2021-04-15 13:31:59 -05:00

762 lines
29 KiB

Bard's Tale III Spells in brief
Experience Spell Level
~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~
1 1
2 1
3 2
4 2
5 3
6 3
7 4
8 4
9 5
10 5
11 6
12 6
13+ 7
Book Of Spells
Format used in this spell list:
Magic user class
Level #
Code Pt. Cost Range Duration
Full spell name and a brief description plus any special instructions
to use.
Range types and meanings:
View Line of sight.
## Anything in the direction of the spell caster for the number of
feet specified by "##"
Wall A wall in the direction the spellcaster faces.
Level The entire level that your party is on.
1 object A single object.
1 foe A single monster, regardless of the number your party faces.
Group One of up to 4 monster groups.
All foes All the monsters your party faces.
Self The spellcaster only.
Party Your party.
Char The party member you designate.
Special The special character you designate.
oo Hits with full effectiveness up to the listed range, and at
reduced effectiveness when it hits at double the listed range.
For instance, if your spell has a range of 30', and you use it
against foes 60' away, the spell will hit with reduced
n/a Not applicale; used where range is not a factor in the spell.
Duration types and meanings:
Combat Until the combat ends (when either you run away, you win, or
the monster wins).
1 move Exactly one move.
1 round The entire round of combat.
Short A few minutes only.
Medium Several minutes.
Long Twice as long as short spells.
Indef Until the party enters the Refugee Camp or an anti-magic zone.
Misc Has multiple or variable ranges.
n/a Not applicable; the result of the spell is immediate.
The spells proper...
From fireballs to magic compasses, Conjurers can create objects and effecte out
of thin air. Conjurer spells take up a lot of energy to create even moderate
effects; that's why these magic users don't involve themselves with huge
magical productions.
level 1
MAFL 2 view medium
Mage Flame - A small flame floats above the spellcaster as he moves
about, illuminating the immediate area.
ARFI 3 1 foe/10' n/a
Arc Fire - Fiery blue flames spray from the spellcaster's fingers,
inflicting 1 to 4 damage pts (dps), depending on the confurer's level.
TRZP 2 30' n/a
Trap Zap - Disarms any traps within 30' in the direction that the
spellcaster is facing. Trap Zap also works on chests for the same amount
of spell points.
level 2
FRFO 3 group combat
Freeze Foes - Binds your enemies in a magical fore, slowing them down and
making them an easier target for your itching sword.
MACO 3 n/a medium
Kiel's Magic Compas - A compass of shimmering magelight appears above the
partty and shows the direction they face.
WOHL 4 char n/a
Word of Healing - With the uttering of a single word, this heals a party
member from 4 to 16 dps.
level 3
LERE 5 view long
Lesser Revelation - An extended Mage Flame spell that also reveals secret
LEVI 4 party short
Levitation - partially nullifies gravity, letting the party float over
traps, or up and down through portals.
WAST 5 group/20' n/a
Warstrike - An electric spell where a stream of energy shoots from the
spellcaster's finger, frying a group of foes for 5 to 20 dps.
level 4
INWO 6 party n/a
Elik's Instant Wolf - Summons a giant and extremely fierce wolf to join
your party.
FLRE 6 char n/a
Flesh Restore - A powerrful healing spell that restores 10 to 40 dps to a
party member, curing those striken with insanity or poisoning.
level 5
GRRE 7 view long
Greater Revelation - Operates like Lesser Revelation, but illuminates a
wider area for a longer period of time.
SHSP 7 group/30'/oo n/a
Shock Sphere - Creates a large globe of intense electrical energy that
envelops a group of enemies and inflicts 10 to 40 dps.
level 6
FLAN 9 group n/a
Flesh Anew - Works like Flesh Restore, but affercts every member of the
MALE 8 party indef
Major Levitation - Operates like Levitation, but it lasts until the spell
is terminated by some event like the activation of an anti-magic sq.
level 7
REGN 12 char n/a
Regeneration - A health spell that revives all the HP for the lucky member
of the party.
APAR 15 party n/a
Apport Arcane - Teleports the party within a dungeon to any location that's
not protected by a teleportation shield.
FAFO 18 group n/a
Far Foe - Pushes a group of foes 30' further away from your party, up to a
total distance of 90'.
