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% Improvised Munitions %
% Black Book %
% by: Eric The Red %
Acetone Peroxide Explosive
Acetone Peroxide is a primary explosive that can be made from hair bleach
(Hydrogen Peroxide), acetone, and sulfuric acid. This explosive is to be used
in the fabrication of detonators.
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Hydrogen peroxide Hair bleach (15-25 volume content)
Drug stores and hair supply houses
Acetone Hardware stores, drug stores
Sulfuric acid Clear battery acid boiled until white
fumes appear
Eye dropper or syringe with glass tube Drug store
Graduated cylinder (cc or ml) or other
measuring device
Thermometer (0 to 100 degrees C)
Glass containers, beakers
Large pan
Ice and salt
Paper towels or coffee filters
1) Measure 30 milliliters of acetone and 50 milliliters of hydrogen peroxide
into a glass container and mix thoroughly.
2) Cool the acetone/peroxide mixture by placing its container in a larger one
containing a mixture of water, salt, and ice.
Note: Because of the lighter inner container being buoyant in the larger outer
container, it is necessary to secure it so that it wont fall over into the ice,
salt, and water mixture.
3) Cool the acetone/peroxie mixture to 5 degrees C.
4) Add 2.5 milliliters of concentrated sulfuric acid to the acetone/peroxide
mixture slowly, drop by drop, with the use of an eye dropper. Stir the
mixture during the addition of the sulfuric acid with a thermometer, keeping
the temperature between 5 and 10 degrees C. Should the mixture rise above 10
degrees C, stop adding the sulfuric acid and continue stirring until the
temperature drops again to 5 degrees C, then continue adding the sulfuric
5) After all the sulfuric acid has been added, continue stirring the mixture
for another 5 minutes.
6) Let the acetone/peroxide/sulfuric acid mixture stand in the ice/water/salt
bath or remove the inner container and place it in an ice box for 12 to 24
7) After 12 hours white crystals of acetone peroxide will precipitate out of
the once clear solution. Precipitation should be complete after 24 hours.
Caution: At this point the mixture is a primary explosive. Keep away from
shock, friction, and flame.
8) Filter the mixture through a paper towel or coffee filter to collect the
solid particles.
9) Wash the solid particles collected in the paper towel or coffee filter with
small amounts of ice cold water poured over them. Discard the liquid in the
10) Place these explosive crystals in a container and allow to dry.
Caution: Handle the dry explosive with great care. Do not scrape or handle it
roughly. Keep away from sparks or open flame. Store in a cool, dark, dry place.
Bullseye (Low-High) Explosive
A highly effective and powerful low-high explosive can be obtained by simply
using a fast burning, double based, smokeless pistol powder called Bullseye.
This propellant is used to reload pistol and revolver cartriges and contains a
sensitive mixture of nitroglycerin and nitrocellulose.
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Bullseye smokeless pistol powder Gun and sport shops
Piece of pipe with end caps Hardware store
Compound detonator or time fuse
1) To use as a low explosive, simply pour the powder into a pipe with end caps
and ignite with a time fuse. When ignited, the pipe will explode into many
fragments traveling at a velocity of approximately 600 feet per second. The
fragmentation can be increased by filing rings around the pipe with a strong
metal file.
2) To use as a high explosive, just pour the powder into a pipe with end caps,
insert a compound detonator with a fusing mechanism and detonate. When
detonated, the pipe will fragment into many small fragments travelling at a
velocity in excess of 20,000 feet per second.
Note: Because of the unique mixture of nitroglycerin with nitrocellulose
(double-base), Bulleseye is one of the few propellants that can be detonated
with a blasting cap. When detonted, it is as powerful as military TNT and
should be used to defeat hard targets.
HTH/Naphtha Explosive
An explosive munition can be made from granular calcium hypochlorite (HTH,
swimming pool bleach) and petroleum naphtha. This explosive can be detonated
with a compound detonator.
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Granular calcium hypochlorite 70% HTH swimming pool purifier, Swimming
pool supply places
Benzine (petroleum naphtha) Hardware and paint stores, cleaning
fluid, paint thinner
Mixing container (bowl, bucket, etc.)
