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Lighting Your Apple II Path | |
"Teaching the Apple II user how to fish since 1998"
The Lamp! An Onipa'a Software Production Vol. 8, No. 9
Publisher................................Ryan M. Suenaga, M.S.W., L.S.W.
Editor.....................................................Lyle Syverson
Internet Email, Publisher.........................thelamp@sheppyware.net
Internet Email, Editor................................lyle@FoxValley.net
September 15, 2005
HIGH ABOVE THE ROCK RIVER---------------------------------------------[OPN]
High Above the Mississippi River
A2 FORUM AT Syndicomm Online (A2Central.com) DISTILLATIONS------------[DAS]
Retrobits Podcast------------------------------------------------[RBP]
Silvern Castle v8.4 to be Released Aug 19------------------------[SCR]
Installation of Silvern Castle HD Disk Image---------------------[IDI]
Silvern Castle WebSite Established-------------------------------[SCW]
Changes in Silvern Castle as Newer Versions Released-------------[CSC]
MS Visual Studio Codenamed... "Orcas"----------------------------[CNO]
Juiced.GS Planned For End of Sept--------------------------------[JGS]
Bernie II the Rescue Status--------------------------------------[BRS]
KEGS and Time----------------------------------------------------[KAT]
More KEGS and Time-----------------------------------------------[MKT]
Daylight Saving Time Patch For System 6.0.1----------------------[DTP]
Requests Comments on Source Code---------------------------------[CSC]
ILLUMINATING THE LAMP-------------------------------------------------[ITL]
An overview of GEnieLamp A2 and The Lamp!
To be Continued
ANNOUNCEMENTS FROM SYNDICOMM------------------------------------------[ANS]
To Sign up for Syndicomm Online----------------------------------[TSU]
September 2005 Issue of Syndicommotion Available-----------------[SSA]
Retrobits Podcast Host Earl Evans Will Visit A2 Chat Room--------[EEC]
LETTERS TO THE EDITOR-------------------------------------------------[LTE]
No Letters to the Editor This Month
An Invitation
KFEST 2006------------------------------------------------------------[KF6]
KansasFest 2006--------------------------------------------------[KFS]
About The Lamp! ------------------------------------------------ [INN]
[*] [*] [*]
READING THE LAMP! The index system used by The Lamp! is designed to make
""""""""""""""""" your reading easier. To use this system, load this
issue into any word processor or text editor. In the index you will find
something like:
About The Lamp! ------------------------------------------------ [INN]
To read this article, simply use your search or find command to locate
[INN]. There is a similar tag at the end of each article: [EOA].
From The Editor
by Lyle Syverson <lyle@FoxValley.net>
High Above the Mississippi River
The vantage point High Above The Rock River reminds us of another
great day trip. Bellevue State Park in Eastern Iowa provides an
observation point High Above The Mississippi River. Lock and Dam number 12
is located on the river below. Here you can watch the slow movement of the
barge traffic up and down the river... and the movement of the barges
through the lock.
The upper Mississippi has a series of dams with locks designed to
provide a minimum depth of six feet to facilitate the movement of barge
Each tugboat is pushing a collection of barges lashed together...
three barges wide and five or six barges long. The barges are sized so
that a group of three wide by three long will fit into the locks. To pass
through the locks each collection of tugboat/barges must be broken into two
sections... each section moving through the lock separately... the sections
are lashed together again to continue their journey. (A cable-winch system
is provided to move the section of barges without the tugboat attached.)
The tugboat/barge collections are dynamic... leaving a barge here...
picking up a barge there. A comparison to the internet is in order here...
where data travels in packets.
When you consider the length of the Mississippi, add in all of the
rivers that connect to it that are capable of barge traffic, and the
movement of cargo to/from ocean going vessels in the port of New Orleans,
you have quite a transportation system for large and bulky cargo.
So the destruction of the recent hurricane, Katrina, is felt far and
wide due to its disruption of transportation.
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DISTILLATIONS FROM The A2 FORUM at Syndicomm.com |
(A2Central.com) |
by Lyle Syverson <lyle@foxvalley.net>
Has anyone besides me been listening to the Retrobits Podcast?
Definitely worth a listen imho.
Chief Sysop and Head Geek
(A2.RYAN, Cat 2, Top 8, Msg 576)
I haven't, but mostly because it's too much like talk radio, which bores
me. :)
Eric "Sheppy" Shepherd sheppy@syndicomm.com
Owner, Syndicomm http://www.syndicomm.com
Building communities, bit by bit.