INSL 12 party n/a
Elik's Instant Slayer - Materializes a slayer who joins your party. What's
a slayer? The name speaks for itself...
Magicians can bestow magical effects on common objects. This however, doesn't
mean that the item becomes magical. It only takes on the magical effects for
the duration of the spell.
level 1
VOPL 3 char combat
Vorpal Plating - Causes the weapon (or hands) of a party member to emit
a magical field that inflicts 2 to 8 additional dps.
QUFI 3 char n/a
Quick Fix - Regenerates 8 HP for a character, up to the character's maximum
HP level.
SCSI 2 party n/a
Scry Site - Causes a dungeon wall or wilderness pathway to reveal the
party's location.
level 2
HOWA 4 1 foe/10' n/a
Holy Water - Holy water sprays from the spellcaster's fingers, inflicting
6 to 24 dps on any foe of evil or supernatural origin.
MAGA 5 char combat
Magic Gauntlets - Makes the hands (or weapon) of a party member more deadly
by adding 4 to 16 dps to every wound it inflicts on a foe.
AREN 5 30' short
Area Enchant - Causes the dungeon walls within 30' (3 sqs) of a stairway to
call out if the party is headed towards the stairs.
level 3
MYSH 6 char medium
Ybarra's Mystic Shield - Causes the air in front of the party to form an
invisible shield that's as hard as metal. The shield moves with the party.
OGST 6 char combat
Oscon's Ogre Strength - Endows a specific party member with the strength of
Elik's Ogre for the duration of the battle.
STFL 6 group/40'/oo n/a
Star Flare - An electrical spell that ignites the air around your enemies,
scorching them for 10 to 40 dps. A real hair curler.
level 4
SPTO 8 1 foe/70' n/a
Spectre Touch - Drains a single enemy of 15 to 60 dps as if it were touched
lightly by death.
DRBR 7 group/30' n/a
Dragon Breath - Lets the spellcaster belch a breath fire at a group of
monsters, inflicting 8 to 64 dps on each monster.
level 5
ANMA 8 party combat
Anti-Magic - Causes the ground to absorb a portion of the spells cast at the
party by monsters, giving the party a chance to escape unharmed. This spell
also aids in disbelieving illusions and shielding against magical fires such
as Dragon Breath.
GIST 10 party combat
Giant Strength - Instills tremendous power in your party, increasing their
strike ability by 10.
level 6
PHDO 10 wall 1 move
Phase Door - Vaporizes any wall that's not protected by an Anti-Phase Door
aura or spell into air.
YMCA 10 party indef
Ybarra's Mystical Coat of Armor - Works just like Ybarra's Mystic Shield,
but lasts indefinitely.
level 7
REST 25 party n/a
Restoration - Regenerates the body of every party member to perfect
condition; even cures insanity and poisoning.
DEST 16 1 foe/10' n/a
Death Strike - Instantly kills a selected enemy, which certainly catagorizes
this spell as one that doesn't fool around.
ICES 11 group/50' n/a
Ice Storm - Pummels a group of monsters with chunks of ice, causing 20 to 80
STON 20 char n/a
Stone to Flesh - Takes a character who has been turned to stone and restores
him to his natural flesh state.
Sorcerers rely on illusions in their magical repertoire. A neat and tidy mage
class, Sorcerers prefer to work on peoples' minds than with tangible (and
dirty) objects or monsters.
level 1
MIJA 3 1 foe/40'/oo n/a
Mangar's Mind Jab - Casts a concentrated blast of electrical energy at one
opponent, inflicting 2 to 8 dps for each experience level of the
PHBL 2 party combat
Phase Blur - Causes the entire party to become blurry in the eyes of the
enemy, making your party harder to strike.
LOTR 2 30' short
Locate Traps - Heightens the spellcaster's awareness for trap detecting.
Works for 30' in the direction that the spellcaster is facing.
level 2
DISB 4 party n/a
Disbelieve - Reveals an attacking illusion for the true nonphysical object
that it is, causing it to vanish.
WIWA 5 party n/a
Wind Warrior - Creates the illusion of a battle-ready ninja in the ranks of
your party. The illusionary ninja will fight until defeated or disbelieved.
