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/ ___________ \ __ __ __
/ / _________\_/ {_¯ / ¯7 | | ·· / ¯_
/ /__/ __ ___ \ _ ¯)(_ _½(_ _)||(_ ¯7
/______/ / / \ \ ¯¯¯ ¯ ¯ ¯¯
_________/ /____/ / (SQUIG)
/ _______ _____ / Gives to you:
/ / / / / /
\ \_____/ /____/ / Improved KNO3 + sugar
\______________/ version 1.2
Version 1.2
How to read and understand the filename:
SQ- Identifier... (SQ is short for Squig)
01 Textnr. in HEX ie. 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F 10
12 Versionnr. also this in HEX. (12 means 1.2)
.doc Tells you that this is a document.
This is a low-order explosive that is easily made from
household chemicals, but it doesn't mean that it's
harmeless. The only dangerous stage is the manufacture,
but if you follow my hints and tips it will be relatively
Two of my friends tried once to produce this 'explosive'
when I just had discovered it a couple of years ago.
They didn't understand exactly when I told them to do.
So they cooked all the wather away and it almost melted
their micro, and somehow they managed to get it out but
then dropped it and got a real black nasty stain on their
floor, luckily nothing worse happened and nobody got hurt.
Ok, but I will tell you how to do, and remember, you're
doing this on your own risc!
HINT: Read it all through before you start.
Improved KNO3 + sugar by Squig
Hardware you need:
cooking pan, frying pan or a tin can
heat source
[ thick alumineum foil ]
Chemicals you need:
All measured by weight.
5 parts sugar (ordinary white sugar)
6 parts potassium nitrate (also known as salt peter)
could be bought from any standard shop in Sweden
as 'salpeter' or 'kalisalpeter' (Swedish)
[1/2 parts ferrum oxide (rust) ]
wather (any clear wather)
(1) Mix the KNO3 and sugar well (it should be white,
if not, you have done something REALLY wrong,
you better go and play some videogames)
(2) Add the powder to the wather, everything should
be solved. (It should be in the pan now)
HINT: Start with a small amount of wather, when
nothing more will be solved, add some more.
(3) Let it boil and stir ie. every 5 minutes until
skin is forming on the surface.
Then stir once, if the skin reforms in less
than a second it's ready.
HINT: Be careful so nothing comes on the
hot heatsource, cause then it will
start burning.
You can let it cook until it's a sticky syrup,
but I usually do like this.
(4) If you let it continue to boil then add the
rust now (if you want to)
(5) Pour the liquid (semi-liquid atleast) on the
baking sheet (preferrably om alumineum foil)
(6) Let the wather evaporate, 'stir' 2 times every
day until it's totally dry.
(7) Put it in a mortar and smash it to a fine powder.
It has never reacted on friction for me, so I
suppose it's not so dangerous now.
(8) If you haven't added the rust (and still want to)
do it now.
(9) It should be ready to use now. (see later in doc
for examples)
Uses (bombs and fireworks)
Simple firecracker:
Just take a plastic or paper container and fill it with
your newly made powder. If your doing a _small_ firecracker
you can just insert a fuse in one end ond pour som glue
that woun't dissolve the fuse to seal the container.
If you're doing something bigger, make a hole in the
box (tube or wathever you wish) and insert the fuse before
you fill it. see diagram below:
I%%%%%%---------- FUSE
Simple firecracker 2:
Take a small container with a lid which can easily be
'popped' off, thus NO lid that you'll have to screw off!
(preferrably the one you store films for cameras in)
Make a small hole with a needle cloose to the bottom with
a needle. If your fuse doesn't fit just make the hole
bigger with a ballpoint pen.
Now, insert the fuse, atleast 1 or 2 cm of the fuse must
be inside the container.
3 parts coal.
4 parts fine crushed KNO3-sugar mixture.
1 part KNO3-sugar grains. (See 'Smoke corridors' if
you already have grinded all you mix.)
Just mix it all together and put it in the container,
and it will burn well, even if you only fill half the
tin. (container)
This one is great scaring people with =) Just put it
somewhere there nobody will expect it. And ofcource,
don't put it anywhere it can start a fire because
first the lid will pop off, then it will smoke a lot
and emit hot sparks. And if you use a small light
container it will certainly NOT stay in the same place
for very long. So be careful!
Rocket engines:
Mix your powder with some coal to make it burn slower.
Take a carboard tube and seal one end (however you want)
Mix some powder with a small amount of alcohol so it
become a (sticky) paste and fill the tube with it.
It should be quite compact. Insert a fuse (and glue it
in place if necessary). Let it dry.
Put the thing on a stick (you now how a rocket i built)
Light the fuse, and if you're lucky it might fly away.
Smoke corridors:
If you're just going to use it as a smoker, don't mash
the powder. And if you've alreade done so, just mix it
with a SMALL amount of wather so it will become a bit
sticky. Then let it dry.
And add any rust, 'cause the rust makes the smoke smell
like wather (a bit like oxygene too) and the smoke
disappear much faster. Not much else to say.
Smelly smoke:
Mix the powder with a small amount of butter (with extra
salt) A bit inspiration from The Library, see end of doc.
You could also take a small amount of iodine chrystals,
you should get a purple smoke, which is not very healthy.
You could do alot with this, just use your imagination.
Sorry 'bout my rather bad English and selection of words,
but I'm quite young and havn't studied English for so
many years.
And I'm not a chemestry genius, but I find it entertaing
with pyrotechnics and explosives =)
I hope there isn't any errors in this texfile and hope
you find it entertaining. (Also hope you don't kill or
hurt yourself or anybody else)
You probably find this textfile very 'basic' but I don't
want any misunderstandings, and those silly hints, I only
write them in case you should suffer from a blackout or
just didn't think of them.
Duh, couldn't figure out an aproative headline
How it works (I think atleast):
The sugar burns (you can test it yourself) and extracts
oxygene from the salt peter (it is KNO3 and O=Oxygene if
you didn't know)
The End
Some greets to people I admire:
Thallion and The Effacer of Swedish Infomania, HeXOr
And some I know:
Josh / TwD, Ajax / TwD, Parch / X-Trade
Not many, ehh..
Recomended reading:
The Library by Swdish Infomania (Swedish)
Advancerad kemi and (Swedish)
Svensk Standard by HeXOr (Swedish)
Synchron City.. +46(0)431-17506
TwD BBS.. +46(0)63-31108
'Bugs come in through open windows'