(SYNDICOMM, Cat 2, Top 8, Msg 577)
I've never listened to talk radio before, but I'm using my new iPod to
listen to video game talk show podcasts in the car. It's pretty neat. :)
(KGAGNE, Cat 2, Top 8, Msg 578)
Silvern Castle v8.4 TO BE RELEASED AUG 19
I'm planning the release date for SCv8.4 to be Aug 19, barring any last
minute problems.
Here's the list of bug fixes, major changes, and new features:
Bugs Fixed in v8.4:
o SCv8.3 introduced a serious bug that could hang combat in certain
circumstances. This is now fixed. Thanks to Jon Rose for reporting.
o The Camp list S)pells command now works under all circumstances, even if
you currently can't cast spells.
o The Proving Grounds was supposed to limit hit points bonuses to a maximum
of 10hp per level, with a cap of 100hp. However, due to a bug, if you have
101hp or more, the cap is ignored. I hereby proclaim this a feature!
o Fixed combat weapon equip bug that sometimes would forget to re-equip
your original weapon after combat.
Stuff Changed in v8.4:
o The possibility of very low-level parties encountering large "organized"
wandering monster groups has been removed.
o Initiative formula changed. Agility is now the major determining factor,
adjusted slightly by class, level, marching order, and a bit of luck.
o Most potions have been reduced in price, due to the fact they are now in
unlimited supply.
o Level 2 monsters are no longer allowed on the first level.
o Enhanced feature: Instant Automap! As long as you don't leave the
current level or explore new territory, the automap is now instantly
o Enhanced feature: Interactive Auto-Notes! Instead of displaying special
locations as drab coordinates on the text screen, special locations are now
shown interactively on the automap display.
o Ladders are now shown in the automap display.
o Enhanced ID spell. Now the ID spell will also show the monster's base
initiative rating.
o The message time delay can now be adjusted up to 65500 for emulator users
who want to run Silvern Castle at faster speeds, but still be able to read
o When the preference to restrict loot to gold pieces is on, only gold
pieces will be shown. Requested by Bruce Baker.
o If a monster gulps one of your characters, and if that monster is killed
your character will emerge at the end of the round instead of when the last
of that group is killed. Requested by Bruce Baker. But if the monster
flees with your character, all items and gold carried plus your character
are lost forever!
o Rewrote the title page text scroller to be viewable on most emulators.
New Stuff in v8.4:
o New preference: Encounter Frequency. This preference allows you to
adjust the frequency of wandering monster encounters.
o New preference setting: Disable shareware checks. Ever since SCv5.2 when
Silvern Castle became freeware, the flag that used to check whether you had
registered was disabled, although the actual unregistered shareware code
was never removed. Now you can toggle this flag on and off.
o New display preferences! Now you can set your preferred display modes
(hires or text) for all modules (maze, camp, market, combat, guild). In
addition, you can choose to keep the standard Silvern text mode color
scheme (white & black), or use your GS control panel display settings.
o New preference: Mundane loot frequency. Now you can adjust the frequency
of mundane loot, or set it to automatically skip all mundane loot-great
timesaver for high-level parties!
o New maze info command: @ This command brings up misc info, which
currently includes the party rating and the encounter chance.
o NPC lairs! Now you may encounter very powerful gatherings of specific
classes of NPCs!
o New preference: Substitute initiative for race. This toggles whether the
bottom character status window shows the character race as normal, or shows
the character base initiative instead.
o The character base initiative rating is now shown at the Camp inspect
character display, unless the sub initiative preference is already set to
show initiative at the character status window.
o New preference! Auto-save automap images. By default, Silvern Castle
will now auto-save all automaps viewed, which speeds up the new instant
automap feature even more.
o New Extra's Menu option: Erase & Zero Automaps. This option allows you
to selectively erase your automaps per scenario.
o New preference: Lair Frequency. This preference allows you to adjust the
frequency of lairs appearing in rooms. Requested by Bruce Baker.
(FINKSTERJ, Cat 14, Top 7, Msg 168)
I just realized that the install directions for the hard drive disk image
for emulator uses can't be viewed by people who don't already have a way to
view text files.
The upcoming v8.4 release will contain a stand alone text viewer; I have
also included them below:
Silvern Castle for Emulators Users
This bootable 1.5MB hard drive disk image contains a shrinkit file of the
latest Silvern Castle release.
The cookbook instructions below are more geared for PC's running the
AppleWin emulator (v1.12.6.0 or later required), but users of KEGS and
other emulators should be able to follow along. Personally, I prefer KEGS
over AppleWin.
Please see the appropriate section depending if you are upgrading a
previously installed copy of Silvern Castle, or if this is a new
All you need to do to install Silvern Castle is to extract the entire
contents of the shrinkit file into a folder on any hard drive image. I
recommend naming the folder SILVERN.CASTLE, but this is not necessary
unless you are following the cookbook method below to create an auto-boot
Silvern disk. Run the SILVERN.SYSTEM file to start.
