
48 lines
2.7 KiB

NOTE: This maze is formatted for 80-columns!
ZORK I - Maze Map
|v __________________________________ <|
|v| ______________________________ |^|
|v| |v __________________________ <| |^|
|v| |v| ____________ _____ |^| |^|
|v| |v| | #1 |___|TROLL||^| |^|
|v| |v| | E___W ROOM||^| |^|
|v| |v| |W ________ S| |_____||^| |^|
|v| |v|__|v|__ __|v|__ |^| |^|
|v| |__/ N |__| S | |^| |^|
|v| | #3 /__D #2 | ____|^|_|^|__________________
|v| |_ W __| |__ E __| |> __|^|_|^|________________ v| ________
|v| __|v|________|v|__ |^| |^| |^| |v| | |
___|v|___| N #4 W |__|^| |^| |^| ______ |v| | THIEF |
|> _|v|___|_____ U __________|____| |^| |^| ____| #10 |_|v| | DEN |
|^| |v| _____|v|_____ ___ |^| |^| |v __E U___| | #18|
|^| |v| |#5 N | | #6| ____|_|_|D|__|E| |__ W _| |__ D ___|
|^| |v| |SKELETON ROOM|_| |_| #9 |__ |v| _____ |^|
|^| |v| | SW_ U_N&W /< | |v| | #11 | __|U|___
|^|_|~|__ |_______~~~___| |_ E| |________ S ____||^| |v| | || |
|__D #8 |________|^|___ |v| |^| | | |^| |v| |_NE _||CYCLOPS |
| SW_____SW D #7 | __|W|______|^| |E|_____|_|__|v| |v| | #17 |
|NE_NW| | || #12 D_| | #16 S_| |v| |_NW ____|
|v| |v| |E __ U _||E __ U __ S| |_ D ______W | ___|_| _|^|_
__|v| |v| |v| |v| |^| |v|__|v|_____|^|___|_||^|__| #14 |__| SE |
| SW| |v| |v| |v| |^| |____|v|_____|^|______|^|__S W _ W #13|
|GRAT| |v| |v| |v|__|^|_______|v|_____|^|___|^||^| |______| |_ S _|
|#15 | |v| |v|__|____|_|_______|_|_____|^|_____||^| |v| |^|
|__ U| |v| |_____________________________| |____|^| |v| |^|
|v| |v|_______________|_|_______|_|______________|^| |v| |^|
__|~| |______________________________________________| |v| |^|
|OUT | |^| |v|_______________________|_|____|^|
|SIDE| |^| |__________________________________|
|____| |^|_________________________________|v|
LEGEND: v's, ^'s, >'s and <'s are aids in following some of the paths.
~'s and /'s denote one-way entrances.
NOTE: Hidden passages are not noted on this map. Want to leave some
element of surprise to the game!
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