Date: Thu, 22 Apr 93 17:27:05 PDT
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From: (nepuvir ohooyrf)
To: (SURFPUNK Technical Journal)
Subject: [surfpunk-0080] BUBBLES: talk radio; _A New Age_; clipper chip

//					Subject: Archive Bubbles
					From: gt1274b@prism.gate (Dan Puckett) To:
					Date: Thu, 22 Apr 93


					Now I know my ABC's.
					Won't you come and play with me?


Date: Fri, 16 Apr 1993 13:13:19 -0700 (PDT)
From: Kwan-Seng Low <>

Here's something I got from the net, did anyone play with this before?
care to comment/discussion?


Radio Free VAT is an experiment being run by the folks that are
working on IP multicasting.  They have set up an IP multicast backbone
that goes all over the place.  You can use programs to connect to
various sessions that are transmitting audio or slow frame video
across the multicast connections.  Radio Free VAT is one such session
where people sign up for slots where they can broadcast whatever.  In
the past, they've used this for broadcasting various meetings, such as
the IETF meetings.
Internet Talk Radio is a bunch of audio files that Carl Malamud has
put together.  He's been interviewing folks and junk like that.  Its
interesting.  I only know of it through the world wide web (www) - you
can find a handy web page for it at, if you have access to the


From: surfpunk <strick>
Subject: Internet Talk Radio

Kwan, I meant to assemble more info on this, but didn't get
around to it.  Perhaps someone can assemble us a precis on
Internet Talk Radio.  Here's the page from the web.  If you don't
have access to the web, notice how I telnet to port 80 and then
type capital GET followed by the tail end of the path in order to
get the page.  You should be able to read through this markup language.   

Archie can find "vat", and the IP multicasting package.  
On a sparcstation you should be able to play the .au files by
catting into /dev/audio, right?

This is something I haven't built/heard yet, either.        strick


Script started on Thu Apr 22 16:48:48 1993
$ telnet 80
Trying ...
Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.
GET /radio/radio.html
<TITLE>Internet Talk Radio</TITLE>
<H1>Internet Talk Radio</H1>

<H2>General Information</H2>

<LI> <A NAME=9 HREF="ITRintro.readme.txt">Introduction</A> to Internet Talk Radio.
<LI> <A NAME=10 HREF="ITRgeek.readme.txt">Overview</A> of Geek of the Week.

<H2>April 21, 1993</H2>

Here's the <A HREF="042193_geek_ITR.readme.txt">overview</A> of the
April 21 edition of Internet Talk Radio.  <P>

<LI> <A HREF="">Steve Deering, Part 1</A> (5.6 megs)
<LI> <A HREF="">The Incidental Tourist</A> (1.6 megs)
<LI> <A HREF="">Steve Deering, Part 2</A> (6.0 megs)
<LI> <A HREF="">Book Byte</A> (0.7 megs)
<LI> <A HREF="">Steve Deering, Part 3</A> (5.4 megs)

<H2>April 14, 1993</H2>

Here's the <A HREF="041493_geek_ITR.readme.txt">overview</A> of the
April 14 edition of Internet Talk Radio.  <P>

<LI> <A HREF="">Daniel Lynch, Part 1</A> (5.7 megs)
<LI> <A HREF="">The Incidental Tourist</A> (0.9 megs)
<LI> <A HREF="">Daniel Lynch, Part 2</A> (5.5 megs)
<LI> <A HREF="">Legal Stuff</A> (0.2 megs)
<LI> <A HREF="">Daniel Lynch, Part 3</A> (3.4 megs)

<H2>April 7, 1993</H2>

Here's the <A HREF="040793_geek_ITR.readme.txt">overview</A> of the
April 7 edition of Internet Talk Radio.  <P>

<LI> <A HREF="">Dr. Erik Huizer, Part 1</A> (5.4 megs)
<LI> <A HREF="">The Incidental Tourist</A> (1.5 megs)
<LI> <A HREF="">Dr. Erik Huizer, Part 2</A> (4.8 megs)
<LI> <A HREF="">Book Byte</A> (0.7 megs)
<LI> <A HREF="">Dr. Erik Huizer, Part 3</A> (5.9 megs)
<LI> <A HREF="">Name That Acronym</A> (0.5 megs)
<LI> <A HREF="">Dr. Erik Huizer, Part 4</A> (5.2 megs)

