2021-04-15 13:31:59 -05:00

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Here is the post I promised.
Call thease places.
link code password
regfellow visitor
chaos mainline
freematrix cfm
yakuza yak
loser loser
eastseabod longisland
soften permafrost
hosakacorp fungeki
To Get Cash:
(1) Call hosaka <above> and upload comlink 6.0
(2) Call hosaka and goto new employees. select one. hit edit. put ya
name and bama id on there.
(3) Call keiatsu pass supertac and put larry moe on the warrant list his number
is 062788138 goto microsofts. enter back room. ask lupus about account bank
berne, pass, chip, upgrade, and neuromancer. now goto cheap hotel to call some more boards. call bozobank <use sequencer to get in <on the welcome screen type I and hit seqiencer>> open an account. call bankgemein pass verboten. do a funds transfer. type the source acc# <the one lupus gave you> link code <bozobank> source acc# < your account at bozobank> and the ammount to Xfer <30000>.
That should hold you off for cash, now let's explore Cyberspace.
First, get a C space deck. goto asano. say why does edo call you a pig. follow
asano's ramblings. did you buy the deck? good. i suggest the ninja 4000 <it's
cheap> okay, now goto cheap hotel. use comlink 6.0. select goto Cyberspace.
now you are in zone 0 try the following cordnates:
Oooops, guess some of those <the 352,112 to 352,64>are in zone 2 the gent
loser. and that last one is in zone 2 <industrial zone>
Welp that should hold you neuromanereres off untill monday night, when i
Oh yea, one more thing. use skills to kill AI's <those big faces>
cya soon!
-(c) Cj