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266 lines
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Ogre Docs Part III
typed up by
Digital Monk
OGRE lets you customize various game features to suit your own taste,
and can be used before or during a game. Selecting "Preferences" from
the "OSI" menu will display the Preferences dialogue box. This presents
you with five options to modify. Clicking on an option will change it.
If an option has more than one choice, click on it unitl the desired
choice is displayed.
The Options are:
Sound Effects: The default is "yes" (meaning sound effects will be
heard). Turning sound effects off not only makes OGRE play more quietly
(in case someone in the house is trying to sleep) , but also causes the
program to operate a little faster.
Reminders: During play, various dialogue boxes will appear as reminders
that you have not performed all of the actions available to you, or that
you are about to perform an irrecoverable action. If, for example,
"Done" is clicked during the Defender Move phase and all of the
defenders that can move have not done so, then a reminder dialogue box
appears. There is a reminder for the end of each game phase as well as
areminders for ramming and overrunning. The default for reminders is
Skip Empty Turns: There are times when there is no possible action
during the phase. If, for example, the Ogre has had all of its weapons
destroyed, then there is nothing for the Ogre to do during the Ogre
Attack Phase. Nonetheless, the Ogre Attack Phase appears and "Done" must
be clicked to go on to the next phase. These "empty" turns can be
bypassed automatically by setting "Skip Empty Turns" to "Yes". The
default for skipping empty turns is "No".
Ogre Message Speed: During the one-player game where the Ogre is
controlled by the computer, various messages will appear informing the
player as to what the Ogre is doing. The time that these messages remain
visible can be modified with "Ogre Message Speed". the choices are
"low", "med", and "high". The default is "low". this option appears
dimmed during a two player game.
Ogre Skill Level: This option allows the player to modify the level of
intellegence with which the Ogre plays during the one player game. The
levels are "low", "med", and "high". The default is "low". This option
appears dimmed during a two player game.
Here is how combat results are determined in the original OGRE as
designed by Steve Jackson. The computer version of OGRE computes combat
results in the same fashion, but in a manner totally transparent to the
In general, each attack is resolved by comparing attack and defense
strengths of the units involved, and then rolling a die. specifically:
For each attack, all attack strengths involved are totaled, and then
compared with the defense strength of the target in ratio form. This
ratio is then rounded off in the defender's favor to one of the ratios
shown on the COMBAT RESULTS TABLE. In other words, the target of the
attack, be it Ogre or standard unit, gets the benefit of the
rounding-off. Examples: 2 attack points against 1 defense point would be
a "2 to 1" attack. 2 attack points vs. 2 defense points = 1 to 1; 3
attack points vs. 2 defense points = 1 to 2; 6 attack points vs. 1
defense point = 6 to 1 (treated as 5 to 1; see the Combat Results Table
). Once the ratio is determined and rounded off, the attacker rolls the
die and consults the proper column of the Combat Results Table to find
the result. Results are applied immediately.
Die Roll 1-2 1-1 2-1 3-1 4-1
1 ne ne ne d d
2 ne ne d d x
3 ne d d x x
4 ne d x x x
5 d x x x x
6 x x x x x
Attacks at less than 1 to 2 are always ne
Attacks at 5 to 1 or better, are always and automatic x
Explanation of Symbols:
ne: "no effect", The unit attacked is undamaged.
d: Four Possible results, depending on the unit attacked.
1) An Ogre is undamaged. (This shows as "glanced" in the sidebar)
2) An infantry unit has its strength reduced by 1
3) An armor unit is disabled. the unit can neither move nor fire next
turn. An armor unit remains disabled until the end of the enemy's next
Combat Phase.
4) A disabled armor unit is destroyed if it receives a second "d" result
while disabled.
x: If the unit attacked is an Ogre, the part of the Ogre that was
attacked is destroyed. If the defender is any unit other than an Ogre,
it is destroyed.
Command Post Already Present: Appears when the player attempts to put
more than one Command Post on the field
Crater in the Way: Appears when the player attempts to move the Ogre
onto a crater.
Please stay on the Map: Appears when a click occurs anywhere except in a
legal area.
2 units in hex Please move 1: When two defenders are in the same hex,
one of them must be moved off before any action may be taken elsewhere.
This message appears if any action is attempted with a defender other
than the two are residing in the same hex.
Can't move onto a crater: Appears when attempting to move a piece onto a
Can't move that far: Appears when attempting to move a piece more than
its movement allowance.
Command Post can't attack: Appears when the player attempts to target
the Ogre with the Command Post.
Disabled Can't attack this turn: Appears when the player attempts to
target the Ogre with a disabled piece.
Disabled Can't move this turn: Appears when the player attempts to move
a disabled piece.
Entire squad has aimed or fired: Appears when the player attempts to
target the Ogre more frequently than the number of units in the squad.
No attacker: Appears when the player attempts to target opponent by
dragging from a hex that doesn't contain a piece.
No clear path: Appears when the player attempts to move a piece from one
hex to another, and there is no path of empty hexes short enough to
complete the move.
No combined on attacks on treads: Appears when the player attempts to
combine pieces in an attack against the Ogres treads
No Target: Appears when the player attempts to target the opponent by
dragging from a piece to a hex that doesn't contain an opponent.
No treads left!: Appears when the player attempts to move an Ogre that
has no treads.
Not enough treads to ram: Appears when the player attempts to ram that
will cost the Ogre more treads than it has remaining.
Ogre can't enter on a crater: Appears when the player attempts to bring
the Ogre onto the field on any row other than the bottom one.
Only two rams per turn: Appears when the Ogre player attempts to ram
more than two pieces in one turn.
Piece cannot move: Appears when the player attempts to move the Command
Post or howitzer.
Please move a piece: Appears when the player attempts to move a crater,
an opponent's piece, or from a blank hex.
Please stay on the map: Appears when a click occurs anywhere except in
the legal area.
Target one unit at a time: Appears when the Ogre attempts to target more
than one defending unit at a time.
Target out of attack range: Appears when the Ogre is beyond the range of
the attacking piece, or when the ogre attempts to target a piece beyond
the range of its available weapons.
This hex is full: Appears when the player attempts to move a defending
unit onto a hex that already contains the Ogre and another defending
This unit has moved: Appears when the player attempts to move a piece
that has already moved it's full movement allowance.
Unit already aimed this turn: Appears when the player attempts to target
the Ogre with a piece that is already aimed at the Ogre.
Unit already fired this turn: Appears when the player attempts to target
the Ogre with a piece that has already fired.