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Lighting Your Apple II Path | |
"Teaching the Apple II user how to fish since 1998"
K-Fest Feature:
The Accidental Tourist at KansasFest
by Douglas Cuff
The Lamp! An Onipa'a Software Production Vol. 4, No. 7
Publisher................................Ryan M. Suenaga, M.S.W., L.S.W.
Editor.....................................................Lyle Syverson
Internet Email, Publisher.........................thelamp@sheppyware.net
Internet Email, Editor................................lyle@FoxValley.net
July 15, 2001
HIGH ABOVE THE ROCK RIVER---------------------------------------------[OPN]
Make Your Decision
A2 FORUM AT Syndicomm Online (A2Central.com) DISTILLATIONS
When the IIgs Came Out...----------------------------------------[GCO]
Source for SCSI Adaptors-----------------------------------------[SSA]
How do You Go About Writing?-------------------------------------[GAW]
Syndicomm Has Printed Fliers Available---------------------------[SFA]
Best Telecom Program for Apple ][ Plus?--------------------------[BTP]
Soar 1.0b5 Available---------------------------------------------[SRA]
How do You Use System 6 Sounds?----------------------------------[YUS]
Lost Classics Project to Release Additional Titles---------------[LCP]
Battery Replacement on the ROM 1 IIgs----------------------------[BRG]
Beta Testers Needed for CoPilot ProTERM 3.1----------------------[BTN]
IIgs ROM Grabber-------------------------------------------------[GRG]
Change of Address for MUG! and MSDOS Utilities-------------------[COA]
Init String for ProTERM------------------------------------------[ISP]
LANceGS Support for ProTERM--------------------------------------[LSP]
IIgs CD-ROMs from Juiced.GS--------------------------------------[CRJ]
A2-Central-On-Disk from SS II------------------------------------[ACD]
Fishwings Updated to v0.79---------------------------------------[FWU]
Convert 3200 on Bernie-------------------------------------------[CTB]
Progress on Bernie to the Rescue 3.0-----------------------------[PBR]
Programing Help Needed-------------------------------------------[PHN]
How Did You Get Your A2 Programing Skills?-----------------------[GPS]
HUMOR FROM The A2 FORUM at Syndicomm.com (A2Central.com)
Preparation for Blacksmithing------------------------------------[PFB]
Editor's Note----------------------------------------------------[ERN]
No Letters to the Editor This Month------------------------------[NLE]
An Invitation----------------------------------------------------[LTE]
KFEST 2001
The Accidental Tourist at KansasFest--by Douglas Cuff------------[TAT]
K-Fest Registration Information----------------------------------[KFR]
Of Interest to IIgs Users----------------------------------------[ITU]
About The Lamp! ------------------------------------------------ [INN]
[*] [*] [*]
READING THE LAMP! The index system used by The Lamp! is designed to make
""""""""""""""""" your reading easier. To use this system, load this
issue into any word processor or text editor. In the index you will find
something like:
About The Lamp! ------------------------------------------------ [INN]
To read this article, simply use your search or find command to locate
[INN]. There is a similar tag at the end of each article: [EOA].
From The Editor
by Lyle Syverson <lyle@FoxValley.net>
From High Above The Rock River you can see several ball fields. The
pitcher has to decide what kind of ball to throw for the next pitch... The
batter has to decide whether to hit the ball coming toward him... The
umpire has to decide between a ball or strike... and so on.
Make Your Decision
So you have been thinking about coming to K-Fest? Perhaps for several
years now? Be sure to read "The Accidental Tourist at KansasFest" by
Douglas Cuff in the K-Fest section of this issue.
Then make your decision to come to K-Fest. You will be glad you did.
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DISTILLATIONS FROM The A2 FORUM at Syndicomm.com |
(A2Central.com) |
by Lyle Syverson <lyle@foxvalley.net>
I was wondering about something the other day. When I had my first IIe
back in 80's I remember thinking how cool this was and how much I could do
with it. Then my friend's parents picked up an Apple IIgs and I had a
serious case of the "monitor /// green with envy" syndrome. Were the
Apple II users back then skeptical of the IIgs when it first came out, or
was it considered an exciting development? I remember reading a review or
two on the machine, referring to it as "too little, too late", and
Was this how it was viewed in the II user community at first? My friend
and I were the only die hard II users that we knew at the time.
Just curious.:)
Dain Neater
(A2.DAIN, Cat 2, Top 15, Msg 2)
Not for me. I had graduated from a II+, to a IIe, to a IIe 'enhanced', and
I couldn't wait to buy the IIgs! It was a remarkable step up, yet
maintained backward compatibility.
Cruising the 'railway' provided by:
Spectrum v2.5.2 and SOAR! v1.0b5
(LUMITECH, Cat 2, Top 15, Msg 3)
I went from a ][+ to a //e to a IIgs.
I was fortunate enough to be at the Australian announcement of the IIgs.
The lead-in was the rotating graphic of the IIgs that many people have from
the early days. I remember seeing it up on the screen at the front of the
room and wondering what sort of workstation produced it. I nearly fell off
my chair when I realized that it was running live on an Apple II! They also
displayed a graphic image of a bowl of fruit and vegetables which also blew
me away.
So, did I think it was a worthwhile upgrade? I was doing everything short
of baying at the moon! :-)
Peter peterw@syndicomm.com
Palm OS Community Bulletin Board Manager
(PETERW, Cat 2, Top 15, Msg 4)
I was looking to purchase my first home computer in 1989, which was well
after the IIGS was released. I had worked on the new Macintosh at work, but
I really hated the small screen and black-and-white restriction. I would
have preferred a PC or the IIe in my home at the time. But that's when I
discovered the IIGS. A teacher at the local school knew what I was looking
for, and recommended that I check out the IIGS in her classroom.
From my perspective, the IIGS gave me the best of all worlds. I liked the
GUI interface over that of the PC-DOS machines or the IIe, and I loved the
color and larger screen display over that of the Mac.
I gave up a little power and flexibility (in the Mac) in order to have what
appeared to me to be the coolest machines I'd ever seen.
Heh ... I still think I made the right decision. :-)
(JUICEDGS, Cat 2, Top 15, Msg 5)
I think some were skeptical, but to me, it was an exciting development.
I attended the rollout at the local dealer and was quite impressed with the
demo. I couldn't afford it right away, so I missed out on the Rom 0 and the
Woz case.
Carl Knoblock - Telephone Tech - Wed 4 Jul 01 2:29:30 pm
cknoblo@home.com - Via Spectrum v2.5.1 & SOAR v1.0b4
2001: A KFest Odyssey, July 25-29, 2001 - 21 days till KFest
On cable via LANceGS & Marinetti 2.0.1 - Thank you, Richard.
A2 RTC Staff - Saturday Night House Party - carlk@syndicomm.com
(CARLK, Cat 2, Top 15, Msg 6)
15 years later, there is -no- computer that I've ever wanted more than an
Apple IIgs.
Ryan M. Suenaga, M.S.W., L.S.W.
Delivered by: CoPilot v2.55 alpha, Bernie 3.0P, and a PowerBook
Offline Syndicomm.com Message Manager
(A2.RYAN, Cat 2, Top 15, Msg 7)
I remember reading in inCider or A+ (before they merged) back in '88 or
'89, some letters from users who were upset at the IIgs and coverage of the
IIgs since it wasn't a "real" Apple II. Of course, when they switched to
dual A2/mac coverage, there wasn't much of a peep (because they censored
it, or maybe because there weren't any a2 readers left :(.
A lot of 8-bit software was still released and updated since the IIgs was
released, though, so in hindsight, the IIgs didn't threaten the 8-bit a2 so
much as Apple Co. and progress in general did.
(KWS, Cat 2, Top 15, Msg 9)
I was using a Franklin 1500 at the time the GS was announced. Most of my
computer news was from Byte, Call APPLE, Creative Computing and such, and
any stories having to do with the GS just had me drooling harder. B-{)
If I remember right, it was announced in Sept. but one didn't make it to my
dealer until Dec. It was a ROM 0 Woz edition, and was everything I'd hoped
for. In the 14+ years I've had it, my GS still holds the place of honor on
my computer desk. My G3 is sitting off to the side. B-{)
A2Central Chief Sysop, RTC Manager and Janitor
(A2.KIRK, Cat 2, Top 15, Msg 10)
I went from a ][+ straight to the IIGS. The alternative at the time was
still a compact, black and white mac. I wanted the color, so I got the GS
instead of the mac. Ironically, the other factor in the decision was that
I wanted a computer that I could still program, and I knew that programming
the Mac at the time would take resources (financial and mental) that I
didn't have at the time.
I went off and bought every book about programming the IIGS I could find.
I cracked them open, began to read about pointers and stacks and JMPs and
JSRs and event loops and starting up tools and hexadecimal notation and
fast /slow memory and zero pages and... ...and my eyes glazed over, and
those books looked just GRAND on my bookshelf for many a year.
Sadly, it's only now, 13 years later, that I've had the nerve to open those
books, and discover that after a degree and a few years' experience in the
field, those books aren't quite as arcane as they once seemed. It's still
a difficult (for me), but not insurmountable task to write a IIGS program.
Even more ironically, with the advent of RealBasic, it's now easier to
program the Mac than it is to program the IIGS. But now the IIGS is a
challenge, and I won't give up on it, even if there's no one but me to run
the programs I write. :)
| homas
(TCOMPTER, Cat 2, Top 15, Msg 11)
I recently bought an internal SCSI drive for my desktop G3. The drive has
a 68-pin connector; my internal SCSI drive has a 50-pin cable. Circuit
City doesn't carry Mac adaptors, and CompUSA has only fat external cables.
