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WEREWOLF!!? (Maze Adventure)
Compatible: 48K Apple II+, //e, //c
Requirements: One disk drive, Mockingboard optional
There are evil doings at the old castle. Dr. Orloff is determined to awaken a demon lord of the underworld; and someone has to tread the monster-patrolled labyrinthine dungeons, find the mad scientist and persuade him to stop before property values take a permanent nosedive. As the only stranger in town, your're elected.
Melding maze, text, and arcade elements, Werewolf!!? presents an '82 vintage monsters-and mazes look but plays more like a text adventure. Along with gorillas, acid pits, poison gas, and other hazards, you will find amulets, room keys, safe combinations, weapons, and other goodies as well as entertaining riddles and even clues from previous lives. Arcade-class quickness is very helpful, but much less important than good mapping, notes, and puzzle busting.
Admittedly, Werewolf!!? takes a good deal of 'getting into'. Hardly a graphics/sound showcase, the real fun begins once you discover patterns of maze construction, locate "security offices", and otherwise 'learn the ropes'. Offering multiple winning strategies and puzzles within enigmas, the game is a fine challenge for experienced maze adventurers.
Available from Gambit: P.O. Box 70858, Houston, TX 77270-0858. $36.95
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