<H2>March 31, 1993</H2>

Here's the <A NAME=8
HREF="033193_geek_ITR.readme.txt">overview</A> of the March 31
edition of Internet Talk Radio.  <P>

<LI> <A NAME=1 HREF="">Dr. Marshall Rose, Part 1</A> (5.6 megs)
<LI> <A NAME=2 HREF="">The Incidental Tourist</A> (1.5 megs)
<LI> <A NAME=3 HREF="">Dr. Marshall Rose, Part 2</A> (5.1 megs)
<LI> <A NAME=4 HREF="">Book Byte</A> (0.6 megs)
<LI> <A NAME=5 HREF="">Dr. Marshall Rose, Part 3</A> (5.6 megs)
<LI> <A NAME=6 HREF="">Name That Acronym</A> (0.5 megs)
<LI> <A NAME=7 HREF="">Dr. Marshall Rose, Part 4</A> (4.2 megs)

Connection closed by foreign host.
script done on Thu Apr 22 16:49:17 1993


Date: Mon, 19 Apr 93 21:10 GMT
From: Don Webb <>
To: Fringeware <>
To: surfpunk <>
Subject: _A New Age_

Dear Folk,

I don't know why I didn't think of this earlier.  Wayne Edwards
runs a a wonderful series called _A New Age_ in which various
members of differing faiths and philosophies each write up their
own belief system.  The packets are 66 pages long, 8.5 x 11
tri-punched and shrink wrapped.  They are currently two.  I
strongly recommend both the packets,  (Why not send off for
packet one today? -  it's $4.75). and the practice.

Send to:

Merrimack Books
_A New Age_
PO box 158
Lynn, IN 57355-0158
Don Webb
The Secret of magic is to transform the magician.


Date: Wed, 21 Apr 1993 22:57:41 -0400
From: (David D. Clark)
Subject: The Clipper Chip: Technical Info (From comp.risks)

			[ "Fine with me.  Post anywhere." -- Dorothy ]

I'm sure this will be all over everywhere on the net being discussed, but
this seems like a pretty good summary.
Original author: (Dorothy Denning)

                               Dorothy Denning
                           Revised, April 21, 1993


On April 16, the President announced a new initiative that will bring
together the Federal Government and industry in a voluntary program
to provide secure communications while meeting the legitimate needs of
law enforcement.  At the heart of the plan is a new tamper-proof encryption
chip called the "Clipper Chip" together with a split-key approach to
escrowing keys.  Two escrow agencies are used, and the key parts from
both are needed to reconstruct a key.


The Clipper Chip contains a classified single-key 64-bit block
encryption algorithm called "Skipjack."  The algorithm uses 80 bit keys
(compared with 56 for the DES) and has 32 rounds of scrambling
(compared with 16 for the DES).  It supports all 4 DES modes of
operation.  The algorithm takes 32 clock ticks, and in Electronic
Codebook (ECB) mode runs at 12 Mbits per second.

Each chip includes the following components:

   the Skipjack encryption algorithm
   F, an 80-bit family key that is common to all chips
   N, a 30-bit serial number (this length is subject to change)
   U, an 80-bit secret key that unlocks all messages encrypted with the chip

The chips are programmed by Mykotronx, Inc., which calls them the
"MYK-78."  The silicon is supplied by VLSI Technology Inc.  They are
implemented in 1 micron technology and will initially sell for about
$30 each in quantities of 10,000 or more.  The price should drop as the
technology is shrunk to .8 micron.


To see how the chip is used, imagine that it is embedded in the AT&T
telephone security device (as it will be).  Suppose I call someone and
we both have such a device.  After pushing a button to start a secure
conversation, my security device will negotiate an 80-bit session key K
with the device at the other end.  This key negotiation takes place
without the Clipper Chip.  In general, any method of key exchange can
be used such as the Diffie-Hellman public-key distribution method.

Once the session key K is established, the Clipper Chip is used to
encrypt the conversation or message stream M (digitized voice).  The
telephone security device feeds K and M into the chip to produce two

   E[M; K], the encrypted message stream, and 
   E[E[K; U] + N; F], a law enforcement field , 

which are transmitted over the telephone line.  The law enforcement
field thus contains the session key K encrypted under the unit key U
concatenated with the serial number N, all encrypted under the family
key F.  The law enforcement field is decrypted by law enforcement after
an authorized wiretap has been installed.

