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Lighting Your Apple II Path On Delphi | |
by Ryan M. Suenaga, B.A., M.S.W., L.S.W.
by Ryan M. Suenaga, B.A., M.S.W., L.S.W.
"Teaching the Apple II user how to fish since 1998"
The Lamp! An Onipa'a Software Production Vol. 4, No. 1
Publisher................................Ryan M. Suenaga, M.S.W., L.S.W.
Editor.....................................................Lyle Syverson
Internet Email, Publisher.........................thelamp@sheppyware.net
Internet Mail, Editor.............................. lyle@FoxValley.net
January 15, 2001
HIGH ABOVE THE ROCK RIVER---------------------------------------------[OPN]
The Lamp! Threatened
THE LAMP SALUTES, 2000------------------------------------------------[TLS]
by Ryan M. Suenaga, B.A., M.S.W., L.S.W.
AN A2CENTRAL.COM PRIMER-----------------------------------------------[POP]
by Ryan M. Suenaga, B.A., M.S.W., L.S.W.
A2Central.com adds Email Service---------------------------------[AES]
Silvern Castle 6.0 Update in Database----------------------------[SCU]
Jeff Fink Entertainment Freeware---------------------------------[JFF]
Silvern Castle v7.0 Progress-------------------------------------[SCP]
Silvern Castle v7.0 in Database----------------------------------[SCD]
Applesoft Compare Utility in Database----------------------------[ACU]
Software for the IIgs Added to Database--------------------------[STG]
Video Overlay Card Pinouts---------------------------------------[VOC]
Arachnid Will do FTP From Trenco---------------------------------[ATP]
Marinetti Bug Found----------------------------------------------[MBF]
Removing TaifunBoot----------------------------------------------[RTB]
Juiced.GS, Vol 5, Issue 4----------------------------------------[JGS]
Bernie 3.0 Preview Released--------------------------------------[BPR]
Speeding up MUG!'s Writing to Floppy Disks-----------------------[SUM]
CD-ROMs for IIgs at Shareware Solutions II-----------------------[CDS]
ADB Problem------------------------------------------------------[ADB]
Apple SCSI Card Switches-----------------------------------------[SCS]
Message from Delphi President------------------------------------[MDP]
Spectrum XCMDS---------------------------------------------------[SXC]
Programing Project-----------------------------------------------[PRP]
Foundation Question----------------------------------------------[FNQ]
SOAR Offline Reader----------------------------------------------[SOR]
No Letters to the Editor This Month------------------------------[NLE]
An Invitation----------------------------------------------------[LTE]
KFEST 2001
Keep it in Mind--------------------------------------------------[KFT]
About The Lamp! ------------------------------------------------ [INN]
[*] [*] [*]
READING THE LAMP! The index system used by The Lamp! is designed to make
""""""""""""""""" your reading easier. To use this system, load this
issue into any word processor or text editor. In the index you will find
something like:
About The Lamp! ------------------------------------------------ [INN]
To read this article, simply use your search or find command to locate
[INN]. There is a similar tag at the end of each article: [EOA].
From The Editor
by Lyle Syverson <lyle@FoxValley.net>
High Above The Rock River yesterday the scene was that of a quiet,
foggy, snow covered landscape. Then suddenly, the silence was broken by
the siren of a speeding ambulance... lights flashing, rushing to the
nearest hospital. Someone had the need to use the services of the team of
emergency workers already in place... emergency dispatcher, paramedics,
doctors, nurses, lab techs, etc.
On December 23 the text side of the Delphi A2 forum slipped into a
coma. We had been warned that after November 1 there would be no more
repairs to the text side of Delphi... no emergency workers in place.
The translator that moves messages from the web side to the text side
was broken. (Messages posted on the text side must be moved to the web
side and then back to the text side before they are seen on the text side.)
After more than a week the text side came to life again. Then several
bursts of working - not working. As of this writing the text side is not
The Lamp! Threatened
The Lamp!, as we know it, is threatened by the failure of the text
side of Delphi. The model used to produce The Lamp! is based on getting
the messages from Delphi A2 and A2P on to the hard drive of the editor's
Apple II for selection and editing. A simple script for a com program
quickly and efficiently captures those messages to a file when accessed
from the text side. Capturing those same messages from the web side is a
slow, tedious process.
There is an alternative. The Bulletin Board on A2Central.com is up
and running and doing quite well. The messages can be quickly captured to
a file. It looks like the time has come to switch to this source of
Apple II discussions as the basis for producing The Lamp! :)
by Ryan M. Suenaga, B.A., M.S.W., L.S.W.
2000 was another great year for the Apple II, and to celebrate it, the
gang here at _The Lamp!_ consulted with some of our buddies in the Apple II
world and came up with a list of the best that the Apple II world had to
offer this past year. We highlight the best of Apple II achievement in
Keep in mind that the ultimate decision on whom each award went to was
made strictly by the staff here at _The Lamp!_, namely, me, your publisher.
Any comments can be directed to thelamp@sheppyware.net.
BEST COMMERCIAL PRODUCT: A bunch of contenders, but there's only
"""""""""""""""""""""""" one champion. Mike Westerfield of Byte
Works got out his CDR burner and heated up the best commercial product of
the Apple II year (and it wasn't even released at KansasFest). _Opus ][_,
his two CD collection of programs and source, including every single Byte
Works product ever produced, is a must have for programmers and would-be
programmers alike. For the rest of the field, the _Totally Sheppyware_
book/CD set, the _Time in a Bottle_ CD set, the Juiced.GS _Friends For
Life_ CD, the _A2ROMulan_ CD, and the _LANceGS_ ethernet card were the
other major contenders.