Here's the cookbook method to install on the included hard drive image:
1. Mount this hard drive image as drive 1 in slot 7 of your emulator so
it's the boot hard drive.
2. Boot this hard drive image in your emulator.
3. At the standard AppleSoft prompt, type BYE<return> to get to the ProDOS
quit selector and choose the SHRINKIT program and press <return>.
4. Choose the open archive option and select the shrinkit file (the one
with the SHK suffix) and press <return>.
5. Press open-apple-A (left ALT+A for most PC emulators) to select all the
files and press <return>.
6. Highlight the SILVERN.CASTLE folder and press <return>, then press
<return> at the select current prompt to unpack the files into this folder.
7. After all the files have been unpacked, exit the Shrinkit program.
8. At the ProDOS quit menu, select BASIC.SYSTEM and press <return>.
9. If you want Silvern Castle to auto-boot, type the following: RENAME
BASIC.SYSTEM,BASIC.SYS<return>. Then reboot your emulator to start Silvern
10. To start Silvern Castle manually, type -SILVERN.SYSTEM<return> (don't
forgot the dash) from the AppleSoft prompt, or select it from the ProDOS
quit menu, or from your program launcher.
11. After starting Silvern Castle, you will need to run the Update
Datafiles option in the Extra's Menu.
12. After updating, I recommend you change the following default
preferences in the Extra's Menu:
a. Set the Preload Files to /RAM option to [N]. This option is redundant
for hard drive users.
b. If you are using AppleWin, set the Message Time Delay to [20000]. Users
of KEGS should set this to [01000].
13. See the Library Tome in the Extra's Menu for the full user's guide.
14. The shrinkit file may now be deleted if you wish.
Simply extract the entire contents of the new shrinkit file into the same
folder where your old Silvern Castle folder is located, overwriting all
duplicates. Start Silvern Castle as normally. You may need to run the
Update Datafile option in the Extra's Menu.
It's probably a good idea to make a backup of your existing Silvern Castle
folder in case of any problems before you begin the update process.
Here's the cookbook method to extract the new shrinkit file to your old
Silvern Castle folder:
1. Make sure the hard drive image that contains your old copy of Silvern
Castle is the boot hard drive. You will be updating this old copy of
Silvern Castle.
2. Mount this newer hard drive image as drive 2 in slot 7 of your emulator.
You will be extracting the new shrinkit file to your old copy of Silvern
3. Boot your old copy of Silvern Castle.
4. If Silvern Castle is setup to auto-boot, press <esc> at Silvern's title
page to exit, and then from the ProDOS quit menu choose BASIC.SYS<return>.
5. Type BYE<return> to return to the ProDOS quit menu.
6. Select SHRINKIT<return>.
7. Choose the open archive option, press <tab> to change to the new hard
drive mounted in drive 2, then select the new shrinkit file and press
8. Press open-apple-A (left ALT+A for most PC emulators) to select all the
files and press <return>.
9. Highlight the SILVERN.CASTLE folder on your old hard drive mounted in
drive 1 and press <return>, then at the select current prompt press
<return> to unpack the files into this folder. Overwrite all duplicates.
10. After all the files have been unpacked, exit the Shrinkit program.
11. You can now unmount and remove the hard drive image in drive 2, and
boot the updated hard drive image in drive 1.
12. You may need to run the Update Datafiles option in the Extra's Menu.
13. See the Read.Me.First file in the Tome Library located in the Extra's
Menu to review what's new.
(FINKSTERJ, Cat 14, Top 7, Msg 169)
>> I just realized that the install directions for the hard drive disk
image for emulator uses can't be viewed by people who don't already have a
way to view text files. <<
There are a number of free text readers available. I know that I wrote one,
but can't now remember what I called it!
Ewen Wannop - Speccie - Fri 2 Sep 2005 - 45 days till KFest '05
Delivered without using a IIgs by Spectrum v2.5.3 & SOAR 1.0b11
Setup: IIgs running at 95Mhz thanks to Bernie ][ the Rescue 3.0
(CONDUCTOR, Cat 14, Top 7, Msg 171)
I already wrote one to be used within Silvern Castle so I just extracted
that to be usable outside of it.
But I noticed the 8-bit shrinkit also allows viewing text and appleworks
files, not to mention all your basic copy functions too.
(FINKSTERJ, Cat 14, Top 7, Msg 172)
Be sure to check out my website for Silvern Castle:
You can download the latest shrinkit and hard drive image releases, plus
the User's Guide and other manuals; includes a few screen shots.