FEAR 4 group combat
Word of Fear - An incantation that causes a group of enemies to quake in
fear, thus reducing their ability to attack and inflict damage.
level 3
WIOG 6 party n/a
Wind Ogre - Like Elik's Instant Ogre, it summons a mean, illusionary being
to join your party.
INVI 6 party combat
Kylearan's Invisibility Spell - Invoke this spell to render the entire
party nearly invisible to the enemy.
SESI 6 30 medium
Second Sight - Heightenes awareness so the spellcaster can detect all traps
and tricks that lie directly ahead.
level 4
CAEY 7 view indef
Cat Eyes - Endows the entire party with perfect night vision for an
indefinite period of time.
WIDR 12 party n/a
Wind Dragon - Creates an illusionary red dragon to join the ranks of your
level 5
DIIL 8 all foes combat
Disrupt Illusion - Destroys any illusions among the ranks of the enemy and
prevents mew illusions from appearing.
MIBR 10 all foes/30'/oo n/a
Mangar's Mind Blade - An electric spell that strikes every opposing group
within range with an explosion of energy capable of inflicting 25 to
100 dps.
level 6
WIGI 11 party n/a
Wind Giant - Creates an illusionary elemental guant that joins your party
and fights up a storm.
SOSI 11 30' indef
Sorcerer Sight - Operates like the trap-detecting Second Sight spell but
lasts indefinitely.
level 7
RIME 20 all foes/40' n/a
Rimefang - Rakes enemies with shards of ice, inflicting 50 to 200 dps.
WIHE 16 party n/a
Wind Hero - Creates an illusionary hero with the power of hurricane winds
to join your party.
MAGM 40 group n/a
Mage Maelstrom - Assults a group of opposing spellcasters and may do one
of the following: inflict 60 to 240 dps, turn them into stone, or kill
them outright. However, because the maelstrom is illusionary in nature,
a disbelieving enemy can totally nullify it.
PREC 50 all foes n/a
Preclusion - Keeps the enemy from being able to summon any creatures.
Wizards can summon and control supernatural creatures and energies. The Wizard
has fewer spells to choose from than the other classes, but their potency makes
up for it.
level 1
SUEL 10 party n/a
Summon Elemental - Creates a fire-being from the raw elements of the
universe to join and fight for your party.
FOFO 11 group/10' n/a
Fanskar's Force Focus - Lands a cone of gravitational energy on a group of
your foes, inflicting 20 to 100 dps.
level 2
PRSU 14 party n/a
Prime Summoning - Coerces a powerful undead creatyre to unwillingly join
your party.
DEBA 11 i for/20' n/a
Demon Bane - inflicts 100 to 400 dps on a single creature of evil or
supernatural origin.
level 3
FLCO 14 group/30' n/a
Flame Column - Creates a cyclone of flames that lashes out and delivers 22
to 88 dps to a group of your foes.
DISP 12 char n/a
Dispossess - Returns a possessed party member to the normal state of
level 4
HERB 13 party n/a
Summon Herb - Summons Herb to join your party. Herb is pretty busy, but
he'll hang out with your party for a while if you need him.
ANDE 14 char combat
Animate Dead - Reanimates a dead character with living strength so he or
she attacks enemies as if truly alive.
level 5
SPBI 16 1 foe n/a
Baylor's Spell Bind - If successful, this spell possess the mind of an
enemy and forces him or her to join and fight for your party.
SOWH 13 1 foe/70' n/a
Storal's Soul Whip - Whips out a tendril of psionite (mind) power to
strike a selected foe, inflicting 50 to 200 dps.
level 6
GRSU 22 party n/a
Greater Summoning - Operates like Prime Summoning but causes a powerful
elemental creature to appear and fight for the party.
BEDE 18 char n/a
Beyond Death - Brings a dead character back to life and give him or her
1 HP as a welcome back gift.
level 7
WIZW 16 group/50' n/a
Wacum's Wizard War - An electric spell that creates a pyrotechnical storm
over a group of monsters, inflicting 50 to 200 dps.
DMST 25 group/50' n/a
Demon Strike - Unleashes the terrorizing power of demons unto the enemy
ranks, causing 200 to 400 dps.