The ciphertext E[M; K] is decrypted by the receiver's device using the
session key:

   D[E[M; K]; K] = M .


All Clipper Chips are programmed inside a SCIF (Secure Compartmented
Information Facility), which is essentially a vault.  The SCIF contains
a laptop computer and equipment to program the chips.  About 300 chips
are programmed during a single session.  The SCIF is located at

At the beginning of a session, a trusted agent from each of the two key
escrow agencies enters the vault.  Agent 1 enters a secret, random
80-bit value S1 into the laptop and agent 2 enters a secret, random
80-bit value S2. These random values serve as seeds to generate unit
keys for a sequence of serial numbers.  Thus, the unit keys are a
function of 160 secret, random bits, where each agent knows only 80.
To generate the unit key for a serial number N, the 30-bit value N is
first padded with a fixed 34-bit block to produce a 64-bit block N1.
S1 and S2 are then used as keys to triple-encrypt N1, producing a
64-bit block R1:

        R1 = E[D[E[N1; S1]; S2]; S1] .

Similarly, N is padded with two other 34-bit blocks to produce N2 and
N3, and two additional 64-bit blocks R2 and R3 are computed:  

        R2 = E[D[E[N2; S1]; S2]; S1] 
        R3 = E[D[E[N3; S1]; S2]; S1] .

R1, R2, and R3 are then concatenated together, giving 192 bits. The
first 80 bits are assigned to U1 and the second 80 bits to U2.  The
rest are discarded.  The unit key U is the XOR of U1 and U2.  U1 and U2
are the key parts that are separately escrowed with the two escrow

As a sequence of values for U1, U2, and U are generated, they are
written onto three separate floppy disks.  The first disk contains a
file for each serial number that contains the corresponding key part
U1.  The second disk is similar but contains the U2 values.  The third
disk contains the unit keys U.  Agent 1 takes the first disk and agent
2 takes the second disk.  Thus each agent walks away knowing
an 80-bit seed and the 80-bit key parts.  However, the agent does not
know the other 80 bits used to generate the keys or the other 80-bit
key parts.  

The third disk is used to program the chips.  After the chips are
programmed, all information is discarded from the vault and the agents
leave.  The laptop may be destroyed for additional assurance that no
information is left behind.
The protocol may be changed slightly so that four people are in the
room instead of two.  The first two would provide the seeds S1 and S2,
and the second two (the escrow agents) would take the disks back to
the escrow agencies. 

The escrow agencies have as yet to be determined, but they will not
be the NSA, CIA, FBI, or any other law enforcement agency.  One or
both may be independent from the government.


When law enforcement has been authorized to tap an encrypted line, they
will first take the warrant to the service provider in order to get
access to the communications line.  Let us assume that the tap is in
place and that they have determined that the line is encrypted with the
Clipper Chip.  The law enforcement field is first decrypted with the
family key F, giving E[K; U] + N.  Documentation certifying that a tap
has been authorized for the party associated with serial number N is
then sent (e.g., via secure FAX) to each of the key escrow agents, who
return (e.g., also via secure FAX) U1 and U2.  U1 and U2 are XORed
together to produce the unit key U, and E[K; U] is decrypted to get the
session key K.  Finally the message stream is decrypted.  All this will
be accomplished through a special black box decoder.


A successor to the Clipper Chip, called "Capstone" by the government
and "MYK-80" by Mykotronx, has already been developed.  It will include
the Skipjack algorithm, the Digital Signature Standard (DSS), the
Secure Hash Algorithm (SHA), a method of key exchange, a fast
exponentiator, and a randomizer.  A prototoype will be available for
testing on April 22, and the chips are expected to be ready for
delivery in June or July.

information provided by NSA, NIST, FBI, and Mykotronx.  Permission to
distribute this document is granted.
David D. Clark: With a middle name like Darwin how can I not be an athiest?
 "We only want a quiet place to finish working while God eats our brains."
--Bruce Sterling              Fnord.     