Storage container (jar, can) with tight
fitting lid
Blasting cap, compound detonator
Strong pipe with end caps Hardware stores
1) Measure out 32 part by volume, 27 parts by weight, of calcium hypochlorite
to 1 part by volume, 1 part by weight, of petroleum naphtha into the mixing
2) Stir until thoroughly mixed with wooden stirring rod
1) This mixture forms a low power/brisant high explosive which should be used
under strong confinement and only as an explosive filler for antipersonnel
fragmentation bombs. To use, spoon this mixture into an iron or steel pipe
which has an end cap on one end.
2) Insert a compound detonator just beneath the surface of the explosive and
screw the other end cap on with a hole for the fuse.
Note: Take care not to tamp or shake the mixture in the pipe. If the mixture
becomes tightly packed, one cap will not be sufficient to detonate the
Potassium Permanganate/Aluminum Explosive
An explosive munition can be made from potassium permanganate and aluminum
powder. This explosive can be detonated with a compound detonator.
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Potassium Permangante Chemical and photography stores
Fine aluminum bronzing powder Paint stores
Measuring container (cup, tablespoon,
Mixing container with a tight fitting
lid such as a canning jar
Storage container (jar or can with
tight fitting lid)
Two flat boards (one should be held in
the hand comfortably like a piece of
2x4 and one very large like a piece of
36"x36" piece of plywood)
Compound detonator, blasting cap
Strong pipe with end caps
1) Spread a handful at a time of potassium permanganate on the large flat board
and rub vigorously with the other flat board or rolling pin until the large
particles are crushed into a very fine powder (approximately 10 minutes per
Caution: Thoroughly clean and dry both boards before using again with a
different substance.
2) Measure two volumes (cups, tablespoons, whatever), 60% by weight, of potass-
ium permanganate with 3 volumes, 40% by weight, of fine aluminum powder into
a mixing container with a tight fitting lid.
3) Secure the lid tightly and shake the mixture for approximately five minutes
to mix thoroughly.
4) Store the explosive in the mixing container or similar water proof container
until ready to use. Before using, shake the contents once again to remix any
settled particles.
1) This mixture forms a low power/brisant high explosive which should be used
under strong confinement and only as an explosive filler for antipersonnel
fragmentation bombs. To use, spoon this mixture into an iron or steel pipe
which has an end cap on one end.
2) Insert compound detonator just beneath the surface of the explosive and
screw the other end cap on with a hole drilled through for the fuse.
Potassium Chlorate/Sulfur Explosive
An impact sensitive explosive can be made from potassium chlorate and
sulfur. This explosive can be used as a filler when making reuseable primers or
as a filler when making impact sensitive fragmentation bombs.
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Potassium chlorate Drug stores and chemical supply houses
Sulfur Drug stores
Measuring container (cup, tablespoon,
Mixing container (jar, can) with tight
fitting lid
Two flat boards (like in section I-29
1) Spread a handful at a time of potassium chlorate on the large flat board and
rub vigorously with the other flat board or rolling pin until the large
particles are crushed into a very fine powder (approximately 10 minutes per
Caution: Thoroughly clean and dry both boards before using again with a
different substance.
2) Repeat this process using the sulfur.
3) Measure 7 parts by volume, 11 parts by weight, of powdered potassium
chlorate and 1 part by volume, 1 part by weight, of powdered sulfur into the
mixing container.
Caution: This mixture forms an extremely shock sensitive explosive, especially
between two metal surfaces. Reasonable care should be exercised from this point
4) Gently tumble the mixing container between the hands until the ingredients
are thoroughly mixed together.
5) Place the mixed explosive in a tightly sealed storage container until ready
to use.
Caution: Do not store the mixed explosive more than 5 days before using. KEEP
1) This explosive can be used either to fill primer caps for reloading
ammunition or it can be used to make the following palm-sized fragmentation
A) Obtain a short section of threaded water pipe with two end caps.
B) Thread one end cap onto the pipe and fill 1/4 full with steel ball bearings.
C) Fill the remaining space with potassium chlorate/sulfur mixture and screw
the remaining end cap on.
Note: Maintain a loose mixture between the ball bearings and explosive by not
over-tamping the explosive into the pipe. This will allow the ball bearings to
move and impact together.
D) GENTLY tumble the pipe between the hands to mix the ball bearings with the
E) When ready to use, throw against or near the target area.
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