BEST SHAREWARE PRODUCT: An old favorite renewed takes away this
""""""""""""""""""""""" year's shareware award. Eric "Sheppy"
Shepherd's _Lemonade Stand GS_, an updated for the Apple IIgs version of
the classic educational game that was originally available on cassette tape
takes its place alongside its classic brother. Using the sound and graphic
capabilities of the Apple IIgs, _Lemonade Stand GS_ will bring a smile to
the face of any long time Apple II user. Runner up this year came from the
Shepherd household as well--Sarah Shepherd's initial SarahSoft program, _GS
ROM Grabber_, a program to help emulator users easily obtain a copy of
their Apple IIgs ROM image, made its debut at KFest 2000. Seems the
Sheppys are trying to corner the Apple II shareware market.
BEST FREEWARE PRODUCT: One of last year's shareware winners is this
"""""""""""""""""""""" year's freeware winner, but the clear winners
are players of this remarkable 8-bit game. Jeff Fink's _Silvern Castle_,
reclassified this year as freeware, continues to dazzle Apple II game
players the world over--and Jeff himself continues to dazzle the Apple II
world by adding feature after feature. Every time you think he's gone as
far as he can, he proves you wrong. Thanks, Jeff. On the other side of
the world, Kim Howe's _Arachnid_ World Wide Web browser, still in preview
release form, is showing great promise for Apple II users the world over.
BEST PUBLICATION: That Jones boy. For the third straight year, Max
""""""""""""""""" Jones' _Juiced.GS_ continues to wow _The Lamp!'s_
publication staff (Max himself suggested _A2 News and Notes_ as the
publication of the year, leading some to question his sanity). No matter
how crazy he is, as long as he's crazy about the Apple IIgs, the rest of us
will continue to go crazy over his excellent magazine. Articles
contributed by well known Apple II fanatics such as Tony Diaz and Geoff
Weiss add spice to the cider. We'll keep taking a serving of _Juiced.GS_
""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" done, but it's been done.
///SHH Systeme's Joachim Lange has delivered what Apple promised and didn't
deliver--an Apple II ethernet card. The _LANceGS_ has made its way by the
dozen into the United States from Germany, and it's already changed the way
Apple II users think about networking. Thanks for keeping the promise that
Apple didn't, Joachim.
""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" runs a business, he gets others
to do what no one thought could be done. Master Apple II programmer Eric
"Sheppy" Shepherd is once again at the forefront of the Apple II community.
In between his real job, programming, writing articles for _Juiced.GS_, and
overseeing several World Wide Web sites, he found time to spearhead the
effort to start up an online service run by Apple II users for Apple II
users--A2Central.com. And he's only just begun.
Congratulations to all our winners! Here's hoping that 2001 brings
out the best in all of us again.
by Ryan M. Suenaga, M.S.W, L.S.W.
A BRIEF HISTORY Before Delphi was Genie, and before Genie was GEnie and
""""""""""""""" before GEnie was Compuserve. Those were the days when
the Apple II community was large and the future was bright and unlimited.
Those were also the days when online services charged by the hour and it
wasn't unheard of for users to spend hundreds of dollars a month on online
But times change and so does the nature of telecommunications. Direct
dialup has been surpassed by TCP/IP implementations and the per hour
charges have given way to flat rate. Neither Genie nor Compuserve offer
text access anymore, and Delphi, while continuing to provide text access to
those who already have it, makes no promises about repairing it when it
breaks--and it has broken frequently in recent months. And while the
nature of telecommunications has changed, the Apple II hasn't changed in
step. TCP/IP exists for the IIgs at least, but there is no doubt--the
Apple II handles text much better than it does the current flood of
graphically based content available on the Internet.
While Delphi attempts to keep up with the Joneses by putting its
resources towards its World Wide Web-based services, Apple II users on
Delphi reliant on the text interface face two cold, hard facts: first, that
no Apple II online discussion area that has become generally accessible to
the Apple II user has survived for long--or at all--and second, that while
the textside on Delphi still exists, no one knows how much longer it will
continue. A tenuous future, indeed.
FOR US, BY US Eric Shepherd, the well-known Apple II programmer known as
""""""""""""" Sheppy, read the handwriting on the wall some months ago.
He registered the domain name "A2Central.com" and started up an Apple II
news site on the World Wide Web. The Apple II community raved at the new
site's content, and in the back of the minds of many was what the potential
of such a site could be.
Delphi made its announcement not much later--that its text interface
would no longer be supported. A death watch was started, and many wondered
where the Apple II faithful would go when it finally met its maker.
Instead of wondering, Sheppy took action, recruiting the help of myself,
Syndicomm principle Gary Utter, A2Pro veteran Dave Miller, UNIX fanatic
Devin Reade, and a bunch of others to begin work on a new online service
under the A2Central.com banner. The alliance was announced at KansasFest
2000, with work already underway as A2Central.com sponsored a World Wide
Webcast of the Apple II event of the year.
The implication of A2Central.com is simple, but also wondrous--it's an
online service designed by Apple II users, created for Apple II users,
maintained by Apple II users, and with the interest of the Apple II user at
heart. No longer would we be the victim of corporations chasing the masses
we no longer have at our disposal--finally, the Apple II community would
have its own home.
The doors opened in early December. A2Central.com would take the
Apple II community by storm.
WHERE WE ARE At this point, A2Central.com's online service has a Real
"""""""""""" Time Conference area and a Bulletin Board. In the immediate
future is electronic mail, followed shortly thereafter by a file library.
Access is currently via telnet--text only, a boon for those of us using the
Apple II to surf the 'Net. All the services will be available by the text
interface--and there will also be POP email access, ftp access, and a
webside message board. These are all coming in the near future.
The virtual community has always been an important part of the Apple
II world, and in this wired day and age, it's more important than ever.
You may not have another user down the block you can turn to, but it's as
easy as ever to find one to help down the road. Join us!
To join A2Central.com, point your World Wide Web browser at
I'll see you there.
