
68 lines
2.0 KiB

Draw Poker
The Poker Table pits you against the
"House". Both you and the dealer start
with an equal amount of money,
depending on the amount the player
withdraws. You play "table stakes"
rules meaning that, during play, you or
the dealer cannot bet any amount of
money that exceeds the others bankroll.
At the first prompt after entering the
Poker Table, you may:
A)nte or Q)uit to the Casino Menu
If you choose to Ante, both you and the
dealer put $5 in the "pot". Each is
then dealt 5 cards. You or the dealer
may B)et, C)heck or F)old. The winner
of the previous round will always B)et
or C)heck first. Betting may range
from $2 to $25. After one B)ets, the
other may either C)heck, R)aise, or
F)old. If one B)ets and the other
F)olds, the one who B)et automatically
wins the "pot". If one R)aises, the
raise is always limited to $25. There
is also a limit of 3 raises before and
after discards. You are allowed to
check and raise.
After both you and the dealer C)heck or
C)all, you are shown your cards and
asked which ones you wish to discard.
If you wish to "stand pat", hit
<RETURN>. You may discard from 1 to 5
(all) cards.
You discard by typing the number(s) of
the cards:
To discard 1,2,5: 125 <RETURN>
To discard 2,4 : 24 <RETURN>
To discard all : 12345 <RETURN>
ALWAYS enter the numbers of the cards
in ASCENDING order.
You are then shown the number of new
cards that you and the dealer took.
You new hand is then dispalayed and you
are given the chance to bet these
cards. The same rules apply to this
round of betting that applied to the
rst round.
After all betting is complete, the
"house" analyzes each hand to determine
the winner. If you win, the "pot" is
added to your bankroll. In the case of
a tie, the "pot" is split between the
player and the "house".
At this point you may either A)nte for
a new round of Poker or Q)uit.