苒圹圹圹菽苘苘苘苘苘哪哪哪苒圹苣捋圹圹� Orange Cats Are Pretty.
� 哪哪嫩勰圹哪哪哪哪哕哪苒勰哪� 圯哪哪捋菽� Author:DeadPool
圯哪哪嫩勰捋哪哪哪哪哪能圹哪哪圯捋哪哪嫩哪哪哪哪腄ate Of Release:06/27/93
圯哪哪霓勰嫩菽哪哪哪能圹圮苣哪掭捋苘苓吣哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪Time Of Release:11:00:pm
鵇edicated�  哌哌� �          坜圯If you are offended by the topic
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哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪瓸orris The Chicken Fucker, PART 2!哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪�
                          The Chicken Fucker II

                             Bauk Bauk..Moo??

          Five years has passed since the saga of the chicken fucker...society 
      has forgotten,Boris got a job at Mickey D's and began to forget his
      embarressment,yeah he was styling....flipping burgers,sporting a
      brand new pinto,no girlfriend yet but he was almost cool,when 
      Boris was walking home one day when his pinto broke down and suddenly 
      like a magic spell he felt an urge for Betsy the cow... this urge could
      not be resisted,Boris devised his plan... 

          Boris cut acroos the field and spotted the cow...heh heh he laughed
      that ass is mine,he ran up behind the cow,without futher delay he
      began pumping Betsy... the cow cried with delight MoooOOOOoooOO...

          The next day was as any ol' day,Boris was flipping burgers ...and 
      again he felt an urge,a new urge,he wanted an origy,he called
      his friend up from a road side phone,"Hey how about some pussy "... 
      his friend rushed over " sooo wheres it at? " ...Boris pointed over the 
      ridge that cow... his friend stated screaming about how sick it was,
      Sure,You fuck it and I'll give you five bucks,And I Will join IN!
      Borris left for Betsy... His friend handed him 5 bucks,and headed in.

          Boris headed over with his chicken and began to fuck it..."Hey" Boris
      called,you know this could be a good buisness... his friend busy with 
      Betsy shouted yeah....

          The next day Boris began to post a messege on his local Bullentin 
      Board about his little pay service,

      Boris # 888
      To: Anyone
      Subject:Goood Sex

         Hey come to route 66 exit 5 for a good fuck





        That night Boris headed to his field....there were five cars there...
       Hahah he thought Buisness...Boris greeted the customers showed them the
       cow and chickens and they had their peice..after they left he cleaned up
       and headed home...

        The next night the same people showed with ten more people...Boris was
       in the Buisness...little did he know that the cops were on there way...
       he joined the action as a flashlight beamed on him....NOOOOOO! 

        Boris had been caught again....the embaressment that he had lost over 
       time was reactivated by the news papers...Boris went into hiding ...

        For good or will the Chicken fucker adventures continue?

      Sheesh this is fucking dimented....

          BTW: Anything in this file is not to be taken seriously it is not 
               meant to offend anyone and is not in reference to any such 
               people incidents or actions - In other words it's a joke take
               it as a joke, as you would Chicken Fucker Part I...

衬苓哌咣捋哌哌苣圻哌咣嫩哌哌苣哪哪哪哪哪哪For腛CAP腟upport腃all哪哪哪哪哪哪    �
驰屯屯哇捋屯屯屯� 屯哇 圮苘苓屯屯屯屯(203)NOT-YET!屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯 �
驰屯屯哇捋屯屯屯圻哌咣哇屯屯屯屯屯屯蚐orry,No蚈CAP蚖HQ蚘et!屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯� �
驰苘苘吣捋苘苘吣勰哪嫩嫩哪哪哪哪哪哪腂ut膍ay腷e膚ithin腶膍onth!哪哪哪哪哪哪    