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by Lyle Syverson <lyle@foxvalley.net>
JANUARY 6, 2001--A2Central.com is pleased to announce the immediate
availability of its first phase of email support to A2Central.com members.
Members may now send mail using the mail menu provided on our telnet-based
service, and may use any POP3-compatible email program, such as Spectrum
Automated Mailer, to receive email.
Members' email addresses are <username@a2people.com> and the POP3 server
they should be using is mail.a2people.com.
A2Central.com will be continuing to enhance our email service over the
coming weeks, with the planned addition of support for reading email using
the telnet environment and more.
Name: SCUPD60.BXY (Entertainment Software)
Date: 16-DEC-2000 01:52
Size: 281088
Silvern Castle 6.0 update.
Silvern Castle is freeware, written by Jeff Fink.
Bugs fixed
* Using dispel or haste devices at camp now correctly displays "No effect!"
instead of nothing.
* Using missile weapons and dispel devices in combat now correctly strike
the correct group.
* Enchanted one-charge non-potion devices are now correctly interpreted
(i.e. not treated as doses).
Stuff changed
* You must run the file MICRODOT.SYSTEM to now start Silvern Castle.
* The Extra's menu no longer contains Dogpaw, because it doesn't run under
MicroDot. Run the SC.READER program under Basic.System (i.e. exit
Silvern) to view them. In addition, you can view all doc files.
* The saved game format is no longer compatible with earlier versions,
because of this you must disband your party before installing SCv6.0.
* The unique monster generator has been removed. * For those of you with
the Second Sight card, pressing CTRL-Z after exiting the GS control panel
will now quickly restore the graphics screen because Second Sight
incorrectly restores the wrong hi-res page switch.
* Speed-up maze plotting slightly.
* Text Mode maze support is back.
* Depending on level, monsters now have a higher chance to hit 2x per
* Updated a few monsters to add some missing special abilities.
* Using non-scroll LIGHT devices (i.e. torch or lanterns) in combat now are
interpreted as thrown flaming missile weapons, doing up to 12hp of damage
to one monster.
New stuff
* SC now runs under MicroDot, the command shell interface replacement for
Basic.System. MicroDot frees up over 7.5k of memory, so be prepared for
some cool features in future updates to take advantage of this.
* Added 13 new items!
* Added one new device effect! * Some monsters now have normal weapon
immunity, requiring magic weapons, spells, or devices to hit. You'll get
the "No effect" message if your weapon isn't high enough in enchantment.
(TONYW1, 34448, GO COM A2)
Name: JFFREEWRE.BXY (Entertainment Software)
Date: 16-DEC-2000 01:55
Size: 344320
This archive contains 10 freeware programs written by Jeff Fink, the author
of Silvern Castle. They are:
Compare v.1.1 - An AppleSoft file compare utility
Nuclear - An Apple Nuclear power plant game
Wheel - A Wheel-of-Fortune-type game
Monster - A Monster & Mazes fantasy Role Playing Game (RPG)
Sword - A sword fantasy RPG
Miner v 1.1 - A space mining game
Space.com - A space combat game
Mass.Combat - D&D utility to resolve Mass Combat
Q.Football - A "simple, quick" football game
Airlift - Berlin Airlift Crisis game
All files are ProDos 8 compatible.
(TONYW1, 34448, GO COM A2)
Re: Silvern v7.0
I know I said it before, but I believe that with this version I have
balanced everything perfectly. It's too bad I didn't have banks of
beta-testers before I released v1.0. But, you everyone who gave-up on
Silvern Castle because it was too hard, I encourage you to take another
look when this update is released. I've learned that playability is
important, and having your entire party wiped-out time and time again does
not a good game make.
Name: SCUPD70.BXY (Entertainment Software)
Date: 14-JAN-2001 02:55
Size: 307072
Silvern Castle 7.0
Here are the major new features and changes:
Bugs fixed
* Thanks to Bruce Baker for pointing out that a second scenario guardian
was missing!
* Using I)nfo now matches all the definitions set forth in the Tome of
Knowledge "Equipment Notes" section.
* Fixed possible error #107-5116 when using I)nfo.
New Stuff
* AUTOMAP feature added! Press <TAB> in the maze to see overhead view of
the current level. Option included to save a standard Apple II hi- res
picture for later printing with a paint program.
* 11 new items!
* 4 new spells:
+ L3 (M) coldray: cold version of fireball
+ L6 (C) curmore: improved version of curmuch
+ L6 (M) acidfog: does up to 64hp of acid damage to all groups
+ L7 (W) deathray: improved STUN that affects one entire group
* Your characters now have partial immunity to monster fear spell attacks
(like sleep).
* Chests may now hold more spells and potions. Also, most monster lairs now
always have chests instead of special goodies.
Stuff Changed
* The Heat-Shield spell is now renamed as Breathe-Shield, and protects
against all breathe attacks, regardless of type.
* Initial identification of the opposing monsters is now more consistent
based on your party's experience.
* Called monsters now appear in the next round, not the same one (chance
none will respond). At the start of the next round, a message will
indicate how many monsters have joined the fight.
* Availability of enchanted equipment reduced for balance. Chests may
contain more lesser enchanted stuff.
* Only NPCs and humanoid monsters now equipped with weapons and armour. But
now each individual NPC/humanoid can have its own stuff instead of the
same equipment per group.
Name: COMPARE2.BXY (Productivity Software)
Date: 14-JAN-2001 02:58
Size: 8448
This archive contains Compare v.2 - An AppleSoft file compare utility
written by Jeff Fink, the author of Silvern Castle. This is an update of
his earlier v1.1 of this program. Please note that this program has been
released as freeware by the author. The original 1.1 version of this
program may be found in the JFFREEWAE.BXY file in the Entertainment
Name: MAXSTER.BXY (Telecommunications)
Date: 14-JAN-2001 03:02
Size: 344832
This is Maxster v0.79.5, the Napster client for the Apple IIgs that was
first demoed at KansasFest 2000 as part of HackFest. This program will
search for, download, and play the first few seconds of MP3 audio files. As
an open beta, its functionality is extremely limited, and has been known to
work with only a small range of songs. As a Spectrum script, it requires
Spectrum v2.0 or later. Freeware by Ken Gagne.