-Jeff Fink
(FINKSTERJ, Cat 14, Top 7, Msg 170)
On level 9 several monsters have cast striking and death ray on me but I
have never seen a striking or death ray scroll in my winnings from battles.
Also even in level 9 dragon lairs no artifacts are over +2 enchantment.
This is terrible. And the things that do come as +2 are silly like cloak
+2 or pole arm +2. Who wants to use that?
(BBAKER, Cat 14, Top 7, Msg 173)
Hi Bruce,
I heard you have been disappointed with the quality of the loot in lair
treasure chests.
I forgot when I changed this, but higher enchanted items have been fairly
rare for awhile now. Finding stuff over +2 is very uncommon, but stuff up
to +6 is still possible. Usually all weapons and armour items found inside
a treasure chest on the deeper levels will be enchanted.
Looking at my item table, on level 9 for example, the chance that typical
items will be enchanted are fairly good:
Chance to find in treasure chests
Item +0 +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6
Long sword 0% 24% 46% 27% 4% <1% 0%
Short sword 0% 14% 40% 35% 11% 1% <1%
Broad sword 0% 46% 43% 10% 1% 0% 0%
Bastard sword 95% 4% 1% 0% 0% 0% 0%
Cloak 0% 13% 40% 37% 10% 0% 0%
Chain mail 17% 46% 38% 0% 0% 0% 0%
Scroll/Fireball 58% 30% 9% 2% <1% 0% 0%
I think the first few releases of Silvern Castle were really excessive with
enchanted items. Stuff up to +10 were fairly common, and even up to +32 or
higher were technically possible.
You can always pay Quillon at the Trading Post to enchant items if you can
afford it.
Mostly to avoid the drought of spell scrolls in the early games, most
chests now contain a high percentage of such items, and usually the same
level spell scroll can be found around the same level of the maze (i.e.
troll on level 5 to find the level 5 lightning-bolt spell scroll).
However, many of those advanced-class level 7 spells are only found on
level 10.
(FINKSTERJ, Cat 14, Top 7, Msg 174)
Sounds good.
I've been trolling on level 10 and found a couple of striking +1 and
finally a death ray.
I thought you said that level 10 is rearranged a little. Did you say that
the solution to scenario one is different now? It seems to not be too much
of a problem since I don't remember how to do it and seem not to have left
myself complete notes.
(BBAKER, Cat 14, Top 7, Msg 175)
Well, without giving too much away, level 10 has only 1 or 2 squares
different, plus an expanded "hidden" level that used to be empty. Well,
not really hidden, but unreachable by normal means.
One of those squares on level 10 contains an item that used to be randomly
placed. But some of you finished without ever seeing it-and complained-so
now it's required and part of the scenario.
In addition, the area with Drachma's Lab cannot be reached directly from
level 10 anymore.
Confused? Look for the locked door needing the silver key on level
10-there's only one. That's the first difference.
(FINKSTERJ, Cat 14, Top 7, Msg 176)
Thanks, now should I make a whole new map for level 10 or just change the
old one?
(BBAKER, Cat 14, Top 7, Msg 177)
Well, the changes were not too significant.
Now that I've found the Drachma's Lair again, I'm pretty stuck.
I forget how dependent I was on my super spells and weapons. The guys in
the lair are good and I have fewer HP's on this group.
My older groups had over 400 HP, this one averages 225.
Now after one pass I usually have one or two dead or gulped, sometimes
three. That's pretty impossible to overcome.
(BBAKER, Cat 14, Top 7, Msg 178)
MS Visual Studio Codenamed... "Orcas"
The next version of MS Visual Studio is codenamed... "Orcas".
(KWS, Cat 22, Top 2, Msg 7)
Were you referring to the connection between Microsoft's new IDE and
itshomophone Orcus, the Demon Prince? ;)
| homas
(TCOMPTER, Cat 22, Top 2, Msg 8)
Mike W. should sue Microsoft for trademark infringement. :)
Eric "Sheppy" Shepherd sheppy@syndicomm.com
Owner, Syndicomm http://www.syndicomm.com
Building communities, bit by bit.
(SYNDICOMM, Cat 22, Top 2, Msg 9)
Maybe that would be ORCA/s for best copyright infringement case ;-)
Chief Sysop and Head Geek
(A2.RYAN, Cat 22, Top 2, Msg 10)
If all goes according to plan, Juiced.GS Volume 10, Issue 3 will be ready
for distribution at the end of September.
Editor-in-Chief, Juiced.GS
(A2.RYAN, Cat 23, Top 2, Msg 675)
Bernie II the Rescue Status
While doing some mindless websurfing I came upon the following for the
Bernie II the Rescue Kagi payment site.
