uSu - united States underground By:The Anarchist ÉËÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍË» ̹ The uSu Guide to Boxing ̹ ̹*****************************̹ ̹ By: The Anarchist ̹ ÈÊÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍʼ First off the dumbass disclaimer: This phile is for informational purposes only. The <cough> views stressed in this article are those of united States underground. We have the freedom of speech and there's not one damn thing you feds could do about it. HAHAHA!! (Enough Bullshit) Now back to the subject. Boxing should be treated as an art form to us Anarchists and Phreakers out there. There are some pretty damn cool things you could do that combine phreaking and anarchy to result in astounding (destructive) results. There are also some unwritten rules of breaking into cans and phreaking you should know about before trying anything. The Unwritten Rules of Phreaking ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ 1. The Pigs...cough....cops really don't know the first thing about phreaking so therefore you could do just about anything until they finally do realize what you're doing is illegal. 2. If a cop does happen to pass you by while you are in a can, just stay right there and keep doing what you're doing and they'll think that you're doing your job. Hey it worked for me and I'm not really your average looking bell employee. Usually, they have better things to do and figure that the phone company will handle it. 3. Always have a small pack of phreaking\anarchy tools so it doesn't look too obvious. 4. The people who could see you really won't give much thought to what's going on and won't call the 5 0. 5. It really helps to have a handheld police scanner at the scene so you know what's going on and have time to book out of there. 6. Don't worry about getting caught too much because it impedes your progress and concentration. I once broke into a can at 1:00 PM with people walking down the street every 5 minutes. No one cares! 7. Always wear gloves. 8. Don't pay for the shit that Radio Shack sells for 10 times the amount its worth. Lift it or at least talk the guy down. The cameras they have are a piece of shit. They only point in one direction usually. Grey\Beige\Modu-Boxing ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ A beige box, a grey box, and a modu-box all have the same purpose to break into bell cans and make free calls. A beige box is a nice box to have but a grey a.k.a. modu-box is a much better box to use simply because you don't alter anything but a wall jack and you can use ANY phone. All you need is a wall jack and two alligator clips. But you should know how to do this already so there's no use in me telling you (See Schematic Below). But when you're near the can always have your phreaking pack on you. Here's a list of tools to carry: 1. A "fanny" pack or other small bag to strap around your waist. (or a backpack if you feel safe.) 2. A pair of wire strippers. Needed to strip the wires for easy access. 3. A pair of needlenose pliers for easy stripping and basic use. 4. A rachet-socket wrench with a 7\16" hex attachment and a phillpshead screwdriver attachment. 5. A small flashlight for night-boxing. 6. A roll of electrical tape to prevent the teleco from realizing you stripped their wires. 7. A small modular fone. (yes you can fit it) 8. About a foot of modular fone wire. (the grey straight kind, not the spiral type) 9. Of course, a grey box. Grey Box Schematic ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ You gotta be pretty stupid to not know how to make a grey box but just in case here it is: 1. Alligator Clips <<< 2. Red Wire ******* 3. Green Wire @@@@@@@@ ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ ÛÛ ÛÛ ÛÛ >>>>@@@@@@@@@@@@ÛÛ ÛÛ Û|= ÛÛ >>>>**********Û|= <-------- ÛÛ ÛÛ Where you plug in the ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ phone Modular Wall Jack Note: (Leave Red & Black Alone) Find a can that is fairly secluded such as Behind a bush or large tree. Now take your socket wrench and affix it to the bolts on the can. Turn the bolts about 1/3 of a turn until you hear a >>CLICK<< sound, one bolt is open. Do the same to the bottom bolt. Now carefully open the can. You're in! Now you'll see a bunch of plastic covered pcboards. Look for the number of your victim and unscrew the two screws on each side of the plastic cover using a screwdriver or the phillipshead attachment to the socket wrench. Or you could use an open one or frayed wire depending on how many phellow phreakers already hit your spot. Now look for any two purple and white or sometimes orange and white wires. Strip them with your wire stripper. Attach the gator clips to the frayed wires and plug in your fone. You should get a dialtone. Phreak away! You know what to do once you're tapped into someone's line (See Next Section). When someone happens to pick up don't worry. Just press the mute button or take out the mouthpiece or your phone. It is good to have a Radio Shack Line In-Use Indicator (Model #: 43-108) so you know when they are off the line. After you're done put electrical tape over the frayed wires and screw in the plastic cover(s). Close the bolts and walk away. That's pretty Cool. Possible Things to do While Beige\Grey Boxing ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ A true HPAVCT'er would have ALOT of ideas on who to call while grey boxing or whatever. 1. Make Carding calls to 1-800 or LD #'s such as Damark or Computer Stores. Or Chemical Stores. 2. Use a Labtop computer with a modem to call your favorite LD Int'l Elite\HPAVCT BBS's. 3. Also with the labtop call CBI (system password- Administrator) 4. Hack the HELL out of BBS's. Let the lamers pay!! 5. Prank call the president's bomb shelter or something. 6. Harass the <yawn> operator. ------- Anarchous Phreaking ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Here's something brand new to come into the world of HPAVC. Anarchy to The Teleco! You can use many household items to phuck the hell out of the teleco. Such as Gasoline, Pineapples (duh), Scissors, Matches, etc. Just go into a can and cut every wire you can find. The whole neighborhood will be complaining and it'll take weeks to fix. Spray some WD-40 into the can and light a match. Again, it'll take weeks to fix. Plant an immovable bomb using a few mercury switches and some pineapples and when the teleco goes to fix something that you did they'll be in for a pleasant surprise. Pour some gasoline into the circuts and it'll melt the whole can. It could take months to fix! Have alot of Phucking Phun.... Look for more phun philes from uSu on Phreaking coming soon!! All By The Anarchist 1. The complete guide to Blue and Red Boxing. 2. Immovable bombs 3. Phone Tapping, Scanning, and Blackmailing (C) 1994 united States underground Cya......