2021-04-15 13:31:59 -05:00

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Rails West! Simulation Game Short Rules
Docs Written by: The Kid
Edited by: Wile Coyote
Note: These are the "Short Rules" provided by Strategic Simulations. It
is the bare bones necessary to play the game. To really understand the
game and get some hints about strategy you will need the longer docs.
These will be provided in a separate file.
(A color monitor is highly advisable.)
Number of Players: 1-8, up to 4 can be controlled by the computer
Length of Game: Long Scenario lasts 31 turns (1870-1900) Short Scenario
lasts either 6 turns (1890-95) or 11 (1890-1900)
Object of Game: Accumulate cash, stocks, and bonds and control viable
transcontinental railroads. A transcontinental runs between one or more
of he western terminals (Seattle, Portland, San Francisco, LA, or
Mojave) and one or more eastern terminal (St. L MISSING TEXT
The Map: There are 33 cities connected by 68 potential/actual rail
lines. Potential lines are white. Other colors represent efficiency
levels. Violet=low, Orange=medium, Green=high.
Phases of a Turn
1) Operations: Various economic indicators are calculated at this point.
Interest on call loans is collected, bad call loans are called, some
randomly selected call loans are called and companies are declared
bankrupt as necessary. Action points are deter
2) Computer/Player Phase: With difficulty set at 1 or 2, the computer
goes first. Difficulty set at 3, first move is randomly selected and on
difficulty 4 the player(s) go first.
3) Computer Action Phase: Computer-run player moves displayed, hitting
SPACE BAR will pause it (slight delay in reacting to it).
Player Action Phase
There are two menus (Player Action Menu and RR ACTION Menu, reached by
selecting RR ACTION). Most actions cost 1 action point. Free actions
are: Read Map, Read Account, RR Statistics, and Read Account (on RR
ACTION menu). A bankrupt player or one with no
Player Actions
BUY/SELL SECURITIES: Made in blocks of 1000 shares or bonds. Any
purchase or sale results in the shock price being recalculated, bond
prices are not affected.
SELL STOCK: The public never buys stock at less than 3 and buys only as
much as it already owns, a minimum of 1000-4000 shares.
BUY STOCK: A player must buy with cash. The public never offers all its
stock, it offers fewer (Minimum: 1000 shares) higher priced shares and
more lower priced shares.
SELL BONDS: The public won't buy bonds selling for less than 101.
APPLY FOR LOAN: The maximum loan equals the net worth in cash and
securities minus previous loans.
START NEW RAILROAD: If less than 20 exist, players may start a new RR
corporation, acquiring control and 100,000 shares of stock for a minimum
payment of $300,000. The new RR must charter a line during the turn or
be eliminated.
READ ACCOUNT: Your cash balance, call loans, numbers of stocks and
CONTROL RAILROAD: Player must own at least 10% of the RR's shares and
more than any other player trying to gain control.
RECALL RR LOAN: Player recalls all or part of any loan. To repay, the RR
must have the cash and not owe interest on its bonds.
RR ACTION: Can only be taken for a RR you control.
Railroad Actions
SELL/BUY STOCKS/BONDS: Same as for Player companies except: 1) A RR
may buy/sell from player's company or the market, 2) the cash a RR gets
goes to paying off call loans, and 3) RRs are not allowed to own
securities from other RRs.
REPAY BANK LOAN: Repays call loans that result from building or from
raising efficiency.
RESIGN CONTROL: Do so to save action points.
READ ACCOUNT: See how much cash the RR has, how much it owes in call
loans, how many unissued stocks and bonds it has. Bankruptcy is shown
in negative bank balances.
CHARTER LINE: A RR must charter (cost: $300,000) a line segment before
it can build on it. May only have one unfinished line at a time. The new
line must connect to an existing one, if one exists. It must be
completed within a time limit (with exceptions)
RAISE EFFICIENCY: The RR does not need cash but must not be bankrupt or
owe bond interest to do this. The new color is drawn, several financial
operations occur.
BUILD NEW LINES: RR must have an uncompleted chartered line and can only
do this once per turn on any line. Do not need cash but must not be
bankrupt or owe bond interest. Cost is based on economic"level with a
premium for more than 15 dots (and a maximum
CHANGE DIVIDEND: Set rate between 0 and 25.
PAY INTEREST: If the RR passed up paying its bond interest at some
point, it may pay 1 year's back interest. May be performed more than
once (to pay off older interest). Must have enough cash.
FLOAT SECURITIES: RR may float its own securities through an investment
banker. The banker may offer free stock to encourage purchases. Banker's
charge=10%. These bonds are not subject to the same market forces as
MERGE: One corporation joins with another. Requires 3 action points.
Various conditions exist for mergers.
- End of Short Rules -