Date: Fri, 16 Apr 93 20:02:28 -0700
From: Eric Hughes <>
Subject: a cypherpunk's clipper reaction


I will, in the coming weeks have much more to say on the matter of
this Clipper chip proposal.  For now, however, I have only one thing
to say.

No compromises.



Date: Sat, 17 Apr 93 23:05:23 PDT
From: "Martin Hellman" <>
Message-Id: <9304180605.AA22827@ISL.Stanford.EDU>
To: <bunches-o-net-people>
Subject: Clipper Chip

[ Notice the authors's request:
	------- Forwarded Message

	Date: Sun, 18 Apr 93 11:41:42 PDT
	From: "Martin Hellman" <>
	Subject: Re: Clipper Chip

	It is fine to post my previous message to sci.crypt
	if you also post this message with it in which:

	1. I ask recipients to be sparse in their requesting further info
	from me or asking for comments on specific questions. By
	this posting I apologize for any messages I am unable to
	respond to. (I already spend too much time answering too much
	e-mail and am particularly overloaded this week with other

	2. I note a probably correction sent to me by Dorothy Denning.
	She met with the person from NSA that
	I talked with by phone, so her understanding is likely to
	better than mine on this point: Where I said the transmitted
	info is  E{ E[M; K], E[K; UK], serial number;  SK}
	she says the message is not double encrypted. The system
	key (or family key as she was told it is called) only encrypts
	the serial number or the serial number and the encrypted
	unit key. This is not a major difference, but I thought it
	should be mentioned and thank her for bringing it to
	my attention. It makes more sense since it cuts down
	on encryption computation overhead.

	------- End of Forwarded Message


Most of you have seen the announcement in Friday's NY Times,
etc. about NIST (National Institute of Standards & Technology)
announcing the "Clipper Chip" crypto device. Several messges
on the net have asked for more technical details, and some have
been laboring under understandable misunderstandings given
the lack of details in the news  articles. So here to help out
is your friendly NSA link: me. I was somewhat surprised Friday
to get a call from the Agency which supplied many of the missing
details. I was told the info was public, so here it is (the cc of this
to Dennis Branstad at NIST is mostly as a double check on my
facts since I assume he is aware of all this; please let me know
if I have anything wrong):

The Clipper Chip will have a secret crypto algorithm embedded in
Silicon. Each chip will have two secret, 80-bit keys. One will be the
same for all chips (ie a system-wide key) and the other will be unit
specific. I don't know what NIST and NSA will call them, but I will
call them the system key SK and unit key UK in this message.
The IC will be designed to be extremely difficult to reverse so
that the system key can be kept secret. (Aside: It is clear that
they also want to keep the algorithm secret and, in my opinion,
it may be as much for that as this stated purpose.) The unit key
will be generated as the XOR of two 80-bit random numbers K1
and K2 (UK=K1+K2) which will be kept by the two escrow
authorities. Who these escrow authorities will be is still to be
decided by the Attorney General, but it was stressed to me that
they will NOT be NSA or law enforcement agencies, that they
must be parties acceptable to the users of the system as unbiased.
When a law enforcement agency gets a court order, they will
present it to these two escrow authorities and receive K1 and
K2, thereby allowing access to the unit key UK.

In addition to the system key, each user will get to choose his
or her own key and change it as often as desired. Call this key
plain old K. When a message is to be sent it will first be
encrypted under K, then K will be encrypted under the unit key UK,
and the serial number of the unit added to produce a three part
message which will then be encrypted under the system key SK

     E{ E[M; K], E[K; UK], serial number;  SK}

When a court order obtains K1 and K2, and thence K, the law
enforcement agency will use SK to decrypt all information
flowing on the suspected link [Aside: It is my guess that
they may do this constantly on all links, with or without a
court order, since it is almost impossible to tell which links
over which a message will flow.] This gives the agency access to

     E[M; K], E[K; UK], serial number

in the above message. They then check the serial number
of the unit and see if it is on the "watch list" for which they
have a court order. If so, they will decrypt E[K; UK] to obtain K,
and then decrypt E[M; K] to obtain M.