PLEASE NOTE: Bernie ][ The Rescue has been discontinued and no further
development will go into this product. If you would like to use Bernie, you
are still required to get a valid license. Bernie ][ The Rescue has been
specifically designed for MacOS 9 and works with some limitations in MacOS
X Classic (there are absolutely NO WARRANTIES as to compatibility with
MacOS X Classic). It is up to you to check if Bernie cuts it for you,
that's why we are making a trial version available to you. There may or may
not a successor product to Bernie running natively in Cocoa, but for
Bernie, our little woofer that made us so happy over so many years, it's
time to say goodbye. The software will remain available, however.
Is this the first public proclamation of the death of Bernie?
(MARK, Cat 29, Top 21, Msg 143)
Wow, yeah. Seems like it to me. Not that I'm surprised, given that it
hasn't been touched in like five years.
Eric "Sheppy" Shepherd sheppy@syndicomm.com
Owner, Syndicomm http://www.syndicomm.com
Building communities, bit by bit.
(SYNDICOMM, Cat 29, Top 21, Msg 144)
The web page at http://www.bernie.gs says the same thing and that page is
dated July 21, 2004 11:19 a.m.--this notice has been around for over a
But I figured Bernie was officially discontinued when Sweet 16 for Carbon
got released. It was pretty obvious at that point where the FE Systems
development path was going for IIgs emulation.
(GEOFF, Cat 29, Top 21, Msg 145)
On the Bernie forums from this year..May 1, 2005.
Bernie has the lowest priority of all of our private and professional
tasks, so it gets postponed repeatedly. (Case study: when you have XCode
and a crying baby, which one would you give priority? Sure, sure,
XCode...:-) ) We have done some work - a fraction - but it's an extremely
long way to go. we're nowhere to put it quite clear. as I said before don't
hold your breath but take what's available and maybe we'll be in for a
surprise one fine day. There's a consensus between Andre and myself that we
will bring Bernie to OS X or whatever follows that. :-)
(A2.DAIN, Cat 29, Top 21, Msg 146)
The nice thing about using KEGS is that GS/OS won't need patching when
daylight savings changes for the other 47 United States in 2007. Make sure
you update your host operating system with the appropriate patch.
(GEOFF, Cat 29, Top 11, Msg 49)
Except for some reason KEGS sets my GS clock one hour ahead of the PC's
It's not just me, according to the release notes this has been an on-going
problem for many people.
(FINKSTERJ, Cat 29, Top 11, Msg 50)
The Solaris port I compiled of KEGS has the right time, but then I
submitted the code to Kent back in 1999 for the daylight savings correction
for Solaris.
I can confirm that both Windows 98 and XP versions of kEGS are not
correcting for daylight savings. At least the KEGS source is available for
somebody to fix the code.
(GEOFF, Cat 29, Top 11, Msg 51)
Doesn't KEGS get time from the system clock? So if the system works with
daylight savings time Kegs should...
(TECHNERD, Cat 29, Top 31, Msg 49)
Take a look at the KEGS source and read your OS documentation. Don't
forget that KEGS is compiled with Cygwin under Windows--not that I am
certain which library calls are native to cygwin or which are passed
directly to Windows.
Time is handled one of three ways, depending on OS implementations:
* clock chip is always kept in GMT
* clock chip is always kept in standard time
* clock chip is always adjusted for local time (i.e. GS/OS)
(GEOFF, Cat 29, Top 31, Msg 50)
>> Doesn't KEGS get time from the system clock? So if the system works
with daylight savings time Kegs should... <<
The Mac version sure does. You can play with the Time control panel
settings all you want, but the time display only changes for a moment, then
reverts to the Mac time. Daylight Savings Time settings make only a
momentary change when you change them.
Carl Knoblock - Retired - Tue 16 Aug 05 10:10:51 pm
cknoblo@cox.com - Via Spectrum v2.5.3 & SOAR v1.0b10
KFest 2006, July 18-23, 2006 - 336 days till KFest
On cable via LANceGS & Marinetti 2.0.1 - Thank you, Richard.
A2 RTC Staff - Sunday Night House Party - carlk@syndicomm.com
(CARLK, Cat 29, Top 31, Msg 51)
Under windows it does the same...
(TECHNERD, Cat 29, Top 31, Msg 52)
We are talking about the host's system daylight savings ability, not what
an emulated GS can do. GS/OS daylight savings support is designed to
change the time on the clock chip. KEGS can't change the host's CPU time.
(GEOFF, Cat 29, Top 31, Msg 53)
Can't you turn off the Daylight Savings time functionality in the GS/OS?
