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Synapse Systems Presents:
Making Explosives Report #1
by: Blackbolt
This is the first of several reports on the building of
explosives from commonly available materials. Some basic
preparations are discussed in this report that I feel
everyone has the right to know, despite itsdestructive
nature. This report will be followed by others relating to
the same subject.
Nitric Acid
The first thing we will discuss is the making of nitric
acid. This is the one ingredient in many high explosive
compounds that will be the most difficult to get your hands
on. Some chemical companies sell this acid, but they insist
on sending it motor freight, so it costs a bundle just to
get the stuff to your house. Besides, if you ordered it, the
government would know you had it and that is not good (They
know just as well as I do what some ordinary guy wants to do
with nitric). The first step in making the acid is to obtain
the needed materials: Battery acid (Auto parts store)
Potassium nitrate (Drug or fertilizer
Two glass jugs (Juice jars, etc.)
Some rags (Old clothes)
Some tape, NOT
cellophane (Duct tape, etc.)
Heat source (Fire, Torch, etc.)
Water (The faucet, dummy)
The first thing you need to do is to concentrate the battery
acid (Sulpheric acid). To do this, just boil the acid until
dense, white fumes appear, and no it is not fun to breath
them (At ALL), so don't do it. You will need equal
quantities of acid and granulated pottasium nitrate. Put the
two chemicals into one jar and then press the other jar's
mouth to the filled jar's mouth and wrap the joint with
rags. Next, wrap the rag joint with tape. Then lay the
assembly horizontal and raise the filled bottle above the
empty bottle. Next, apply heat to the filled bottle until
red fumes appear, then pour water over the empty bottle.
Continue this procedure until there is you have about as
much condensed liquid as the amount of sulpheric acid that
you put in. Let the assembly cool, throw away the rags and
tape and pour out the condensed liquid, this is your nitric
Nitroglycerin is one of the first popular high explosive
compounds that came into use. It is very sensitive
when frozen and causes headaches when absorbed through skin.
Nitroglycerin (Nitro) is oxygen positive, which means it
releases oxygen when it decomposes. It is also the explosive
ingredient in dynamite. Nitroglycerin, like all high
explosives requires a detonator to set it off, so don't run
off and try to light it with a match. However, a good way to
test any homemade explosive brew is to put a teeny drop on
an anvil and then hit it with a hammer. The procedure to
manufacture the oily substance is pretty easy to follow,
but the directions must be followed exactly. Use a
stainless steel thermometer to keep immersed in the
nitration vessel at all times, and if at any time the
temperature goes above 20 degrees C, or if red fumes
appear dump the entire mixture into a large volume
of cold water. If this is not done, an unpleasant accident
will occur and I can assure you that it would not be very
enjoyable to be anywhere nearby if this happened. The first
step is to obtain equal amounts of concentrated supheric
acid and concentrated nitric acid. Pour the nitric into the
nitration vessel and then pour the SULPHERIC INTO THE
NITRIC. Mix and let cool before proceeding. Next, add
glycerin drop by drop into the acids. It is a good practice
to have the nitration vessel sitting in a container of cold
water. Also, stir the mix constantly as you add the glycerin.
After you have added about 1/6 the volume of the mixed acids of
glycerin, slowly pour the whole mix into about 10 times its
volume of cold water. You will see a layer of oil form in the
bottom of the water container, this is your nitro. First, pour off
as much excess liquid as you can without losing any nitro. Then
pour in more water to restore the fluid to its original volume, then
pour off again. Repeat this procedure at least 4 times. Make sure you
end up with the container holding the original volume, then
neutralize the solution with potassium carbonate (Preffered), or
sodium bicarbonate. Don't add too much. After neutralization, let the
mixture settle and then suck the nitro off the bottom with a turkey
baster. Store it out of the light in a plastic or glass container.
Then wash your hands, crack open a beer, turn on the TV, and
congratulate yourself for making your first nitro!
Have fun, be careful, and keep your eye out for more of these
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