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Flunky - Partial Solution (Don Priestley and Vampiro)
The plot, as I remember it, had something to do with you being a mad keen
autograph hunter who had taken a job at the palace in order to get the
autographs off of all the royal family. You're carrying you're autograph book at
the start of the game (it's the red thing with a big A on the front) and you
must put it in front of each royal family member after completing the task(s)
that they set out for you.
What you're asked to do at the start of the game, simply walk up to the empty
fireplaces while carrying the matchbox (which you have in your possesion at the
start of the game). You start in a corridor that contains three doors, Andy and
Fergy are behind the first door, Charles and Di the second, and the Queen the
third. You can enter the the first two doors in any order but you can't leave
until you have lit the fires (there are two fires in both the couple's rooms and
one in the Queens) and completed the tasks given to you. You cannot enter the
Queen's room until you have completed all the tasks set by her sons and their
N.B. `Flunky' is a *VERY* fiddly game, and timing is all important. You're
advised to make heavy use of the `Save' feature on your emulator in order to
carry out the tasks set out below.
The guards will occasionally try to shoot you after you've completed certain
tasks in the game, if you're in Andy's and Fergy's apartment simply hide in the
secret passage to get rid of the guard. If you're in Charles and Di's pad you'll
need to outrun the guard or keep avoiding his gun blasts (he'll give up after
about four shots).
Wants a boat to play with in the bath, DON'T give him the purple boat as he'll
get the guard to shoot you. Get the remote control from the table next to Fergy
then go to the room at the far right of the apartment that has a small arrow
painted on the wall, the wall should slide back to reveal a secret panel. Now go
left to the room that has `pictures' of two boats and a helicopter on the wall,
whilst still carrying the remote cotrol, press fire, the helicopter will take
off from wall. Now, attempt to position the chopper over the small boat on the
left side of the wall, it _should_ pick the boat up and bring it down to ground
level. Pick up the boat and enter the secret passage. Keep following the passage
until you come to a lever which you should raise to it's highest point (by
constantly pressing the forward key), now go down until you come to a room with
some green `water' in it. Go left and you'll find a room with a skeleton and an
open portcullis in it, go through it (it will immediatly shut behind you) and
you should find a boat, part submerged in the water, pick it up and put it in
the middle of the green stream. Now walk up to the skeleton and keep pressing
the forward key, you'll start to `yank it' and the portcullis will begin to
rise, yank 13 times and quickly go back through the portcullis (it's hard but it
CAN be done) then go left to another room with a green stream in it. There's a
bomb in this stream pick it up and pocket if for later, then put the small boat
that you got off the wall in the middle of the stream it should drive off to the
right pushing the boat that you moved previously to the accesable room on the
right. So get the boat and retrace your steps back to Andy.
Has lost her freckles, you'll need the box of red make-up (on the towel rail
next to Andy) and the bomb (mentioned previously). Put the make-up on the floor
opposite Fergy and the bomb as close as you possibly can to the fire, it should
turn red. Now get the matches and walk up to the bomb as if you were lighting a
fire, the bomb will start to flash, now quickly drop the bomb in the makeup and
put the makeup on the table next to Fergy, it should explode all over her face.
N.B. This will not work if Fergy is covering her face with the mirror at the
time, you have to judge it perfectly.
Has lost his polo balls which can be found bouncing around in the three rooms
next to him, get the springs (found in same room as Charles) and bounce the
balls back into Chaz's room one by one. Once you've done this Charles will ask
you to place the balls, put them as near to his horse as possible trying to keep
them roughly central, he'll hit them all out of the room (he'll occasionally
mis-swing but that's just a random factor - be patient). Finally, Charles will
hit all the balls into the guard, who'll come straight after you, so get ready
to run !!
Has lost her hair, get the gun from the table next to her and take it to the
room with Charles in, walk to the bottom of the screen and shoot (stand still
whilst holding the gun then press either the left or right key to fire the gun)
at the creature sitting on the mantle-piece, it should come to life and start
flying round the room. You now need to get this creature to sit on Di's head,
keep shooting it's left wing in order to get it to move right through the rooms
that had previously contained Charle's balls, then shoot it in the middle of
it's body when it's directly over Di's head. The guard will, unfortunately, try
to shoot you every time you shoot the gun in Di's room so you'll need to be very
careful. If you do it right you should only have to fire the gun in Di's room
Want's her Corgi's back, a sausage can be found in the kitchen (if you avoid the
cook) which the dogs will eat, but nothing seems to happen when they do so. You
seem to be able to get an almost infinte number of sausages (a new one appears
in the kitchen every time the dogs eat one).
The problem with the dogs is ,that they don't occur near the queen. you need
to use the sausages as a bait. Personally I went to that room with a counter
and lay the sausage on the floor. When the dog wanted to eat it I quickly take
it back and went towards the throne room. The dog followed me. I left the sausage
there and went for the second one...
Typed (and solved) by Ian (phian@btinternet.com)
Originally displayed within the `Spectrum Adventurer' web pages at:
Fixed by Vampiro and displayed at the C64 Walkthrough site at