I am still in the process of assessing this scheme, so please do
not take the above as any kind of endorsement of the proposed
scheme. All I am trying to do is help all of us assess the scheme
more knowledgably. But I will say that the need for just one court
order worries me. I would feel more comfortable (though not
necessarily comfortable!) if two separate court orders were
needed, one per escrow authority. While no explanation is
needed, the following story adds some color: In researching
some ideas that Silvio Micali and I have been kicking around,
I spoke with Gerald Gunther, the constitutional law expert
here at Stanford and he related the following story: When
Edward Levi became Pres. Ford's attorney general (right
after Watergate), he was visited by an FBI agent asking
for "the wiretap authorizations." When Levy asked for
the details so he could review the cases as required by
law, the agent told him that his predecessors just turned
over 40-50 blank, signed forms every time. Levi did not
comply and changed the system, but the lesson is clear:
No single person or authority should have the power to
authorize wiretaps (or worse yet, divulging of personal
keys). Sometimes he or she will be an Edward Levi
and sometimes a John Mitchell.

Martin Hellman

------- End of Forwarded Message


From: (Timothy C. May)
Subject: Explanation of Clipper Chip Name

In the days before Xerox machines, one provided copies of
correspondence to others by using sheets of carbon paper to make
duplicates when typing.

This is the origin of "cc" or "cc:" on memos and correspondence.

Henceforth, "cc" refers to the automatic carbon copy provided by the
"cc" chip, the Clipper Chip. BB (Big Brother) gets a CC of everything.

(I know, it's a voice encryption standard, and it's voluntary, but a
quick look at the "Capstone" chip reveals it's a complete crypto
package, containing the DSS government signature standard, and lots of
other stuff. The Wiretap Chip will be used for more than just voice,
I'll be willing to bet.)


Timothy C. May         | Crypto Anarchy: encryption, digital money,       | anonymous networks, digital pseudonyms, zero
408-688-5409           | knowledge, reputations, information markets,
W.A.S.T.E.: Aptos, CA  | black markets, collapse of governments.
Higher Power: 2^756839 | Public Key: PGP and MailSafe available.


The SURFPUNK Technical Journal is a dangerous multinational hacker zine
originating near BARRNET in the fashionable western arm of the northern
California matrix.  Quantum Californians appear in one of two states,
spin surf or spin punk.  Undetected, we are both, or might be neither.

Send postings to <>, subscription requests 
to <>.  MIME encouraged.  
Xanalogical archive access soon.  Received: by (4.1/SMI-4.1)

		# ) The Clipper Chip contains a classified single-key
		# ) 64-bit block encryption algorithm called
		# ) "Skipjack."  The algorithm uses 80 bit keys
		# ) (compared with 56 for the DES) and has 32 rounds
		# ) of scrambling (compared with 16 for the DES).  It
		# ) supports all 4 DES modes of operation.  The
		# ) algorithm takes 32 clock ticks, and in Electronic
		# ) Codebook (ECB) mode runs at 12 Mbits per second.
		# What's it take to crack DES with keys twice as
		# big?  [timeOfDES]^2, which is about ten minutes
		# nowadays.  Worthless encryption, doubly so with
		# the NSA backdoor.  It will provide a good
		# platform for EE hackers to work off of to create
		# truly secure crypt chips though.

		You're going to have to argue a bit to convince
		me that an 80-bit-key 32-round DES-like
		encryption is crackable in 10 minutes.  Even
		without chaining, which everyone uses anyway.

		How do you figure that?

		12 MBit/second ECB, div 64 bits/cypherblock, is
		like 188,000 blocks/sec.  Say we're within a
		magnitude, and call it 2^18 = 262000 per second.

		Now you've got to attempt 2^80 keys.  So you need
		2^(80-18) = s^62 = 4611686018427387904 seconds to
		try all keys with one of these chips runing at
		the above rate.  That converts to 3598381724740
		years, a little more than 10 seconds.  Just for
		one cypherblock.  Which is hardly enough to
		determine *the* key, since the key is so many
		more bits than the cypherblock, you'll find
		billions of keys that all decypher it correctly,
		and still won't be able to distingusih the
		correct decyphtering from billions of other
		equally plausible decypherings.  What were you

		Q.  Which brand of DES does PGP use for DEK,
		anyways?  Probably 56-bit-key DES in either CBC
		or PCBC mode, right?

		s   LIKE
		  t   OKAY
		  r   LIKE
		  i   OKAY
		  c   LIKE
		  k   OKAY