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---------=====| SANctuary Presents |=====-------------
Mixing Your own Flash Powder
It is easy to get a file on how to make salutes, or how to make "meal powder,"
but, in the files I've read, they just use the generic term "flash powder" to
mean the explosive stuff in your fireworks.
There are 2 types of explosives. Type I uses a non-explosive flash powder.
"How can this be?" you ask? Well, the retort from a type I explosive comes
from the rupturing of the case, not from the detonation of the powder. But
we've all lit off M-80s, which have only a flimsy casing, which couldn't
possibly account for the loud, ear-ringing bang you get from one. That comes
from a more powerful powder which explodes when lit. This is a type ][
explosive. Potassium and barium nitrate powders, as well as black powder are
used in type I explosives. Potassium chlorate and perchlorate powders are used
in type ][ explosives. The list below has formulas for both types.
Potassium perchlorate mixtures:
1- 50% potassium perchlorate
25% dark pyro aluminum
25% sulfur flour
2- 70% potassium perchlorate
30% black german aluminum
3- 50% potassium perchlorate
30% black antimony sulfide
20% sulfur flour
4- 75% potassium perchlorate
25% dark pyro aluminum
5- 60% potassium perchlorate
40% sulfur flour
Potassium chlorate mixtures (note 1)
1- 50% potassium chlorate
50% red arsenic sulfide
2- 60% potassium chlorate
25% sulfur flour
10% potassium nitrate
5% red arsenic sulfide
Barium/potassium nitrate (type I)
1- 50% potassium nitrate
30% sulfur flour
20% dark pyro aluminum
2- 50% potassium nitrate
50% 100 mesh magnesium
3- 60% potassium nitrate
30% sulfur flour
10% charcoal dust
4- 50% barium nitrate (note 2)
50% 100 mesh magnesium
5- 50% strontium nitrate (note 2)
50% 100 mesh magnesium
note 1- Chlorate mixtures are EXTREMELY dangerous. Don't mix them unless you
like playing russian roulette.
note 2- These mixtures give colored flashes.
Mixing fireworks is very dangerous, and, I personally would never, ever, not-in-
a-million-years ever mix them. For all you sickos out there who do, I assume no
responsibility for any damage you fiendishly cause, or any injury that results
from the manufature or use of the explosives detailed here. This was for
information purposes only, blah, blah, blah.
Wathc for a NEW SANctuary series on electronic surveilance devices(Bugs) Written by
Yours Truly. Coming soon to a SANctuary BBS near you!
Another phile by,
The Gaurdian
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Oi! -=Red=- here, with some more SANctuary news!
First of all, Thanks Gaurdian for that great Phile, (Cant wait
for the Bug's!) Second of all, the long Awaited SANlock3.zip will
soon be on BBS Shelves. Havok is putting the finishing touches
on that phile as I type! Ahh...finished! We'll release it within the
week!!! Thirdly, we STILL Need Dist. Sites and Courriers!!!
If you got the BALLS, and the HD space, and would like to
be one of the chosen few, E-mail me, or Havok at:
HELLFIRE BBS!!! (908) 495-3926!!!
Or write us at the SANctuary Mail bag!
Po Box 286
Keansburg, NJ
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