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$ $
$ How to make colored smoke $
$ and other things $
$ You can obtain a catalog $
$ that has most of the $
$ chemicals you need by $
$ calling 1-800-727-4368 $
$ $
If there are no directions just crush all chemicals together and place on apiece of newspaper and light one edge and move back
Disclaimer: This file is for educational purposes anly. I take no responsibility fo any accidents resulting from its use.
Figure A
! \
! !
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! -----------------
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! Chemicals Here !
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! /
This is the shape of the newspaper you need to use to ignite the chemicals Place the chemicals in the center of the large end and light the small end
Orange Smoke
Lead Peroxide 50 grams
Potassium Dichromate 35 grams
Magnessium 15 grams
Crush all chemicals together and place on a cut out of Fig. A light and leave
Flash Bomb:
Properties: Powdery Silver specks
Equal amounts of:
Black Gun Powder
Powdered Aluminum
Uses: Phosphorus Grenades
Combine all ingredients except Gun Powder and crush together. Add Gun powder and mix carefully. Cut a piece of news paper that will cover the mixture entirely and plce the mixture in the center. Fold the corners so as to make a ball with a long handle the handle should be about 2 " light the handle and throw. Be sure to throw very far.
Red Flare::
Strontium Nitrate 71.1 ounces
Potassium Perchlorate 13.1 ounces
Sulphur 11.1 ounces
Chatrcoal 0.5 ounces
Note: any of the above or following mixtures can be used by wrapping in a piece of newspaper and leaving a fuse. Light the fuse and throw. All of the mixtures in this file can be used in this way.
Green Flare:
Barium Nitrate 68.7 ounces
Sawdust 9.2 ounces
Potassium Perchlorate 8.1 ounces
Sulphur 5.3 ounces
Rosin 4.6 ounces
Kauri Gum 3.8 ounces
This is best used as you would use the flash bomb.
Yellow Flare:
Barium Nitrate 47.4 ounces
Stontium Nitrate 23.7 ounces
Sulphur 12.1 ounces
Potassium Perchlorate 9.0 ounces
Sawdust 3.2 ounces
Stearine 1.0 ounces
Charcoal 0.4 ounces
Note: Most of the flares are best used as you would use the flash bomb
Single Rocket Powder:
For each Rocket propellant use:
Sodium Nitrate 5.0 ounces
Powdered Sulphur 3.25 ounces
Mix into a paste with alcohol and dry in the forms you want. Ignite using an electric detonator.
Smoke Cloud
Zinc Dust 648 grams
Hexaclorethane 864 grams
Aluminum Powder 23 grams
Iron Oxide Powder 73 grams
Thermite type Powder 44 grams
Zirconium 20 grams
Mecury Fulminate 23.5 grams
Potassium Chlorate 37.6 grams
Nitro Starch 11.3 grams
Powdered Charcoal 7.5 grams
Note: Nitro Starch is a highly explosive substance whos recipe will be included in this file. Powdered Charcoal DOES NOT Refer to charcoal Briquetts it is a labortory grad carbon charcoal.
Common Smoke Bomb
Equal amounts of:
Salt Peter
This is best used with fig. A. Just grind all of the ingredients and light and leave
Nitro Starch:
Properties: Orange Colored Powder
C H (NO ) O
12 12 2 8 10
Uses: Highly explosive and unstable substance. Be very careful when mixing.
The Chemical Compound for Nitro-Glycerine
This is the real compound and not to be used for destructive purposes
2 3 3 2 3
Warning explodes on contact OR if left in temperatures of 70 degrees or more for very long.
Look part two of Colored smoke and other things.
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