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oo-topos hints typed by miss piggy
the main task is to collect the 45 or so objects and haul them to the hull of the spaceship, some 142 rooms later.
property management is a major task. using several intermediate dumping points will help you save a lot of running around.
spaceship parts
tachron power cylinder
oxygen recirculator
seamless box (compass)
navigation chip
repair manual
water system
seeds(sort of)
useful objects
pressure suit
cage (for snarl)
field nullifier
light rod
translator (sort of)
plaque (ticket)
other stuff
food packet
6502 chip
jade seahorse
small ring
library crystal
plasma sphere
vega silver
psi cube
elixir energy
double helix healer
atom transmuter
emerald flowers
terran relics
ruby seashell
4-d mirror
betamax cassette
moon jewel
rainbow cloth
1. get lazer. shoot alien
2.catch snarl(with cage)
3.pour flask. fill flask in acid room. pour flask.
4. release snarl. get gyro.
5. chrond teleports between here and east end of wide tunnel, a good place to collect objects.
6. get goggles. wear goggles. look. get axe. chop partition.
7. get dart. throw dart. need translator to read the plaque.
8 get cylinder (need to wear gloves)
9.get phase shifter(need to wear gloves and have field nullifier)
10. wear goggles. look. get jewel.
11. fill flask at pool of water. pour water. collect any stolen treasures from stockpile room. not the effect of water wears off so after a while refill flask and keep handy.
12.taka<->leva teleports between here and the crimson beach, two locations
north of the hull.get wrench.(wear goggles).
13. get pouch.kill crabbette(with pouch). may have to pick up pouch again, and keep trying as location and crabs are randomized.
14.tugo tusta teleports between here and solarium.
15. get needler. shoot gras. get chest (wear suit and gloves)
16. open box. (wear goggles. get compass.
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