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#~<>->>Jolly Roger's Cookbook Version III Dated 11/09/1990!!!<<-<>~#
Hello! Welcome to the Jolly Roger's Cookbook III! I hope that
this collection of text files has enough info to keep you hackers
busy for awhile (at least until the next update!). As I gather
information I will keep adding it and uploading it to my "home
base" bbs's in different cities with additional numbered files,
and an updated index that you can just replace the old one with.
Thanks for taking the time to read this file, by the way. There are
a few things that I want to say about the Cookbook.
1) If I ever find out that anyone has omitted my name from
anywhere in these files withoutmy expressed permission, then I
will immediately stop doing any updates and I will release your
name to as many boards that I can find, urging them to put you on
their Black List. I also, will FIND YOU! (I think you can see from
the knowledge base contained in this collection that I DO possess
the capability! You will wish it were the FEDS and not me!) In
other words, be careful who you give this collection to. Of,
course there are idiots (probably the same ones who write
viruses!) that will misuse this information and kill some people
or get themselves & you into a lot of trouble! So keep this
treasure chest buried and only dig it up for those that you can
TRUST! Also you would be screwing yourself, because I still have
all kinds of things that I can put in here for updates, and you will
NEVER see them if I quit updating because of some asshole. So
think about it. If you WANT the updates (info you would probably
have a helluva time finding elsewhere!), then STAY COOL with it.
2) I was going to encrypt these files and load/print them from
within an encrypted program. However, I have decided against that
for these reasons:
a) It would then be machine-exclusive
b) It would show that I don't trust you.
c) Only Atari ST users would ever see it.
So I decided on keeping it ASCII. ANY machine that can read ASCII
files can now read these.
3) Please do not use my handle to gain access to boards. you never
know where I might show up and I will have to find you and deal
with you if I ever see it. Don't make me do this.
4) By releasing this database I am taking a real chance on you
people. I sure as hell don't want MY house blown up with a paint or
Solidox bomb! And I am sure that you don't want yours blown up
either (or your credit cards used for tha matter). So I have to
That is all for now. If I ever have to update this, it will just be
in the update archive as file 000.doc. Just replace the old one.
-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=Notes for Version 2.0=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
Ok... here it is... long awaited v2.0.... what a bitch it was for me to
put this shit together. Hell, over 6 months to put the update shit
together. Anyway, response was cool, nobody fucked with the rulez above.
I am glad. This allows me to continue the updates. You should find it
worth the wait.
God, there is so much more to do. As you can probably see, this database
is getting quite huge. And I have not even begun to tap the resources I
have available to me. I can easily over the next year or so make this
thing grow to 1600k or more..... so as long as I DON'T find this on a
p/d bbs, and I DO see it being spread around the proper channels, as
LONG as you guys keep bugging me for an update, and finally, as long as
the rulez above are kept,I shall continue.
What you have in your disk drive right now is some of the most dangerous
knowledge ever unleashed on the computer underground. Use it wisely.
The really JUICY stuff will come in Cookbook v3.0, but let's see how
this one goes across, shall we? The Blotto box should be enough to see
how responsible you all are.....................
Have fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Enjoy this database! A lot more to come!!! -----------The Jolly Roger
note to all warring pirates and the so-called "groups"
(You know who you are...):
FUCK YOU! You are all assholes. Acting like fucking babies like trading
software was your fucking life or something. Like you have some big name
or something. Do you realize that nobody gives a flying fuck about you
in the real world? I have been a pirate for over 10 years, and have over
4000 ST programs, over 2000 IBM programs, over 2500 Macintosh programs,
and over 500 Amiga programs (& I do not even own an Amiga!).... and you
do not see me kissing ass on the bbs's, or making a deal out of someone
not "liking" me..... boo-fucking-hoo!! I really do not care. You see,
the difference between you and me is that I do this for fun. I see no
other reason to pursue a "hobby" but FOR fun. I hate the fucking
politics & shit. I give my stuff freely. It all comes back to me.
It just makes me sick when I am on the bbs's and I see these little baby
games about who did what, and who stole what loader, or re-crack, or
whatever. I AM AN original pirate. 1st generation. Not anything like you
baby-shit assholes. Excuse me but I had this boiling in me for a long
time. The ST world is so small that what little we do have we destroy
from within. And we blame Jack for it. Fuck, maybe that is the only
thing we agree on. Anyway, where is the hacking spirit? The giving? The
free will? Why all of the fucking ego's? It should be obvious by now
that I have no interest whatsoever in ego-tripping. You can like me or
hate me. But I will always be here. --------------Jolly Roger
******************** Notes for Version III! *********************
Ah..version III. Well, I never thought for a minute that version
II would turn out to be so popular! Well, I am proud to announce
version III, and can assure you that a version IV is in the works!
As a student, however, I cannot say when it will be ready...but
what the hell...it will be a long time, I am sure, before you run
out of "toys" to play with.
Lots of interesting new reading for you in this version! A Special
thanks to CREDITMAN, who lives in the UK and contributed an
excellent article on carding in the UK. It is great reading.
Now, I would like to say a few words to those who insist on
yanking my chain (or is it dick?) in the message bases here in the
U.S.: "Whatever, dudes!"
Now that was a few words, eh? Ok, I am debating on a new format
for Cookbook IV...something with easier access. Hell, this index
idea worked just fine when the cookbook was small, but now it is
getting quite large and the articles are getting quite
numerous...and--who knows? My laziness tells me to stick with it.
I just might do that!
Well, the files spilled over onto two disks, so I figured I would
include some ST-specific "goodies". They are in a file on disk B
called "Goodie.Bag" and contain a few rarities and a few
essentials. Some will find most interesting, most will find some
interesting, a few may find none interesting. Oh, well.
If anybody has any comments (there always is a few slags--take
your best shot!) then drop me a line in the usual places that one
can find me. If you do not know where those places are, then I am
sorry. It just wasn't meant to be. Ha Ha!
All who oppose me and my ideas and/or the group that I participate
in can bugger off. Sure, yeah, I steal a lot of things--I am a
pirate after all. but so do you, and don't forget it. It is
ridiculous to call a thief a thief when it is a thief doing the
accusing. Grow up. This Cookbook is done for no other reason but
to share with EVERYONE ELITE some of the underground and often
illegal as hell information that I have gathered, researched, and
labored to locate, type, and write/compose. At least give me
credit for that. Anyone whom I call asshole deserves it in my eyes
for only one reason: there is not ONE DAMN THING redeeming that I
can find to compliment them on!! For example, Automation slagged
me for the R.C.A Slag Show II, I turned around and told them to
piss off on that, and then said that their cd's are getting
better. What kind of "kid" (a 24 year old one) would do that
anyway? Certainly not the TOI, that's for sure! Oh, well, fuck it
anyways. We are all going to die in Iraq soon enough anyway....-
Enjoy and spread! Contribute if you can! Information should be
free (that's why I turned down an offer to publish portions of
this thing!)!!
----------------------Jolly Roger