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Welcome to another great Anarchy file produced by Anarchists Anonymous. We hope
you use this file, alot...cause we use it all the time. Everything in this book
has been done by myself or an Anarchist colleague. Enjoy, but remember. None of
this is for informations sake, it is all to be used to crush the democratic
and socialistic ideas in the world. It is to be used to wreak havoc on the
unsuspecting victims that so strongly believe in the system. But we as
Anarchists must show them that their system has loopholes and once we pick at
them hard enough, the whole phucking system will crash. So start picking...
This file is a great utility for the student anarchist and is to be
used as shown above. Don't read this file if you're just curious, like it says
above....THIS IS FOR REAL ANARCHISTS ONLY!!!! If you're interested in Anarchy
then fine but remember this isn't a story. The file is divided into many
sections...so enjoy!!!
The following are many ways to wreack havoc in the common classroom.
1. Pull down maps are great for fun. A nice spray painted "FUCK OFF" works well.
Or how about writing that you're teacher does chipmunks!! Of course some nice
XXX material sure would look good behind the teacher who is as stiff as a pencil
and hasn't been layed since the summer of love ('67). If you have access to a
colour photo copying machine that has a blow up feature, then your porns look
great so everyone can see (black and white won't cut it).
2. Even though it may seem primitive and bland, the common FUCK YOU on the
blackboard usually draws alot of attention. However, if you're really creative
then you'll draw the teacher doing a tree or feeling up a student!
3. An exploding pen usually works well on a teacher if he or she is writing.
They're especially effective when the teacher is doing report cards ( a small
delay?). Exploding pens have the best effect on picture day...just do as
follows. Find the perfect sucker (the preppie faggot who got all dressed up
for picture day), take his\her pencil case and take all his pens. Then put your
exploding pen in his pencil case. By the time he's at the picture shoot. He'll
look like a god damned oil slick!!
4. A common class will surely react to some obscenities on the overhead
5. Here's a sure laugh for any slide show. Gather as many nude pictures as
possible. Now go to a developing company and ask about having slides made. Then
have the company develop slides of your porn. Now take out as many slide shows
as possible. Replace some of your porno slides with the real slides. Imagine
the classes reaction when after your art teacher clicks by the cistine chapel
he sees a nude picture of Sizzling Shiniequa. This is made alot easier if your
school has an audio visual room. Thats where most of the slide shows are kept.
Just go in their sometime and make a quick switch.
6. French classes often resort to the dictation on tape. If you can get access
to this tape then you've got great opportunities. During a lesson it sure would
sound good if there was a continuous wailing...or maybe a once in a while a
small FUCK or a SHIT!!!
7. Study a small concoction that produces an extremely revolting smell (I
suggest the anarchists textbook or the chemists corner 1+2). Now mix up that
certain concoction and keep it in a secure baggie. During an extremelly boring
class take the mixture and pour it on the teachers seat, or maybe in the center
of the room (just make sure that no one sees you).
The following are a list of great things to do during those long boring
classroom movies.
1. A tripwire passalong is always fun. This is when someone brings a reel of
fishing wire to class. They then get a bunch of friends together and during
the movie they pass along the line, each person wraps it around desk legs,
chairs... When the line has gone around the room two or three times tie it to
something. Once the movie is done and someone (hopefully the teacher) stands
up to walk around, they'll be falling everywhere. Instant laughs when you're
teacher is lecturing someone about gum in class and she falls flat on her face.
2. If you have access to the orders that go through to certain teachers (movie
orders) the you've got access to a real good prank. Say you're going to be
watching a documentary on the royal family in three days. First you have to
get the tape. I suggest raiding the audio visual room, or by simply scoffing
it off of the teachers desk. Now get your dads favourite porno movie. Get it
to a nice shot (the raunchier the better), then record it onto the documentary.
Won't it be great when during the press conference on the Charles + Di scandal
you suddenly see two people jacking off in a cave!!
3. Don't we all love firecrackers. Well so do teachers!!! Let's give them the
enjoyment of a nice loud BANG during their movie!! I suggest you make some
alterations to your black cat (they give the best bangs) before setting them
off. To make sure it wasn't you you're gonna have to make a REALLY long wick.
I'm not gonna go into this because they explain it in the anarchists text book
(a must for all anarchists). I suggest a delay of at least thirty seconds or
the teacher will know it's you. What you do is during the movie ask to go to the
washroom. Then as you return light your black cat. Go straight to the garbage
throw somehing (crumpled paper, tissue) in the garbage. This piece of garbage
will be covering your black cat. In about thirty seconds you should have a HUGE
bang. Great for results. Could end the whole class in a session of who dunnit.
4. The common, making sounds during the movie is still effective, even though
you were doing it in kindergarten when the movie was showing you why you should
bathe. Enough of one annoying noise can bother any teacher...I strongly
reccomend it.