Any idea where I can get a small, plug-like adaptor that will allow me to
connect this drive to my Macintosh?
(KGAGNE, Cat 2, Top 24, MSG 111)
(STEVER, Cat 2, Top 24, Msg 115)
I've been posting some specific questions about writing. Does anyone have
any general topics to discuss?
Here's one: what is your editing process? How do you start writing an
article, story, or report? What changes are you likely to make, and how do
you know when it's "done"?
(KGAGNE, Cat 2, Top 34, Msg 18)
I'm a pretty unstructured writer. I generally start at the beginning and
write until I'm out of things to say. I might then go back and do a little
edit to remove anything that's repetitive or sort things into a more
logical order, but usually it comes out pretty close to what I want.
Eric "Sheppy" Shepherd sheppy@syndicomm.com
Owner, Syndicomm http://www.syndicomm.com
Building communities, bit by bit.
(SYNDICOMM, Cat 2, Top 34, Msg 18)
I usually start with what later turns out to be the middle paragraphs, or
the "meat" of the piece. I add the intro and summary paragraphs later, once
I have a better idea of what I'm writing. It's done when I feel I have
gotten my point across and I have checked my facts. Then I put it away for
a while, a couple days is usually enough, and read it again to see if it
needs polishing.
- Tony
(A2.TONY, Cat 2, Top 34, Msg 21)
I try to write my articles from beginning to end, but sometimes I'll start
in the middle when I have trouble thinking of a sufficiently-snappy intro.
When I'm done my first draft, I'll print it out and go through it with a
red pen. After I make some changes, I'll have another printout read aloud
by a school writing tutor, and we'll go over it together. I find that a
fresh pair of eyes helps tremendously, and that reciting the paper
sometimes makes apparent quirks that you don't notice in writing.
I'll sometimes then let the article sit for a few days before I re-read it
and make some more changes, but this is rare.
Since I use Appleworks Classic, I am constantly running spellcheck and
TimeOut.Grammar between in and between every step of the editing process.
(KGAGNE, Cat 2, Top 34, Msg 22)
I tend to start by "brainstorming" with myself, typing little notes and
snippets about the subject as fast as I can, with no regard for order or
placement. When I feel I've gotten most of the ideas down in some form, I
try to arrange them in a logical order, and while doing this, I might start
outlining as well. Then I flesh out the notes into full sentences, and
finally add the intro and conclusion. Like Tony, I also try to put it away
for a few days, and come back to it for polishing. That's assuming I'm not
under a deadline.
| homas
(TCOMPTER, Cat 2, Top 34, Msg 24)
I find printing a draft and editing on paper to be much more productive and
satisfying than trying to edit in a word processor. Maybe it's the ink,
maybe it's because I can see the big picture better (instead of half a page
of text), but I find it so much easier.
(KWS, Cat 2, Top 34, Msg 25)
I'm not sure. I just get into the mood, and I try to go until it's done.
Exception: subjects that require lots of research.
Ryan M. Suenaga, M.S.W., L.S.W. - rsuenaga@apple2.org - A2's Head Geek
Alpha Testing CoPilot v2.55 and ProTERM 3.1
Offline Syndicomm.com Message Manager
(A2.RYAN, Cat 2, Top 34, Msg 27)
Syndicomm has printed fliers available describing our service and providing
information on some of our forums. If you'd like copies for your user
group meeting, or for anything else, please drop me an email with your
address and how many you want, and I'll get some out to you.
Please, this is for people planning to distribute them to others, not just
because you want to see what it looks like. :)
Eric "Sheppy" Shepherd sheppy@syndicomm.com
Owner, Syndicomm http://www.syndicomm.com
Building communities, bit by bit.
(SYNDICOMM, Cat 5, Top 20, Msg 9)
You can have a look at the flier at
http://www.syndicomm.com/syndiflier1.pdf -- we can still email you very
attractively printed, high-resolution, color versions for distribution
though, free of charge.
Eric "Sheppy" Shepherd sheppy@syndicomm.com
Owner, Syndicomm http://www.syndicomm.com
Building communities, bit by bit.
(SYNDICOMM, Cat 5, Top 20, Msg 10)
What would be the best telecom program to use on an Apple ][ plus equipped
with an 80 column card?
Mark Percival - Syndicomm.com Apple II RTC Host
"Midweek Madness!" every Wednesday night.
7:00 PM - 9:00 PM PDT
(MARK, Cat 10, Top 14, Msg 5)
Modem MGR.
If you like pain, ASCII Express Pro :)
Ryan M. Suenaga, M.S.W., L.S.W. - rsuenaga@apple2.org - A2's Head Geek
Alpha Testing CoPilot v2.55 and ProTERM 3.1
Offline Syndicomm.com Message Manager
(A2.RYAN, Cat 10, Top 14, Msg 7)
I have posted SOAR 1.0b5 on my web site:
This is a maintenance release, to fix the bugs that have been reported
here, and a few I found myself. The Message Retrieval feature now works
properly, and can handle the complete set of messages in a Topic, or the
last 5 only.
Please continue to report any bugs you find, and any ideas you have for new
Ewen Wannop - Speccie - Sat 23 Jun 2001 - 32 days till KFest '01
Delivered without using a IIgs by Spectrum v2.5.2 & SOAR 1.0b5
Setup: Bernie ][ the Rescue 3.0 and a Blue & White G3/350
(CONDUCTOR, Cat 10, Top 59, Msg 186)
I'm curious how people use System 6 sounds... do you set up none of them,
preferring quiet, or load your machine up with a wide assortment of
effects? Or do you go for a unified theme? :)
Me, I tend to pick at random, although I'd like to have a themed GS, I
don't have a good set of sounds to fill up all those events with. Anyone
know of any collections of themed sounds for System 6?
Eric "Sheppy" Shepherd sheppy@syndicomm.com
Owner, Syndicomm http://www.syndicomm.com
Building communities, bit by bit.
(SYNDICOMM, Cat 12, Top 15, Msg 1)
Years ago I installed a bunch of Bill & Ted sounds from Genie. They're
still in one of my IIgs's.
TIAB (and the Syndicomm.com FTP library, of course :) have a great range of
Ryan M. Suenaga, M.S.W., L.S.W. - rsuenaga@apple2.org - A2's Head Geek
Alpha Testing CoPilot v2.55 and ProTERM 3.1
Offline Syndicomm.com Message Manager
(A2.RYAN, Cat 12, Top 15, Msg 2)
I use the "simplebeep" for my beep (I find it to be much less harsh and
obnoxious than the regular beep) and leave everything else unassigned.
Years ago, I created some simpson rSounds (converted from files found on
the gopher) that I used for a few events "Mmmmm Forbidden Donut", "Don't
think about beer" and "D'oh!". I also replaced the full trash icon with a
picture of Homer Simpson's head :) I should probably go rooting through
TIAB and replace it with oscar the grouch peeking out of the can someday.
(KWS, Cat 12, Top 15, Msg 3)
I use a Star Trek theme on my IIgs, with a few exceptions. A few years ago
I was using a Ren & Stimpy theme, but that got old, fast. :)
I can never decide what sound emptying the trash should make: Worf
screaming when hit by pain sticks, or Data commenting, "You are capable of
great sadism and cruelty."
(KGAGNE, Cat 12, Top 15, Msg 5)
I have sounds for nearly everything, with no theme. I have an explosion for
putting something in the trash, and "Wipeout" for emptying it. The empty
trash can is the New York skyline, and the full trash can is a mushroom
cloud. I used to play with the sounds a lot, but haven't made any changes
now for many months.
Carl Knoblock - Telephone Tech - Fri 22 Jun 01 10:58:43 pm
cknoblo@home.com - Via Spectrum v2.5.1 & SOAR v1.0b4
2001: A KFest Odyssey, July 25-29, 2001 - 33 days till KFest
On cable via LANceGS & Marinetti 2.0.1 - Thank you, Richard.
A2 RTC Staff - Saturday Night House Party - carlk@syndicomm.com
(CARLK, Cat 12, Top 15, Msg 12)
I use George Carlin's "7 words you can't say on TV" as my system beep,
toilet plop and flush for filling and emptying the trash, Cindy's "Oh Tony"
for a disk inserted, a robotic Cylon saying "Attention" and various R-rated
movie sound bites for Alerts (ie. Bruce Willis' "Yippie-ki-yay #$%@" from
Die Hard or a Note alert, and Arnold saying something unprintable from
Terminator for a bad disk.) And of course, the opening notes of The Rolling
Stones "Start Me Up" is my startup sound.
The one thing I can't stand is having sounds assigned for opening and
closing windows (Whoosh). That just drives me nuts.
- Tony
(A2.TONY, Cat 12, Top 15, Msg 13)
I've just received permission to release the following through The Lost
Classics Project. Does anyone have the following:
Beneath Apple Manor (both original and special edition of the game, Apple
and PC versions)
Babble (random language generator)
Linker (Linkage Editor for use with Assembly Language)
Beneath Apple DOS (all editions)
Bag of Tricks (book and software - all editions)
Beneath Apple ProDOS (all editions)
Any help in scanning the books (into text (txt) format) would be
appreciated too.
Note that any copies of these programs currently out on the net would be
pirated copies and their quality suspect. I need to get clean copies to
which I can add the freeware notice the authors agreed to.
(A2.HOWARD, Cat 15, Top 3, Msg 4)
I replaced my ROM 1 battery last night, so here's some notes.
I used a replacement battery that came from MC Price Breakers-
http://www.mcpb.com/html/ap2mm2.html which costs $8.95 and includes an
instruction sheet. Any 3v 1/2 AA battery should do, but it comes with the
metal connectors wrapped to easily connect to the original battery.
The battery is under the power supply, and looks like this:
- ___| Battery |___ +
| |__________| |
front ---------------------- rear
You need to use wire cutters or a dremel to cut out the battery and leave
the posts:
| |
I suggest cutting close to the battery and straightening the 'posts' out so
you have more room to work with:
__ | < straightened out
| |
The replacement battery slides onto the posts, then use needlenose pliers
to crimp it on. Or you could soldier it, or twist the posts. + end of
battery goes near the rear of the mobo, - to the front. There's also a
letter 'F' near the - post, and F is a minus grade ....
My (original) battery was purple and underneath it, the motherboard was
labeled 'Battery'. If you remove your battery and it doesn't say so
underneath it, it probably wasn't the battery :)
Also, there's the letters C D E F near it.
It's not really all that hard if you've had some experience building or
taking apart stuff, and having a working battery is most useful :)
(KWS, Cat 17, Top 23, Msg 11)
Beta testers needed for CoPilot ProTERM 3.1 for the Syndicomm Online
Requirements: Apple IIgs running System 6.0.1, ProTERM 3.1, and some way of
telnetting via non Marinetti methods to Syndicomm.com, such as a shell
account or null modem connection to a Linux box.
Interested parties please email a2.ryan@syndicomm.com
Ryan M. Suenaga, M.S.W., L.S.W. - rsuenaga@apple2.org - A2's Head Geek
Alpha Testing CoPilot v2.55 and ProTERM 3.1
Offline Syndicomm.com Message Manager
(A2.RYAN, Cat 20, Top 1, Msg 1)
You can get info about GS ROM Grabber on Sarah's web site at
Eric "Sheppy" Shepherd sheppy@syndicomm.com
Owner, Syndicomm http://www.syndicomm.com
Building communities, bit by bit.
(SYNDICOMM, Cat 20, Top 9, Msg 1)
I guess this is the place for a post like this...
Due to declining (read "non-existent") shareware mail, the address
published for MUG! and the MSDOS Utilities (PO Box 493, Doncaster,
Australia) has "ceased to be". :-(
I can't quite bring myself to publish my home address on the Net (or even
on syndicomm.com), so I guess my public address will have to be my work
Peter Watson
C/o Fujitsu Australia Ltd
1230 Nepean Hwy
Cheltenham, VIC 3192
If all else fails, many people here know my real address anyway: Sheppy,
Joe Kohn, Ryan (I think), Mike Westerfield, etc, so I should be able to be
Peter peterw@syndicomm.com
Palm OS Community Bulletin Board Manager
(PETERW, Cat 20, Top 15, Msg 9)
I've installed a Zoom 56K Dual Mode modem on my IIgs. ProTERM has trouble
detecting connections, though. The modem will dial, a connection will be
made, but the timer will count down until I'm informed "a connection could
not be made." But if I close the dial window and change ProTERM to online
mode (option-T), I can login just fine. I do have some trouble with
uploads though.
My init string:
Any suggestions how to edit the string to correct these problems?
(KGAGNE, Cat 21, Top 4, Msg 2)
I've solved my modem init issues by adding "W0" to the init string, which I
believe disables negotiation messages.
(KGAGNE, Cat 21, Top 4, Msg 3)
Am I the only person that would love to see LANceGS support in ProTERM? :)
Eric "Sheppy" Shepherd sheppy@syndicomm.com
Owner, Syndicomm http://www.syndicomm.com
Building communities, bit by bit.
(SYNDICOMM, Cat 21, Top 7, Msg 1)
I'd love it. From what I've been told there just isn't enough memory in
the IIe to add it without dropping some other feature. Also there would be
the problem of not having published specs for the LANceGS card.
Mark Percival - Syndicomm.com Apple II RTC Host
"Midweek Madness!" every Wednesday night.
7:00 PM - 9:00 PM PDT
(MARK, Cat 21, Top 7, Msg 2)
There's always a way to add features. :)
Eric "Sheppy" Shepherd sheppy@syndicomm.com
Owner, Syndicomm http://www.syndicomm.com
Building communities, bit by bit.
(SYNDICOMM, Cat 21, Top 7, Msg 4)
Shoot, I'd be willing to keep two versions of ProTERM on my computer. One
feature-laden, and one... well, come to think of it, I'm not sure which
feature I _would_ be willing to part with :)
| homas
(TCOMPTER, Cat 21, Top 7, Msg 3)
What Juiced.GS CD-ROM compilations are available, other than TIAB and FFL?
(KGAGNE, Cat 23, Top 6, Msg 1)
Juiced.gs also handles orders for the A2Romulan CD (which has some stuff
that you probably would never find elsewhere)
(KWS, Cat 23, Top 6, Msg 2)
Juiced.GS also handles the famed "The Compleat Lamp" CD-ROM.
I hope to add another title to the list later this summer.
(JUICEDGS, Cat 23, Top 6, Msg 3)
A2-Central-On-Disk FROM SS II
I've been so busy getting ready for KansasFest that I almost forgot to look
up the info for the A2-Central collection. Here's what I found...
In the last issue of Shareware Solutions II, I wrote: "Before the
A2-Central-On-Disk collection can be made available, a lot of effort needs
to be devoted to cataloging and indexing those disks."
As it turned out, the cataloging and indexing of the disks turned out to be
the easiest part of the process. The hardest part was deciding the best and
most efficient way to make the contents of all those disks available. After
all, there is a total of 66 disks in the A2-Central-On-Disk collection, and
all of them are filled with software. If the contents were described within
the Shareware Solutions II newsletter, it would take two or three entire
issues to do so.
Instead of writing about it here, it's been decided that the very best
approach would be to have the actual editor of A2-Central-On-Disk tell you
himself about each issue and each disk.
On every issue of A2-Central-On-Disk, there was an introductory text file
that describes the contents of that issue. So, all 66 of these text files
have been compiled onto two 3.5" disks, and these disks will have to serve
as our catalog. These two catalog disks are available now from Shareware
Solutions II for $3.
Each individual A2-Central-On-Disk is available for $5. The cost for any
3 issues is $10. And the cost of the entire collection of 66 disks is $120.
All costs include postage to anywhere in the world.
(JOKO, Cat 26, Top 2, Msg 76)
You should do an A2-Central CD-ROM. I'd buy that.
Eric "Sheppy" Shepherd sheppy@syndicomm.com
Owner, Syndicomm http://www.syndicomm.com
Building communities, bit by bit.
(SYNDICOMM, Cat 26, Top 2, Msg 77)
Can I hold you to that, Sheppy? ;-)
A CD-ROM is entirely do-able, and price-wise, it could be offered for much
less than the 3.5" collection on 66 disks.
But time-wise, I doubt that it can be done in time for Kfest. As it is,
I expect that my CD burner will be getting very little rest in the next few
Joe Kohn
Delivered by Spectrum v2.5.2 & SOAR
(JOKO, Cat 26, Top 2, Msg 81)
Fishwings from Charles Danemark, the Windows disk image utility has just
received an update to v0.79. This version contains some bug fixes along
with a Windows TrueType Apple II text font. This is very cool since now I
can change my font on CRT to look exactly like my Apple IIe!
Fishwings is available from the author's home page at
Mark Percival - Syndicomm.com Apple II RTC Host
"Midweek Madness!" every Wednesday night.
7:00 PM - 9:00 PM PDT
(MARK, Cat 29, Top 5, Msg 18)
Has anyone tried Brutal Deluxe's Convert3200 program on Bernie? I lose all
GS mouse control when I get to the program's main menu.
I'm running Bernie 2.5.9 on OS 8.1, FWIW.
(KGAGNE, Cat 29, Top 21, Msg 75)
Try it with low level mouse support on (apple shift m, at least in the 3.0
Ryan M. Suenaga, M.S.W., L.S.W.
Delivered by: CoPilot v2.55 alpha, Bernie 3.0P, and a PowerBook
Offline Syndicomm.com Message Manager
(A2.RYAN, Cat 29, Top 21, Msg 77)
PROGRESS ON Bernie to the Rescue 3.0
Just wondering if anyone has any information on any progress of Bernie to
the Rescue 3.0. The last thing I heard from the Bernie Boys was when they
released the Pre-release version of 3.0.
Dain Neater
Bulletin Board Manager A2 Community
(A2.DAIN, Cat 29, Top 21, Msg 83)
Well, it's time for a Blatant Plug (tm) ...
The upcoming issue of Juiced.GS will contain an interesting interview
between our chief dog trainer Ryan Suenaga and Bernie's Top Dog Henrik
Gudat. Henrik addresses Bernie's future and where it stands related to Mac
OS X in this interview.
I hope to get this issue to the printer on Monday.
(JUICEDGS, Cat 29, Top 21, Msg 84)
Ok, I've encountered a problem. I'm creating a IIGS programmer's utility
(written in REALBasic) to help build all those darn hexadecimal flags,
moreflags, textflags, etc. It's a quickie little utility for when you
don't want to haul out DesignMaster, Genesys or foundation, and don't want
to strain your brain with Hexidecimal math.
I'm making good progress, and my problem isn't technical, it's aesthetic.
My program was originally intended to be composed of a simple tab panel,
with one tab for each control or message/whatever that I was supporting.
It might look like this:
__________ _______ ______ __________ ________ ____
/wFrameBits\ /wInVerb\ /Button\ /IconButton\ /StatText\ /Grow\
/ \/_________\/________\/____________\/__________\/______|
| _ _ _ _ |
||_| fTitle |_| fBScroll |_| fMove |_| fCtlTie |
| _ _ _ _ |
||_| fClose |_| fGrow |_| fQCont |_| fAllocated |
| _ _ _ _ wFrameBits |
||_| fAlert |_| fFlex |_| fVis |_| fZoomed _________ |
| _ _ _ _ |$FFFF | |
||_| fRScroll |_| fZoom |_| fInfo |_| fHilited |_________| |
| |
I was expecting that, like Visual Basic, REALBasic would support multiple
rows of tabs. Sadly, this is not the case, so I'm limited to only one row.
The problem is, I've got a lot more tabs planned than will fit on one line.
So now what do I do? Create another separate window? Put a second tab
panel in the same window? Use a menu to select between panels? (As I
think about it, I like the idea of a Window menu, where you can select
which window (panel) you want to look at.)
On a related note, I currently plan to implement panels for each of the
following. If there is an obvious one I'm missing, or if there is a
favorite you have that's not listed, please let me know and I'll add it to
the list.
Button (4 types)
Radio Button
Icon Button
Grow Box
TextEdit Control
List Box
Popup Menu
Finally, since it is almost certain that I'll have to break these into two
groups, how should they be divided?
Thanks for any help
| homas
(TCOMPTER, Cat 50, Top 5, Msg 5)
Thomas... how about using a list control with a list of the things you can
generate values for? Or a separate floating window with a list?
Eric "Sheppy" Shepherd sheppy@syndicomm.com
Owner, Syndicomm http://www.syndicomm.com
Building communities, bit by bit.
(SYNDICOMM, Cat 50, Top 5, Msg 6)
I think the IIgs solution (where there is no provided tab view) would be a
menu, pop-up menu button, or a scrolling list of icons, like with the
Control Panels NDA.
(KWS, Cat 50, Top 5, Msg 7)
I first learned real programming (as opposed to typing in BASIC listings
and not entirely knowing why they did what they did) from a "teach yourself
pascal" course I found on a local bbs. I read it and said "okay, I guess
you can't do anything worthwhile in pascal" :). I think it did help when I
actually did learn pascal in college. I got Orca/Pascal, took a class in
C, and got orca/C.
By then, I had disassembled enough orca c/pascal object files (and seen
enough asm source code) to have a fairly good understanding of 65816
assembly. Which helped somewhat when I took a college class on 8086
assembly. I don't recall if I got Orca/M before or after that. I also
read a couple 65816 books, and a couple 650x books from the college
How did other people get their A2 programming skills?
(KWS, Cat 50, Top 6, Msg 23)
I learned a little BASIC in grade school, then taught myself more. Met
Greg Templeman in high school; he helped me learn assembly. I got Pascal
in high school as well, in class. C I taught myself.
Eric "Sheppy" Shepherd sheppy@syndicomm.com
Owner, Syndicomm http://www.syndicomm.com
Building communities, bit by bit.
(SYNDICOMM, Cat 50, Top 6, Msg 24)
heh, it could be argued that I don't _have_ any A2 programming skills
(yet), but as for programming skills in general, I started with an HP-25
calculator in college, where I also took a course in Fortran (CS101).
When I got my EurApple ][+ in 1981, I started in with AppleSoft. I loved
the Beagle utilities, and used them extensively in all my little projects.
I think it wasn't until I got my IIGS that I tried out Pascal, and I've
never done anything with Assembly (too scary still). In fact, I bought
Merlin 8/16 many years ago, and just sold it last month without EVER having
written one line of code with it :( When I started in on my Computer
Science degree, I got Orca C, so that I could stay out of the computer lab
at school as much as possible. That only partially worked, since we
actually used C++ in school most of the time.
| homas
(TCOMPTER, Cat 50, Top 6, Msg 25)
I got my first taste of programming while in HS. Our school got a keypunch
to punch holes in computer cards, and the local Jr. College computer center
had timeshare on a CDC 6400 in Boulder, Colo. We'd have a lesson in
Fortran, punch our cards, and on Thursday nights, head into town to the
college to run our programs.
Of course, most of the time, we'd get a core dump, and have to debug our
programs on the spot and punch some more cards to correct our boo-boo's.
As I recall, it was a lot of fun. B-{)
Later, when I went to college, I was programming HP desktop programmable
calculators which used paper tape instead of cards, and used BASIC.
I purchased a TI-59 programmable calculator then, and programmed a lot with
it. It stored it's programs and date on small magnetic cards. It was
cool. It was stolen my first year of teaching. I still miss it. B-{(
I went through reams of paper at the University Library Computer Center
teletypes playing Adventure and Wumpus. I did very little programming
then, but had some courses on Boolean Algebra which caused some minor brain
damage. I did wire up some nice gates that actually did what they were
supposed to. B-{)
It was during my student teaching days when I saw my first Personal
Computer... a TRS-80... and it even had a disk drive! I programmed a
nifty semi-graphical artillery game on it in BASIC during my "planning"
hours. I impressed the students nearly as much as I impressed myself.
At my first teaching job, I was given free rein to purchase whatever
computer equipment I wanted, so I got two Apple II+'s with _TWO_ drives
each, _AND_ the "Language System Card" with UCSD Pascal and Fortran. I was
in heaven, but my first year was a bit tough with so few computers for my
class sizes.
I taught BASIC to start, learned Pascal from books, and after we got our
first GS's , even taught some C and Assembly (always trying to stay a step
or two ahead of the students.).
Alas, the time came when the Administration came to the conclusion that we
should get a bunch of Macs (Classics at that...gag!), stop teaching
programming, and teach applications instead. It was probably the right
decision, but it pretty much closed the door on most of my programming. Of
course, the world is probably a safer place because of this. B-{)
Hmm... That's probably more than anyone wanted to know. B-{)
A2Central Chief Sysop, RTC Manager and Janitor
(A2.KIRK, Cat 50, Top 6, Msg 26)
HUMOR FROM The A2 FORUM at Syndicomm.com |
(A2Central.com) |
by Lyle Syverson <lyle@foxvalley.net>
My grand-daddy worked in a blacksmith shop when he was a young fella, and
he used to tell me, when I was a little nipper, how he had toughened
himself up so he could stand the hard work of blacksmithing.
One story was how he had developed his arm and shoulder muscles. As he told
it, he would stand outside behind the wood shed, with a 5 pound potato sack
in each hand, extend his arms straight out from his sides and hold them
there as long as he could.
After awhile he tried 10 pound potato sacks, then 50 pound potato sacks and
finally he got to where he could lift a 100 pound potato sack in each hand
and hold his arms straight out for more than two full minutes. . . .
Then he started putting potatoes in the sacks.
(KGAGNE, Cat 2, Top 13, Msg 25)
by Lyle Syverson <lyle@foxvalley.net>
The editor was not able to obtain the necessary permissions to publish any
of the threads from Delphi A2 this month.
The mail box for Letters to the Editor remained empty this month.
Express your opinions about the comings and goings in the world of the
Apple II computers.
Send your comments to Lyle Syverson, Editor <lyle@FoxValley.net>
The Editor reserves the right to edit any material submitted.
The Editor reserves the right to reject any material he considers
unsuitable for publication in _The Lamp!_.
KFest 2001 |
KansasFest 2001
by Douglas Cuff
The Accidental Tourist at KansasFest
Copyright 1996-1999, 2001 by Douglas Cuff. All rights reserved.
KansasFest is the Apple II event of the year. Every summer, Apple II
users, aficionados, and programmers gather in Kansas City, Missouri to
celebrate the Apple II computer. This year's event will be the thirteenth
annual KansasFest.
The Accidental Tourist travel guides were described by Anne Tyler in
her 1985 novel of the same name (later a movie starring William Hurt,
Kathleen Turner, and Geena Davis). The Accidental Tourist guides were
designed for the business traveler for whom the mere thought of travel
produces feelings of anxiety and defenseless. The guides were meant to
soothe and comfort the non-adventurous traveler. If you've never be en to
KansasFest before, this guide will do the same for you. If you're an old
hand at KansasFest, this guide will provide you with some helpful
One word of warning: If there's a conflict between the advice you
receive from the Accidental Tourist and the instructions you're given from
the information packet when you arrive at KansasFest--pay attention to the
official info packet. These folks know the score.
(If you've read this far with a growing sense of _deja vu, that's
because this article originally appeared in _GenieLamp A2_ Vol. 5, Issue 52
[July 1996], and has been reprinted in _GenieLamp A2_ or _The Lamp!_ every
year since, the year 2000 excepted.)
KansasFest began in 1989 as the A2-Central Developer Conference, and
didn't begin calling itself KansasFest until its third year, 1991. KFest
is not just for programmers and developers any more. If you've never been
to KansasFest before, you don't know what you're missing! It's a great
chance to learn about your Apple II, mingle with other users, and see what
software other people are working on.
I can't say exactly how many people will there, but a safe estimate
is 50-80 attendees (counting those who stay off-campus). What campus?
KansasFest takes place entirely at Avila College, in the southernmost part
of Kansas City.
Avila College is small--approximately 1500 students--which means you
can walk anywhere on campus in five minutes. Use of a car is therefore as
optional as it's ever going to get, assuming you fly to Kansas. (The one
time you are going to be hollering for a vehicle is when you try to get to
and from Kansas City International airport. More on that shortly.) Here's
the college address:
Avila College
11901 Wornall Road
Kansas City, Missouri 64145
phone (816) 942-8400
Notice that KansasFest takes place in Kansas City, Missouri and not
Kansas City, Kansas. The Kansas state border is less than a mile away, if
that comforts you any.
This year, KansasFest is scheduled for July 25-July 29, but dorm
rooms are available for the nights of July 24-July 28.
PM Tue July 24 early arrival
Wed July 25 registration and keynote address (evening)
Thu July 26 scheduled sessions
Fri July 27 scheduled sessions
Sat July 28 demos (morning); vendors' fair (afternoon)
AM Sun July 29 farewell
Check-in time is 1-4 PM Wednesday. Checkout time is 11 AM-1 PM
Sunday. How much the conference costs depends on when you pay for it and
what kind of accommodation you require. You can save a few bucks if you're
willing to share a room--private rooms cost more. (The prices went up by
$50 on May 1, 2001.) Arriving a day early costs a little more, naturally.
arrival: Wed. Tue.
private room $325 $358
shared room $275 $300
spouse rate $225 $250
conference only $225
It is possible to stay at a hotel for about the same price, but
staying on campus is still a better idea, since after-hours activities are
a big part of KansasFest. If you've ever attended a conference held in one
hotel but stayed in another hotel, you'll remember how much you'd wished
you'd stayed "on site".
Also, the campus room rates include meals from Wednesday evening
dinner on July 25 through Sunday morning breakfast on July 29, with the
exception of the Saturday evening meal.
One note on meals for all attendees: For the first eight years of
KansasFest, free lunch at Avila's cafeteria used to be included for _all_
KFesters, even those not staying on campus. These days, those not staying
on campus must provide their own lunches. Fortunately, being banished from
the Avila cafeteria ought not make anyone weep.
Those staying on campus should also note that no meals are provided
on Tuesday or Wednesday (because both dates are before the official start)
nor on Saturday night (because that's the unofficially official night on
the town). Keep in mind that you're on your own your last night there.
You can get a breakfast on Sunday, though, if you're staying on campus.
You will be staying in either Ridgway or Carondelet dormitory, both
of which were built in 1963. For those of you who have never experienced
dorm life or have forgotten what it was like, expect spartan surroundings.
Forget the idea of a private bathroom, but you'll be glad to know that the
rooms are air-conditioned.
BEFORE YOU GO As with any conference trip, you need to arrange for
""""""""""""" several things:
o conference attendance;
o accommodation (included in package);
o meals (included in package);
o transport to/from conference.
Those attending from outside the United States will also need:
o passport/visa;
o medical insurance;
o US currency/traveler's checks.
Conference Attendance There are 50 or so spaces for on-campus attendees,
''''''''''''''''''''' and even if you register late, there may be room
for off-campus conference attendees. You may be able to register at Avila
on July 25. Check first.
You can get more KansasFest information by checking out the KFest
Home Page at http://www.kfest.org. For specific information, e-mail
kfest-help@kfest.org. There's also a KFest mailing list, which you can
subscribe to by sending e-mail to majordomo@kfest.org, and including the
words "subscribe kfest" in the body of the message (the body, not the
subject). The mailing list has up-to-the-minute chatter.
If you'd like to register, contact:
InTrec Software, Inc.
Attn: KFest Registration
3035 E. Topaz Circle
Phoenix, AZ 85028-4423
Please make checks and money order payable to InTrec Software--in US
dollars, and drawn on a US bank.
Credit card registration is also available. Just call InTrec
Software, Inc. with your Visa, MasterCard, Discovery, or American Express
number at (602) 992-1345, Monday-Friday 8:00 AM-5:00 PM Mountain Standard
Time. You can also fax your registration with credit card account number
and expiration date to (602) 992-0232 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Or e-mail your credit card account number and expiration date to
In summary, to register by credit card:
o write to the address above (checks also okay here);
o phone (602) 992-1345;
o fax (602) 992-0232; or
o e-mail kfest@intrec.com
But remember, that's only when you know you want to register. If you
have questions first, send e-mail to kfest-help@kfest.org.
Accommodation If you're staying at Avila College campus, chances are good
''''''''''''' that you're going to be sharing a room with one other
person. Space is limited, so you're unlikely to end up in a room by
yourself unless you specifically request a private room (which costs more).
The rooms are _not_ co-ed (aside from the occasional married couple), but
the dorms are.
Here are some hotels relatively near Avila College. Please be warned
that I haven't stayed at any of them, so I can't make recommendations.
Approximate room rates are shown. NOTE: There aren't any hotels within
walking distance of Avila College, so plan on having transportation if
you're staying off-campus.
First, the two closest hotels:
Fairfield Inn--Overland Park
4401 W. 107th, Shawnee, KS, 66207-4002
1-800-228-2800 / 913-381-5700
(closest hotel to KansasFest in Kansas)
Courtyard by Marriott--Kansas City (South)
500 E. 105th Street, Kansas City, MO 64131-4308
1-800-321-2211 / 816-941-3333
(closest hotel to KansasFest in Missouri)
Now, some nearby hotels in alphabetical order:
AmeriSuites Overland Park
5001 West 110th Street, Overland Park, KS 66211
1-800-833-1516 / 913-491-9002
AmeriSuites--Overland Park
6801 West 112th Street, Overland Park, KS 66211-1577
1-800-833-1516 / 913-451-2553
Chase Suite Hotel Overland Park
6300 West 110th Street, Overland Park, KS 66211-1527
Courtyard Overland Park--Metcalf
11301 Metcalf Avenue, Overland Park, KS 66210
1-800-321-2211 / 913-339-9900
Courtyard Overland Park Convention Center
11001 Woodson Street, Overland Park, KS 66211
1-800-321-2211 / 913-317-8500
Courtyard Kansas City South
500 East 105th Street, Kansas City, MO 64131
1-800-321-2211 / 816-941-3333
(room rate unknown)
Days Inn Kansas City South
11801 Blue Ridge Boulevard, Kansas City, MO 64134-3720
Doubletree Hotels Overland Park--Corporate Woods
10100 College Boulevard, Overland Park, KS 66210-1416
Drury Inn & Suites--Overland Park
10951 Metcalf Avenue, Overland Park, KS 66210
Embassy Suites Hotels
10601 Metcalf Road (at I-435), Overland Park, KS 66212
1-800-362-2779 / 913-649-7060
(may charge for local calls)
Hampton Inn
10591 Metcalf Frontage Road, Overland Park, KS 66212
1-800-426-7866 / 913-341-1551
Holiday Inn Kansas City South
5701 Longview Road, Kansas City, MO 64137-2728
Holiday Inn
10920 Nall Avenue, Overland Park, KS 66211
(room rate unknown)
Holiday Inn Express
7200 West 107th Terrace, Overland Park, KS 66212
(room rate unknown)
Homewood Suites by Hilton
10556 Marty Avenue, Overland Park, KS 66212
1-800-225-5466 / 913-341-5576
Overland Park Marriott
10800 Metcalf Avenue, Overland Park, KS 66210
1-800-228-9230 / 913-451-8000
Red Roof Inn--Kansas City Overland Park
6800 West 108th Street, Overland Park, KS 66211
Residence Inn Overland Park
12010 Blue Valley Parkway, Overland Park, KS 66213
1-800-331-3131 / 913-491-4444
SpringHill Suites Kansas--Overland Park
12000 Blue Valley Parkway, Overland Park, KS 66213
1-888-287-9400 / 913-491-0010
Meals If you're staying on Avila campus, meals are included in the
''''' package price (except Saturday evening). If you aren't staying at
Avila, you're completely on your own.
If you find the cafeteria food not to your liking--and many
don't--you'll be relieved to know that there's a supermarket about 25
minutes' walk away. Here's how to get there:
Start at Carondelet dorm. Stand with your back to the dorm entrance,
so that you can see the Marian Center if you look left. Turn right from
Carondelet and walk down to the parking lot. Turn left and walk out of the
parking lot, down Sister Oliver Louise Drive. This private road takes you
to 118th Street. Turn left and walk on 118th until you reach Wornall Road.
Turn right on Wornall until you reach the intersection of Wornall and
Minor. Turn right onto Minor Drive.
Once on Minor, ten minutes' walk will bring you to an intersection
from which you can see a large parking lot. Veer left and you'll be at a
small shopping mall that boasts a bank, a supermarket, and a restaurant.
(NOTE: This trip can be made a few minutes shorter, but these directions
are simpler, and can be easily adapted for use by motorists as well as
If you're not staying on Avila campus, you're probably sufficiently
adventurous to know how to find decent food in a strange city. Be aware
that Saturday evening is when the group has a night out at a restaurant
(often either KC Masterpiece or Jess & Jim's). Let them know you want to
be part of the crowd that night! And there may be other excursions on
other nights... you'll hear about them if you keep your ears open.
Transportation 101/A--Getting to Kansas Many of you intend to fly to
''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' Kansas City. The airport you
will be arriving at is Kansas City International (MCI). The airport has
three arc-shaped terminals. If you're meeting someone there, be sure that
everyone intends to go to the same terminal, or that everyone is catching
the (free) shuttle to the same car rental agency.
You can pick up a city map at one of the airport magazine stands.
The Gousha map has Avila College marked (grid location I-19). If you have
the (1998) AAA map, you'll find Avila College at grid location AX-24. If
you don't have a map, better pay close attention:
If you drew a map of Kansas City on a sheet of paper (8.5x11 or A4
size), the airport would be in the upper left corner, to the northwest.
Avila College would be near the bottom of the piece of paper, near the
center. Point taken?
(There is also a map at http://www.kcairports.com/citymap.htm. It
shows Wornall Road, the road that Avila College is on. Look just below the
red square labeled "The Plaza". However, that's just part of Wornall, and
is _not_ where Avila College is; that's nearer the bottom of the map,
beneath the southernmost part of I-435.)
The distance between Avila College and the international airport is
not small. It's perhaps 45 miles by the recommended route (below), so
allow an hour's travel time at a bare minimum. What with collecting your
luggage and arranging/co-ordinating ground transportation, it's probably
safer to assume it will take you two hours to get from the airport to
Avila, starting from the time the plane's landing gear touches the tarmac
and stopping when you sling your suitcase onto the dorm bed.
Be aware that the airport is undergoing construction this year. If
you're an old hand, you should know that the airline may not land at the
same terminal you're used to.
If you need more information on the Kansas City International
Airport, you can check out their World Wide Web page,
Transportation 101/B--Getting to Avila Since the distance from the
'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' airport to Avila College is 28
miles as the crow flies, and about 45 miles by car, you don't even want to
think about taking a taxi. For a one-way trip, you'd pay $35 minimum,
possibly as much as $70.
If you book ahead, you can get Quicksilver to take you to Avila
College at a more reasonable rate:
$29 for 1 person
$37 for 2 people ($18.50 per person)
$45 for 3 people ($15.00 per person)
$53 for 4 people ($13.25 per person)
These rates are one-way. For convenience's sake, you can also book a
return trip at the same time you arrange for Quicksilver to pick you up at
the airport.
You _must_ book Quicksilver in advance. They generally need at
least one's day's notice, so call them at 1-800-888-8294 or 913-262-0905.
call them once you arrive at the airport--you can't.
If you want to research other similar shuttle services, try pointing
your web browser to http://www.kcairports.com/kci/shuttle.htm.
If you don't want to rent a car, you could also take the Airport
Express van to the Overland Park Marriott hotel and take a cab from there.
(Those of you renting cars at the airport: we'll discuss the route shortly,
in the ARRIVAL section.)
PREPARING FOR THE TRIP Get plenty of sleep before you go, because you're
"""""""""""""""""""""" not likely to get much sleep at KansasFest.
KansasFest days are 18 hours long, unless they're 20 or 24 hours long.
There's too much going on to waste time in sleep!
On the same note, make sure you don't schedule anything important
(like operating heavy machinery) for the day after KansasFest--Monday, July
30. You'll have had so little sleep that you won't feel your best.
Packing--Computer Stuff Lots of people bring computers. If you're doing
''''''''''''''''''''''' this, make a backup of your hard drive and leave
the backup at home. If you won't feel safe unless you take a backup with
you, make two backups.
If you're bringing a hard drive and you're travelling by plane, you
may want to consider packing the hard drive in your carry-on luggage. That
way, you can extract the hard drive from the luggage before it gets X-rayed
(!). Tell the attendant that what you are carrying in your hand is a hard
drive for a computer, and the X-ray machine might damage it. Chances are
they'll handle it differently. If they tell you that no damage could
possibly be caused, don't believe them. (You may have to obey them, but
don't believe them.) Try insisting--politely!--on special handling anyway.
Incidentally, X-rays are not good for diskettes either.
Bring extension cords, power bars, and surge suppressors, plus a
phone cord if you bring your modem, or a properly configured Ethernet cable
if you'll be using a Macintosh or WinTel box, or have a LANceGS card and a
separate router. (For Ethernet cable details, see Ryan Suenaga's KFest
FAQ, available at http://www.kfest.org/kfestfaq.html.) Bring plenty of
blank disks. Bring anything you'd like to show off, either software or
Packing--Other Stuff A word about clothing: KansasFest is "dress
'''''''''''''''''''' casual", and Kansas City in July is hot and humid,
so light clothing would be a good idea. If you're bringing anything that
you want to hang in the closet, bring your own hangers.
You should pack a bathrobe or something you don't mind walking the
halls in when you rise in the morning. The dorms will be housing both
sexes, and there are no private bathrooms.
Towels are supplied, but you can pack an extra one if you feel so
inclined. Be sure to bring all the usual toiletries: soap, shampoo,
toothbrush, and all the etceteras.
There are modular phone jacks in all the dorm rooms, but phones are
not provided, so pack a phone, if only for local calls (which are free).
If you know who your roommate is, you can assure her or him that you're
bringing the phone and save her or him the trouble.
If you're serious about making the morning sessions, an alarm clock
is a good idea. If you're _really_ serious about attending morning
sessions, ear plugs--for the night before--couldn't hurt either. <grin>
Unless you're a private soul, some sort of sign for your door is a
good idea, so that people can find you. Many people take the trouble to
make their signs before they leave home.
Don't forget your airline tickets and other travel documents, if any,
but don't pack them in your checked luggage. Also don't forget a quarter
and a dime for a phone call.
ARRIVING As long as you arrive during normal check-in hours, 1-4 PM
"""""""" Wednesday, you shouldn't experience any problems. But what if
you know you won't arrive then? What if you've never been to Kansas City
before? What if you've never left your home town before? Read on, and
we'll deal with several what-ifs.
Getting from the Airport to Avila If you've arranged with an airport
''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' transportation service (like
Quicksilver) to pick you up at the airport, as you leave the "gate", look
for someone holding up a sign with your name on it. (The sign will
probably also have the name of the service written on it.)
Of course, these airport shuttles have been known to get busy at
KansasFest time. If no one is there looking for you, start looking for
them. Their people are usually easy to spot. If there's no one from the
airport transportation service in the terminal, don't panic. Just call
them--it'll be a local call from the airport. (You did remember the coins
for a phone call, didn't you?)
Remember that you usually _cannot_ ride with an airport shuttle
service unless you have made a reservation in advance.
Driving from the Airport to Avila If you're renting a car, look for the
''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' desk of the rental agency you're
dealing with. (If you have to go to another terminal, remember that there
are free shuttle buses among the three terminals.)
Once you've got your car, exit through the airport's main gate
(Cookingham Drive) onto Interstate 29 heading south. At highway 152, exit
west. Follow 152 west to I-435. Take I-435 south and follow it around
until it reaches Wornall Road from the west. Take the Wornall Road exit.
Then turn in at Avila College (which is a left turn off Wornall if you
approach it from I-435). Check our handy Avila map below for where to
park. The best place is probably the lot near the dormitories.
After Hours Arrival It's Wednesday night, and it's dark already. The
''''''''''''''''''' airport limo has just dropped you off... or you've
just parked the rental car. You're tired after the long drive from the
airport. You've never been to Avila College before. Now what do you do?
Well, if you know beforehand that you're going to arrive after hours,
you should contact KFest organizer Steve Gozdziewski so that he can let the
Avila staff know about late arrivals. Suppose, however, that you've
arrived late by accident--your flight was delayed, or your car had a flat?
What do you do now?
It's easy. The campus at Avila is small, and there are only a few
buildings that KFesters need to explore:
I and II. either Ridgway or Carondelet dormitory: This is where you
sleep, at least in theory. Even hotel-dwellers need to know about the
dorms, since sessions are held in the lounges in the dorms. And anyway,
most people spend a lot of evenings hanging out here.
III. Marian Center: This is where the cafeteria is. Unless you're
booked into a nearby hotel, this is where you come to eat. This is also
where the keynote address is traditionally held. Yes, you're allowed to
attend the keynote address even if you're staying at a hotel.
IV. Whitfield Conference Center: This building won't be used for
KansasFest this year, just in case the vendor fair or some other event is
relocated here at the last minute. (Whitfield has been used in past years
for various events.) The building is sufficiently small that you'd have to
try really hard to get lost here. If you walk the path to Whitfield from
one of the other buildings listed below, go down the stairs as soon as you
get inside the door. If you enter Whitfield from the roadway, you're at
the main conference entrance, so don't worry.
Look at the map of the campus below and get your bearings:
* ___________ *
* ########## | | *
* ########## ... | *
* ########## . |___________| *
* . . ########***
* ______ . ......... ######## *
* | | . ___.____ *
* | | . | | *
* |______| . | Marian | *
* . | Center | *
* ______ . |________| *
**** | | . . *
* | | . .............. *
* | | . . ____._____ ##
* |______| ................................ | | ##
* . _____ . |Carondelet| ##
* ________.__ | | . | dorm | ##
___ * | | | | . |__________| ##
| | * [| Whitfield | | | ____._____ ##
| | #*#[| Center | |_____| | | ################
| | #*# |___________| | Ridgway | ################
|___| #*# | dorm | ################
#*# |__________|
... = pathway
*** = roadway
### = parking
[ = main entrance (Whitfield)
(There is also a good map at http://www.avila.edu/campus/maps.htm.)
A good place to start may be Marian Center, since the keynote address
is taking place there on Wednesday night. If it's late Wednesday night,
forget about registering for the _conference_. Check-in ended at 4 PM.
Concentrate on registering for your _room_, so at least you'll have a place
to sleep tonight.
If it's extremely late at night, the front doors of the dorms may be
shut. Look for a buzzer that will rouse a member of the staff.
The best thing to do is to read the instructions in your preliminary
information packet. If those instructions don't produce satisfactory
results, wander about one or both of the dorms until you find someone
who'll take pity on you. You'll get a room assignment and a room key.
(You may even get a sheet of paper that tells you who you've been billeted
with and how to register for the conference on the following morning.)
Do not panic when you see your room key. If you're staying in
Ridgway, the lowest number it will have on it is 401. That does _not_ mean
you're on the fourth floor. (Particularly as Ridgway has only three
floors.) If your room number begins with 4, it means you're on the first
floor (or "ground floor" to most Europeans). Similar deal for the second
and third floors. If your room number doesn't begin with 4, 5, or 6, it
means you aren't staying at Ridgway--you're probably staying at Carondelet.
If wandering around the dorms doesn't produce any results, try Marian
Center. If you still can't find anyone, wander down toward Whitfield.
Arriving after hours means you get to check in to your room. You
still must register for the conference in the morning. We'll cover that in
the "Business Hours Arrival" section. For now, what about your room?
Your Room Rooms at the Avila College dorms each have two beds. If your
''''''''' roommate is there, smile and introduce yourself. If your
roommate isn't there, don't be alarmed. Your roommate may not have arrived
yet, in which case you get to grab the best bed. (I'm joking. Neither bed
will be any less loathsome than the other.) Probably your roommate has
already arrived, grabbed the best bed, and is out visiting others.
Near the beds is a long institutional-looking unit with two closets,
two sets of drawers, and assorted storage space. The opposite side of this
unit is a desk long enough for two people to work at. There's plenty of
room for two computers on this desk, but there's just one outlet per
computer. If you don't have a power bar or a Kensington System Saver or an
AE Conserver, you're going to be limited to plugging in the computer and
the monitor--no hard drive, no modem, nothing else. (Those of you with
internal hard drives can stop being smug right now.)
Near the desk are two outlets that seem to be phone jacks. They
_aren't_ phone jacks--they're Ethernet ports (RJ-45 connectors to a 10
Base-T connection, for the technically-oriented). The phone jack is on the
other side of the room, by the beds. If you didn't bring plenty of phone
extension cord, you'll have to set up your computer at the foot of your
bed. (Don't laugh. It's happened.) Don't waste time looking for the
phone; they aren't supplied, which is why you had to bring one in your
suitcase. To find out the phone number of your room (so that people can
call you), ask one of the Avila staff. If you didn't bring a phone, you
can still use one of the pay phones in the hallways.
When dialing out from your dorm room, either with a phone or a modem,
you'll need to prefix the number with a 9 to get an outside line. If
you're using a modem, you may be able to use its "wait for dialtone"
feature before you dial the number. So the proper sequence would be:
If your modem doesn't support "wait for dialtone", try using a few
commas (,) to create a pause:
You may also need to set your software up so it waits about 45
seconds for a connect instead of the standard 30 seconds, because it takes
a bit longer to get through to the number you're dialing.
Of course, if you've brought a Macintosh or WinTel box, or you have a
LANceGS card and have brought a separate router, you may be able to use the
Ethernet connection instead of the phone line. There are several gotchas
here. Check out Ryan Suenaga's KFest FAQ for more information.
The only real luxury in these rooms is air-conditioning. No private
baths here, but you'll find bathrooms just down the corridor a piece. The
one I frequented had one bathtub, two showers, three toilets, four sinks
(one with an attachment for washing hair), and assorted mirrors. Every
floor also seems to have a TV lounge and a small kitchen.
Business Hours Arrival If you arrive at Avila between 9 AM and 5 PM
'''''''''''''''''''''' (preferably between 1 PM and 4 PM Wednesday!), you
can register for the conference and your room (if applicable) at the same
time. Check your pre-conference packet for information on where to
register. It will be somewhere in one of the four buildings mentioned
above, of course--probably one of the dorms.
One note of warning: if you've been told to register somewhere--say,
Ridgway dorm--and no one has shown up fifteen minutes after the listed
start time, then by all means check Carondelet dorm, Marian Center, and
Whitfield Center to see if registration has been moved there. It's
unlikely you'll have to worry about something like this, but it doesn't
hurt to be prepared.
ONCE YOU'RE THERE KansasFest is not difficult to figure out. Still, here
""""""""""""""""" are a few tips to help you get the most out of the
Curricular Events Originally, KansasFest was a conference for Apple II
''''''''''''''''' developers--people who wanted to create software and
hardware for others to use. Nowadays it's for users, too. Don't worry
that you don't belong there--you do and you're welcome, whether you've come
to party or come to learn.
The sessions--no one dignifies them with the name "seminars"--are
mostly in the lounge areas of the dormitories. Wandering around is a good
skill to develop.
On Saturday, there's a demonstration of new and upcoming products and
a vendors' fair. The fair is a chance to pick up products at special KFest
prices, and to see and buy software never before released.
Semi-curricular Events While not officially part of the proceedings, some
'''''''''''''''''''''' products _may_ be released at KansasFest. (I
sometimes think Apple II programmers would never ever ship if it weren't
for KansasFest and Christmas.) This year, I haven't heard any
announcements, so you'll have to attend to find out what's up-and-coming.
Even if nothing gets released, you're practically guaranteed some
product previews. At this point, in previous years, I've made a few wild
guesses at what you might see. Sadly, this year I've been so busy that I
haven't been in a position to hear any rumors.
A great programming event again this year is HackFest, which begins 7
AM Wednesday and closes to entries 7 AM Saturday. Syndicomm sponsors this
event to produce software for the Apple II community.
Extra-curricular Events It is perfectly possible to attend KansasFest,
''''''''''''''''''''''' attend the sessions 9-5, and go back home. But
why would you want to?
One reason you might want to is that you're shy. You're shy at any
gathering, but you can't imagine conversing with Eric Shepherd, Geoff
Weiss, Joe Kohn, Max Jones, or Ryan Suenaga! There's no reason to be shy.
Do what Dean Esmay did at his first KansasFest: walk around introducing
yourself. To everyone. You'll meet lots of people just as awestruck as
you are, and you can swap tips, stories, recommendations, and lies. Don't
be intimidated by meeting well-known Apple II figures. Heck, we're all
"just folks".
Don't let yourself leave KansasFest without having mingled. Wander
around the dorms. If there's one person sitting at a computer, just say
"hi". You're intelligent enough to know how to figure out if the person is
hard at work or at home to callers. If there are several people--which is
far more likely, particularly during the evening--you might be shy about
joining the group. Don't be. Just announce your presence ("Hi, everybody!
Room for one more?"). You'll be surprised how welcome the group will make
you feel. Whatever the group is doing, it's probably in "kibitz mode", so
join in! What will the group be doing? Hard to say. They might be:
o trying out software that hasn't been released yet;
o trying to get a piece of software to crash;
o trying to get it to stop crashing (i.e. debugging it);
o sending a group message to A2Central.com;
o playing a game;
o fixing hardware;
o reminiscing about previous KansasFests; or
o telling stories about the heyday of the Apple II.
There's a chance that the group will be "multi-tasking"--that is,
doing more than one of these things at the same time.
There are other extra-curricular events that have almost become KFest
traditions: Nerf(TM) warfare and a game called Bite the Bag, which
involves a paper bag and a sense of balance. But what about the "real"
Tradition I: Celebrity Roast If the term "celebrity roast" is new to you,
'''''''''''''''''''''''''''' rest assured that it's not dangerous, not
even to the celebrity. Open flame is not involved, except metaphorically.
A roast is simply an event where members of a panel give short speeches
which "honor" the celebrity guest by dishing out good-natured insults and
back-handed compliments: "Max Jones refuses to admit that the Apple II is
dead. That's an admirable quality, but it's possible to take it too far.
Max also refuses to admit that his ancestors are dead, and he props them up
at the dinner table every night. The conversation is deadly enough, but
the smell is unbearable." (Except that most of the jokes will be funnier
than that.) Ideally, the person being "roasted" is the keynote speaker
from the previous KFest, but this isn't always possible.
This year, the celebrity being roasted is Max Jones, editor of
_Juiced.GS_. The celebrity roast is open to all KansasFest attendees, not
just those staying on campus.
There's a new tradition tied to this tradition: the celebrity gets
to pick the restaurant for the Saturday night dinner. See Tradition III.
Tradition II: Online Reports The link between KansasFest and one online
'''''''''''''''''''''''''''' message board or another goes back a long
way. The tradition may have begun with CompuServe, but it quickly became a
fixture on Genie for many years. When the Genie A2 area folded, the
reports moved to Delphi. Now that Delphi's Apple II area is a ghost town,
A2Central.com is place to read early reports.
Tradition III: Dining Out It's traditional at KFest to take at least one
''''''''''''''''''''''''' meal at one of two restaurants (or both!)--KC
Masterpiece and Jess & Jim's.
This is guaranteed to happen on Saturday night--it's scheduled; it's
in the program. But it may happen on other nights too. If you hang out in
the dorm rooms, you're bound to hear of groups heading off to dine. Ask to
be counted in... and tell me what happens, all the gory details. The
thought of breaking bread with some of these people intrigues me.
A TYPICAL DAY A KansasFest day doesn't begin when you might it expect it
""""""""""""" to. It begins right after supper. The pressing question
of something to eat dealt with, you take the aperitif of your choice--Jolt!
cola, Dr Pepper, or Mountain Dew--and wander around the dorms to see who's
doing what. Some people will be staying up until _very_ late. The reason
for this is that program bugs stay hidden until at least 2 AM, and the
really obscure ones wait until 5 AM. HackFest participants will attest to
the truth of this.
When morning comes, you may or may not have gotten any sleep. If you
have, chances are that you didn't get much of it. The cafeteria staff stop
serving breakfast at 8:30, but you may decide that sleep is more important
than food. In fact, you may decide that sleep is more important than being
at the first session. Or the first two sessions. Or world peace.
Eventually you get out of bed and dither over which of the
simultaneous sessions you want to attend. You can bring paper or a
computer to take notes, if you wish--no one will laugh or point. No one
will frown if you don't take notes, either.
All sessions will run over their allotted time. This is an immutable
rule. The domino theory rapidly comes into play here, which wreaks merry
havoc with the schedule.
After the morning sessions, there's an hour to get some lunch at the
cafeteria at Marian Center. No one takes attendance here, either.
During lunch, the stragglers begin to arrive, and afternoon sessions
may be more generously attended and received, since pretty much everyone is
now awake and reasonably certain that life is worth living. The afternoon
sessions will officially end at 5:00 or 5:30, but they may last a while
longer, since no one else is waiting to use the room. It's possible to get
so involved in the final session for the day that you miss the evening meal
at the cafeteria.