It would seem to me that that would be the simplest solution for emulators
that take their time from the host, since the host OS most likely has its
own DLST functionality.
| homas
(TCOMPTER, Cat 29, Top 31, Msg 54)
>> Can't you turn off the Daylight Savings time functionality in the GS/OS?
No. Any changes to the GS clock or GS/OS DTS settings have only a transient
effect. KEGS immediately resets the GS clock to the system clock, but
although the PC clock is correct, KEGS is not updating the GS clock
correctly for DTS.
If you look at the KEGS release notes, this has been an on-going problem
with KEGS for a long time.
(FINKSTERJ, Cat 29, Top 31, Msg 55)
I still don't see how this is a bug.. If KEGS stays at the system time that
is good as long as the host system sets the time directly and most current
os's do.
(TECHNERD, Cat 29, Top 31, Msg 56)
To understand why it is a bug in KEGS, read the KEGS source code and then
read the Cygwin documentation for its standard C library calls (especially
the time related functions). You may also need to read the Windows
documentation for how it's API handles time. Once this is all fully
understood, it should be painfully obvious what KEGS is doing wrong. All
this information is available with a few Google searches.
(GEOFF, Cat 29, Top 31, Msg 57)
In 2007, the start and end dates for Daylight Saving Time in the United
States will be changing. We need someone to write a patch for System 6.0.1
that will alter these dates so our automatic DST changing will still work
Eric "Sheppy" Shepherd sheppy@syndicomm.com
Owner, Syndicomm http://www.syndicomm.com
Building communities, bit by bit.
(SYNDICOMM, Cat 50, Top 10, Msg 51)
I haven't heard about that. Is it temporary or permanent? And what are the
dates? And most importantly - why? :-)
Peter peterw@syndicomm.com
Palm OS Community Bulletin Board Manager
(PETERW, Cat 50, Top 10, Msg 52)
Effective in 2007, Daylight Saving Time in the United States will begin on
the second Sunday in March and end on the first Sunday in November. That's
four more weeks of Daylight Saving Time.
The politicians think it'll save energy. I think it'll be a pain in the
tuckus. When I tell people I want to see DST reform, that means I want it
scrapped, not made even longer. :)
Anyway, we need the GS updated to support the new times. While they're at
it, they could maybe make it so it could patch it for countries that have
different Daylight Saving Time rules than the U.S. does.
Eric "Sheppy" Shepherd sheppy@syndicomm.com
Owner, Syndicomm http://www.syndicomm.com
Building communities, bit by bit.
(SYNDICOMM, Cat 50, Top 10, Msg 53)
Here are some DST primers:
(KGAGNE, Cat 50, Top 10, Msg 54)
The Time Tool set which I wrote a few years back would be the perfect
starting point for multi-national time zone support. I'd suggest to use
the format found on UNIX systems since one wouldn't have to create a new
format for the IIgs. Also one can always update their local daylight
savings changes with the common UNIX file.
The source to the Time Tool was provided in the original archive.
As suggested by others, there will be a need to split the US time zones
from other countries in the U.S. longitudes (i.e. EST/EDT in the U.S. will
no longer be the same in Canada come 2007 so there would have to be EST/EDT
and US-EST/EDT if one has to choose from a text list).
But generally the Time Tool would be a good place to start since it's time
zone list was based on all countries handling of daylights savings in 1998.
(GEOFF, Cat 50, Top 10, Msg 55)
I would agree that the Time Zone Tool is the place to look at fixing the
change in time zones. I'm not proficient in assembly and I'm up to my neck
in projects. Would someone like to tackle this?
Chief Sysop and Head Geek
(A2.RYAN, Cat 50, Top 10, Msg 56)
I've completed a preliminary version of the Merlin 16 source code for the
FILE.SENDER routine I'm working on to be used from within AppleWorks 5.1.
It's fairly short, heavily commented, and doesn't use any macros or linked
Would there be any objections to my posting the source here? I'd really
appreciate comments, suggestions and criticisms, as I know some of you have
forgotten more assembly than I've ever known.
(HUGHHOOD, Cat 51, Top 44, Msg 4)
As long as it's fairly short, go for it. I'm not much for assembly
nowadays but I'd love to see someone else's code. :-)
Chief Sysop and Head Geek
(A2.RYAN, Cat 51, Top 44, Msg 5)
Thanks. Yes, it is fairly short.
Most of it is explanation and comments, as the actual object code weighs in
at about 110 (decimal) bytes or so.
Basically, if any of you see any obvious goofs or missteps, I'd appreciate
a 'heads up'. Likewise, if any of you are AppleWorks addicts as am I,
please consider this your opportunity to request features.