Archmages are the wise ones who have learned at least all the spells for four
of the previous mage classes. This give the Archmage the ability to pick and
choose from a huge batch of spells.
level 1
HAFO 15 all foes 1 round
Oscon's Haltfoe - If successful, this spell causes every attacking group
to miss all their attacks during the next round.
MEME 20 group n/a
Melee Men - Pull an attacking group into melee range (10') regardless of
how far they were when they began attacking.
level 2
BASP 28 party misc
Batch Spell - Executes the following batch of spells: Greater revelation,
Ybarra's Mystical shield, Coat of armor, Sorcerer sight, Major levitation
and Kiel's magic compass.
level 3
CAMR 26 party n/a
Camaraderie - Has a 50% chance of calming all monsters in your party that
have turned hostile.
level 4
NILA 30 group/50' n/a
Fanskar's Night Lance - Launches a chilling ice missile against a group of
foes, inflicting 100 to 450 dps.
level 5
HEAL 50 party n/a
Heal all - A beyond death spell that resurrects every dead party member
(including those turned to stone), and heals all wounds, paralysis, and
level 6
BRKR 60 party n/a
The Brothers Kringle - The brothers are always ready to help friends in
trouble. Engough brothers appear to fill the empty slots in your party.
level 7
MAMA 80 all foes/90' n/a
Mangar's Mallet - Inflicts 200 to 800 bone-crushing dps against every
monster group you face.
The key to distant lands, Chronomancers help the party move from dimension to
dimension with their special teleport spells. They also have a number of
vicious offensive spells.
level 1
VITL 12 char n/a
Vitality - Invigorates a character by healing 4 to 5 HP x the spellcaster's
ARBO 10 party n/a
Arboria - Teleports the party to Arboria.
ENIK 10 party n/a
Exit Now That I Know - Teleports the party from Arboria to the wilderness.
level 2
WIFI 20 group/20' n/a
Witherfist - Crushes a group of enemies under a hige fist of power for 300
to 600 dps.
COLD 20 group/80' n/a
Frost Force - Blasts the enemy with a deadly frost of 50 to 400 dps.
GELI 15 party n/a
Gelidia - Transports the party to Gelidia.
ECUL 15 party n/a
Exit Carefully Under Luck - Transports the party from Gelidia to the
level 3
GOFI 25 group/80' n/a
God's Fire - A holy spell where blazing red fires are sent from the angry
gods to roast the enemy for 60 to 240 dps.
STUN 30 all foes n/a
Stun - An electric spell that gives the enemy a high-voltage zap for 50 to
200 dps.
LUCE 20 party n/a
Lucencia - Transports the party to Lucencia.
ILEG 20 party n/a
If Leaving Exit Gingerly - Transports the party from Lucencia to the
level 4
LUCK 45 party n/a
Luck Chant - Increases your chances of hitting or defending by 8 pts.
FADE 50 foe/30' n/a
Far Death - A long-range spell that drops a disant foe dead in its tracks.
KINE 25 party n/a
Kinestia - Transports the party to Kinestia.
OBRA 25 party n/a
Og Better Run Away - Transports the party from Kinestia to the wilderness.
level 5
WHAT 60 1 object n/a
Identify - Cast this spell on something to find out just what the heck it
OLAY 60 1 char n/a
Youth - Coats a character with a light, iragrant lotion to cure oldness.
OLUK 30 party n/a
Tenebrosia - Transports the party to Tenebrosia.
ECEA 30 party n/a
Everyone Can Exit Already - Transports the party from Tenebrosia to the
level 6
GRRO 65 1 char misc
Gave Robber - Casts Beyond Death and Regeneration for a life-giving
combination of spells.
FOTA 70 all foes misc
Force of Tarjan - Casts Witherfist and Sandstorm for a double offensive
AECE 35 party n/a
Tarmitia - Transports the party to Tarmitia.
KULO 35 party n/a
Kick Us Lamely Out - Transports the party from Tarmitia to the wilderness.
level 7
SHSH 60 party indef
Shadow Shield - Casts a gray chadow around the party and lowers their armor
class by 4.
FAFI 100 all foes n/a
Fatal Fist - Crushes the enemy under an unearthly gravitational force for
400 to 1500 dps.