Or perhaps you've decided to give the cafeteria a miss. Someone
might be headed to a restaurant for a meal--ask around. After you've
eaten, well... the cycle begins all over.
LEAVING Avila College hosts events other than KansasFest--in fact,
""""""" Avila's summers are tightly booked. In previous years, both
Ridgway and Carondelet dorms have been available to KFesters, but in recent
yeas the organizing committee could only get one. That should give you
some idea of how hectic things are.
Because Avila is playing host to others after KansasFest is over, be
sure to check out on time. This year, you have the option of staying over
on Saturday night and checking out on Sunday, but don't push it. Check-out
time is 11 AM-1 PM Sunday. Avila wants you out of there by 1 PM on Sunday
at the _latest_!
Incidentally, if you're travelling with a limousine service, don't
forget that you must have booked your return trip to the airport at least
24 hours in advance. Since most people leave at much the same time, it may
be possible to cadge a lift to the airport if you've made friends with
someone heading that way.
This is far from the end. In fact, it's not even the beginning. If
you've been reading this, it's undoubtedly to prepare for KansasFest, which
means it's all still to come! So have a great time at KansasFest. And if
you spot Uncle DOS there, give him my warmest regards.
WEB SITES Here are a few web sites that you may find useful:
o KansasFest, http://www.kfest.org
o InTrec, http://www.intrec.com
o A2Central.com: http://www.a2central.com
o Avila College: http://www.avila.edu
o Kansas City Airports System: http://www.kcairports.com
KFest 2001 Registration Info... meet old A2 friends... meet new friends...
Help usher in the new millennium with the Apple II!!
When: July 25-29, 2001
Where: Avila College, Kansas City, Missouri
The most important Apple II event of the year, KFest 2001, is on our
calendar again, and it's never too early to make sure it has a place on
your calendar, too.
Better yet, KFest is back with the same great prices as last year!
Check these rates, which include room and meals from Wednesday evening
(dinner) on July 25, through Sunday morning (breakfast) on July 29.
(Saturday evening dinner not included. That's KFesters' Night Out On The
KFest 2001 Registration Form
View and print this document using 9-point Monaco or Courier font (the
default of most monospaced font applications such as ProTERM & Spectrum).
Registering for KFest 2001:
NOTE: - The information requested in the KFest Registration Form below must
be sent even though the information is called in.
- If a member of the family accompanies you to KFest, please send a
separate registration form for each person.
<> Fax or email KFest Registration Form using a credit card number:
- Complete the form below and send the KFest Registration Form;
<> By postal mail: Credit card, check, Purchase Order or money order:
- Print and fill out the KFest Registration Form.
- Send the form with the payment to:
InTrec Software, Inc. <kfest@intrec.com>
Attn: KFest Registration Voc: 602/992-1345
3035 E Topaz Cir Fax: 602/992-0232
Phoenix, Az 85028-4423
Discover, Visa, Mastercard or AmEx accepted. Checks & money orders must be
payable to InTrec Software, and must be in US dollars from a US bank.
---[ The Form ]------------[ Cut Here ]----------[ Print Clearly ]---
=>___ =>___
First Name Last Name
Organization (if applicable to KFest)
Shipping Address
State/Province Zip+4 or Postal Code
=>___ =>___
Day Phone Eve Phone
Internet Mail Address
=>___ =>___
Credit Card Number (Mastercard-Visa-Discovery-AmEx) Expiration Date
Name on Card (please print clearly)
Authorized Signature (If printed, and mailed or faxed.)
If you feel that using a credit card number via email may not be secure,
consider mailing via postal service, fax, or call voice to give the card
Checks and money orders must be on a USA bank and USA compatible funds.
Registration Cost Check Applicable
1 [ ] Early Arrival Double room ............................ 25.00
2 [ ] Early Arrival Single room ............................ 33.00
+++ Early Bird rates (Register BEFORE May 1) +++
7 [ ] Double Room before 5/1 ............................... 225.00
8 [ ] Single Room before 5/1 ............................... 275.00
9 [ ] Spouse or child before 5/1 ........................... 175.00
10 [ ] Registration only (no room or meals) before 5/1 ...... 175.00
+++ Regular Attendee rates (Register AFTER May 1) +++
Rates (after May 1 and at the door):
11 [ ] Double Room after 5/1 ................................ 275.00
12 [ ] Single Room after 5/1 ................................ 325.00
13 [ ] Spouse or child after 5/1 ............................ 225.00
14 [ ] Registration only (no room or meals) after 5/1 ....... 225.00
T-Shirts must be ordered in advance
15 [ ] T-Shirt softwear Small ............................... 15.00
16 [ ] T-Shirt softwear Medium .............................. 15.00
17 [ ] T-Shirt softwear Large ............................... 15.00
18 [ ] T-Shirt softwear X-Large ............................. 15.00
19 [ ] T-Shirt softwear XX-Large ............................ 15.00
20 [ ] T-Shirt softwear XXX-Large ........................... 15.00
May we send your registration confirmation via e-mail? [ ]Yes [ ]No
[ ] As a PDF (Acrobat Reader) file (preferred)
[ ] As a TEXT file mailed to the listed address
Roommate preference: =>___
Prefer smoking/non-smoking roommate: [ ] Smoke [ ] Non-smoke
Today's Date: _=>___ / /
1- Registration fee (see above dates & fees) ......... =>__
2- Registration fee for spouse if applicable ......... =>__
3- T-Shirts Quantity [ ] @ $15.00 ea) ................ =>__
4- Sub-total of lines 1-3: ........................... =>__
5- Arizona residents only add 7.5% tax: .............. =>__
6- Total cost (total of lines 4-5): .................. =>__
For attendees planning to arrive at the normal time on Wednesday, check-in
will be from 1-4 pm. Check-out will be from 11 am-1 pm on Sunday.
Current plans call for formal KFest 2001 sessions to begin with dinner in
the Avila cafeteria on Wednesday evening (time to be announced), followed
by the traditional opening event, the Keynote Address. We've got some great
plans again for that opening night activity. Stay tuned!!
Computer sessions will be conducted on Thursday and Friday. Software and
hardware demos are scheduled for Saturday morning, with a vendor fair
slated for Saturday afternoon.
Reminder: Meals included in the registration price are Wednesday dinner
through Sunday breakfast, with the exception of Saturday dinner.
On Saturday night, attendees can dine on their own at one of the many fine
restaurants near the Avila campus, or join groups of KFesters at a local
favorite selected by the Roastee.
All children under 18 years must be accompanied by a parent or legal
KFest 2001 is again being sponsored by InTrec Software, Inc., makers of
ProTERM telecommunications software for the Apple II and Macintosh.
If you have questions about KFest, or wish to make suggestions, you can
find answers via the Internet. Just send an email message to:
... or visit the KFest World Wide Web page: <http://www.kfest.org>
If you're thinking about attending KFest, you'll enjoy the KFest Internet
e-mail chat:
To subscribe to the KFest Information Mailing List, send email to:
<mailto: majordomo@kfest.org>.
Place the following text in the BODY of the message:
subscribe kfest
You will receive a confirmation e-mail. To be signed up for the list, you
will have to respond to this confirmation as the instructions dictate, and
then you will then be able send and read messages on the mailing list.
Sponsored by:
InTrec Software, Inc.
3035 E Topaz Circle
Phoenix, AZ 85028-4423
(KFESTSTEVE, Cat 5, Top 3, Msg 77)
I'll be arriving at Kfest with quite a few items of interest to IIGS users,
and I certainly hope to leave empty handed.
I'm driving to Kfest this year, but having a small car that'll also be
crammed with my camping gear, I'm not going to be able to bring every
single product that SSII has to offer.
Thinking about it, it seems like the majority of what I'll be bringing is
the various CD-ROMs that SSII carries. I'm thinking of bringing 10 each,
with perhaps 20 of the IIGS Photo CD-ROM, and perhaps 25 sets of _____.
I also plan to bring 3.5" versions of Spectrum, Spectrum Internet Suite,
Spectrum Automated Mailer, NiftySpell, Ultima I, Harmonie, Pointless and
If there anything outside of that list that a Kfester might be interested
in getting from me at Kfest, please let me know.
The sooner the better, I might add, because I'll be leaving here a good 10
to 14 days before the start of Kfest.
Joe Kohn
Delivered by Spectrum v2.5.2 & SOAR
(JOKO, Cat 26, Top 2, Msg 93)
About The Lamp! The Lamp! is published on the fifteenth of every month on
""""""""""""""" the WEB at: http://lamp.a2central.com/
This publication produced entirely with real or emulated Apple II computers
using Appleworks 5.1 and Hermes. Apple II Forever!
* The Lamp! is (c) copyright 2001 by Ryan M. Suenaga, M.S.W. All
rights reserved.
* To reach The Lamp! on Internet email send mail to
* All issues of The Lamp! are available at The Lamp! Home Page,
Opinions expressed herein are those of the individual authors, and do not
necessarily represent the opinions of A2Central.com, Delphi Online
Services, Syndicomm, Ryan M. Suenaga, or Lyle Syverson. Forum messages are
reprinted verbatim and are included in this publication with permission
from the individual authors. A2Central.com, Delphi Online Services,
Syndicomm, Ryan M. Suenaga, and Lyle Syverson do not guarantee the accuracy
or suitability of any information included herein. We reserve the right to
edit all letters and copy.
Material published in this edition may not be reprinted without the
expressed written consent of the publisher. Registered computer user
groups, not for profit publications , and other interested parties may
write the publisher to apply for permission to reprint any or all material.