Name: SCAP111.BXY (Productivity Software)
Date: 14-JAN-2001 02:53
Size: 18944
SCAP 1.1.1 is a Spectrum script which converts Text, Teach, Source, or
AppleWorks Classic Word Processor documents into a PDF file. SCAP requires
Spectrum 2.3 or higher. This version now handles carats properly in the
text. All previous versions of SCAP do not handle carats correctly and the
script may abort during the process of the conversion to a PDF file.
Can someone tell me what the pinouts are for the Video Overlay Card? Or
specifically, the 3 pins where the composite video-in/out cable connects.
I know the 3 pins carry:
- Composite/NTSC video IN
- Composite/NTSC video OUT
- Ground
However, which pin carries what? If I were to attempt building my own cable
(the card I have is missing the cable :/) where would ground tie in, to
both the in and out on the other side, just one, or just any part of the
metal connector that clips to the back of the GS? Is using non-sheilded
wiring going to pick up alot of RFI? (chances are I'd just splice the
cables together and wrap electrical tape around that, which isn't the most
ideal solution really).
ps - If anyone has a spare one of these cables, please contact me. It would
make things much easier. :)
Mitchell Spector
{<mailto:spec@total.net> spec@total.net}
(SPECTOR1, 34422, GO COM A2)
The top pin goes to the center pin of video in.
The middle pin goes to the center pin of video out.
The bottom pin goes to the outside of both video in & out.
I don't suspect it would matter but the outside of the video jacks are
connected together with an aluminium bracket which would ground to the
outside of the case.
There doesn't apear to be any RFI shielding at all.
(WAYNEJ, 34426, GO COM A2)
Thanks, that gives me a fairly good idea on how to go about building a
replacement connector cable should I need one. So: In/Out/Ground.
Just to verify though, that is facing the card chip side up with gold
fingers at the bottom right corner looking down at it, right?
Hmm, I don't suppose anyone out there could make a quick snapshot photo of
the cable+port connector. I'd like to see the type of wiring and a get a
clear picture of what the bracket looks like.
Mitchell Spector
{<mailto:spec@total.net> spec@total.net}
(SPECTOR1, 34433, GO COM A2)
If it were in the computer plugged into the slot then from the top it's
(WAYNEJ, 34441, GO COM A2)
The current version of Arachnid under development can browse the Trenco
archives and download files via ftp. The release is coming soon. :)
Kim Howe
(KHOWE1, 34676, GO COM A2)
We have found what appears to be a bug in the Marinetti TCP/IP CDev.
If you open and close the Configuration dialog of the Scripted PPP option
within the CDev, it appears as though it is removing some resources that
are in memory, or leaving the resource level incorrectly set.
We found a repeatable crash while composing a message in Crock O' Gold.
Simply opening and closing that dialog caused a pString resource used by
Spectrum to no longer be available in memory, and the subsequent screen
update of the related control caused the system to crash.
My advice would be not to open the TCP/IP CDev Scripted PPP Configuration
option while Spectrum is running until we can find out more precisely what
is going on.
Ewen Wannop - Speccie
Delivered without using a IIgs by Spectrum v2.5 & Crock O' Gold 3.3
Bernie ][ the Rescue 2.5.1 woofing at 55Mhz on a G3/350
Home Pages: http://www.btinternet.com/~ewannop/
(EWANNOP, 34603, GO COM A2)
Argh! I did a search for this, and it yielded zilch! Anyhow, does anyone
know how to remove this software? I remember reading something a while back
that talked about modifying BASIC.SYSTEM, if that helps jog any memories...
Email: tarage@bellsouth.net
(TARAGE, 34663, GO COM A2)
To uninstall TaifunBoot, boot into your first system, delete the file
"PRODOS" (which is TaifunBoot) and rename the file "PRODOS." to "PRODOS"
and that's it.
Many greetings,
-- Jesse Blue / Ninjaforce
E-MAIL: jesseblue@ninjaforce.com
ICQ: 8895643
WWW: http://www.ninjaforce.com
Juiced.GS, Vol 5, Issue 4
Announcing ...
===== Juiced.GS, Volume 5, Issue 4 =====
The December 2000 edition of Juiced.GS, the Apple II world's premier
IIGS-specific magazine, was delivered to 217 subscribers in 45 states and
numerous points around the globe.
Here's what you'll find in this 24-page issue:
Cover Story: A IIGS networking solution -- An in-depth review of the new
LANceGS Ethernet card for the IIGS ... Geoff Weiss, a IIGS software
developer and Juiced.GS' Man on the LAN, gets connected with the cool Apple
II networking card from ///SHH Systeme of Germany, and takes it for a spin
around the Internet, just to show us that it CAN be done!
Hardware: Cleaning up your power source ... Tony Diaz, the foremost expert
on Apple II hardware, helps users sort through the facts and fallacies of
IIGS power supply issues and guides users through the steps of cleaning up
those crusty power supply connectors. Tony tells the story in words AND
pictures. That's right, this feature is fully illustrated with four --
count 'em, FOUR -- photographs!
Programming: Get pumped with the GS/OS Exerciser ... Eric Shepherd shares
his knowledge and insights on programming, and tries his best to whip
fellow programmers, or aspiring programmers, into ship-shape by drilling
them on the fine points of an interesting IIGS debugging tool, Exerciser.
The Virtual GS: Small Dog to the rescue! ... Ryan Suenaga quenches your
thirst for emulation news, and he promises NOT! to spill cola on your
keyboard while he does it.
