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How to make great smoke bombs
Here is a mixture for great smoke bombs 4 parts of sugar to 6 parts
potassium nitrate (salt peter). Heat over low flame until it melts, stir
well. pour it into future container. before it solidifes, imbed a few
matches as fuses into the mixture. One lb. fills a block nicely with thick
white smoke.
Petroleum jelly and potassium chlorate in a 1 to 1 ratio by weight makes a
totaly safe when wet compound but is highly explosive shock sensitive when
dry. 3 grams of potassium iodide 5 grams of iodine in a beaker with 50ml
of water mixed all together. Add 20ml of ammonium hydroxide (ammonia water 10
%) filter and the resulting solid is called nitrogen triiodide. When wet is
very safe but upon drying becomes very explosive and shock sensitive, to
the point of a feather setting it off. To set off the above explosives
all you really need to do is put some of the mixture on or in something and
then drop it sort of like an inpact bomb. It explodes on inpact with
another object!
JACKPOTTING was done rather successfully a while back in (you
guessed it) New York.
What the culprits did was: sever (actually cross over) the line between
the ATM and the host. insert a microcomputer between the ATM and the
host. Insert a fradulent card into the ATM. (card=cash card, not hardware)
What the ATM did was: send a signal to the host, saying "Hey! Can I give this
guy money, or is he broke, or is his card invalid?" What the microcomputer
did was: intercept the signal from the host, discard it, send "there's no one
using the ATM" signal. What the host did was: get the "no one using" signal,
send back "okay, then for God's sake don't spit out any money!" signal to
ATM. What the microcomputer did was: intercept signal (again), throw it away
(again), send "Wow! That guy is like TOO rich! Give him as much money as
he wants. In fact, he's so loaded, give him ALL the cash we have! He is
really a valued customer." signal. What the ATM did: what else? Obediently
dispense cash till the cows came home (or very nearly so). What the crooks
got: well in excess of $120,000 (for one weekend's work), and several years
when they were caught.
Mace Substitute
3 PARTS: Alchohol
1/2 PARTS: Iodine
1/2 PARTS: Salt
3 PARTS: Alchohol
1 PARTS: Iodized Salt (Mortons)
It's not actual mace, but it does a damn good job on the eyes..
Pool Fun
First of all, you need know nothing about pools. The only thing you need
know is what a pool filter looks like. If you don't know that.
Second, dress casual. Preferably, in black. Visit your "friends" house,
the one whose pool looks like fun!!) Then you reverse the polarity of
his/her pool, by switching the wires around. They are located in the back
of the pump. This will have quite an effect when the pump goes on. In other
words. Booooooooooommm! Thats right, when you mix + wires with - plugs, and
vice- versa, the 4th of july happens again.
Not into total destruction??? When the pump is off, switch the pump to
"backwash". Turn the pump on and get the phuck out! When you look the next
day, phunny. The pool is dry. If you want permanant damage, yet no great
display like my first one mentioned, shut the valves of the pool off. (There
are usually 2) One that goes to the main drain and one that goes to the
filter in the pool. That should be enough to have one dead pump. The pump
must take in water, so when there isn't any...
Practical jokes: these next ones deal with true friends and there is
*no* permanent damage done. If you have a pool, you must check the pool
with chemicals. There is one labeled orthotolidine. The other is labeled
alkaline (ph). You want orthotolidine. (It checks the chlorine). Go to your
local pool store and tell them you're going into the pool business, and to
sell you orthotolidine (a CL detector) Buy this in great quantities if
possible. The solution is clear. You fill 2 baggies with this chemical. And
sew the bags to the inside of your suit. Next, go swimming with your
friend! Then open the bags and look like you're enjoying a piss. And
anyone there will turn a deep red! They will be embarrased so much,
Especially if they have guests there! Explain what it is, then add vinegar to
the pool. Only a little. The "piss" disappears.
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Car Fun
How to have phun with someone else's car. If you really detest
someone, and I mean detest, here's a few tips on what to do in your spare
time. Move the windshield wiper blades, and insert and glue tacks. The
tacks make lovely designs. If your "friend" goes to school with you, Just
before he comes out of school. Light a lighter and then put it directly
underneath his car door handle.
Wait...Leave...Listen. When you hear a loud "shit!", you know he made
it to his car in time.
Remove his muffler and pour approximately 1 Cup of gas in it. Put
the muffler back, then wait till their car starts. Then you have a cigarette
lighter. A 30 foot long cigarette lighter.
This one is effective, and any fool can do it. Remove the top air
filter. That's it! Or a oldie but goodie: sugar in the gas tank. Stuff
rags soaked in gas up the exhaust pipe. Then you wonder why your
"friend" has trouble with his/her lungs. Here's one that takes time and
many friends. Take his/her car then break into their house and reassemble
it, in their living or bedroom. Phun eh? If you're into engines, say eeni
mine moe and point to something and remove it. They wonder why something
doesn't work. There are so many others, but the real good juicy ones
come by thinking hard.
Department Store Fun reprinted
Many of the department stores in my area use a large plastic device stapled
to the clothing as a security precaution. Several years ago, an
adventurous friend of mine got ahold of one of thes somehow, and we took it
apart. Inside was a heavy paper strip laminated to aluminum foil (?).
As I recall, this paper strip was about half an inch wide and 3-1/2
inches long. When this device got close to a pillar or column at the
exits of a store, an alarm would sound.
My friend put this paper in his wallet, and we had a lot of fun
wandering in and out of various stores at a local shopping center. We
would enter when a group of people would enter, or exit with several other
shoppers all together.. When we entered a local Sears in the shopping
center in the main corrider of the indoor mall, a loud bell rang. A
family with kids was just leaving. The nearest clerk ran out the entrance
to look at everyone standing around. A plain clothes security guy appeared
out of nowhere. Everyone had a good time. The next store we went in was
also packed with people and the manager (?) got paranoid when the alarm
went off. If you move about discreetly and don't wear a jacket or
coat, you can liven up the busiest of stores. But don't go into an empty
store with one of these in your wallet. That's a no-no. Could please