/25/91
870-1928 Flame Buster's Raleigh 2400 TAG 24 06/24/91
848-2315 Free Quarks (@9953) Raleigh 2400 WWIV 24 06/24/91
846-1802 Garden of Stone, The Raleigh 9600 Tele 24 06/24/91
571-0977 Gilligan's Island Raleigh 2400 Tele 6PM-8AM 06/24/91
782-3761 GLIE - Gay & Lesbian Raleigh 2400 WWIV 24 06/24/91
783-5234 Hide-Out, The Raleigh 14.4 TAG 24 06/24/91
851-8460 InfoSys Raleigh 14.4 QBBS 24 06/24/91
876-4689 Island, The Raleigh ---- C= 24 --/--/--
847-3483 Little Rex Raleigh 14.4 TAG 24 06/24/91
790-0917 Lounge Lizards Raleigh 2400 TAG 24 06/24/91
571-7736 Lunatic Fringe Raleigh 9600 ---- 24 06/24/91
779-6674 Micro Message Service Raleigh 2400 TBBS 24 06/24/91
828-1472 Midnight in Heaven Raleigh 2400 WWIV 24 06/24/91
664-8060 Murphy's Law (@9956) Raleigh 2400 WWIV 24 06/24/91
787-9021 NiteFlite Raleigh 2400 WWIV 24 06/24/91
876-7213 Octopus's Garden (@9970) Raleigh 14.4 Wafl 24 06/24/91
783-9010 Pro-CAC Raleigh 2400 ProL 24 06/24/91
833-3098 Ranch, The Raleigh 2400 C= No Answer 06/25/91
779-7536 Red Barron, The Raleigh 2400 QBBS 24 06/24/91
733-0486 SCONC Works, The Raleigh 9600 PCBd 24 06/24/91
737-3990 Sesame Raleigh 1200 RBBS 24 06/24/91
832-4926 Smitty's Place Raleigh 2400 OPUS 24 06/24/91
781-0732 Sonar Shack, The Raleigh 38.4 TAG 24 06/24/91
876-7395 Spectrum of Dreams (@9955) Raleigh 2400 WWIV 24 06/24/91
846-6504 Spirit Shoppe, The Raleigh 9600 Tele -- 06/24/91
782-3095 StarFleet Raleigh 14.4 RBBS 24 06/24/91
833-3412 TI Raleigh Raleigh 2400 OPUS 24 06/24/91
233-9011 Transalter Systems Raleigh 2400 TAG 24 06/24/91
772-9745 Triangle Telecomputer Raleigh 2400 PCBd 24 06/24/91
847-2415 Vegetable Patch, The Raleigh 2400 WWIV 24 06/24/91
833-7435 Z-Board Raleigh 9600 OPUS 24 06/24/91
876-8150 * CompuServe Network Raleigh 2400 ---- 24 06/24/91
876-9095 * CompuServe Network Raleigh 1200 ---- 24 06/24/91
834-0932 * GEnie Network Raleigh 2400 ---- 24 06/24/91
834-57<35><37>;<3B>nie Network Raleigh 2400 ---- 24 06/24/91
772-7654 * Micro Message Service Raleigh 14.4 TBBS 24 06/24/91
772-9176 * Micro Message Service Raleigh 14.4 TBBS 24 06/24/91
779-5059 * Micro Message Service Raleigh 9600 TBBS 24 06/24/91
782-3071 * NC WWIVnet MailServer I Raleigh ---- WWIV 24 06/24/91
876-7318 * NC WWIVnet MailServer II Raleigh ---- WWIV 24 06/24/91
737-2299 * NCSU Dataswitch Raleigh 2400 ---- 24 06/24/91
737-2387 * NCSU Dataswitch Raleigh 2400 ---- 24 06/24/91
737-3980 * NCSU Dataswitch Raleigh 2400 ---- 24 06/24/91
737-3988 * NCSU Dataswitch Raleigh 2400 ---- 24 06/24/91
834-8254 * Telenet Gateway Raleigh 2400 ---- 24 06/24/91
829-0536 * Tymnet Gateway Raleigh 1200 ---- 24 06/24/91
733-0438 * Weather Service Raleigh 1200 ---- 24 06/24/91
541-0041 NIEHS Apple R. T. P. 2400 OBBS 24 05/29/91
541-9096 * Telenet Gateway R. T. P. 2400 ---- 24 04/07/91
549-8139 * Telenet Gateway R. T. P. 1200 ---- 24 04/07/91
549-8952 * Tymnet Gateway R. T. P. 1200 ---- 24 04/07/91
549-9025 * Tymnet Gateway R. T. P. 2400 ---- 24 04/07/91
549-8211 * UNC-CH Dataswitch R. T. P. 2400 ---- 24 04/07/91
549-8524 * UNC-CH Dataswitch R. T. P. 2400 ---- 24 04/07/91
965-0068 Parole Board, The Selma 2400 WC 24 06/24/91
965-4696 Parole Board, The Selma 38.4 WC 24 06/24/91
965-9885 Parole Board, The Selma 2400 WC 24 06/24/91
934-4360 Invent-Net Smithfield 2400 Sptf 24 06/24/91
989-8549 Spider's Web Smithfield 1200 C= 24 06/24/91
556-9137 Filing Cabinet Wake Forst 2400 TAG 24 05/29/91
556-0159 SOFTreat Wake Forst 2400 TAG 24 05/29/91
269-6707 Normal Deviation Zebulon 2400 QBBS 24 05/29/91
This is NOT an AJIS or NC919 list, please do not rename the file as such.
It should remain named in the format BBSmmyyx, where mm is the month, yy is
the year, and x is the update letter. Also, do not modify this file in any
way, including the removal of this notice. This file may be freely copied and
distributed as long as the above conditions are met.
Updates or changes to the list should be left to Robert Holloman on The
Parole Board (553-7056) or AJIS (832-0035). We wish to keep this list as
current as possible. Locations of BBS's are based on telephone prefixes
(Raleigh includes Garner).
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