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³ Filename: KONGA.TXT ³
³ Title: Konga Stick ³
³ By: Captain Hack ³
³ Released: 10/10/96 ³
³ Danger: °°°°°°°°°° ³
The Konga stick is something I saw once in a military training manual. It
is a very handy weapon, similar to a cross between brass knuckles and a
yawara stick.
Shopping List:
1 5-6" length of 1" diam PVC pipe
2 1" diam PVC endcaps
PVC cement
The length of the PVC tube will depend on the size of your hand, and how much
you want it to stick out on either end. When you find the right length,
cement one cap on (according to the instructions on the cement), and fill
the tube with sand (or something else if you want, like bb's maybe). Fill it
almost COMPLETELY and then cement the other cap on. Allow the Konga stick to
dry fully.
The Konga stick can be used in a number of ways, some of which are listed
1) For hammer fist. Hold in hand, with one cap extending from each end of
fist. Hit target with bottom edge of hand (but instead, let stick strike
target). Useful targets with this technique are the a) bridge of nose and
b) top of head.
2) As yawara stick. Hold as in 1), but instead use a sideways or upward
motion with hand to strike with "top" end of stick. Useful targets include
a) temple and b) bottom of chin
3) Like brass knuckles. Hold Konga stick like in 1), and simply use like a
roll of quarters in one's hand, that is, to brace the hand during a punch,
and to add extra force to the strike.
Overall, this is a pretty cool weapon. If you think about it for a while,
and experiment a little, you can find a million ways to make this thing really