My Home Page: Looking forward ... The editor finds his way to the Apple
II's new online service, A2Central.com, and finds the climate warm and
friendly. It's a new place that feels a lot like home.
II Be Named Later: Our inspired columnist looks forward to a New Year with
new resolutions he might actually be able to keep. Well, most of them
Shareware Spotlight: Software reclassifications keep on coming, and Lost
Classics Project Director Howard Katz speads them all out on the table.
DumplinGS: A2Central.com opens its doors with a free month; Bernie 3.0
preview release hits the Internet; Byte Works compiles and releases all its
programs and source code on CDs; and a new distributor for Spectrum;
Letters from the Land of ROM: Readers ask questions, get answers, make
suggestions, and otherwise give us a piece of their mind. We have the
coolest readers in the world. Read our mail and see why.
A2Central.com; F.E. Systems new Bernie release; the Opus ][ CD from Byte
Juiced.GS Friends for Life CD-ROM; and three new CDs, including Time in a
Bottle, from Juiced.GS.
Juiced.GS is a quarterly, printed publication available by subscription
A subscription for 2001 is $16 in the U.S., Canada or Mexico, $22
To subscribe, send a check or money order in U.S. funds to:
Max Jones
2217 Lakeview Drive
Sullivan, IN 47882
Make checks or money orders payable to Max Jones.
Complete sets of 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999 and 2000 issues are available for
$16 each ($20 overseas). If you would like to purchase only a specific
single copy (or copies) of back issues, they are available for $5 each
($7 overseas). An index and brief description of articles published in
'96/'97'98/'99/'00 are available on the Juiced.GS web site. See URL below.
Apple II Forever!
Max Jones
E-mail -- Internet: juicedgs@earthlink.net
World Wide Web: http://www.wbwip.com/juiced.gs
(JUICEDGS, 34678, GO COM A2)
Bernie ][ The Rescue 3.0 Preview
F.E.Systems, maker of the popular Apple IIgs emulator "Bernie ][ The
Rescue", introduced today the most powerful and versatile Apple II and
Apple IIgs emulator ever.
Version 3.0 - distributed as a preview release - adds countless new and
improved features to the emulator. With Bernie 3.0, emphasis has been put
on the requirements of entertainment software. A completely new sound
engine based on F.E.Systems latest development, the VECTORSOUND(tm) audio
engine, brings unmatched accuracy plus additional features such as
direct-to-disk recording, real-time sound filters and spectrum analysis.
The all-new full screen mode now offers menu access and direct manipulation
of essential settings. Sporting a new high-tech look, Bernie 3.0 is the
most user friendly Apple II emulator. Human-readable error messages, drag &
drop support and the new user interface make this the preferred emulator of
novice users and pros, gamers and power users alike.
While Bernie remains a shareware product, users will appreciate that Bernie
can now be operated with no limitations whatsoever whether it's been
registered or not. While the shareware fee is due after 30 days of usage,
there's no protection scheme that kicks in.
Bernie ][ The Rescue 3.0 is shareware. Priced at only US$15 (upgrades:
US$7), the software that pioneered Apple IIgs emulation redefines the
future of the Apple II platform by offering a cost-effective and viable
migration path.
What's New?
- VectorSound high-fidelity sound engine featuring
- ultraprecise sound synthesizer (+200% accuracy gain)
- real-time bit-enhancement for FM sounds
- direct-to-disk recording
- anti-scratching feature
- real-time spectrum analysis
- high-precision timing
- smooth mode switching
- all-new full-screen mode featuring
- optional resolution switching
- menu access via hotkey
- interactive multi-display for disks, sound and joystick
- accelerated for 8-bit and 16-bit video
- redesigned user interface
- new, space-saving high-tech look
- new interactive sound window showing master level, spectrum analyzer,
- new disks window
- new communications window
- new joystick window with calibration
- new errors window with scrollback and plain-text messages
- flicker-free implementation
- zero performance loss with auxiliary windows closed
- substantial internal code maintenance
- dozens of small improvements
- drag&drop of multiple images
- built-in drive deselectable
- shutdown warning
- locate ROM files automatically
- new About window
- all known bugs fixed
- ...and much more.
- new low price - more than 50% off!
- save state feature in final release
- requires MacOS 8.5 or later.
Henrik Woof Gudat
woof woof
(GUDATH, 34653, GO COM A2)
Speaking of writing to MS-DOS, would it be possible to speed up MUG!'s
writing to floppy disk routines?
Mitchell Spector
mailto: <spec@total.net>
(SPECTOR1, 34755, GO COM A2)
The easiest and greatest speed improvement comes from reformatting MS-DOS
disks on the GS to use a 2:1 interleave (by default they are formatted 1:1
for the faster PC systems). Most people seem to use the same "sneaker-net"
disk or two, so it's not like you have to reformat every disk or anything.
I'm sure someone could come up with a routine to speed up writing to
floppies, but I think it would be a fair bit of work with no guarantee of
much improvement. For example, rewriting the FATs and root directory is a
noticeably lengthy process, yet that is a simple request to GS/OS to write
a consecutive series of disk blocks. I'm not quite sure what could be done
to speed this up without trying to keep track of disk architecture and
block layout on the disk (which is not guaranteed to be in a given order
and I can't detect it!).
I know that writing to a Zip disk doesn't seem all that slow, and writing
to 2:1 formatted disks is typically no great drama either (although I'd be
the first to admit you could never call it _fast_!).
Peter Watson
-- Write to MSDOS disks on the Apple IIgs?
