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Powerbots Dox & Cheat
From D.T. Legna of the Crunchy Booger Dox Warehouse
(10 Megs of Dox, G-Files, Gamecheats, Gamesolves,and Game editors)
(312) 253-5952
Also a product of "The Command Module" boards
10 Meg BBS (312) 847-0567
(300/1200 Baud)
10 Meg AEP (312) 847-2901
(1200/2400 Baud)
The game starts out with a half way decent picture and some music that you
will get sick of while playing the game... Then when the game starts, you get
to meet the Android that you will control (yippie??), He will talk for a
while and its VERY BORRING ...... you can abbort it and still play the game
by hitting CTRL-RESET and type "RUN DROIDS"
Actually you can hit CTRL-RESET When the stupid music starts and then
type "RUN DROIDS".If you would like to cheat at this game cause it will be
very hard to win without doing so then you must change 2 lines they are....
vvvvv----Changed part
182 IF PD% > 200 AND CR% < = 0 THEN PD% = 0: GOSUB 185:CR%=0:GOSUB 255
POKE - 16368,0: CALL RK%:CALL PS%,0:LE% = 0: GOSUB 150:CALL 54915 :
vvvvvvvvv---Changed part
255 CR% = 150:A$= RIGHT$("0000" + STR$ (CR%),4):CALL PP%,0,33,166,4,8,3:
This cheat is in the applesoft file named "DROIDS". This cheat will restore
your Androids power EVERY time he runs out. This cheat works on the crack by
The Safe Cracker Released 1-5-86 any other cracks might not work
Active keys....
1 --- Fires your first weapon
2 --- Fires your second weapon
3 --- Jumps left 1 grid
4 --- Jumps right 1 grid
5 --- Jumps up 1 grid
6 --- Jumps down 1 grid
7 --- Attempts to talk to the robot in the room
8 --- Checks if the power module is in the room
Playing the game....
First you will land in front of YOUR service robot. he will ask you what
weapon do you chose... now you can chose from four weapons they are...
To change the choice you hit the SPACE BAR and to accept a weapon you hit
then you can hit a JUMP KEY to where ever you would like to move (I hit 6
most of the time). So as you land in a room, keep your hands on buttons 1 &
2 (Fire Buttons) if there is a robot in the room dont fire right away see if
he is going to fire first. If he does not then hit button 7 (Talk Button) and
if the robot is friendly then he will tell you some info about the Power
Module's Location. If he fires at you then either fire back at him (Note : not
all weapons will hurt all robots. you may have to go back to YOUR service
robot to get new weapons in order to kill him.) or you may want to just leave
(same way that you came in only) cause the Power Module will NEVER be in the
same room as a Robot is. Through trial and error you will find out which
weapons hurt which robots.
Sometimes a room will have a Dragon in it and they cannot be killed,
though the Goo-Gun shuts their mouth real well so you can get away.
In order to win you must Find the Power Module 4 times, and then you will
win. Of course just after you win the machine will play that stupid music that
you hate, and then start the game over....