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*: High Technology's :*
:* Cracking Tutorial *:
*: :*
Written by:
High Technology & Sherlock Apple!
Written for: Sherwood Forest ][ and Sherwood Forest ///
This weeks topic: Print Shop
Print shop, by Broderbund Software, was well written by its two authors,
David Balsam and Martin Kahn. It makes terrific banners, signs, letter heads,
among other things and the doccumentation is excellent. The docs were typed by
Dr. Vax and can be found on Apple Manor. The de-protection is more complicated
than any other we have yet seen.
=> Use Disk Editor 2.0 to search for (in hex) 20 16 70
=> Replace (with a sector editor) all mentioned locations containing 20 16 70
(approx. 15) in them to EA EA EA.
=> Replace (with a sector editor) all mentioned locations containing 20 F9 77
(approx. 2) in them to EA EA EA.
Notes: "20 16 70" is the machine language code for Jump to SubRoutine to $7016,
which is the beginning of a nibble count. "20 F9 77" is the machine language
code for Jump to SubRoutine $77F9 which is the beginning of a routine that is a
fake nibble count which jumps to the real nibble count. By replacing them with
"EA EA EA" standing for NOP or No OPeration, we eliminate the jumps to these
locations and therefore never execute the nibble counts, making the program
| |
| Happy Cracking! |
| High Technology |
| The Apple Mafia |
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