-- Impossible! ;-)
CD-ROMs FOR IIgs AT Shareware Solutions II
All of the various CD-ROMs available from Shareware Solutions II are
compatible with a IIGS and a RAMFast. Then again, they ought to be since
they are CDs intended for use on a IIGS ;-)
Take a look at http://users.foxvalley.net/~joko
But, ignore the pricing listed there for the Resource-Central CDs. At my
Kagi online store, they are available for $25 each. As are most of the
Joe Kohn
(JOE_KOHN, 34690, GO COM A2)
Hello everyone, long time no see. I recently moved and now have room to set
up my GS and remind myself why it is still my favorite. :)
Everything was going great until I swapped out the ADB cable for one that
was in better shape, while the machine was on. Now, I've done this a
zillion times in the past and it never did anything. But now all of the
sudden I have no keyboard or mouse, even after restoring the original
cable. (This is the standard GS keyboard and mouse btw) I tried hooking up
another keyboard mouse (apple extended) which I know is working, and had
the same problem. Still dead. So now I'm scared something happened to the
controller on the motherboard.
Also, if it helps troubleshoot, the 3 lights on the extended keyboard blink
normally when the machine is powered up. But after that I can't trigger
anything (caps lock, etc.) One time after I let it sit for about 3 minutes
at the finder, the caps lock light suddenly came on by itself. (almost like
it buffered the keypress)
Oh yeah - the machine isn't frozen either. Screensavers still kick on and I
can mount floppies, etc.
Has anybody seen anything like this before? Thanks for any advice. I'm
going to continue to look for replacement parts to test with.
- Matt Portune
(MPORTUNE, 34507, GO COM A2)
I have, and it was a blown ADB chip. (I know you don't want to hear
Gary R. Utter
(UTTER, 34508, GO COM A2)
Nice to see an old familiar face around here! :) (I went through the same
thing with a move myself recently, and now have the space for my GS to sit
next to my PC once again. It was only a year it was absent from my desk,
but I certainly missed it nonetheless).
It's quite possible the ADB micro-controller got fried, though before
giving up I'd suggest pulling every card and connector from the machine,
removing the motherboard from the case and rest it on an anti-static bag
(in case something is being shorted) and it power it up with nothing
connected _except_: A known working keyboard and ADB cable, powersupply and
a video device. Also, try clearing the BRAM memory by removing the battery
for a couple of minutes and reinserting it (you had a ROM 3 board, right?).
I've seen all sorts odd things happen from corrupted BRAM memory, once my
ZipGS was stuck in disabled mode until I cleared it.
If after all that it's still not responding to the keyboard, I guess you'll
have to replace the mainboard. Fear not though, ROM 3 motherboards are
quite cheap on the used market, sometimes even free. I'm actually planning
to swap ROM 3 boards on my main IIgs system to try and solve some stability
problems with my 15/64 ZipGS.
Good luck!
Mitchell Spector
mailto: <spec@total.net>
(SPECTOR1, 34520, GO COM A2)
This Apple SCSI card (820-0153-A 1990) has four dip switches. What is the
purpose of these switches?
That would be the Apple High-Speed SCSI card. The four DIP switches are
used for setting DMA and changing the SCSI-ID address for the card itself
(not external devices on the chain).
Here are the actual settings:
SW1 = open=DMA _off_, closed=DMA _on_
SW2 = SCSI adrs bit 2, open=0, closed=2^2 (4) MSB
SW3 = SCSI adrs bit 1, open=0, closed=2^1 (2)
SW4 = SCSI adrs bit 0, open=0, closed=2^0 (1) LSB
The default is all four switches in the closed position (either all up, or
all down. Unfortunately I can't recall exactly which since I don't have my
HS SCSI card in front of me to tell you whether 'closed' is up or down. It
is marked on the card however).
That is: DMA enabled and SCSI-ID #7. That should be fine in most cases,
except when a non-DMA card is present in the system (DMA is automatically
disabled if more than 4MB is present in the expansion slot, unlike the
RamFAST SCSI which can DMA with up to 8MB present).
Mitchell Spector
mailto: <spec@total.net>
(SPECTOR1, 34784, GO COM A2)
The following was posted by Delphi President Rusty Williams elsewhere on
From: Rusty Williams (RUSTY) 11:56 am
To: ALL 1 of 1
As all of you know, the market for web-based advertising and investor
sentiment towards consumer web services have both taken a significant
downturn in recent months. Delphi.com has been in a better position than
other services because we've benefited from the collective support and
contributions that our members make to the service. In effect, Delphi is a
cooperative -- a true community of people who are inclined to help each
other. Even with this advantage, we' ve reached a point where more cost
cutting is required.
This week we had to take the additional step of eliminating some of the
support positions within our staff. We've have a close-knit team dedicated
to making Delphi a valuable service for everyone. To eliminate some
positions was especially painful because everyone on our staff is
enthusiastic about Delphi's value and potential for growth. So on a very
human level these changes have been quite difficult.
There have been rumors in recent weeks about Delphi shutting down. While
this was discussed as all options were on the table, it was never seriously
considered. It's extremely expensive to provide all of the systems and
infrastructure required to support a site the size of Delphi. However, we
all have confidence that the pendulum that swung so fast from "irrational
exuberance" to "irrational pessimism" will eventually swing back to a more
rational valuation of services such as Delphi. We decided that we should do
our best to preserve the value of the friendships and communities on
Delphi.com while minimizing our costs.
Where will you notice these changes? We'll be experimenting with various
ways to automate or outsource functions such as service support, promotions
approvals and forum indexing. As a general rule, we're hoping to automate
services and functions that can run reasonably well in a self-regulating
environment. We simply can't afford to provide a lot of support or special
consideration to forums or end-users who have high maintenance
requirements. If it costs us a lot to support from a staffing perspective,
we need to find new ways to reduce the costs.
For example, a specific change that we're making is the way we handle the
public index. Instead of reviewing and approving index submissions on a
daily basis, we'll review submissions for the most active forums once a
month. This isn't great for news for new and less active forums - many of
which will never make it to the public index - but it will be much more
efficient for our support staff.
I hope it's clear that we're committed to making Delphi a success. By
"hunkering down" during this time period we expect that Delphi will
continue to be the best place on the web to build an interactive forum.
And because Delphi is hosted by Prospero along with hundreds of other
corporate clients, Delphi will benefit from upgrades and new features as
they are requested by this broader group of users. We'll need your
patience, assistance, and willingness to try new approaches. In return,
we'll do our best to maintain Delphi.com as a free service with as many
features as possible.
Thanks for your understanding and support.
Best regards,
Rusty Williams
CHunk_S --- Your A2 Forum Host -- (chunk.s@foxvalley.net)
(CHUNK_S, 34894, GO COM A2)
by Lyle Syverson <lyle@foxvalley.net>
Is there any way to get the Lister XCMD in Spectrum to deal with a list
that has spaces in each line? It doesn't seem to work; I have to substitute
some other character for the space.
Ryan M. Suenaga, M.S.W., L.S.W. -- rsuenaga@apple2.org
Chief Sysop, A2Central.com -- your total Apple II computing source
Posted by PTMM v2.5 - The integrated information solution
I am not sure what you mean. The string you supply can have anything you
like in it except for CRs and the current Quote character. Take a look at
the list views in COG etc., and you will see that spaces have been
If you mean that the font is not a mono-spaced font, then that is a
different matter. Create a custom resource and window using the WindowMgr
XCMD instead if you want a custom font used in a List.
Ewen Wannop - Speccie
Delivered without using a IIgs by Spectrum v2.5 & Crock O' Gold 3.3
Bernie ][ the Rescue 2.5.1 woofing at 55Mhz on a G3/350
Home Pages: http://www.btinternet.com/~ewannop/
I too am not sure what you mean. Do you mean you want to add a line that is
completely spaces? I can't remember if I have done this or not, but I can't
think of any reason why it should fail.
SIS uses Lister for the Bookmark Editor and it handles lines with the space
character (i.e "My Home Page" can be a title of a bookmark and works
without any problems).
In message 'Spectrum xcmds (Re: Msg 3244)' EWANNOP said:
> I am not sure what you mean. The string you supply can have anything you
> like in it except for CRs and the current Quote character. Take a look
> at the list views in COG etc., and you will see that spaces have been
> included...
Okay, here's an example. I'm working on an address book script. The data
in my addressbook text file looks like this right now:
Suenaga Ryan a2.ryan@a2central.com
When I display it using Lister, I get this:
The rest of my name and address don't show up.
Am I missing something obvious?
Ryan M. Suenaga, M.S.W., L.S.W. - Chief Sysop, A2Central.com
Posted by Spectrum 2.3, Crock O' Gold 3.3, and the LANceGS
You may well be... How wide have you declared the list to be?
You can have an element size up to 244 wide, but the default is for 50.
Anything in the string over the declared width will be truncated.
You can work with wide lists in memory, but will not be able to display
more than about 70+ wide with the display commands. There is also a limit
to the number of elements related to the max width. The list record in
memory has a maximum size of 64K.
If I need to hold more data than the screen width, I usually create two
lists, and work them in tandem. Often you do not need to see all the data
at once.
Check the !Help! Spectrum Extras/XCMDs/Lister Function 1 entry for full
details of the size and width limits.
Ewen Wannop - Speccie
Delivered without using a IIgs by Spectrum v2.5 & Crock O' Gold 3.3
Bernie ][ the Rescue 2.5.1 woofing at 55Mhz on a G3/350
Home Pages: http://www.btinternet.com/~ewannop/
I believe Ewen is pointing you to the right direction to solve the problem.
I tested SIS by putting a lot of spaces between words for the URL title in
the Bookmark Editor and it took it with no problems. But then, I had
already set the width field and stuff for the best display possible under
An alternative to using the underscore character is to use the non-breaking
space character. It looks like a space, but is treated as a regular
> ...non-breaking space character.
How do I generate this one?
Ryan M. Suenaga, M.S.W., L.S.W. -- rsuenaga@apple2.org
Chief Sysop, A2Central.com -- your total Apple II computing source
Posted by PTMM v2.5 - The integrated information solution
You know how you press the _ key (well, shift-minus) to get the underscore
character, press option-space to get the non-breaking space. Spectrum
doesn't mind having any of the high-bit characters as part of quoted text.
Ok, well, here's the latest status from me. I needed a design project for
my master's project (amazing, a ditz like me in the master's program,
eh?)...so I've decided to do file-sharing for the IIGS over TCP/IP, with my
fallback project the FTP server. I've got all the docs and progs that came
with Opus, and I'm looking for a TCP/IP book, and something on Mac
networking. Any ideas, advice, etc? Thanks!
Email: tarage@bellsouth.net
(TARAGE, 3266, GO COM A2P)
Opus ][ includes the marinetii programmer's guide, which covers TCP/IP with
Marinetti, and should give you a general understanding of TCP clients &
servers. If you're using MacOS X, you could probably just use standard
BSD/Posix tcp stuff. I believe Apple has made all the Mac programming books
available on their website; try poking around their.
You may also find the GS/OS reference and toolbox books (for IIgs) helpful,
depending on how you set up the IIgs client/server (NDA? GS/OS device
driver? etc).
Kelvin Sherlock
(KWS, 3267, GO COM A2P)
If I remember rightly, Foundation displays any resource for which it does
not have a specific editor in a generic hex display. Does anyone have a
handy list of the specific editors that Foundation has?
(GARETH, 3257, GO COM A2P)
IIRC, Foundation has a menu that lists all the resources it can edit
natively (for creating new resources). The extensive built-in help
information (under the apple menu) might also list them. Basicall, it does
all the simple ones pString, 2rects, menu items, etc., but nothing complex.
The Golden Orchard CD might have a couple additional editors, though (like
the icon editor).
(KWS, 3259, GO COM A2P)
It's really unfortunate that nobody ever wrote any significant extra editor
modules for Foundation. I tried to once but couldn't get it to work; the
plugin architecture IMHO was a little complicated.
Eric (Sheppy) Shepherd
Editor, A2Central.com
(SHEPPY, 3260, GO COM A2P)
I agree, it is a pity there are no more modules for this. I still find
Genesys works fairly well, as long as it too knows about a resource type.
I tend these days to build the original framework in Genesys, and then
save it out in Rez source format. I can then tweak it as I need to within
the source files.
Ewen Wannop - Speccie
Delivered without using a IIgs by Spectrum v2.5 & Crock O' Gold 3.3
Bernie ][ the Rescue 3.0 woofing at 55Mhz on a G3/350
Home Pages: http://www.btinternet.com/~ewannop/
I don't suppose Genesys is available anywhere these days, is it?
| homas
Unfortunately, Gensesys is not easy to find these days. (It would make a
good opportunity for Lost Classics to rescue it :). Design Master is
available from ByteWorks. It's not as powerful as Genesys, but you can
paint a window and then export it as rez.
ResLin (from Richard B.) is also available, but has even fewer editors. Of
course, ResLin has a much saner add-on architecture, so it should be easier
to write a new res type editor. (He said, never having written one...).
(KWS, 3263, GO COM A2P)
That's about how I use Genesys, when I bother to use a resource editor at
all. Do basic layout, then save to Rez format and tweak by hand from then
on. I don't mind working in Rez. much; I rather enjoy it.
Still, it would be really nice to have a resource editor that supported all
the controls. Genesys is so close on that point, only lacking thermometer
and rectangle. Its interface is a tad clunky though, requiring a lot of
bouncing from window to window to fully edit a control (including the
resource ID and name).
Eric (Sheppy) Shepherd
Editor, A2Central.com
(SHEPPY, 3264, GO COM A2P)
After a false start just over a week ago, finally I can announce the
release of a working OLR, and working Spectrum update for A2Central.
*** Announcing the release of the SOAR Offline Reader for A2Central. ***
You can now all enjoy easy access to A2Central from an offline reader. To
use SOAR, you will need to have a copy of Spectrum 2.4 installed,
Marinetti 2.0 or 2.1 configured and working, and an ISP that gives you full
TCP/IP access. If you have all those installed, then go and visit my home
pages on:
Click on the link to take you to the download pages, and download two
files, 'sp251updater,txt' and 'soar.txt'. These files are BinSCII encoded,
and will need to be decoded from the Black Apple menu item in Spectrum.
You should end up with 'SP251Update.SEA' and 'SOAR.SEA' on your hard disk.
From the Finder, double-click to extract these two files to make two
folders. In each folder there is a 'Read.Me.First' file. Those files will
give you full instructions on how to update Spectrum 2.4 to 2.5.1, and how
to install the SOAR reader.
Spectrum 2.5.1 is required by SOAR. This release of an updater is a public
Beta test of Spectrum 2.5.1 for owners of Spectrum 2.4 only. If there are
no reported problems, then Spectrum 2.5.1 or later will be available in the
normal way from Shareware Solutions in due course. Please immediately
report anything you find in 2.5.1 that does not work as expected to
<speccie@mac.com> or <conductor@a2people.com>.
May I stress that this is the first release of SOAR, and although it has
been extensively tested, it is still at beta level v1.0b1. SOAR is a living
entity, and it will be upgraded on a regular basis as new features are
activated by me and new options in A2Central become live.
I will especially be interested in comments, bug reports and wish lists
from you for SOAR, and I will issue updates of the core scripts as and when
these are needed.
So don't delay, SOAR away...
Ewen Wannop - Speccie - Wed 17 Jan 2001 - 189 days till KFest '01
Delivered without using a IIgs by Spectrum v2.5.1 & SOAR 1.0b1
Setup: Bernie ][ the Rescue 3.0 and a Blue & White G3/350
(CONDUCTOR, CAT2, TOP3, MSG:12/A2Central.com)
The mail box for Letters to the Editor remained empty this month.
Express your opinions about the comings and goings in the world of the
Apple II computers.
Send your comments to Lyle Syverson, Editor <lyle@FoxValley.net>
The Editor reserves the right to edit any material submitted.
The Editor reserves the right to reject any material he considers
unsuitable for publication in _The Lamp!_.
KFest 2001
Plan Ahead
KFest 2001 is set for July 25-29 (early arrivals on July 24) at Avila
College. Put it on your calender and start saving your money. You will be
glad you did.
About The Lamp! The Lamp! is published on the fifteenth of every month in
""""""""""""""" the Database of the II Scribe Forum on the Delphi online
service (GO CUS 11).
This publication produced entirely with real or emulated Apple II computers
using Appleworks 5.1 and Hermes. Apple II Forever!
* The Lamp! is (c) copyright 2000 by Ryan M. Suenaga, M.S.W. All
rights reserved.
* To reach The Lamp! on Internet email send mail to
* Back issues of The Lamp! are available in the II Scribe Forum on
Delphi as well as The Lamp! Home Page,
Opinions expressed herein are those of the individual authors, and do not
necessarily represent the opinions of the Delphi Online Services,
Syndicomm, Inc., Ryan M. Suenaga, or Lyle Syverson. Forum messages are
reprinted verbatim and are included in this publication with permission
from the individual authors. Delphi Online Services, Syndicomm,
Ryan M. Suenaga, and Lyle Syverson do not guarantee the accuracy or
suitability of any information included herein. We reserve the right to
edit all letters and copy.
Material published in this edition may not be reprinted without the
expressed written consent of the publisher. Registered computer user
groups, not for profit publications , and other interested parties may
write the publisher to apply for permission to reprint any or all material.