EVIL 50 party n/a
Malefia - Transports the party to Malefia.
LIVE 50 party n/a
Live To Tell About It - Transports the party from Malefia to the wilderness.
The most physically adept of all the spell casters, Geomancers can handle most
weapons that fighters can. Their combative nature shows in their repertoire of
predominantly offensive spells. To become a Geomancer, you must find the one
special location that performs the rite of passage to this mage class.
level 1
EADA 5 group/40' n/a
Earth Dagger - Cuts down the enemy with holy daggers for 200 to 800 dps.
EASO 5 level n/a
Earth Song - Reveals all booby-trapped areas that can injure the party.
EAWA 8 level n/a
Earth Ward - Casts the Trap zap spell on the entire level.
level 2
FREB 10 all foes n/a
Trebuchet - Fries all foes with wickedly hot flames for 150 to 600 dps.
EAEL 15 party n/a
Earth Elemental - Summons an Earth Elemental, which is a creature created
from the raw elements of the earth.
WAWA 15 wall n/a
Wall Warp - Works like Phase Door until the party leaves.
level 3
ROCK 18 1 foe/60' n/a
Petrify - Turns an enemy up to 60' away into the hardest stone.
ROAL 20 level n/a
Roscoe's Alert - Reveals to the party where the anti-magic areas are.
level 4
SUSO 20 level n/a
Succor Song - Shows all heal-party squares, so your party can put an end
to their weakness and pain.
SAST 25 all foes n/a
Sandstorm - With a violent swirl of sand, all foes are whipped back 60'.
level 5
SANT 30 level n/a
Sanctuary - Shows all mage regeneration squares, so your spellcasters can
be refreshed.
GLST 40 1 foe/90' n/a
Glacier Strike - Impales the enemy with an icy stalagmite, causing 400 to
1600 dps.
level 6
PATH 40 level n/a
Path Finder - An instant map, this shows the entire maze that the party is
MABA 50 group/50' n/a
Magma Blast - Burns a group of foes with a blast of hot, fiery magma for
300 to 1200 dps.
level 7
JOBO 60 all foes n/a
Jolt Bolt - Wrenches the earth below the enemy, smashing them to the ground
and gives them a jolting electric shock to cause 400 to 1600 dps.
EAMA 80 group/50' n/a
Earth Maw - Commands the ground beneath the enemy's feet to open wide and
drops the foes in, so they're never seen from again.
Misc spells
These spells are available to all magic users. The catch is that you've got to
find them before you can use them.
GILL 10 party medium
Gilles Gills - This survival spell lets your party breathe under water. It
is cumulative in effect; casting it more than once will extend the amount
of time you can spend underwater.
DIVA 250 all foes/party misc
Divine Intervention - This powerful spell earns its name by doing the
following: 1) Turns illusionary characters into real characters; 2) Cures
characters of all illness but age; and 3) Restores all hit points to the
party. If you're in combat, it also does the following: 1) Lowers your
armor class, saving throw, to hit, and damage by 20 points; 2) Increases
your attack by 8 points; and 3) Casts Mangar's Mallet.
NUKE 150 all foes n/a
Gotterdamurung - The Final in offensive obliteration, this spell annihilates
the opponent for 2000 dps.
Bard songs
1. Sir Robin's Tune
This lets you run away from attackers as long as the combat has not yet
begun. During combat, this keeps the monsters from calling additional help.
2. Safety Song
Sets up an anti-monster aura, so foes won't randomly attack you.
3. Sanctuary Score
Lowers the Bard's armor class level up to a maximum of 15 points.
4. Bringaround Ballad
In non-combat situations, this rejuvenates the Bard's hit points. During
combat, this song will affect everyone in your party, including the Bard.
5. Rhyme of Duotime
In non-combat situations, this regenerates the mage's spell points. During
combat, it gives the party an extra attack.
6. Watchwood Melody
This creates light so you can find your way around. May even work in anti-
magic zones.
7. kiel's Overture
In non-combat situations, this calls up a compass so you can get your
bearings. During combat, this casts the monster frying Trebuchet spell.
8. Minstrel Shield
In non-combat situations, this lowers your armor class. During combat, it
partially shields your party so they only take half damage from monster
---ThE EnD---