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The BOM Squad proudly presents
"Gross Revenge Tactics Part 1"
"The Shit Bomb!"
written by:
Mr. Sandman
There are all kinds of ways to make really gross things to get even
with people. The first one I am going to discuss is the Shit bomb!
There are many types of bombs you can make with shit. All are really
disgusting but are a great way to gross out some prick you don't like.
The first one I will tell you about is simple but sweet. You've probably
heard of it but in case you haven't here is what you do. Wait until night
and get yourself a paper bag. Fill up this bag with shit. Grab some matches
or a lighter. Now go to the frontdoor of the persons house and set the bag
down on his front steps. Take your lighter and light the bag on fire. Now
ring the doorbell a bunch of times and run like hell to a place where you
can hide. When the person opens the door and sees the fire he will most
likely stamp it out and discover the little surprise you filles the bag
with all over his shoe.
Here is another good method which is much more gross. However you
will need access to the persons house. This works best in a college dorm.
Get a plastic bag and fill it up with a bunch of shit. Now take a working
lightbulb and gently break or remove the glass without breaking the
filament. Get an M-80 and an extralong fuse. Attach the fuse to the M-80.
Put the M-80 in the bag of shit. Now attach the other end of the wick to the
lightbulb filament. Here is where the fun begins. Grab yourself some duct
tape and then go into the persons room or house. Remove the lightbulb out of
a reading lamp where they sit or an overhead light and replce it with your
filament. Now take the duct tape and tape the bag of shitt to the ceiling
or the inside of the lamp. Then get the hell out of there. When the person
turns the light on the filament will get hot enough to ignite the fuse of
the M-80. When the M-80 goes off shit will fly all over the place and
hopefully on your victim. Also, this method can also be done with a bag
of stale urine. Just don't put the M-80 into the bag. Tape it to the
outside of it.
Look for more info like this later from the BOM Squad in upcoming
files. If you have some gross revenge methods then type them up and
consider joining our group. I can be contacted the Citadel of Raven
or my own board The Garden of Souls.