5. Sometimes you have a teacher who doesn't even let you leave yer seat during
a film. Well, if you really think that the movie sucks then you can (that
earlier morning) enter the av room (audio visual). They usually have a chart
where all the teachers sign out av equipment. Well look for instance on vcr
sheet #2. In period 3 (your science class) you might see Mr. Ray has signed out
vcr #2. Now get vcr number two and fuck it up!! Switch the channels, adjust all
toggles and if you're a real anarchist open the vcr and take something out.
This will surely stop the viewing of squid: eight armed beauty.
6. Constantly asking questions during a movie is a GREAT way to annoy a really
stiff teacher. Stupid questions usually bother teachers the most. For instance
some good questions might be: "How long is this movie" , "What's that in
seconds?" , "How much did this cost to make?" ....you get the idea.
Supply teachers are so much fun....joy!!!
1. Exchanging names is always confusing to a supply teacher. For instance
during one class I had four different names, and the teacher kept yelling at
me for changing my name..but I told her she musn't have heard me right. Then
I'd ask my friends (who were part of my plot) and they'd back me up. A really
good prank is to give yourself a girls name (or a boy's if you're a girl) then
when the supply teacher makes fun of it like, YEAH RIGHT, start getting really
emotional and saying you're constantly being made fun of just 'cause your
2. A supply teacher always wants to be rewarded...so why not show her your
support with a nice old fashion wave! Arrange an ongoing wave in the class at
a certain time..this works especially well in a room with rows of seats.
3. Something that can drive a supply teacher crazy is ongoing watch alarms.
At a lunch period have everyone with an alarm on their watch set it for every
five minutes and have them set off their alarms at alternate times. With about
25 watches there'll be an alarm about every 45 seconds...at least!!
4. If you have a teacher that has absolutely no idea what he/she is doing then
you can have ALOT of fun. I once had a punjabi french teacher and he had no idea
what french was. A group of friends and I started a french conversation, which
was absolutely garbage ('cause we blow up cars while browners study french) and
we had no idea what we were saying...but hey, it sounded french and it worked.
When the guy walked by one of us would look at him and ask him something in
french. This completely embarrased him and he walked away. Once I had a teacher
who was an ex-teacher of mine. I casually walked up to her and asked her how
to say "How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?"
she was confused but she tried to answer them...and really made a fool of
5. Pretend to be a student who has trouble speaking english...this can create
a HUGE translation problem. While the rest of the class is reading you can
do something else and pretend not to understand. Unfortuanetly if the teacher
is fluent in the nationality that you've chose then you're really screwed. So
just don't be dumb..if the guy is Indian say you're Swedish. But if he's
English then say something like....you can only speak Mongolian. Just use your
common sense.
6. Start a protest. Choose a common problem in the world today. For instance
about one week ago David Koresh burned down his stronghold in the Waco Texas
standoff. Get a group of friends and sit atop of some desks chanting something
like "free the hostages" or "let in the refugees".
7. Start a Satan rally. Even if you are the common student everyday remember,
the supply teacher doesn't know that. I've scared the hell out of alot of
teachers by pretending to praise Satan in class....start chants. Alot of the
time the teachers won't stop you because they're scared of your faked
unholiness. This is a surefire way to get out of work. Remember, if the teacher
asks your name give him something like Sultan Of Pain, or The Black Sabbath.
Be creative.
8. Be stoned in class. Sure you'll look like an idiot if you stare at things
wide eyed and in awe, but your teacher will be worried. This is not as easy as
it looks, when someone talks to you you can't react...especially the teacher.
Chances are someone'll try and make you laugh...if you laugh then you've phucked
the whole prank.
Libraries aren't always quiet.....HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!
1. Drawing rude and obscene pictures in encyclopedias and books are great for
future readers of that book.
2. How about phucking up the libraries computers. We have mac's and they're so
easy to get at...whoops did I by accident throw that in the garbage oh well.
But always carry a disk. If you have access to dos on your pc's then look for
interesting files and copy them onto a disk. Then you can access them later at
home. Even if you can't find anything remember, copy the autoexec.bat onto your
disk. Then at home you can edit it so nothing will boot properly. Then copy
it back onto the system...all screwed up.
3. Stealing books is a good idea. I used to know a guy who'd get mystery books,
read them, then rip out the part at the end where everything is revealed...this
will really piss of some people.
4. Get a really expensive book and sign it out in the name of your favourite
enemy or faggot. Then keep the book or donate it to a library far away. Then
your enemy friend will have to pay for it! HA HA HA HA HA!!!
5. Ask the librarian about a book that you supposedly heard about from a friend.
You can give the book any name you wish because it's not a real book. But hey,
the teachers put up with our anarchism all the time so shouldn't the librarian
have to suffer a little?
Well thats it for this file but like any Anarchy there's always room for
improvement so beneath here insert any other ideas that you can think of. Thanx
for supporting Anarchy. So remember when the bombs drop and the people die and
the war starts and the cities fall there will only be one thing.....Anarchy.
-Anarchial Artist
Insert any notes you feel neccesary beneath here and only here: