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Amazon (Picture-Text Adventure)
Compatible: 64k Apple II+, //e. iic
Requirements: One disk drive; joystick optional
Yet another NSRT-backed expedition to the Amazon has met a violent fate. Determined to locate an ancient mine which, if legends are correct, should be a source of a rare form of emerald important to national defense, the agency turns to you. If National Satellite Research Technology's best field operative can't find the Lost City of Chak and its mine, who can?!
When your first contact, an Amazon expert, is found murdered it's clear that things could get rough; and, once in the Amazon, they do. Cannibals want your head, corrupt soldiers want your money and/or your life, and an active volcano is ready to blow just in case you manage to offend the wrong god. At least your portable computer/satellite link provides exact positioning; and Paco, your ex-contact's pet parrot, is a goldmine of information.
Beautiful graphics, decent parsing, and an interesting story line quickly involve you in one of the better exploration-oriented challenges. Offering three difficulty levels, "Amazon" is good for several evenings of hi-tech jungle adventuring.
Available from Telarium: One Kendall Square, Cambridge, MA 02139. (617)-494-1200. $39.95
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