Here goes with the Merlin 16 Source:
TR ADR ; truncate bank address
xc ; enable 65C02 Code
* *
* FILE.SENDER for AppleWorks 5.1 *
* ******************************** *
* *
* Allows sending of TEXT or BINARY file to serial/parallel *
* printer or other output device withOUT modification *
* and withOUT character or protocol addition. *
* *
* Barclay Clemesha's TimeOut TO.RS232 also sends files, but *
* it requires the file first be loaded into the AppleWorks *
* Word Processor segment, which eliminates files with more than *
* 16,000 lines (CR's), files with 8-bit content, and large *
* files that exceed the size of AppleWorks Desktop Memory. *
* *
* Beagle's TimeOut Telecomm also sends files, but it requires *
* either the mandatory addition of an error-checking protocol *
* (e.g. X-Modem) or the ability to load the file into the *
* AppleWorks Word Processor (e.g. Text) file, or the ability *
* to send the (Text) file from 'Terminal' Mode, which requires *
* the screen to be active and is extraordinarily slow. *
* *
* This routine is planned to overcome those limitations, and *
* is useful for sending PostScript files, HP/GL2 (vector *
* plotter) files, HP PCL setup command files or bitmap *
* graphics files to a printer or other output device, and *
* is intended to be used as part of sophisticated AppleWorks *
* Ultramacros output device control routines. *
* *
* This initial version is intended to use $0800-$09FF of page 1 *
* memory, with $BB00-$BEFF allocated for the ProDOS file buffer.*
* After the utility and functionality of this routine has been *
* confirmed, AppleWorks DOT command conversion is planned to *
* provide improved ease of use. *
* *
* NOTE: This routine uses Slot/Port 2, but can easily be *
* modified to use Slot/Port 1. *
* *
* This comment/beta version 0.3 / August 25, 2005 *
* Copyright (C) 2005 Hugh Hood *
* *
CSWL EQU $0036 ; character out vector low byte
CSWH EQU $0037 ; character out vector high byte
PATHNAME EQU $0280 ; store full pathname (w/length) here
READBUFF EQU $0800 ; ProDOS read buffer address
FILEBUFF EQU $BB00 ; 1K ProDOS file buffer start
MLI EQU $BF00 ; ProDOS MLI entry point
BELL EQU $FBDD ; error Bell
COUT EQU $FDED ; monitor character output routine
CSW1L EQU #$00 ; serial port/slot 1 entry low byte
CSW1H EQU #$C1 ; serial port/slot 1 entry high byte
CSW2L EQU #$00 ; serial port/slot 2 entry low byte
CSW2H EQU #$C2 ; serial port/slot 2 entry high byte
CSW3L EQU #$07 ; 80 column video out low byte
CSW3H EQU #$C3 ; 80 column video out high byte
READSIZE EQU #$0100 ; # of bytes to read (256)
* Here is the actual AppleWorks FILE.SENDER code:
ORG $0900 ; run address within AppleWorks
DFB $C8 ; ProDOS MLI OPEN command
DA OPARMS ; parmtable for OPEN
BCS ERROR ; error handler
LDA REFNUM ; file reference # returned
STA REFNUM1 ; store reference # in READ table
STA REFNUM2 ; store reference # in CLOSE table
JSR INITSLT2 ; initialize Serial Port/Slot 2
DA RPARMS ; parmtable for READ
BCC SENDNEW ; read went well, so proceed
CMP #$4C ; did EOF error occur?
BNE ERROR ; if not EOF, is real error
CLC ; reset ProDOS error flag
JMP CLOSE ; job done, so finish up
SENDNEW LDY #0 ; initialize read buffer counter
SENDGOT LDA READBUFF,Y ; send buffer contents byte by byte
JSR COUT ; to Serial Port/Slot via COUT
INY ; add 1 to read buffer counter
CPY RLENGTH ; is byte last in read buffer?
BNE SENDGOT ; if not, repeat to send another
BEQ READ ; if yes, then READ more
DA CPARMS ; parmtable for CLOSE
BCS ERROR ; endless loop?
