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|How to Beat The Shit out of Fat People|
Lardass, Lardass, in White Hen
After those God Damn Twinkies Again
Lardass, Lardass, All Around
With every step, you crack the Ground
Lardass, Lardass, Midnight Snack
Never Spent a Minute on the Jogging Track
Lardass, Lardass, eating Dinner
Don't you know you'll never be Thinner?
This is a file written from personal experience, and dedicated
to a certain Lardass we know.... You know who you are, Fat Boy.
In order to destroy a Fat Boy, you will need:
| Two (2) Fists |
| |
| One (1) Pair of Hedge Clippers (Don't Ask)|
| |
| One (1) Flatulent Individual |
| |
| One (1) Serving of Cat Food |
| |
| Any other useful accessories, such |
| as Brass Knuckles, Vaseline, Tongue |
| Depressors, A Cleaver, Wax, Tweezers, |
| and a .38 Caliber. |
OK, before we get into the story, we will do our top 10 list. . .
Top 10 Best Things to do to a FAT BOY (These Are All Things
that we have either done or seen done, this is not imiginary!)
10: Push Him into a ThornBush (Those Roses never did grow back...)
9: Pluck his eyebrows with tweezers
8: Tie him to an exercise bike with string, whip him with a belt
if he stops exercising, and put candy bars on the ground until
he drools on the gears. You can also put Ice down his back for
added incentive
7: Take a gun. Yes this has been done. Take a gun and stick it to
his head. Pull the trigger. Oh, did I forget to mention to take out
the bullets? I recommend it, because if you don't you will have a
dead fat boy in your house. And boy will the flies be their to eat
all that meat.
6: Tie him to the roof of your house while it rains.
5: Throw icicles at him till you have to take him to the
4: Tie him down and force him to eat Slim Fast dry. If that doesn't
work, make it into a milkshake, but don't forget to add the
Cat Food
3: Put him in a Garbage can and roll him down a hill.
2: Take a pair of hedge clippers and, while saying "Don't worry,
I won't take off much," make him look like the drummer for
1: (This was disgusting, neither of us did it) Wipe your bare ass
on his leg while he reads Nintendo Power.
OK, now, if you're wondering what the Vaseline, Tongue
Depressors, Wax, Cleaver, etc... are for, they're various
torture devices (Well, actually, interrogation devices, but
who cares) And I know for a fact, they were made with a FAT
BOY in Mind. So here is another top 10 list of things to do
with these various devices.
10: Smear Vaseline all over him (Ahem) and push him into the Blue
9: Put him in the trunk of a Yugo and see how long it takes for
it to Explode.
8: Put dead things (flies, ants, etc...) in his hot chocolate
7: The Raunchy Bar*
6: Steadily beat his shoulders with brass knuckles (this hurts
more than you can imagine until you have it done to you)
5: Tie him up in the kitchen of somebody you don't know.
4: Gag him and tie him to a chair, then threaten to perform a
circumcision with the cleaver
3: You don't even want to KNOW what you can do with Thongs...
2: Put all the food in your house on your dining room table, let him
in there, then call the police, and say there's an intruder in your
house who's eating all your food. And he's a FAT BOY.
1: Burn him at the Steak (Get it... Steak?)
* The Raunchy Bar is a Peanut Butter snickers bar that has been
left open, in a shoe box for 2 months, then dipped in toothpaste, then
smeared with frozen spit, then farted on repeatedly, then stuck in a toilet
as someone flushes the shit down. Then left to sit for a week, and served.
Our Story
This story takes place on a Halloween night, about 2 years back, when
I, Iridescent Innkeeper (For this story I will be refered to as Angus)
Unstable Postman (For this story he will be refered to as Phil Rudd), and
a few other people (Who will be refered to as Brian, Malcolm, and Cliff)
And the Fat Boy, who will be refered to as Ed.
This Story is about a Traditional, very intricate, very long, game of
Beat the Fat Boy. We all (Including Ed) met at my house on halloween
night. We started off the night with the greatest Fat Boy prank, we
shoved him into a garbage can and rolled him down a hill (I'm not going
to bother to say how we managed to get him into the garbage can. Actually,
we just dropped a pork chop in there...) Then we took him to a house where
there was a halloween party going on, and took him into the exercise room
of these (Disgustingly rich) people. There (You guessed it) we tied him
to an exercise bike with Karate Belts we found hanging on the wall. Then
We Steadily beat him with an extra belt whenever he stopped exercising.
We sent Brian to go get some candy bars and ice from the party, and when
he returned, we were just beginning to have fun Whipping the fat boy, but
there were more important things to do, such as put the ice down the back
of his shirt and dangle the candy bars in front of his face (Boy did that
make him pedal!) Then we sent Malcolm into the bathroom to get the
Vaseline (Since he would know where it was.) Just to add to the extreme
heat being generated as Fat Boy pedaled and Pedaled, we smeared the
vaseline on his arms and neck (We didn't want to touch his face...).
So, much later, we let him get off the bike. He would've beat the shit
out of us, but there were 5 of us, and... 35 of him, but we were stronger.
We let him go back to the party, all red and sweaty with vaseline on him,
I'm sure he was a big hit....
We found him again later relaxing in a room reading a nintendo power
magazine, and (you guessed it), Malcolm proceeded to wipe his ass on
Ed's bare leg. Ed just sat there as if nothing was happening. What a
Lardass, too lazy to get up and do anything about it. Of course, I
wouldn't want to know what he would do to a bare ass.....
Much, Much later, when the party was about to end, we brought the
excercise bike into the kitchen, tied him to it again (no easy task),
tipped him over, and left.
Great Night, Huh?
You could get old if you stop playing,
Iridescent Innkeeper
Unstable Postman
I.I and U.P are not responsible for any personal injury that
may result from the use of this file.