2021-04-15 13:31:59 -05:00

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American challenge is a boat simulation with seven different courses to choose
from. I have discovered five of the seven courses, but have yet to solve the
H. ANDERSON & GOLD CUP. When it happens, I will write it up, but for now here
is what i've discovered so far.
One other note. The following commands are for the motorboat simulations.
We haven't done much with the sailboat races, so you are on your own there.
<engine power>
The keys (T) (R) & (E) control your speed. (T) seems to be the fastest way of
speeding up. If you want to slow down then you would hit the opposite key that
you hit to start. If that doesn't work, then try the other key, either way
you can speed up or slow down with these keys. <ex.> (T) to speed up (E) to
slow down.
<directional control>
The keys (J) (K) & (L) control your directional headings. If you press (J) you
will turn left, and if you press (L) you will turn right. the (K) key will
straighten your boat out after you have executed a turn. Use the turning keys
repeatedly for the right angle of turn you want.
<mapping and pause>
The (spacebar) will give you these options.
<distance keys>
If the keys (I) or (O) are pressed it will move your boat forward on the screen
or back towards you, depending on which one you push. I guess it is a way to
adjust your boat to make it easier to steer. I leave it where it is.
The (esc) key will give you this function
<special keys>
The (cntrl-U) and the (cntrl-H) keys will give you a view of the boat from an
angle outside of the boat. Together they give you the ability to see in a
360 degree radius. Hit them repeatedly for the view you want to see, but
remember to put it back to normal to steer correctly.
Depending on what copy you have, you may or may not have any courses laid out
for you. One way of determining this is to boot up the game and choose what
you want, then on the main race screen you will either see the name of a boat
or the word "DEMO" beside it. If there is "DEMO" there, then you won't see
the outline of the route to take. So, here are the courses in order:
<Beginner> _____
| * |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
<finish> | | <start>
/ * |
/ |
/ |
/ |
/ |
/ ||<finish>
|* |----||---|
\ <start>||
\ |
\ |
\ |
\ |
<H. Anderson>
Not presently known by this author
<Gold Cup>
Not presently known by this author
<The Needle>
/ |___
_______ / |
| |
*|* |
|___________ |
| |
<finish>| |<start>
Same as the triangle, except that you have to go around the
course twice.
<North South>
| * |
| |
| |
| |
| |<start>
| |
| |<finish>
| |
| |
| * |
A final note. When you first start the race, you will have about 2 minutes
before you can cross the two white markers. If you cross them too early,
you will have to go around the course an extra time, or do as we do and hit
esc to restart the race. Also if you already have a course laid out for you
then you will have to race the other boat. Note that you will always be in the
middle of the viewscreen.
Well, that should about do it for now. When and if I find those courses, I'll
let ya'll know. In the mean time, if anybody discovers anything more to the
game, especially pertaining to the sailboat racing, then do let me know.
I can be reached at:
"The Hobbit's Hideaway AE"
(713) 690-3918
no p/w - Hit D after connecting
Thanks for the read,
The Twins