RETURN LDA CSW3L ; restore video out hook low byte
STA CSWL ; at $36
LDA CSW3H ; restore video out hook high byte
STA CSWH ; at $37
RTS ; go back to AppleWorks caller
ERROR JSR BELL ; sound error bell
CLC ; reset ProDOS error flag
JMP CLOSE ; finish up
INITSLT2 LDA CSW2L ; set Port/Slot 2 output hooks
STA CSWL ; low byte
LDA CSW2H ; and,
STA CSWH ; high byte
LDA #00 ; output NULL character to allow
JSR COUT ; operation with Parallel Card
* ; compatible initialization using
* ; this same routine (no PASCAL 1.1)
* ; <CTRL-I> 0N / <CTRL-I> 255N /
* ; <CTRL-I> Z may need to be added
* ; here or else write bytes 'direct
* ; to the metal' of parallel card
* ; or to pass 8-bit files or files
* ; containing <CTRL-I> or <CTRL-A>
* ; Port/Slot firmware control character
RTS ; proceed with READ
* OPEN parameter table
OPARMS DFB 3 ; # of parameters
DA PATHNAME ; full pathname stored at $0280
* ; prior to entering FILE.SENDER
* ; (with leading length byte)
DA FILEBUFF ; start of 1K ProDOS file buffer
REFNUM DS 1 ; ProDOS returns reference # here
* READ parameter table
RPARMS DFB 4 ; # of parameters
REFNUM1 DS 1 ; our routine stores REFNUM here
DA READBUFF ; pointer to start of READ buffer
DW READSIZE ; # of bytes to read (256)
RLENGTH DW $0000 ; # of bytes actually read is here
* CLOSE parameter table
CPARMS DFB 1 ; # of parameters
REFNUM2 DS 1 ; our routine stores REFNUM here
END DFB $FF,$FF,$FF ; end of routine flags
(HUGHHOOD, Cat 51, Top 44, Msg 6)
That code looks fine to me, although I haven't seen it running. :)
Eric "Sheppy" Shepherd sheppy@syndicomm.com
Owner, Syndicomm http://www.syndicomm.com
Building communities, bit by bit.
(SYNDICOMM, Cat 51, Top 44, Msg 44)
An overview of GEnieLamp A2 and The Lamp!
To be Continued
Note from October 2004 issue:
I'll say goodbye for now, but I'm not fading away as I did in 1995.
I'll return some time next year to do another couple of Illuminating The
Lamp columns for 2003 and 2004.
Steven Weyhrich
by Lyle Syverson <lyle@foxvalley.net>
Please visit our web site at http://www.syndicomm.com for information or to
sign up!
(Logon message)
September 2005 Issue of Syndicommotion Available
The September 2005 (Volume 4, Number 9) issue of Syndicommotion has been
emailed to subscribers. The HTML edition can be found online at the
following URL:
or by selecting menu option #1 from Page 155 on Syndicomm Online (type
"m155;1" without the quotes at any menu prompt).
-Ken Gagne
Editor, Syndicommotion
(KGAGNE, HelpDesk, Cat 5, Top 4, Msg 35)
Retrobits Podcast Host Earl Evans Will Visit A2 Chat Room
Retrobits Podcast host Earl Evans will be our guest in Syndicomm's Apple II
chat room on Tuesday, Sept. 27th at 7:00 pm PDT (10 PM EDT). Earl's podcast
explores multiple platforms from the "old days", and the Apple II has been
prominent. Give him a listen then come to our RTC to share your stories!
The Retrobits Web site is at:
Chief Sysop and Head Geek
(A2.RYAN, Cat 2, Top 1, Msg 18)
The mail box for Letters to the Editor remained empty this month.
Express your opinions about the comings and goings in the world of the
Apple II computers.
Send your comments to Lyle Syverson, Editor <lyle@FoxValley.net>
The Editor reserves the right to edit any material submitted.
The Editor reserves the right to reject any material he considers
unsuitable for publication in _The Lamp!_.
KFest 2006 |
KansasFest 2006
is scheduled for July 18th-23rd, 2006
Mark your calendar... start saving some money. :)
About The Lamp! The Lamp! is published on the fifteenth of every month on
""""""""""""""" the WEB at: http://lamp.a2central.com/
This publication produced entirely with real or emulated Apple II computers
using Appleworks 5.1 and Hermes. Apple II Forever!
* The Lamp! is (c) copyright 2005 by Ryan M. Suenaga, M.S.W. All
rights reserved.
* To reach The Lamp! on Internet email send mail to
* All issues of The Lamp! are available at The Lamp! Home Page,
Opinions expressed herein are those of the individual authors, and do not
necessarily represent the opinions of A2Central.com, Delphi Online
Services, Syndicomm, Ryan M. Suenaga, or Lyle Syverson. Forum messages are
reprinted verbatim and are included in this publication with permission
from the individual authors. A2Central.com, Delphi Online Services,
Syndicomm, Ryan M. Suenaga, and Lyle Syverson do not guarantee the accuracy
or suitability of any information included herein. We reserve the right to
edit all letters and copy.
Material published in this edition may not be reprinted without the
expressed written consent of the publisher. Registered computer user
groups, not for profit publications , and other interested parties may
write the publisher to apply for permission to reprint any or all material.